Patch 1.27 "Poland"

Discussione in 'Europa Universalis 4' iniziata da ^_AC_^, 19 Settembre 2018.

  1. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    É uscito il primo Dev Diary relativo alla patch 1.27 di EU4, ribattezzata "Poland", che dovrebbe uscire a breve.

    EU4 - Development Diary - 18th of September 2018
    Come implica il nome, buona parte del nuovo contenuto riguarda la Polonia.
    La mappa è stata cambiata per rispecchiare meglio non solo i confini polacchi-lituani-mazoviani del 1444 ma anche le partizioni successive. Qui sopra si possono notare molte nuove province tra cui Chelm che si insinua rudemente verso la Lituania.
    L'Albero delle Missioni Polacco è stato espanso. Questo albero aiuta non solo a riportare l'impero Jagellonico al suo splendore tramite unioni personali, ma anche a vendicare la sconfitta di Varna e ovviamente a investire nella Polonia Orientale. L'Albero delle Missioni si amplia ulteriormente quando viene formato il Commonwealth.
    Una nuova catena di eventi - la Confederazione Prussiana - mette l'Ordine Teutonico in una posizione precaria nel 1444. Se i Teutoni non riescono a gestire i propri cittadini ribelli in fretta, la Polonia potrebbe cogliere l'opportunità per riportare l'ordine.
    Qui sopra vediamo il nuovo layout della Lituania. Le sue enormi province sono ora divise in province più piccole e la fortezza di Lubnie dovrebbe rendere la Rutenia più difendibile dall'aggressione Russa.
    Il nuovo Albero delle Missioni Lituano è stato espanso e si focalizza sullo sviluppo della Rutenia ma può anche portare ad una unione personale con Polonia e Moscovia.

    Alcune nazioni minori hanno nuove idee nazionali, vediamole qua sotto.
    RIG_ideas = {
    start = {
    garrison_growth = 0.25
    development_cost = -0.1
    bonus = {
    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.2
    trigger = {
    tag = RIG
    free = yes
    rig_legacy_of_bishop_albert = {
    papal_influence = 2
    monthly_fervor_increase = 0.25
    church_power_modifier = 0.1
    rig_hanseatic_port = {
    trade_efficiency = 0.1
    rig_monopoly_rights = {
    global_own_trade_power = 0.25
    rig_denounce_witchcraft = {
    global_missionary_strength = 0.02
    rig_free_city = {
    diplomatic_reputation = 1
    rig_fortify_riga = {
    defensiveness = 0.2
    rig_restore_brothers_of_the_sword = {
    discipline = 0.05

    rig_legacy_of_bishop_albert:0 "Legacy of Bishop Albert"
    rig_legacy_of_bishop_albert_desc:0 "Bishop Albert founded Riga in 1201, establishing many of its institutions. Establishing the city not only as a center of commerce and trade, Bishop Albert also ensured that Riga would be a city of faith. "
    rig_monopoly_rights:0 "Monopoly Rights"
    rig_monopoly_rights_desc:0 "Treaties have long held that all trade in Livonia must pass through Riga. As borders change and old agreements are forgotten, we must ensure that our trade monopolies are protected."
    rig_hanseatic_port:0 "Hanseatic Port of Riga"
    rig_hanseatic_port_desc:0 "Riga is recognized as a Hanseatic port, and many wealthy and influential merchants call it home. We should take advantage of the League's mercantile expertise as we craft our economic policies."
    rig_denounce_witchcraft:0 "Denounce Witchcraft"
    rig_denounce_witchcraft_desc:0 "We must always be on the watch for witches that hide among us. Their malicious influence can be found almost everywhere in these troubled times; that seemingly-frail old woman, this sinister black cat, even the statue of the Virgin must not elude our watchful eyes. But wait, did that statue just look at me? Let's see if it floats!"
    rig_free_city:0 "Free City of Riga"
    rig_free_city_desc:0 "We cannot look only to the Hansa and the knightly orders to protect us. Emissaries should be sent to the German princes and even to the Emperor himself to guarantee Riga's freedoms."
    rig_fortify_riga:0 "Fortify Riga"
    rig_fortify_riga_desc:0 "Riga is no stranger to having to endure a siege. But with the likelihood of more conflict to come, we should take measures to fortify the city against whatever enemies may be marching toward us."
    rig_restore_brothers_of_the_sword:0 "Restore the Brothers of the Sword"
    rig_restore_brothers_of_the_sword_desc:0 "The Livonian Brothers of the Sword have fallen far since their inception. It is our duty to revive this Knightly Order and reform it into an army worthy of God's favor."

    CHR_ideas = {
    start = {
    land_morale = 0.1
    global_regiment_cost = -0.1
    bonus = {
    state_maintenance_modifier = -0.15
    trigger = {
    tag = CHR
    free = yes
    chr_legacy_of_the_old_principality = {
    max_states = 3
    chr_cossack_regiments = {
    cavalry_power = 0.15
    chr_regimental_barracks = {
    global_manpower_modifier = 0.2
    chr_konotop_fortress = {
    defensiveness = 0.15
    chr_local_councils = {
    global_unrest = -2
    chr_renovate_transfiguration_cathedral = {
    tolerance_own = 2
    chr_cultivate_the_east_dniepr = {
    trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
    chr_legacy_of_the_old_principality:0 "Legacy of the Old Principality"
    chr_legacy_of_the_old_principality_desc:0 "Chernigov was once the largest principality in Kievan Rus, and second in political importance only to Kiev itself. We are no strangers to the administration of lands that stretch far beyond our capital."
    chr_cossack_regiments:0 "Field Cossack Regiments"
    chr_cossack_regiments_desc:0 "We must adapt to the new reality of the steppes; the growing influence of the Cossacks. We must make agreements with them that guarantee their autonomy while ensuring their military service to the state."
    chr_regimental_barracks:0 "Expand Regimental Barracks"
    chr_regimental_barracks_desc:0 "To house both our native soldiers and the Cossack regiments we employ, we must expand our regimental barracks and implement a formal system of recruitment."
    chr_konotop_fortress:0 "Konotop Fortress"
    chr_konotop_fortress_desc:0 "We must construct a new fortress along the banks of the Konotopka river. It shall be a modern bastion, utilizing the latest engineering techniques and a model for our future fortification efforts."
    chr_local_councils:0 "Local Governance Councils"
    chr_local_councils_desc:0 "The needs of each locality in our realm can differ wildly, and it can be difficult to administer them with a common policy. We should encourage local councils to govern themselves to an extent so that they can attend to their own needs."
    chr_renovate_transfiguration_cathedral:0 "Renovate the Transfiguration Cathedral"
    chr_renovate_transfiguration_cathedral_desc:0 "As the oldest remaining structure in the city, the Transfiguration Cathedral is a reminder of past glories as well as a symbol of our enduring faith. The Cathedreal should be renovated, symbolizing a renewal of our ambitions and spiritual dedication."
    chr_cultivate_the_east_dniepr:0 "Tame the Grasslands"
    chr_cultivate_the_east_dniepr_desc:0 "The left bank of the Dnieper could be the breadbasket of Europe, if only the wild grasslands could be tamed. We must invest in the region's cultivation so that its full potential can be realized."

    cossack_ideas = {
    start = {
    global_unrest = -2
    loot_amount = 0.25
    bonus = {
    shock_damage = 0.1
    trigger = {
    has_reform = cossacks_reform
    free = yes
    cossacks_escaped_serfs = {
    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.2
    cossacks_hetmanate = {
    republican_tradition = 0.5
    zaz_steppe_riders = {
    # as the ZAZ idea, land attrition
    cossacks_insults = {
    power_projection_from_insults = 1
    cossacks_military_society = {
    army_tradition = 0.5
    cossacks_free_the_serfs = {
    years_of_nationalism = -5
    cossacks_registered = {
    possible_mil_policy = 1
    cossacks_escaped_serfs:0 "Escaped Serfs"
    cossacks_escaped_serfs_desc:0 "Many among the Cossacks were born into serfdom. Tired of feudal oppression, they fled their masters and sought lives of freedom on the steppes. We must continue to welcome escaped serfs into our society."
    cossacks_hetmanate:0 "Cossack Hetmanate"
    cossacks_hetmanate_desc:0 "There are no kings or khans among the Cossacks. Our Hetman may be our highest military commander, but in matters of state and society he is simply the first among equals. Political power lies in the Rada, our legislative and military assembly, in which all Cossacks can have their say."
    cossacks_insults:0 "Scornful Insults"
    cossacks_insults_desc:0 "A biting insult is often more effective than a carefully-worded missive. We know who our enemies are, and we have no fear of their armies. Thus we should not hesitate to tell them to kiss our arse!"
    cossacks_military_society:0 "Military Society"
    cossacks_military_society_desc:0 "There is almost no division between civil and military society among the Cossacks. Our nation is a Host, defined by its people rather than by the land we control, and its people are warriors. We must ensure that military divisions properly meet our administrative needs as the Host expands."
    cossacks_free_the_serfs:0 "Free the Serfs"
    cossacks_free_the_serfs_desc:0 "No man should suffer tyranny in a Cossack realm. When we conquer new territories, the serfs, peasants, and slaves there must be liberated immediately and integrated into our great Host."
    cossacks_registered:0 "Cossack Registers"
    cossacks_registered_desc:0 "As the ranks of our Host swell, we must keep account of the strength of each regiment, their numbers and how well they are supplied. A centralized registry will allow us to support the needs of all Cossacks."
    La nazioni Rumene, Vallachia e Moldavia, hanno un aumento delle province iniziali da 3 a 5.
    Il nuovo Albero delle Missioni Rumeno guida il giocatore alla costruzione di una coalizione anti-Ottomana e a scacciarli dai Balcani. Hanno addirittura la possibilità di impalare il Sultano!
    A proposito di impalare, Vlad l'Impalatore comparirà molto spesso dopo la morte del padre per diffondere violenza e confusioni contro chi osa opporsi al suo volere.
    Non abbiamo dimenticato di aggiungere sapore anche alla Moldavia. Ora la Moldavia è una nazione indipendente garantita dalla Polonia. All'inizio del gioco una catena di eventi vedrà il Principe Roman, esiliato in Polonia, provare a impadronirsi del trono. Questo deciderà il futuro della Moldavia, se sarà una Marcia della Polonia o dell'Ungheria oppure una nazione indipendente.
    Le orde Tartare hanno visto il loro Albero delle Missioni aumentare notevolmente. Non più limitati alla conquista di Russia e Rutenia, le missioni Tartare possono portare il giocatore alla conquista dell'estinto Impero Mongolo.
    A proposito...
    L'Impero Mongolo è ora formabile, ma con alcuni requisiti non banali. Sarà necessario conquistare la maggior parte dell'Impero di Genghis Khan dopo aver prima formato Yuan, l'Orda d'Oro o Ilkhanate. Se ci riuscirai otterrai la riforma del governo del Grande Stato Mongolo (o un tipo di governo per chi non ha Dharma). Il Grande Stato Mongolo è simile a un'orda delle steppe senza i suoi tipici svantaggi e con in più il grande vantaggio di poter reclutare Banners* dalle province della propria cultura principale, come ora fanno i Manchu.
    * i Banner ci saranno solo per chi Mandate of Heaven, altrimenti ci sarà al suo posto un bonus alla disciplina

    Ecco altre nuove idee nazionali:
    CRI_ideas = {
    start = {
    ae_impact = -0.1
    leader_land_manuever = 1
    bonus = {
    core_creation = -0.25
    trigger = {
    tag = CRI
    free = yes
    cri_genghisid_legacy = {
    cavalry_power = 0.2
    cri_slavers = {
    global_own_trade_power = 0.15
    cri_ruthenian_raids = {
    loot_amount = 0.25
    cri_despoilers = {
    leader_land_shock = 1
    cri_free_cattle_grazing = {
    production_efficiency = 0.1
    cri_settle_the_steppes = {
    build_cost = -0.1
    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
    cri_allow_nogai_protectorates = {
    global_manpower_modifier = 0.25

    cri_genghisid_legacy:0 "Genghisid Legacy"
    cri_genghisid_legacy_desc:0 "Our forefathers rode with Genghis Khan as he ravaged the known world. We have kept our military traditions alive and continued to be ruled by Khans who claim descent from the Genghisid line."
    cri_slavers:0 "Slavers of the Steppe"
    cri_slavers_desc:0 "There is a fortune to be made from the slave trade; unwitting Christians who fall into our grasp fetch a high price in Turkish, Arabian, and Persian markets."
    cri_ruthenian_raids:0 "Lead Raids into Ruthenia"
    cri_ruthenian_raids_desc:0 "We must continue to lead raids into the heart of Ruthenia. Though the region is more destitute than it was in the time of Genghis Khan, we are skilled at extracting plunder and tribute from the terrified villagers."
    cri_despoilers:0 "Despoilers"
    cri_despoilers_desc:0 "Our raiders strike rapidly and without warning. Utterly unable to anticipate our attacks, our enemies will surely cower before us."
    cri_free_cattle_grazing:0 "Free Cattle Grazing"
    cri_free_cattle_grazing_desc:0 "We place no restrictions on pastoral farmers for the grazing of their great herds of horses and cattle. Herders are free to go about their business as they wish, able to traverse the steppe safely and trade freely."
    cri_settle_the_steppes:0 "Settle the Crimean Steppe"
    cri_settle_the_steppes_desc:0 "It is time that we established more permanent settlements. We should identify suitable locations to establish these settlements, making sure to take into account the flow of trade and the most defensible terrain."
    cri_allow_nogai_protectorates:0 "Accept Nogai Protectorates"
    cri_allow_nogai_protectorates_desc:0 "Several of the Nogai tribes to the west seek our protection. We should take them under our wing, guaranteeing the safety of their people in exchange for their military service."

    ILK_ideas = {
    start = {
    cavalry_power = 0.2
    cavalry_cost = -0.15
    bonus = {
    cavalry_flanking = 0.5
    trigger = {
    tag = ILK
    free = yes
    ilk_restored_ilkhanate = {
    legitimacy = 1
    horde_unity = 1
    ilk_favor_sufism = {
    tolerance_heretic = 2
    ilk_persian_language_at_court = {
    num_accepted_cultures = 1
    ilk_yam_networks = {
    movement_speed = 0.15
    envoy_travel_time = -0.25
    ilk_mongol_peace = {
    years_of_nationalism = -5
    ilk_patronize_observatories = {
    technology_cost = -0.05
    ilk_recruit_turkoman_gunners = {
    fire_damage = 0.1
    ilk_restored_ilkhanate_desc:0 "The Ilkhanate was originally established to secure Mongol rule over Persia in 1256. Many who have sought to rule Persia since have sought legitimacy by claiming descent from Genghis Khan, but our nation is a true revival of the first Ilkhanate. None can question our right to rule."
    ilk_persian_language_at_court:0 "Persian Language at Court"
    ilk_persian_language_at_court_desc:0 "Promoting a single language for use at court and within the state bureaucracy has clear advantages. Many of our elites have already adopted Persian as a second language, recognizing it as a prestigious and generally understood tongue throughout the Muslim world."
    ilk_yam_networks:0 "The Yam"
    ilk_yam_networks_desc:0 "Genghis Khan established a system of relay stations, supply networks, and intelligence gathering to be employed across the Mongol Empire to ease the burdens of governing an empire spanning thousands of miles across. We should restore the Yam so that our armies and envoys can travel efficiently through the realm."
    ilk_mongol_peace:0 "Mongol Peace"
    ilk_mongol_peace_desc:0 "Those who submit willingly to the Ilkhan can be sure that they will enjoy his protection. As word spreads of our benevolent and tolerant rule, resistance to our conquests will surely subside."
    ilk_patronize_observatories:0 "Patronize Observatories"
    ilk_patronize_observatories_desc:0 "The first incarnation of the Ilkhanate heavily patronized the study of the heavens, funding observatories and inviting renowned astronomers to court. We should emulate our forebears' love of the sciences by restoring the old observatories."
    ilk_favor_sufism:0 "Favor Sufism"
    ilk_favor_sufism_desc:0 "When our ancestors converted to Islam, they preferred the mystical teachings of Sufi scholars to the sectarian politics of the conventional Ulema. We should invite such scholars to court and promote a tolerant policy towards all Muslims in our realm."
    ilk_recruit_turkoman_gunners:0 "Recruit Turkoman Gunners"
    ilk_recruit_turkoman_gunners_desc:0 "It would be foolish to ignore the services offered by the Turkoman soldiers who have begun to settle in our realm. Handheld firearms are the future of warfare, and these Turkomans have mastered that art."

    Per finire, nuove riforme del governo saranno disponibili per i possessori di Dharma.

    Il Governo Veneziano (disponibile come tipo di governo per chi non ha Dharma) è una variante speciale di Repubblica Mercantile con un nuovo tipo di elezioni: la Lotteria. In questo governo la corruzione è ridotta, i regnanti governano per tutta la vita, in generale i candidati sono più vecchi della media, i candidati hanno statistiche più casuali e Bacca è felice. Le elezioni avvengono alla morte dell'attuale doge e in una elezione si possono scegliere tre candidati che costano Tradizione Repubblicana per essere eletti. In alternativa, lasciare decidere alla Lotteria seleziona uno dei tre candidati a caso senza far perdere Tradizione Repubblicana.
    Per chi non gioca con Venezia, una nuova riforma del governo chiamata Sorteggio permetterà di avere la Lotteria per qualunque Repubblica.
    Molto tardi nello sviluppo ci siamo resi conto che esiste già una riforma del governo chiamata Sorteggio e abbiamo quindi dovuto sostituirla. Ci sono quindi 2 nuove riforme al 9° livello delle Repubbliche:
    • Nomina tramite Commissione: riduce costo dei consiglieri e aggiunge un consigliere
    • Apparato Burocratico: riduce l'autonomia minima nei Territori
    Per finire, ci sono 2 nuove riforme del governo per Nazioni Indiane che hanno le estate rispettivamente di Marathas e Rajputs:
    1. Consiglio Permanente Marathas: fornisce +5% disciplina e cambia Recluta Consigliere con la creazione di un generale con +1 shock. Questa riforma rende i Marathas più leali e influenti e ha l'effetto contrario sui Nobili.
    2. Registro Governativo dei Purbias fornisce +5% velocità recupero morale e cambia Recluta Purbias con la possibilità di aumentare il danno da fuoco e la disciplina dei reggimenti Rajput. Questa riforma rende i Rajputs più leali e influenti e ha l'effetto contrario sui Nobili. I reggimenti Rajput sono stati ribilanciati con -25% perdita addestramento, -50% costo rinforzo e +5% morale come base.

    Questo è tutto per oggi. Settimana prossima verrà rivelato il changelog completo della patch 1.27.
    • Like Like x 3
  2. Alessandro Argeade

    Alessandro Argeade

    3 Ottobre 2015
    Interessante, chissà quando si vedrà una patch per Iberia e Italia
  3. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Speriamo presto! :)
  4. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    EU4 - Development Diary - 25th of September 2018
    Prima di tutto viene annunciato che la patch 1.27 Poland verrà rilasciata Martedì 1 Ottobre., quindi meno di mese dopo il rilascio della patch 1.26 e del DLC Dharma (avvenuti il 6 settembre). La ragione è dovuta al fatto che, oltre ai soliti bugfix e miglioramenti, la patch 1.27 allineerà EU4 al GDPR. Per maggiori informazioni seguite questo link:

    In breve, col rilascio della 1.26, sarà richiesto a tutti di leggere e accettare la privacy policy della Paradox che verrà mostrata nel gioco come popup al primo avvio.
    Per chi usa versioni precedenti del gioco (tramite l'opzione Beta di Steam), dalla 1.4 alla 1.26, le cose si complicano. Queste versioni purtroppo non sono conformi al GDPR dato che non possono richiedere il consenso dell'utente alla privacy policy. Invece di rimuoverle però è stato trovato un workaorund: chi vuole accedere alle versioni precedenti deve loggarsi sul suo account ParadoxPlaza, leggere e accettare la Privacy Policy e ottenere da qui i codici per sbloccare le vecchie versioni su Steam. Maggiori informazioni qui:

    Basta parlare di GDPR, torniamo a bomba sulla patch 1.27 Poland! Oltre alle tante modifiche discusse nello scorso DD, vediamo ulteriori cambiamenti.

    Cambiamenti al bilanciamento

    Molti si sono lamentati di non poter più convertire la religione dei propri territori (lasciando per questo pessime recensioni di Dharma su Steam anche se non c'entra). Tra le varie lamentele, il feedback più importanti è stato di chi ha creato nazioni particolarmente religiose e se si è sentito quindi maggiormente limitato da questo cambiamento. Nella 1.27 sono state fatte quindi le seguenti modifiche:
    • ricercare tutte le Idee del ramo Religioso ora permette di convertire religiosamente i territori
    • i Territori ora hanno un -2% facilità di conversione
    Ci saranno altri cambiamenti in programma per le conversioni, ma se ne parlerà al momento appropriato.

    Dall'introduzione delle istituzioni, lo sviluppo tecnologico nel mondo è diventato molto meno divergente, quindi nella 1.27 si è cercato di aumentare il gap tecnologico:
    • Global Trade
      • non ottiene più bonus da Marketplace, Trade Depot, Stock Exchange perché tanto si ottiene già bonus dal trade power che questi edifici vanno ad aumentare;
      • Centro del commercio di livello 3 ora fornisce solo bonus del 0.5, un livello 2 un bonus dello 0.1
    • Manufacturing
      • aumentate le restrizioni per impedire che compaia in una provincia desertica con development 5
      • ridotto il bonus ai continenti dove non nasce
    • Enlightenment
      • aumentate le restrizioni per impedire che compaia in una provincia desertica con development 5
      • ridotto il bonus ai continenti dove non nasce

    Ed ecco la patch list completa:
    # Free Features
    - Added support for Steam Rich Presence.
    - New Lottery Election mechanic
    - New unique government for Venice
    - New Sortition reform on tier 3 that enables Lottery election. (Dharma)
    - Added Bureaucratic Aparatus and Appointment by Committee government reforms for republics. (Dharma)
    - Removed old Sortition reform. (Dharma)
    - Added Arrival of the Kalmyks event
    - Added Prussian Confederation event chain
    - Added Roman of Moldavia event chain
    - Added mission trees for Poland, Lithuania, Romanian Group, Tatar Hordes.
    - Added descision to form the Ilkhanate.
    - Added Great Mongol State government for Mongol Empire (Free), allowing Banners in primary culture provinces(Mandate of Heaven).
    - Added new government reform 'Permanent Marathas Council' for Indian nations with the Maratha estate. +5% discipline and changes Recruit Minister interaction to give a general with +1 shock instead of an advisor. (Dharma)
    - Added new government reform 'Governmental Purbias Register' for Indian nations with the Rajput estate. Changes Recruit Purbias interaction to give +5% discipline to Rajput regiments. (Dharma)

    # Gamebalance
    # Economy
    - Disable Charter Company if the country is highly in debt to avoid saving money in other countries.
    - Tariffs are now only counted on income from Production, Gold and Trade.
    - Tariffs overlord operate on now match how much the CN actually pays.

    # Governments
    - Added the missing max absolutism malus for republics.
    - Increased losing 4 reforms to 7 for Seize Executive Power Reform.
    - Increased losing 6 reforms to 8 for Proclaim Divine Guidance Reform.
    - Nepotism candidates in elections are now aged randomly between 30 and 50.
    - Reduced losing 6 reforms to 3 for Become a Republic Reform.
    - Tribals Civil Society Reform now gives additional -0.05 corruption
    - Tribals Lip Service Reform modifier reduced to 10% Land Maintenance Modifier.
    - Tribals Religious Societies Reform now gives additional 15% Religious Unity
    - Bishoprics can no longer have their rulers made into generals at all while the Monastic Orders can have any of their rulers made into a general. The Hochmeister strikes back.

    # Units
    - Rajput regiments base modifiers changed to -25% drill decay, -50% reinforce cost, and +5% morale

    # Other
    - Added 0.33 monthly support for local heir on loyal nobility estate
    - Switched out Papacy government prestige gain to Prestige per development from missionary.
    - Switched out Prestige gain in Glory of Rome of the Pope idea set for -1% Prestige Decay.
    - Switched out The Vatican Museums for -10% Dip Advisor Cost(+1 Free Dip Policy for Dharma)
    - Vatican Library Administrative Edition now gives -5% administrative tech.
    - Vatican Library Diplomatic Edition now gives -5% diplomatic tech.
    - Vatican Library Military Edition now gives -5% military tech and 50% army tradition from battle.
    - Vatican Library Military edition no longer gives 5% discipline.
    - Contamination Detected, initiating Quarantine Protocols. (n.d.T cosa???? o_O:cautious:)
    - Vijayanagari mission 'Divert Trade from Bengal' will not only upgrade CoT's to level 2.
    - World Port now gives 0.2% naval tradition decay instead of 0.25 yearly naval tradition.
    - Religious ideas finisher now let's you convert in territories.
    - Territory provinces have an additional -2 missionary strength malus.
    - Dhimmi given provinces now provide less to the overal religious unity. -50% at Neutral, -100% at Loyal.
    - No longer gain Global Trade embracement boost from Marketplace, Trade Depot, Stock Exchange because you already get a lot from trade power which these buildings boost.
    - Gain 0.5 Global Trade embracement scaled from level 3 CoT, 0.1 from Level 2 CoT
    - Restricted somewhat where Manufacturing can spawn so we don't get it spawning in 5 dev desert province
    - Reduce how much Manufacturing spread you get on continents where it did not spawn.
    - Restricted somewhat where Enlightenment can spawn so we don't get it spawning in 5 dev desert province
    - Reduce how much Enlightenment spread you get on continents where it did not spawn.

    # AI
    # Economy
    - Fix AI taking unnessecary loans when recruiting
    - Fix AI not disbanding fleets when over force limit
    - Fix AI offering no money in charter province action to players.

    # War
    - Include forts ZoC when recomputing path for unexiled armies
    - sieging the wargoal does not give anymore a penalty if the AI is the defender and a peace is offered

    # Other
    - Fixed indecisive colonisation/settlement growth planning and budgeting AI

    # Interface
    # Country
    - In subject view, clicking on the shield of a trade company will center the map on that trade company.
    - Parliament issues now have a scrollbar so you can see the entire effect of some of the issues.

    # Icons/Art
    - Cleaned up gender icons to look a bit clearer.

    # Other
    - Add history entries when a province is subject of Charter Company diplomatic action.
    - Battles involving condottieri should pop up the combat view.
    - Do not show the automatic transport dialog if trying to move during battles.

    # Usermodding
    # Effects
    - Can no longer set dynasty on republican leaders in define_ruler effects. Dynasty argument is reused to let you set last name now.
    - Added add_next_institution_embracement_scaled which behaves like devving in a province
    - Added adm_power_cost, dip_power_cost, mil_power_cost effects & triggers that scales with the power cost modifier
    - All Variable effects can be defined with `= { var_name = value }` now.
    - Added set_base_tax, set_base_production, set_base_manpower effects

    # Modifiers
    - Implemented monthly_support_heir_gain modifier
    - Added new modifier that increases how much PP you get from an insult.
    - has_banners modifier now will work for every country and is no more limited to Manchu
    - Added static modifier that is applied to all territory provinces.
    - Added local_religious_unity_contribution modifier.

    # Triggers
    - Added has_unembraced_institution trigger.
    - All Variable triggers can be defined with `= { var_name = value }` now.

    # Other
    - Can now access exiled monarchs in localisation
    - Can now define the age range of a ruler
    - Can now flag a government reform that it triggers elections upon death.

    # Script
    # Decisions
    - Added decision to form the Mongol Empire
    - Added decision to restore the Ilkhanate as a March
    - Moving the capital to St. Petersberg will now upgrade its Center of Trade level.

    # Events
    - Added option to 'Cultural Ties Weakened' event to convert to American primary culture. First option now adds American as an accepted culture.
    - Rewrote Vlad the Impaler event. Vlad will now appear more regularly as a ruler.

    # Ideas
    - Added Chernigov national ideas
    - Added Crimean national ideas
    - Added Ilkhanid national ideas
    - Added National Ideas for dynamic Cossack nations
    - Added Rigan national ideas

    # Setup
    - Added the Mongol Empire and Kalmyk tags
    - Poland now accepted Ruthenian culture in 1444

    # Other
    - Added new free and possible policy modifiers as custom ideas
    - Added startup screen for Wallachia and Moldavia
    - Added startup screen for the Tatar hordes
    - Transoxiana is now a slightly different shade of blue

    # Bugfixes
    - Fixed CTD when when loading old saves with owned provinces changed to wasteland in later version
    - 'Japan Discovered' event now allows for Anglicans
    - 'Missionaries in the Spice Islands' event now converts some provinces in the Spice Islands to Catholicism
    - Added fallback requirement for VIJ War Plunder mission
    - Added missing % sign to Nobles of the Robe tooltip
    - Added tooltip for Conform to Template view when province is not controlled by you or your overlord
    - Added tooltip to Italian Wars event explaining that relations with Spain will be worsened.
    - All subsidies are now canceled when going bankrupt
    - Anglicanism will no longer spawn in a country that is a junior partner in a PU
    - Any siege is now ended when abandoning a colony
    - Apply local autonomy penalty from estate removal after it been removed.
    - Aristocracies and Hordes once again have access to Aristoractic ideas
    - Army Professionalism parliament bribe now costs 2 army professionalis rather than 200
    - Assigned Cayenne to correct colonial region
    - Aurangabad modifier from Mughal mission now gives local rather than global development cost.
    - Can no longer become an Iqta as an Indian Sultanate (no Dharma)
    - Can no longer form Mughals as the Celestial Emperor
    - Can no longer get Talented and Ambitious Daughter event with States General reform
    - Can now hear elephants in battle without Dharma enabled if you have any Dharma unit pack enabled
    - Changing to and from Steppe Horde government with Dharma will now change your tech and unit group to and from the nomad group.
    - Colonial subjects are now blocked from fabricating claims overseas
    - Corrected province highlighting in VIJ mission 'South Indian trade'
    - Countries in Random Setup that get specific tags can no longer get reforms unique to those tags
    - Dimitri event for Russia will no longer fire if country is a junior partner in PU
    - Election event will use correct pronouns if current ruler is female.
    - Event option to cede Goa to Portugal will no longer be available if a player owns Goa
    - Event to pick Dutch Republic now removes Parliament reform if it has been picked
    - Event to remove Free City reform now fires correctly
    - Events that change government type refund some reform progress
    - Fix the automatic transportation feature
    - Fixed CTD when selecting abandoned colony with invalid siege
    - Fixed Eat Your Greens and The Ostenders achievements being completable by any nation despite not being visible.
    - Fixed Gujarati Textiles mission applying wrong trade goods size modifier
    - Fixed Kiowa culture not being on map
    - Fixed Mughal Open China mission attempting to reward local goods produced modifier to the whole country.
    - Fixed Question of Rights event being able to take land from own colonial nations
    - Fixed Sleepless in Seattle achievement requiring wrong province. Seattle is actually in Salish province.
    - Fixed Trade Company Region not updated on Trade Nodes after loading save, leading to CTD trying to access deleted memory
    - Fixed Unite Japan decision tooltip claiming that Daimyos will become Feudal Monarchies
    - Fixed Vaishyas estate event using country instead of province flag, prevent modifiers from being applied
    - Fixed breaking to rebels sometimes causing an extra stab hit, especially as the Pope
    - Fixed changing away from Muslim as Feudal Theocracy without Dharma not giving new government
    - Fixed city placement in Garwhal
    - Fixed decision to convert ruler religion being available to junior union partners
    - Fixed event allowing female consort for female ruler
    - Fixed highlighting issues in Bahmani mission Persianate Empire
    - Fixed missing title text for Mamluk event 'The Emissaries return with good news'
    - Fixed spelling of Minnesota area
    - Fixed wrong culture name in nation designer trigger for Gond Kingdom
    - Fixed wrong institution in Cabinet of Curiosities event
    - Fixed wrong legacy government given in election event for tribes
    - Fixed wrong mission icon for Taungu mission Annex Prome
    - Foreign Talent event will no longer fire for subject nations
    - Forming Egypt now gives claims on unowned provinces in the Egypt region
    - Forming Great Britain now always completes the War of the Roses mission
    - Forming Ireland now requires owning all of Ireland. Decision now refers to areas instead of provinces.
    - Forming Japan now disallows the Japanese gov reforms (Shogunate, Daimyo, Ind. Daimyo)
    - Forming Qing decision description no longer refers to having already united China
    - Forming Rajputana or Marathas now sets tech and unit group to Indian
    - Forming the Mughal Empire will now enact unique Mughal government reforms up to the currently unlocked reform tier.
    - Forming the Mughals with States General reform will now remove that reform
    - Gujarati event 'An Embassy to the Ottoman Sultan' now only fires if Portugal owns a province in India
    - If you don't have elections, taking reforms that gives you duration time no longer gives you term election.
    - Indian Sultanate reform no longer invalid when switching capital outside of India
    - Jain and Hindu Merchant Community event no longer affects Jain loyalty twice.
    - Janos Hunyadi now has fixed stats and appropriate age
    - Junior monarchies in a personal union under a non-monarch will now have their own legitimacy instead of being stuck at 0. (Yes there are very strict specific circumstance where non-monarchy can have a PU)
    - Korean mission "Conquer Huncun" reward is no longer redundant. Adds claims needed for next mission.
    - Land of Churches mission will now accept either churches or cathedrals in any arrangement
    - Mewar mission Rajput Trasde Guilds now completable with any set of estates
    - Move Capital to Pegu mission now requires Pegu to be the capital.
    - Natives no longer use legitimacy mechanic
    - No Dharma - Indian Sultanates can no longer Indianize their Sultanate
    - Novogorod mission now gives claims on Vologda
    - Only provinces within the country border (or the non-tributary subjects' ones) can be released in a peace deal.
    - Orangist candidates no longer get double names. They should simply be Van Oranje now.
    - Piety change when declaring war as Muslim now refers to Mysticism as well as Legalism
    - Primitives are no longer able to select Naval Doctrines
    - Qing now uses 'Empire' government name at rank 3 instead of 'Khaganate'
    - Random events no longer give reform progress to primitives
    - Reduce Champaner mission now requires a core on the province
    - Reduced size of mission tooltip for Bengali Clear the Delta mission
    - Releasing Deccan from Mughal mission should now give Deccan a government
    - Remove Presidential Dictatorship reform when dictator dies and a new republican leader is elected.
    - Removed references in several events to old center of trade modifiers
    - Removed remove_non_electors_emperors_from_empire_effect from some Dharma formables
    - Rulers given by pretenders and events now add +200 support for monarchists with the States General mechanic
    - Sweet Home Qaraqorum, Ganges Khan and Maharana Pratap achievements no longer allow custom nations.
    - Tartar and Altaic nations with Tribal government type can now pick Steppe Horde
    - The Anjou Claims event now gives a claim on Abruzzi
    - The effects of Rise of a Despot event now happen immediately rather than after choosing the option
    - Unite Japan mission now requires direct ownership of most of the Japan region.
    - When playing without CoC, a tooltip will now inform the player that The Janissaries event will fire in 12 years when enacting the Devshirne System decision.
    - Will no longer swap mission trees when forming an Indian nation without unique missions except for Punjab
    - players cannot anymore create infinite-points custom nations exploiting the play button enabled while confirmation modal is visible
    - Fix OOS caused by not updating religious school modifiers
    - Remove invalid reforms on tag switch
    - Fixed Daimyos sometimes having two vassals
    - Fixed papacy not being restored when releasing PAP as vassal
    - Education of Daughters custom idea is temporarily disabled because of unforseen bug right before release, will be returned as soon as we can.
    - Fixed so One King To Rule achievement requires 50 absolutism. Should now be possible for people not owning Dharma to get the achievement.
    - Fixed bug where define_advisor was not creating advisors
    - Fixed trade league disbanding after forming a new nation.
    - Fix raze tech power decrease being uncapped
    - Can no longer scorch earth with exiled units.
    - Fix primitives being able to select Naval Doctrines
    - Junior legitimacy no longer affected by dynasty change in overlord.
    - Junior legitimacy will no longer be reset on monthly if overlord is not a monarchy.
    - Former tributaries shouldn't be considered ex-subjects when going at war against their overlord.
    - Shogun can no longer move their capital to prevent bunch of nasty bugs with that.
    - Supply Convoys policy increased to 0.2% liberty_desire_from_subject_development from 0.02%
    - Fixed Revolutionary governments losing all reform progress. They will now get reform progress as if they had switched using reforms.
    - Mewar Never Changes achievement now visible to any nation that can access its mission tree
    - Fixed broken Combat role bonus modifier for sieges with blockade.
    - Fix game not exiting properly on Alt.-F4 when music player is open.
    - Human should now be removed properly if player drops and ingame lobby does not exist.
    - Fix alert about AI team member wanting to break alliance
    - The seller of a province in Charter Company will gain inflation like province selling, but only based on the amount of money gained (not the administrative costs).
    - Fixed exploit where Europeans could get Trade Company Trade Goods bonus in their own province.
    - Optimized code that generated the weather texture.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. SkySpace


    26 Agosto 2009
    Io non ho capito la questione della conversione religiosa. Era un bug?
  6. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    No, è stata una decisione cosciente della Paradox. Nella patch 1.26 Mughals la conversione religiosa e culturale è stata limitata agli Stati, quindi in un semplice Territorio non erano più possibili. Questo, credo/immagino, per limitare la facilità con cui appena conquistata una provincia si può avviare subito la conversione e in 3-4-5 anni cambiarne la religione. In questo modo la conversione è limitata agli Stati e quindi in caso di imperi grandi molte province non potevano essere convertite.
    Tra l'altro in questo modo è stato reso più appetibile il gruppo delle Idee Religiose che ha quanto ho capito era considerato meno attraente rispetto a quello delle Idee Umaniste.
  7. Alessandro Argeade

    Alessandro Argeade

    3 Ottobre 2015
    Molto bene che si limiti lo sviluppo tecnologico extraeuropeo, era ridicolo trovare la Transoxiana che dominando l'Asia centrale aveva lo stesso sviluppo dell'Europa occidentale

    Peccato però per aver ceduto ai fan sull'aspetto religioso, secondo me aggiungeva realismo: i grandi imperi non sono mai riusciti a imporre la loro religione ovunque, basta vedere come i balcani turchi rimasero in gran parte ortodossi e come l'Austria-Ungheria fosse ben lontana dall'essere un monolite cattolico in ogni sua parte.
  8. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    EU4 - Development Diary - 2nd of October 2018
    Ieri è stata rilasciata la patch gratuita 1.27 "Poland" con nuovi contenuti, cambiamenti alla mappa, bugfix e altro. Oggi si parla di quello e dei piani per il futuro.
    Prima di tutto con la patch Poland EU4 è ora compatibile con il GDPR, con un avviso all'avvio del gioco. A causa di questo, vecchie versioni non sono disponibile automaticamente in Steam perché non compatibili con il GDPR, ma c'è la possibilità di accederci (vedi questo link).
    N.d.AC: io ci ho provato ieri e ha funzionato, ho continuato una partita con la 1.25.1 senza problemi.

    Dopo il rilascio della patch, si parla già di un hotfix per risolvere alcuni problemi, tra cui:
    • Dogi Veneziani Centenari (N.d.AC: sarà colpa di Bacca che vuole Veneti immortali? :D )
    • la Lituania non riesce a formare la Polonia-Lituania
    • alcuni utenti non riescono a far partire il gioco
    oltre a vari problemi minori della patch 1.27.

    Ma dopo la patch Poland, che cosa riserva il futuro per EU4? Come già detto dopo Dharma, è il momento di ricordarsi che il gioco si chiama Europa Universalis. Dopo i miglioramenti a India, Estremo Oriente e Medio Oriente, è tempo di riportare l'attenzione sul continente europeo. La patch Poland è stato un buon inizio, ma si è già iniziato a lavorare a un Immersion Pack per la prossima release. Quale sarà il focus? Beh, i Pet Shop Boys saranno contenti, perché si andrà a Occidente (Go West)![​IMG]
    N.d.AC: Alessandro Argeade sarà contento di vedere uno screenshot dell'Iberia! :)

    La prossima settimana si parlerà dei cambiamenti alla mappa della patch 1.28.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. Alessandro Argeade

    Alessandro Argeade

    3 Ottobre 2015
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Alessandro Argeade

    Alessandro Argeade

    3 Ottobre 2015
    Che poi basterebbe poco: fare in modo che Castiglia annetta Aragona il 90% delle volte (anziché il 40% scarso come ora) e trovare un modo (un casus belli ad hoc?) per far sì che il Marocco non posso annettersi il Portogallo in tranquillità mentre le altre potenze iberiche si fanno i fatti loro
  11. metalupo


    20 Ottobre 2006
    Magari anche che il Regno di Napoli, qualche volta, si stacchi dall'unione personale, non ricordo sia mai successo nelle mie partite, anzi solitamente dopo un pò diventa Aragona.
  12. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Pare che di straforo nella patch 1.27 sia stato inserito un Easter Egg.
    Chi ha giocato a HOI2 sicuramente ricorderà il comando "alienattack". Ora qualcosa di simile è anche in EU4: è stato infatti aggiunto il comando "syntheticdawn" che permette di far partire un'invasione dei robottoni di Stellaris. Ecco alcuni screenshot:


    • Like Like x 2
  13. ronnybonny

    ronnybonny Moderator Membro dello Staff

    6 Febbraio 2009
    Padova e Udine
    Vorrei riassumere il mio pensiero su questa feature citando il nipote dell'assassino di Trotsky

  14. Rio


    3 Febbraio 2012
    Dai, quantomeno è una cosa che devi triggerare via evento.
    Non è come in HOI4 dove gli alleati combattono tra di loro (con un'australia doppiogiochista)

  15. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Io lo trovo carino, è un Easter Egg sviluppato al di fuori del normale contenuto del gioco.
    Un po' come le mitiche partite a Jan Mayen in Victoria 2 :D
  16. ronnybonny

    ronnybonny Moderator Membro dello Staff

    6 Febbraio 2009
    Padova e Udine
    ero ironico :p in realtà è una cosa ben fatta pare, con catene di eventi... quando nel 1800 ti stai annoiando sapremo cosa fare
  17. Carlos V

    Carlos V

    15 Dicembre 2010
    Avevo visto su YouTube una partita con i Sintetici, ma credevo che fosse opera di qualche modder.
    Adesso, invece, scopro che è una caratteristica aggiunta dalla Paradox. :D
  18. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Scusa non avevo capito :oops:
    Aspetta, tu mi stai dicendo che si può giocare con loro e non solo essere invasi? :borg:
    Io sto finendo una partita con la 1.25.1, mannaggia! :wall:
    Passa il link! :pompous:
  19. ronnybonny

    ronnybonny Moderator Membro dello Staff

    6 Febbraio 2009
    Padova e Udine
    Era un "na cafonata" in senso buono
    Credo basti triggerare la venuta dei Sintetici e poi tramite console o ricarica della partita selezionarli come nazione giocante
  20. R3wu0


    6 Febbraio 2011
    Si esattamente, si può fare.

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