Oggi ho sconfitto il Sacro Romano Impero, con la Toscana ,inutile dire quanto ho goduto P.S. Spero prenda piede, se la merita una sezione speciale qui su NWI, prevedo ondate di domande.
QUOTO non so che longevità possa avere : bisogna vedere come dura la situazione politica dopo 100 anni... ma al momento merita , bisognerebbe anche fare la recensione, c'è qualcuno che ha voglia di darmi una mano? ps: in 20 è dura diventare talmente forte da sconfiggerlo come hai fatto?
Il SRI era impegnato in una guerra interna in Germania, io mi sono limitato ad attaccare Milano e il Baden ( che controllava il veneto), e col supporto dei mercenari ho conquistato velocemente le regioni italiane, in tal modo il kaiser si è arreso alle mie pretese, cioè il controllo del veneto.
Ola ragazzi anche io sono molto interessato a questo gioco!!! ho letto una recensione e secondo me merita...comunque sapete per caso quanto costa ??? Io penso di comprarlo al gamestop...Domani!
Trovare i GS che vendano i titoli paradox, è come vincere al Lotto. Che poi con CK vogliano cambiare strategie di marketing ben venga, io mi sono innamorato di questi titoli il giorno che incuriosito comprai Doomsday all'Euronics, per cui acquisterebbero maggiore fama e adepti, vendendo nei negozi.
Ragazzi comunque qualcuno mi sa dire se c'è qualche negozio stile euronics (cioè che tratta elettrodomestici ed ellettronica) come diceva bacca dove lo si può trovare, o comunque si trovano giochi anche paradoxe...cavoli io lo voglio subito P.S. hearts of iron io comunque l' avevo trovato...
Signori e signori!!! tra di voi c'è per caso qualche buon samaritano che per caso ha tra le mani questo bel giochino e magari ci fa un bel AARino???? io dovrei studiare Leibniz o.o
non escludo che li abbiano rilasciati pure scatolati, ma come ho detto trovarli nei negozi è veramente difficile, specialmente se non vivi in una città (che in via teorica si beccano per prime le uscite), se non vuoi acquistarlo online, mettiti l'anima in pace, non lo vedrai per parecchio.... XD Piuttosto prova ai negozietti privati, magari con un sovrapprezzo te lo ordinano direttamente loro, non è una trovata orribile se si aborrano i digital delivery, se questo non è il tuo caso. beh..... che stai aspettando!? corri in tabaccheria a caricare la postepay!!!!!!!!
Se uno vuole la versione scatolata, si può trovare qui: http://www.gameplayoutlet.com/eu_store/ck2.html Costa 36€ + 6€ spese di spedizione dalla Svezia. Come dice Giank56, se non lo vuoi comprare direttamente tu, puoi cercare in qualche negozietto privato se se la sente si fare da intermediario (magari con sovrapprezzo ).
stasera, se non mi addormento, butto giù qualcosa, anche come recensione , poi eventualmente mando un PM a Vestinius con una bozza e vediamo di fare anche una cosa fatta bene per tutto il forum...
potrebbero pubblicarcela sul sito... :contratto: domani mi ci metto un pò...per ora ho preso Haral Hadrarde del primo scenario e conquistato l'inghilterra...ma molte feature devo ancora spulciarle...l'impressione è senz'altro ottima
by vashtalelq su http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?584634-Crusader-Kings-2-Taxes-Levy-and-Laws Crusader Kings 2 Taxes, Levy and Laws Crusader Kings 2 Taxes, Levy and Laws Taxes There are 3 types of holdings in CK2: Castles are owned by feudal lords Churches are owned by bishops Cities are owned by mayors You are a feudal lord so having a city or a church in your demesne is considered having a wrong type of holding and you get 25% penalty to the holding's base income (BI): Castles have 6 base income Churches have 8 base income and 6 base wrong type income Cities have 12 base income and 9 base wrong type income Looking at this there is no advantage in holding a church in your demesne instead of a castle!! However if u build a village in both you would get 6.8 base income from the church and only 6.5 from the castle, building a church or castle city gives u 7.5 for the church and 7 for the castle. Despite this you are still better off with the castle because you get more and better troops for a mere 0.5-1 gold a year difference. Your State Stewardship (SS) is your personal stewardship (PS) and your adviser and spouse's (AS, WS) SS = PS + (0.5 x WS) + AS Example: Your Stewardship = 12 Wife Stewardship = 8 Advisor Stewardship = 14 State Stewardship = 12 + (0.5 x 8) + 14 = 12 + 4 + 14 = 30 The bonus (SB) SS gives to your demesne's income is 4% for every point over 5 so the formula is: SB = 1 + ((4 x (SS – 5))/100) Example: State Stewardship = 30 Stewardship bonus = 1 + ((4 x (30-5))/100) = 1 + ((4 x 25)/100) = 1 + (100/100) = 1 + 1 = 2 (100%) Additionally you can appoint your steward to increase one province's income with 2.5% for every point of his stewardship value only for your holdings in the province (LSB) Example: Advisor Stewardship = 14 Local Stewardship Bonus = 1 + ((2.5 x 14)/100) = 1 + (35/100) = 1 + 0.35 = 1.35 (35%) So the final formula for yearly income (YDI) from your own holdings is: YDI = BI x SB and for the holdings where your steward is: YDI = (BI x LSB) x SB Example: Base Income = 6 Stewardship Bonus = 100% → 2 Local Stewardship Bonus = 35% → 1.35 Yearly Demesne Income = 6 x 2 = 12 without LSB Yearly Demesne Income = (6 x 1.35) x 2 = 16.2 For your vassal's holdings your income depends on the tax set by laws (TL). Castle Tax depends on Feudal Tax Law 10%/20%/30% (6) 0.6/1.2/1.8 Church Tax depends on Church Tax Law 30%/40%/50% (8) 2.4/3.2/4.0 City Tax depends on City Tax Law 15%/25%/35% (12) 1.8/3.0/4.2 It is clear that the best vassal holdings are churches followed by cities. However if you are catholic bishops will pay taxes to the pope if they have better relations with him so you can hardly have Large Church Tax for –20 relations and get any income at all. Vassals have their own stewardship bonus for their holdings (VSB) that is applied to their base income (VBI). So if you have any feudal taxes make sure your vassal counts and dukes have high stewardship value. You can also have Lord-Mayors and Prince-Bishops as vassals but you get -30 relation penalty for wrong government type and even if you manage to get positive relations you only get taxes from their demesne income which is usually one city or church. Finally negative vassal relations (NR) give tax penalty (TP): TP = (100 – NR)/100 If vassal-liege relation is positive or zero TP = 1 So the formula for yearly vassal tax income (VTI) is: VTI = (VBI x VSB) x (TP x TL) Here is an example: Mayor has 30% stewardship bonus → VSB = 1.3 Mayor has relation of -7 with liege → TP = (100 – 7)/100 = 0.93 City base income is 12 → VBI = 12 City tax is Large 40% → TL = 0.4 Yearly Vassal Tax Income = (12 x 1.3) x (0.93 x 0.4) = 15.6 x 0.372 = 5.8 gold Levy K = knights, HI = heavy infantry, LI = light infantry, LC = light cavalry, P = pikemen, A = archers, HA = horse archers Castles give 225 base Levy (150 HI, 60 LI, 15 LC) Churches give 130 base Levy (45 HI, 45LI, 40A) Cities give 115 base Levy (75LI, 40A) Additional types of troops depend on the province's culture and technology but standard buildings give: Castles: K, HI, LC, P, LI, A Churches: HI, LC, P, LI, A Cities: LI, P, A You raise 100% of the Levy in your own holdings. Since castles give the most and best types of troops you want to have castles in your demesne unless you don't want to use only mercenaries and vassal levy. Relation with your vassal and Levy Laws determine how much of the vassal levy you can raise. Crown Authority sets the minimum levy you get and Levy Laws set the maximum: Crown Authority → 0 min /10% min /20% min /30% min /40% min Feudal Levy Law → 60% max / 70% max / 80% max / 100% max (225) City Levy Law → 50% max / 65% max / 80% max / 95% max (115) Church Levy Law → 50% max / 60%max / 70% max / 80% max (130) You always get the min levy set by crown authority but the actual amount up to the maximum is determined by vassal-liege relation (VLR). Relation is transformed into percentage value (P) according to the following formula: P = ((25 + VLR) x 0.69)/100 Now when you apply P to the maximum levy set by law (MXL) you get the percentage of troops (PT) you get from the holding: PT = P x (MXL/100) Multiply by the number of levy (NL) in the holding and you get the actual troops (AT) you can raise: AT = PT x NL Example: Mayor has 25 relation with liege City has 115 troops City Levy Law is Normal → 65% max Percentage of max = ((25 + 25) x 0.69) = (50 x 0.69)/100 = 34.5/100 = 0.345 Max Troops you get = 0.345 x 65/100 = 0.345 x 0.65 = 0.224 Actual troops you get = 0.224 x 115 = 25 soldiers Laws Now that we know how taxes and levy work we can calculate the positives and negatives law changes give us. Negative relations affect tax and also the maximum levy you get. Positive relations increase the maximum vassal levy you get and lower the minimum tax penalty limit. Crown Authority gives you minimum levy but lowers relations with your barons, thus feudal tax if any. However the penalty hardly applies to feudal levy since with the increased minimum levy you get more troops than any of the Feudal Levy Laws. The only exception is Low Crown Authority where you get more levy at 0 relations from the Minimum Feudal Levy Law. The following suggestions are based on 0 relations and are applicable above that. It is obvious that if you have 100 relation with a vassal the maximum tax and levy laws are the best. Although you will be able to get your relations high in the green zone after a long reign any new ruler will have a hard time keeping his vassals if he has -25 or more relation hit from lows, for mayors and bishops the limit is even -10 since your main income comes from them and you also need good relations with your feudal vassals' vassals since you get levy from them too. The -25 is decided by the chancellor increase relations event which gives +25 and the send gift option which gives +20, so u can easily keep your vassals close to 0. These are the best law options at 0 relations: ///Crown authority / Feudal Levy / Feudal Tax / City Levy ///// City Tax //// Church Levy / Church Tax/////// ///////minimum ///// minimum ////// large //// minimum/// large or harsh/// minimum ///// medium//////// ///////// low ///////// minimum////// harsh///// minimum/// large or harsh/// minimum ///// medium//////// /////////med//////////minimum////// large///// minimum/// large or harsh/// minimum ////// medium//////// /////////high///////// minimum////// small///// minimum/// large or harsh/// minimum ///////medium/////// ///////absolute///////minimum/// minimum/// minimum/// large or harsh////minimum/////// medium//////// ////////no CA/ ///////minimum/small or harsh//minimum//////// large/////// minimum//////// medium//////// At first glance it becomes clear that minimum levy laws are the best for all types of vassals. This is so because with Medium Crown Authority and up you get more troops from the minimums than the maximums. At Low and Minimum Crown Authority you get less troops with higher Levy Laws than with the Minimum Levy Law. The way to increase levy under Low and Minimum Crown Authority is to lower tax laws – you get relation boost thus more maximum troops. The No Crown Authority column is for countries that are not part of a kingdom and have no crown authority at all or for vassals which get the crown authority bonus but not the relations penalty. In the first case you don't have the minimum levy boost so you need to get troops on you own, that's why you can't set the tax laws higher because it lowers your levy size. Feudal Tax is set to s/l/h depending on which you need more – troops or gold. Small or even Minimum tax is recommended for states with low number of vassals and Large and Harsh are recommended for large number of vassals and high vassal relations. In the case where you are a vassal under some crown authority you want higher taxes for higher authority and the No CA laws under Low or Minimum Authority. Finally church taxes are considered for non catholic countries and you should always keep them at minimum levels for catholic or the pope will get more gold than you. Also if you dont get taxes from churches in a catholic country you may consider No Tax and Normal Church Levy Law. Higher church levy laws get you less troops at 0 relations. Also you cant beat Medium Crown authority this way so if your CA is higher than Low go for taxes
Io sono molto indeciso se comprarlo o meno, secondo vi è discretamente godibile anche in lingue inglese o è meglio aspettare la versione italiana?