C:MANO Build 469 out

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da stciaram, 29 Novembre 2013.

  1. stciaram


    30 Maggio 2006
    Resolved: - 0005572: BVR-configured fighter not RTBing after expending all BVR missiles
    - 0005932: UI Scoring Module isn’t evaluating Victory..stays at minor defeat
    - 0005895: Tank kills are being calculated incorrectly in the losses and expenditures log
    - 0005313: Not able to add speed and alt order at a plot waypoint
    - 0005094: SARH missiles are overshooting a lot
    - 0005864: Wake Homer seeker too weak?
    - 0005002: Path for wire guided torps is not updated when target changes speed/heading
    - 0005820: [442] 53-65K WH Wake Homing Torpedoes
    - FIXED: Unit Status text formatting
    - FIXED: SAMs engaging strangely
    - FIXED: Torpedo passive seeker error
    - FIXED: Torpedo warhead effectiveness
    - FIXED: Deactivate speed/alt presets via unit status
    - 0005427: 0% PH against Russian Warship
    - 0005489: AI should fire torpedoes with Full speed throttle setting when possible
    - 0005634: Torps with 0 % Chance of hitting
    - 0006030: DLZ Calculations Goofed missiles won’t fire
    - 0006029: Quickjump Error: Quickjump losing track of assignments and skipping units
    - 0006028: Quick Jump Error: Reassigning a key throws an exception
    - 0004794: Antisubmarine Torpedo attacking surface ship
    - 0005547: [430] Mk. 46 being launched against a surface vessel
    - 0005376: Wire-guided torpedoes with an old target should start search pattern, not attack uncertainty region
    - 0004789: Tu-142 launches ASW torpedo at ships
    - 0005710: Torpedoes chase old contacts, circling around and around when they reach them
    - 0005855: [443] White Burnout after torpedo hit
    - 0006020: [461] Group Waypoint orders and Mission issues.
    - 0005558: [427] Throttle&altitude setting logic
    - 0005996: Refuelling Doctrine is not being saved
    - 0005965: [bug] quick save resets mission refuel settings
    - 0006065: Air Ops window: when opening the Ready Aircraft window the currently used loadout should be selected
    - 0006066: It should be possible to double-click to select a loadout
    - 0006068: Game freezes a few seconds after dropping a sonobouy
    - 0006031: Can somebody check VDS sonars
    - 0006063: ESSMs are not illuminating at impact point
    - 0006062: [463] SARH SAMs going blind too easily
    - 0006050: Weapons window opens DB entry of weapon when i click on checkbox
    - 0005587: MiG-29 launches AAM at outdated contact
    - 0001531: ‘Dead’ anti-air missiles should fly in a straight line
    - 0005915: De-select manual speed&course settings problem
    - 0004879: Function keys also close windows
    - 0001264: Desired speed label doesn’t change with altitude
    - 0002780: General program infrastructure] Speed settings labels
    - 0004784: Re-directed ESSMs go after targets far off-line
    - 0004811: Current loadout should be highlighted in loadout selection window
    - 0005234: [413] Non friendly air units over water show AGL above seabed, not sealevel
    - 0002855: AMRAAMs fly in strange directions
    - 0005300: Make unavailable loadouts be printed in a different colour than the available ones.
    - 0005319: Release and document KML-to-INST tool (Flanker)
    - 0005409: Aircraft descent rates are too high
    - 0006042: Ready Aircraft Dialog: Text issue
    - 0006021: [461] Climb Rates or aircraft
    - 0006013: [461] AS-14 Kedge [Kh-29L] running blind
    - 0005670: Operating Radius displayed in ready ac dialog
    - 0005566: Altitude still reports meters in some windows…
    - 0005509: Hotkeys that open windows should also close those windows
    - 0006076: [464] Edit AC Ready Immediately crash
    - 0005767: User not able to destroy a hardened shelter with SDB- Check these out
    - 0005480: [422] Tanker retains Offloading fuel status when I rtb the aircraft that was supposed to tank
    - 0005668: Interrupting air-to-air refuelling will still show "refueling in progress" on the tanker
    - 0005679: Su-25 cannot illuminate ship targets for AS-14s
    - FIXED: Missile impact problems on coarse (1-sec pulse) time mode.
    - 0006026: Clicking on Reload Priority opens database viewer. Not intended?
    - 0006079: DBViewer crashes always
    - 0005994: Yak-9 guns
    - 0005971: Air-to-air nukes rarely hit anything
    - 0005961: AO’s seem to have an issue with fuel. Could you check these
    - 0002645: DB3K: Add Russian Buyan/Astrakhan class corvettes
    - 0005585: SET-40U
    - 0006022: DB3k Update; Spanish Sea King AEW missing air search capability?
    - 0006110: Antishipping Missiles Twirling when they reach their sensor activation point
    - 0006122: Nothing happens after CBU-105 hits target
    - 0006118: Missions: Implement Sea Control Mission
    - 0006123: All-Sonobuoy loadout causes plane status to become WINCHESTER
    - 0006136: [466] Mission Editor Dialog too tall for my screen
    - 0005648: Helicopters use dipping sonar over land
    - 0005256: Dipping sonar not working
    - 0005778: Need to add Manual dipping for helo’s with dipping sonar
    - 0006106: [465] Game freeze after launch torpedo BOL.
    - 0006036: [462] ASW Mission Logic: Surface Units on ASW missions will not engage hostile ships that fire on them
    - 0005111: Ships on AAW patrol should still engage surface contacts with guns

    Major UI additions/tweaks:
    * Major new feature: You can set speed, altitude and sensor commands per waypoint.
    There are currently two ways to do this: Select the waypoint and either right-click on it to show available command, or press F2 and/or F9 to bring up the alt/speed and sensor windows respectively.
    Waypoint-specific command are applied to the unit once the unit reaches said waypoint.

    * New: Quick-jump slots. This allows the player to quickly & easily jump between locations/views of the battlefield without map zoom/pan delays.
    How they work:
    a) To store a slot: Select a unit/contact. Press Ctrl+[num], where [num] = 1…0 . The unit selection & camera altitude are now stored on slot No.[num] (and persisted per-side).
    b) To jump to a saved slot: Simply press [num]. If a slot with that index exists, the camera will move to the marked unit location & altitude.
    If you are using tracking-camera when saving a slot, this setting is also saved and enforced the next time you jump to this slot.

    * New: Mouse preview mode. When hovering over a non-selected unit/contact, the selection & datablock information for that unit is displayed slightly ghosted. This is useful for quick-look info (without having to display datablocks for all units) and particularly handy when targeting contacts.

    * Secondary windows can now be closed by pressing Esc, or their assigned F-key if any.

    * Secondary windows now remember their last position and size (these are saved on the Command.ini file so they can be tweaked offline). So you can set up your desired "working environment" once and the windows will retain the customizations accross scenarios and game sessions. To reset the locations & sizes to their default values, click on the button "Reset positions of secondary windows" on the Game Options window.

    * Secondary windows now correctly minimize/maximize together with the main game window, and they no longer visually block other program windows.

    * You can now manually order a helicopter to hover and use its dipping sonar if it has one. The key combination is Shift+D.

    * Sound effects are now played on a single channel (HC97-style) instead of multiple parallel channels. This fixes the distortion & crackle problems when too many effects were played concurrently.

    * Background music is now available. This can be enabled/disabled through Game -> Game Options -> Sounds/Music. Players can add more soundtrack files (MP3) to be played randomly, by placing them on the \Sound\Music folder. The included track is the "official" Command soundtrack (the one from the promo trailer).

    * New and improved sound effects for various gun calibers (incl. lasers), aircraft & helicopter take-offs, new contacts, alert (weapon contacts) etc.

    AI / Mission / Doctrine etc.: * OODA values are now affected by proficiency levels. Novice crews take twice the nominal time to react while ace crews beat even the by-the-book value (all other levels lie in-between).

    * New doctrine option: Engage targets of opportunity (default is NO). When enabled, a unit will target and engage any contact for which it has suitable weaponry (at range up to 1.5 of max suitable weapon range), regardless of its mission tasking.

    * New event trigger: Unit Detected. Fires when a unit (flexibly filtered from side-wide down to specific unit) is detected by the specified side.

    * New patrol type: Sea Control. This type effectively combines the targeting criteria of the ASuW-Naval and ASW patrol. Units assigned to this patrol type will target anything on the sea surface and below it.

    * Various aircraft AI improvements requested by scen authors. Group members now always stick with the leader on a manual plotted course even if they have strike targets assigned.

    • Informative Informative x 2
  2. stciaram


    30 Maggio 2006
  3. diavolaccio


    26 Gennaio 2009
    interessante, in particolare per velocita'/quota/profondita' settabili per ogni waypoint!
  4. HorgeTheFlier


    12 Ottobre 2013
    Stavo per andare a dormire... ma se non provo questo aggiornamento non ce la farò a chiudere occhio!
    Grandi davvero gli sviluppatori! :D
  5. stciaram


    30 Maggio 2006
    Non me lo dire stamane con mia moglie ho fatto come l'uomo della Conad nella pubblicità :)
  6. GeorgePatton


    26 Marzo 2006
    Grandi. Miglioramenti notevoli. Quota, velocità e sensori per waypoint, possibilità di immersione del sonar dagli elicotteri e anche la memorizzazione delle dimensioni delle numerose finestre aperte. Ottimo, davvero ottimo.

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