Pacific Rim(job) [AAR] ITAK_Linus (ASIA UNITA) vs Kaiser85 (Alleati)

Discussione in 'Le vostre esperienze: AAR' iniziata da ITAK_Linus, 18 Giugno 2021.

  1. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018

    Ti ci vanno gli aerei da trasporto e inizialmente o durano poco o servono comunque per altri airlift.
    Ti serve anche un AF lvl4 e ce ne sono pochi. Giava ha già la possibilità di dare siluri quindi nada e l'area fra Batavia palembang Singapore e Borneo ha giusto palembang come AF lvl4.

    Last, but not least, i siluri e vari bonus derivanti dall'HQ, stanno con la LCU "madre" e non coi frammenti quindi puoi spezzettare quanto vuoi ma il massimo che becchi sono i devices che trasporti, cioè air support e/o supporti. Nient'altro.

    Quindi non è gamey perché è infattibile.
  2. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    ricordo che lo avevo fatto in una partita e avevo modo di caricare siluri in diverse aree , perchè quando la unità madre viene eliminata le sue seguenti diventano operative.
    Mi pare avessi siluri da Java a Darwin a Port Moresby, dove i wildbeest possono fare follie se non te li aspetti
    • Like Like x 1
  3. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018

    Sarei curioso di vedere la cosa. Che io sappia gli HQ non si dividono. Ci sono references sul forum Matrix in materia?
  4. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    Non ho mai capito esattamente come funzionasse la cosa, solo che in alcune basi avevo modo di caricare siluri e tanto mi è bastato.
    Non ho cercato purtroppo mai nulla di preciso.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    vuoi dire che il gioco tiene conto anche di questi dettagli?!?!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018

    Ci sta tu avessi un CommandHQ in range o tu fossi in range di un altro AirHQ.
  7. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018

    Submarine attack near San Francisco at 218,71

    Japanese Ships
    SS I-26

    Allied Ships
    xAK J.L. Luckenbach, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage

    xAK J.L. Luckenbach is sighted by SS I-26
    SS I-26 launches 2 torpedoes at xAK J.L. Luckenbach

    Night Time Surface Combat, near Batavia at 49,98, Range 12,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CA Suzuya
    CL Sendai
    CL Naka
    CL Jintsu
    CL Isuzu
    CL Natori
    CL Yura
    CL Kuma
    CL Tama
    CL Kiso
    DD Maikaze
    DD Amatsukaze
    DD Nowaki
    DD Isonami
    DD Uranami
    DD Shikinami
    DD Ayanami
    DD Matsukaze
    DD Hatakaze
    DD Okikaze
    DD Yakaze
    DD Hokaze
    DD Kuretake
    DD Sanae
    DD Yugao

    Allied Ships
    xAKL De Klerk, Shell hits 15, and is sunk
    xAKL De Haan, Shell hits 10, and is sunk
    xAKL Lematang, Shell hits 5, and is sunk
    xAKL Meroendoeng, Shell hits 24, and is sunk
    xAKL Siaoe, Shell hits 7, and is sunk
    xAKL Siberoet, Shell hits 15, and is sunk
    xAKL Sibolga, Shell hits 7, and is sunk

    Japanese Ships Reported to be Approaching!
    Allied TF begins to get underway
    Improved night sighting under 100% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Clear Conditions and 100% moonlight: 12,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 12,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 12,000 yards
    CL Kiso engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 12,000 yards
    CL Kuma engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 12,000 yards
    DD Yugao engages xAKL De Klerk at 12,000 yards
    DD Hokaze engages xAKL De Haan at 12,000 yards
    DD Yakaze engages xAKL De Klerk at 12,000 yards
    DD Matsukaze engages xAKL De Klerk at 12,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards
    DD Yugao engages xAKL Siberoet at 9,000 yards
    DD Kuretake engages xAKL Lematang at 9,000 yards
    CL Natori engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 9,000 yards
    DD Kuretake engages xAKL De Klerk at 9,000 yards
    CL Sendai engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 9,000 yards
    DD Yakaze engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 9,000 yards
    DD Hatakaze engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 9,000 yards
    DD Nowaki engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 9,000 yards
    DD Amatsukaze engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 9,000 yards
    Range closes to 7,000 yards
    CL Tama engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 7,000 yards
    CL Yura engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 7,000 yards
    DD Yugao engages xAKL De Haan at 7,000 yards
    CL Isuzu engages xAKL De Klerk at 7,000 yards
    CL Jintsu engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 7,000 yards
    DD Yugao engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 7,000 yards
    DD Yakaze engages xAKL Siberoet at 7,000 yards
    DD Okikaze engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 7,000 yards
    DD Hatakaze engages xAKL Meroendoeng at 7,000 yards
    Range closes to 6,000 yards
    Massive explosion on xAKL Siberoet
    DD Hokaze engages xAKL Siberoet at 6,000 yards
    DD Amatsukaze engages xAKL Siaoe at 6,000 yards
    xAKL Meroendoeng sunk by DD Amatsukaze at 6,000 yards
    DD Yakaze engages xAKL De Haan at 6,000 yards
    CL Natori engages xAKL De Klerk at 6,000 yards
    Range closes to 4,000 yards
    CA Suzuya engages xAKL Lematang at 4,000 yards
    DD Yakaze engages xAKL Siberoet at 4,000 yards
    DD Matsukaze engages xAKL Siaoe at 4,000 yards
    DD Amatsukaze engages xAKL De Klerk at 4,000 yards
    xAKL Lematang sunk by DD Nowaki at 4,000 yards
    DD Maikaze engages xAKL De Haan at 4,000 yards
    Range closes to 2,000 yards
    DD Okikaze collides with DD Sanae at 49 , 98
    DD Yugao engages xAKL Sibolga at 2,000 yards
    xAKL Siberoet sunk by CL Sendai at 2,000 yards
    xAKL Siaoe sunk by CL Tama at 2,000 yards
    DD Kuretake engages xAKL De Haan at 2,000 yards
    DD Yugao engages xAKL De Klerk at 2,000 yards
    CL Jintsu engages xAKL De Haan at 2,000 yards
    CL Sendai engages xAKL De Haan at 2,000 yards
    Range increases to 3,000 yards
    CL Sendai collides with DD Kuretake at 49 , 98
    DD Matsukaze engages xAKL Sibolga at 3,000 yards
    xAKL De Klerk sunk by DD Matsukaze at 3,000 yards
    DD Shikinami engages xAKL Sibolga at 3,000 yards
    xAKL Sibolga sunk by CA Suzuya at 3,000 yards
    xAKL Sibolga sunk by CA Suzuya at 3,000 yards
    Combat ends with last Allied ship sunk...

    TF 145 encounters mine field at Batavia (49,98)

    Japanese Ships
    CA Suzuya, Mine hits 1
    CL Sendai, Mine hits 1

    Night Time Surface Combat, near Treasury Islands at 108,133, Range 8,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Tenryu
    CL Tatsuta
    CL Yubari, Shell hits 9, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi, Shell hits 1
    DD Yayoi
    DD Mochizuki, Shell hits 1
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate
    DD Asanagi
    DD Yunagi

    Allied Ships
    CA Australia, Shell hits 2
    CL Boise, Shell hits 1
    DD Alden, Shell hits 1, on fire
    DD Edsall
    DD John D. Edwards, Shell hits 1, on fire
    DD Whipple

    Improved night sighting under 100% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 100% moonlight: 8,000 yards
    Range closes to 10,000 yards...
    Range closes to 8,000 yards...
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 8,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 8,000 yards
    Dechaineaux, E.F.V. crosses the 'T'
    CL Yubari engages CA Australia at 8,000 yards
    CL Boise engages CL Yubari at 8,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Australia at 8,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages DD John D. Edwards at 8,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Asanagi at 8,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Edsall at 8,000 yards
    Range closes to 7,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Australia at 7,000 yards
    CL Boise engages CL Yubari at 7,000 yards
    DD Asanagi engages DD Whipple at 7,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD John D. Edwards at 7,000 yards
    DD Asanagi engages DD Alden at 7,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Kisaragi at 7,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Alden at 7,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Mochizuki at 7,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Yayoi at 7,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Alden at 7,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Whipple at 7,000 yards
    Range closes to 6,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Australia at 6,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Australia at 6,000 yards
    DD Whipple engages DD Mochizuki at 6,000 yards
    DD Yunagi engages DD John D. Edwards at 6,000 yards
    DD Asanagi engages DD Whipple at 6,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Alden at 6,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Alden at 6,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD John D. Edwards at 6,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Kisaragi at 6,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Mutsuki at 6,000 yards
    Range increases to 8,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Yubari at 8,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Australia at 8,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Australia at 8,000 yards
    DD Yunagi engages DD John D. Edwards at 8,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Edsall at 8,000 yards
    DD Asanagi engages DD Alden at 8,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Edsall at 8,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD John D. Edwards at 8,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Kisaragi at 8,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Alden at 8,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Yubari at 10,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CL Boise at 10,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Whipple at 10,000 yards
    DD Asanagi engages DD John D. Edwards at 10,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Asanagi at 10,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Alden at 10,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Oite at 10,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Mochizuki at 10,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Alden at 10,000 yards
    Range increases to 11,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Yubari at 11,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Australia at 11,000 yards
    DD Whipple engages DD Mutsuki at 11,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Yunagi at 11,000 yards
    DD Yunagi engages DD Edsall at 11,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Yunagi at 11,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Oite at 11,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Whipple at 11,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Australia at 11,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Australia at 11,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Tenryu at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD John D. Edwards at 11,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Asanagi at 11,000 yards
    DD Yunagi engages DD Alden at 11,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Oite at 11,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Mochizuki at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Alden at 11,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD John D. Edwards at 11,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Mutsuki at 11,000 yards
    Range closes to 8,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Australia at 8,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Tatsuta at 8,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Tenryu at 8,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Yunagi at 8,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Asanagi at 8,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Yayoi at 8,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD John D. Edwards at 8,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD John D. Edwards at 8,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD John D. Edwards at 8,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Kisaragi at 8,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Yubari at 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Boise at 10,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Australia at 10,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Yunagi at 10,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Asanagi at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Alden at 10,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD John D. Edwards at 10,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD John D. Edwards at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD John D. Edwards at 10,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Kisaragi at 10,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD John D. Edwards at 10,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Yubari at 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Australia at 10,000 yards
    DD Whipple engages CL Tenryu at 10,000 yards
    DD Yunagi engages DD Edsall at 10,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Edsall at 10,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Mochizuki at 10,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Oite at 10,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Mochizuki at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD John D. Edwards at 10,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Alden at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 8,000 yards
    CL Boise engages CL Tatsuta at 8,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Whipple at 8,000 yards
    DD Yunagi engages DD John D. Edwards at 8,000 yards
    DD Yunagi engages DD Edsall at 8,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Alden at 8,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Whipple at 8,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Alden at 8,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Edsall at 8,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Mutsuki at 8,000 yards
    Dechaineaux, E.F.V. orders Allied TF to disengage
    Range closes to 7,000 yards
    CA Australia engages CL Yubari at 7,000 yards
    CL Boise engages CL Tatsuta at 7,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Yayoi at 7,000 yards
    DD Edsall engages DD Mutsuki at 7,000 yards
    DD Alden engages DD Oite at 7,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD John D. Edwards at 7,000 yards
    DD Whipple engages DD Mochizuki at 7,000 yards
    DD John D. Edwards engages DD Yayoi at 7,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD John D. Edwards at 7,000 yards
    Task forces break off...

    TF 49 encounters mine field at Batavia (49,98)

    Japanese Ships
    CA Tone, Mine hits 1

    Night Naval bombardment of Batavia at 49,98

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Allied aircraft losses
    139WH-3: 54 damaged
    139WH-3: 10 destroyed on ground
    Blenheim IV: 12 damaged
    Blenheim IV: 5 destroyed on ground
    Buffalo I: 13 damaged
    Buffalo I: 3 destroyed on ground
    PBY-5 Catalina: 5 damaged
    PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground
    Blenheim I: 8 damaged
    Blenheim I: 3 destroyed on ground
    Hudson I: 6 damaged
    Hudson I: 2 destroyed on ground
    B-339D: 2 damaged
    B-339D: 2 destroyed on ground

    Japanese Ships
    CA Chikuma
    CA Tone
    DD Shiranui
    DD Isokaze
    DD Kagero
    DD Akigumo

    Allied ground losses:
    278 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
    Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 47 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Guns lost 9 (2 destroyed, 7 disabled)

    Airbase hits 17
    Airbase supply hits 8
    Runway hits 54

    F1M2 Pete acting as spotter for CA Chikuma
    CA Chikuma firing at Batavia
    CA Tone firing at Batavia
    DD Shiranui firing at Batavia
    DD Isokaze firing at Batavia
    DD Kagero firing at Batavia
    DD Akigumo firing at Batavia

    Night Naval bombardment of Batavia at 49,98 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Allied aircraft losses
    B-339D: 2 damaged
    B-339D: 1 destroyed on ground
    139WH-3: 26 damaged
    139WH-3: 6 destroyed on ground
    Buffalo I: 3 damaged
    Buffalo I: 2 destroyed on ground
    Blenheim I: 16 damaged
    Blenheim I: 2 destroyed on ground
    Blenheim IV: 5 damaged
    Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed on ground
    Hudson I: 2 damaged
    Hudson I: 1 destroyed on ground
    PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged
    PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground

    2 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    CL Kiso
    CL Tama
    CL Kuma
    CL Yura
    CL Natori
    CL Isuzu
    CL Naka
    DD Yugao
    DD Hokaze
    DD Yakaze
    DD Okikaze
    DD Hatakaze
    DD Matsukaze
    DD Ayanami
    DD Shikinami
    DD Uranami
    DD Isonami
    DD Nowaki
    DD Amatsukaze
    DD Maikaze

    Allied Ships
    AGP Wega, Shell hits 1, on fire
    AVP Orion, Shell hits 1, on fire

    Allied ground losses:
    18 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Airbase hits 13
    Airbase supply hits 6
    Runway hits 41
    Port hits 1

    CL Kiso firing at Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion firing at CL Kiso
    CL Tama firing at Batavia
    CL Kuma firing at Batavia
    CL Yura firing at Batavia
    CL Natori firing at Batavia
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion firing at CL Isuzu
    CL Naka firing at Batavia
    DD Yugao firing at Batavia
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion firing at DD Hokaze
    DD Hokaze firing at Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
    DD Yakaze firing at Batavia
    DD Okikaze firing at Batavia
    DD Hatakaze firing at Batavia
    DD Matsukaze firing at Batavia
    DD Ayanami firing at Batavia
    DD Shikinami firing at Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion firing at DD Shikinami
    DD Uranami firing at Batavia
    DD Isonami firing at Batavia
    DD Nowaki firing at Batavia
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion firing at DD Amatsukaze
    DD Amatsukaze firing at Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
    DD Maikaze firing at Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion firing at DD Maikaze

    Night Naval bombardment of Batavia at 49,98 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

    Japanese Ships
    DD Yanagi
    DD Karii
    DD Susuki
    DD Hishu
    DD Tsuga

    DD Yanagi firing at Batavia
    DD Karii firing at Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion firing at DD Karii
    DD Susuki firing at Batavia
    DD Hishu firing at Batavia
    DD Tsuga firing at Batavia

    Morning Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 28,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 23

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    23 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet

    Morning Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 28,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 17

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    17 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet

    Morning Air attack on Cagayan , at 79,89

    Weather in hex: Light cloud

    Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G3M2 Nell x 20
    G4M1 Betty x 17

    Japanese aircraft losses
    G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged

    Airbase hits 14
    Airbase supply hits 7
    Runway hits 55

    Aircraft Attacking:
    20 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
    11 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
    4 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
    2 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Cagayan , at 79,89

    Weather in hex: Light cloud

    Raid spotted at 1 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 0 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 9

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    No Japanese losses

    Allied aircraft losses
    B-17D Fortress: 1 damaged

    Airbase hits 2
    Airbase supply hits 1
    Runway hits 5

    Aircraft Attacking:
    9 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Manila Bay Defenses , at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 24 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-27b Nate x 59

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-27b Nate: 4 damaged

    Aircraft Attacking:
    11 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
    2 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
    6 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
    40 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking Subic Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Subic Bay Defenses ...

    Morning Air attack on Manila Bay Defenses , at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-27b Nate x 9

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-27b Nate: 1 damaged

    Aircraft Attacking:
    9 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 30,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 2

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    2 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet

    Morning Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 27,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 11

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    8 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet
    3 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet

    Morning Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 27,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 16

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    8 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet
    8 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet

    Morning Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 36
    B5N1 Kate x 28
    B5N2 Kate x 42
    D3A1 Val x 106

    Japanese aircraft losses
    B5N2 Kate: 4 damaged
    D3A1 Val: 15 damaged
    D3A1 Val: 2 destroyed by flak

    Allied Ships
    AMc Salak, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AMc Endeh, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AG Deneb, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
    AMc MMS B, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AGP Aldebaran, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AVP Orion, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
    AGP Wega, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
    AMc Digoel, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AMc Lawoe, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AVP Merel, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
    PC Tydeman, Bomb hits 4, and is sunk
    AMc MMS A, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AMc MMS D, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AMc MMS C, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
    AMc Djampea, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk

    Port hits 18
    Port fuel hits 2
    Port supply hits 1

    Aircraft Attacking:
    8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    9 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
    Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
    12 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    9 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
    Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb
    6 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    10 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
    Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb
    6 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    25 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
    Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb
    2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    17 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
    Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb
    8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    10 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    11 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    17 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    6 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Massive explosion on AGP Aldebaran

    Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 86,47 , near Sinyang

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-Ic Sally x 49
    Ki-30 Ann x 8
    Ki-48-Ib Lily x 25
    Ki-51 Sonia x 6

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    252 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 25 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    19 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    8 x Ki-30 Ann bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    9 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    21 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    25 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
    6 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...

    Morning Air attack on Subic Bay Defenses , at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-30 Ann x 53
    Ki-32 Mary x 3
    Ki-48-Ib Lily x 3

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-30 Ann: 4 damaged
    Ki-30 Ann: 1 destroyed by flak
    Ki-32 Mary: 1 damaged
    Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged

    Aircraft Attacking:
    22 x Ki-30 Ann bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    30 x Ki-30 Ann bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    3 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 3000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 100 kg GP Bomb
    3 x Ki-32 Mary bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking 2nd PA Constabulary Division ...
    Also attacking Subic Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking 31st Infantry Regiment ...
    Also attacking Subic Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Subic Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking 2nd PA Constabulary Division ...
    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Subic Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking 2nd PA Constabulary Division ...
    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...

    Morning Air attack on 29th Chinese Corps, at 86,47 , near Sinyang

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-32 Mary x 24

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    23 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    24 x Ki-32 Mary bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 85th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 29th Chinese Corps ...

    Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-30 Ann x 25

    Allied aircraft
    Buffalo I x 1

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-30 Ann: 9 damaged
    Ki-30 Ann: 1 destroyed by flak

    No Allied losses

    Airbase hits 1

    Aircraft Attacking:
    24 x Ki-30 Ann bombing from 12000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    CAP engaged:
    No.243 Sqn RAF Det with Buffalo I (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
    1 plane(s) intercepting now.
    Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
    Raid is overhead

    Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 86,47 , near Sinyang

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-Ic Sally x 13

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    35 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    13 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 2nd PA Constabulary Division, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 60 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 17 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-IIa Sally x 11

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    11 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 7000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking 4th Marine Regiment ...
    Also attacking 2nd PA Constabulary Division ...

    Morning Air attack on Manila Bay Defenses , at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-32 Mary x 9
    Ki-48-Ib Lily x 8

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged

    Allied ground losses:
    6 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    8 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 3000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 100 kg GP Bomb
    9 x Ki-32 Mary bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking Subic Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking Subic Bay Defenses ...

    Morning Air attack on Babeldaob , at 90,97

    Weather in hex: Partial cloud

    Raid spotted at 34 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

    Allied aircraft
    B-17D Fortress x 6

    Allied aircraft losses
    B-17D Fortress: 4 damaged

    Port hits 1
    Port supply hits 1

    Aircraft Attacking:
    3 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 5000 feet *
    Port Attack: 4 x 500 lb GP Bomb
    3 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 5000 feet *
    Port Attack: 4 x 500 lb GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 29,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 16

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    16 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet

    Afternoon Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Clear sky

    Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 36
    B5N2 Kate x 42

    Japanese aircraft losses
    B5N2 Kate: 4 damaged

    Port hits 2
    Port fuel hits 1

    Aircraft Attacking:
    17 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
    Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
    25 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
    Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb

    Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Gasmata at 105,130

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 1 minutes

    Allied aircraft
    Hudson I x 2

    No Allied losses

    Japanese Ships
    CL Tatsuta

    Aircraft Attacking:
    2 x Hudson I bombing from 5000 feet *
    Naval Attack: 2 x 250 lb SAP Bomb


    Ground combat at 86,47 (near Sinyang)

    Japanese Shock attack

    Attacking force 11390 troops, 102 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 373

    Defending force 16638 troops, 76 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 530

    Japanese adjusted assault: 257

    Allied adjusted defense: 81

    Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1

    Combat modifiers
    Defender: leaders(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
    Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), fatigue(-)

    Japanese ground losses:
    355 casualties reported
    Squads: 1 destroyed, 54 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled

    Allied ground losses:
    6986 casualties reported
    Squads: 128 destroyed, 49 disabled
    Non Combat: 206 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Engineers: 10 destroyed, 12 disabled
    Guns lost 16 (14 destroyed, 2 disabled)
    Units retreated 2

    Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

    Assaulting units:
    116th Division

    Defending units:
    29th Chinese Corps
    85th Chinese Corps
    31st Group Army


    Ground combat at Bataan (78,77)

    Japanese Bombardment attack

    Attacking force 2114 troops, 170 guns, 134 vehicles, Assault Value = 925

    Defending force 20445 troops, 455 guns, 272 vehicles, Assault Value = 482

    Japanese ground losses:
    Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)

    Allied ground losses:
    132 casualties reported
    Squads: 10 destroyed, 6 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)

    Assaulting units:
    4th Tank Regiment
    21st Division
    65th Brigade
    2nd Tank Regiment
    48th Division
    7th Tank Regiment
    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
    8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
    9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
    3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment

    Defending units:
    57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
    21st PA Infantry Division
    4th Marine Regiment
    91st PA Infantry Division
    Manila Bay Defenses
    45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
    31st Infantry Regiment
    192nd Tank Battalion
    26th PS Cavalry Regiment
    194th Tank Battalion
    31st PA Infantry Division
    14th PS Engineer Regiment
    2nd PA Constabulary Division
    Clark Field USAAF Base Force
    88th PS Field Artillery Regiment
    Provisional GMC Grp
    200th & 515th Coast AA Regiment
    Bataan USN Base Force
    803rd Engineer Aviation Battalion
    201st PA Construction Battalion
    Subic Bay Defenses
    202nd PA Construction Battalion
    I Philippine Corps
    301st PA Field Artillery Regiment


    Ground combat at Puerto Princesa (73,83)

    Japanese Shock attack

    Attacking force 1478 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 61

    Defending force 141 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3

    Japanese adjusted assault: 54

    Allied adjusted defense: 1

    Japanese assault odds: 54 to 1 (fort level 0)

    Japanese forces CAPTURE Puerto Princesa !!!

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Allied aircraft losses
    OS2U-3 Kingfisher: 3 destroyed

    Combat modifiers
    Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), morale(-), experience(-)
    Attacker: shock(+), leaders(-)

    Allied ground losses:
    204 casualties reported
    Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Units destroyed 1

    Assaulting units:
    Sasebo 1st SNLF

    Defending units:
    2nd PI Base Force


    Ground combat at Rabaul (106,125)

    Allied Bombardment attack

    Attacking force 1104 troops, 19 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 42

    Defending force 3656 troops, 42 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 143

    Assaulting units:
    Lark Battalion
    B Coy/NG Rifles
    Rabaul Det. Base Force

    Defending units:
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
    Maizuru 1st SNLF
    Maizuru 2nd SNLF
    51st Naval Guard Unit

  8. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018

    Non e' che uno colpisce con una bomba l'Oi o il Kitakami e deve aspettarsi esplodano.

    Il gioco credo che consideri tot item come "sensibili" e da' loro una probabilita' di far fare il botto alla nave. Ora, visto che i due CL hanno un fracco di long lance in coperta (40 ciascuno... 20 per lato), la probabilita' che esplodano e' rimarchevole.
    Molte navi imperiali affondarono proprio per i long lance in coperta e credo diano una buona probabilita' di far esplodere la nave causa colpo critico. Se ne hai ben 40 sul ponte... Hai 40 lanci di dado al riguardo (per dire, non so come sia il codice esattamente) e quindi ci sta facciano kaboom.

    Tant'e' che contro il danese il CL Oi mi esplose per una singola bomba da 500Kg sul ponte lanciata da un Banshee. Plausibilmente il tipo di lancio della bomba conta. Mi spiego: una bomba in LowN non credo faccia fare il botto con tanta probabilita' quanto una lanciata da un dive bomber, visto che la prima si schianta generalmente sulle fiancate ma la seconda invece colpisce la nave da sopra.
    E' come con le CV, dove le bombe in LowN colpiscono i fianchi e fanno magari floating damage, ma non sfasciano il ponte, mentre i DB sfondano il ponte.

    Come per ogni altra cosa, gli alleati possono tranquillmanete non curarsi della cosa visto che e' una delle infinite sequele di robe malfunzionanti per il solo lato imperiale (storicamente appropriato eh).

    In compenso gli alleati soffrono tanto quanto gli imperiali di esplosioni dei depositi munizioni, cosa comunque relativamente utile.
    Il fatto e' che:
    A) le navi giapponesi sono notoriamente fatte di cartone e tutti bucano ogni cosa
    B) i cannoni alleati avevano un RoF molto alto e credo questo sia modellato in qualche modo indiretto nel gioco. Il che implica che, posto tutti buchino tutto, i cannoni imperiali sparano meno e hanno meno possibilita' di fare un colpo critico ai depositi di munizioni nemici
    C) un magazine explosion e' generalmente sufficiente a far affondare ogni nave, ma ci sta restino a galla: quelle alleate hanno controllo danni sufficiente e quelle imperiali no, quindi... L'abbiamo gia' capito.

    @kaiser85 mi ha affondato il CA Kumano con un colpo da 15" al deposito munizioni da parte della POW. Un estratto del combat report:
    Maximum visibility in Clear Conditions and 67% moonlight: 12,000 yards
    Range closes to 15,000 yards...
    CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 15,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards...
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 9,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 9,000 yards
    Range closes to 3,000 yards
    CA Kumano engages BB Prince of Wales at 3,000 yards
    Magazine explodes on CA Kumano
    CA Kumano sunk by BB Prince of Wales at 4,000 yards

    Il buon Kumano si e' beccato un colpo in coperta che ha fatto pochi danni di sicuro e un secondo colpo, letale.
    Nulla da fare per i poveretti a bordo, tutti morti.

    In compenso, io ho steccato diverse navi alleate nello stesso modo. Specie i CL olandesi delle DEI sono proni a fare il botto (non mi domandate il perche') e le navi della RN (ari-non mi domandate il perche').
    Le TF americane incentrate su CA/CL/DD sono al solito invulnerabili quindi c'e' poco da fare: ingaggio in notturna in superiorita' numerica e qualitativa una TF di incrociatori alleati con presumibilmente poche ammo e perdo il CL Yubari.
    Non che serva ad un cazzo lo Yubari, e' una specie di grande DD fondamentalmente, ma tant'e'...
  9. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    se il gioco tiene conto anche di questi dettagli, accidenti, stupisce sempre di più!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018
    Tiene conto. Se me lo chiedi, l'idea che mi sono fatto è che il gioco "legga" i millemila siluri come depositi munizioni senza armatura. Il che implica che un critico e annessa esplosione e affondamento è molto più probabile.

    Però oh nessuno, salvo Alfred, ha mai avuto accesso ai codici del gioco. Quindi non so dire di preciso.
  11. ex wolf

    ex wolf

    18 Novembre 2020
    Casale Monferrato
    Non potrebbe essere che nei test di sopravvivenza che nei giochi fisici si fanno con tabelle varie e tiri di dado certe navi abbiano maggiori penalizzazioni calcolate dal programma ?
    Quando fai la battaglia dello stretto di Danimarca tanto per fare un esempio la Hood alla massima distanza se colpita ha moltissime possibilità di esplodere, come successe, mentre la PoW no
    • Like Like x 1
  12. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018
    Non sono sicuro di aver capito quel che intendi.

    Credo che il programma risolva in modo semplice ma elegante il problema dei long lance rendendoli come magazzini ammo con zero blindatura. Quindi, se te hai mettiamo il CA Tone con tot magazzini con tot protezione, non puoi ricevere colpi critici da mettiamo un cannone di un DD da 127mm. Pero' il buon Tone ha anche i cari vecchi long lance e quindi, sebbene protetto dal botto al magazzino, non lo e' da un colpo sui siluri.
    A cio' aggiungi che credo conti moltissimo il tipo di attacco. Detto in soldoni, non credo che il gioco consideri la parabola dei colpi d'artiglieria navale tout court, ma credo ad una certa distanza (quanto? Boh) i colpi passano dall'arrivare sul top armor all'arrivare sul side armor. Mentre le bombe arrivano tutte sul top armor in caso di bombardamenti normali o dive bombing. Lo skip bombing le fa arrivare sulle fiancate.
    E' uno dei motivi per cui lo skip bombing fa cacare contro navi serie tipo le BB: colpisce i fianchi. Invece e' letale contro i mercantili perche', non essendo protetti, sfonda le fiancate e crea falle giganti.
    Ora, ci sta benissimo che i colpi sui fianchi non facciano fare il botto ai long lance e solo quelli "da sopra" li facciano esplodere, ma qui son dettagli di codice totalmente impossibili da capire e sapere.

    Personalmente ho l'idea che qualunque cosa "da sopra" abbia possibilita' di far fare il botto ai long lance, probabilita' adjusted a seconda del numero di siluri in coperta. I colpi ai fianchi invece non fanno esplodere i suddetti siluri a quanto ne so.

    Io uso estensivamente l'armamentario giappo per gli scontri notturni e devo dire che non mi e' mai saltata una nave a casaccio (un 120mm che buca la blindatura di un CA e fa saltare tutto quanto) ma mi son saltate per aria navi coi dive bombers e anche level bombers a causa di magazine explosions varie.
    La mia deduzione e' che i long lance facciano fare il botto alle mie care navi quando qualcosa le becca "da sopra".

    In generale il 90% degli scontri navali e' in notturna a brevi distanze e quindi le navi saltano per aria dato che chiunque buca la blindatura di chiunque, ma devo dire che non ho notato un delta negli affondamenti ricevuti a seconda dei long lance portati a bordo.
    Con la roba che arriva "da sopra", invece, ho notato un delta gigantesco. Piu' siluri porta un DD o, in questo caso, un CL o un CA e piu' e' probabile che faccia la mega esplosione anche con una singola bomba ridicola.
    In compenso, non me ne curo piu' di tanto visto che il rischio c'e' sempre e non e' che lo si puo' evitare.

    Nello specifico del match ho sbagliato io riguardo a Oi e Kitakami perche' li ho tenuti in riserva nelle DEI per fronteggiare la Force Z, Force Z che pero' ho affondato al turno 3 e quindi non erano piu' necessari da mo' e avrei dovuto ridispiegarli nel Pacifico dove gironzolano i soliti incrociatori alleati.
    Non li ho esposti nelle DEI anche appunto per evitare il classico bomber olandese che piazza una bomba ogni morte di papa ma la va proprio a piazzare sui long lance e fa far loro il botto. Dato che non ho una copertura aerea decorosa nel settore e non mi curo di averla, ho preferito evitare rischi, aspettando a dispiegarli vicino al fronte.
    Oi e Kitakami tirano una bordata da 40 long lance e possono virare tirandone altri 40. Ad una tipica distanza di ingaggio notturno di 4,000yards non e' il massimo per chi e' dall'altro lato ricevere 80 long lance sul groppone. Specie se ci sono bersagli grossi e poco manovrieri come POW e Reuplse.

    Il mio impiego preferito di Oi e Kitakami e' in notturna contro le povere TF Bomb alleate, specie se ci sono le vecchie BB di PH che sono grosse e lente e affondano facilissimamente. I DD e soci le incendiano a cannonate e Oi e Kitakami tirano millemila siluri. Se ho la sorpresa iniziale, poi, gli amiconi di la' non ci possono fare proprio un cazzo e vengono massacrati.
    Il dramma e' semmai che sia Oi che Kitakami sono fragilini ed hanno un upgrade nel '42 che toglie loro i siluri quindi se vuoi tenerli coi siluri li devi far arrivare fino a fine guerra senza radar e con pochissima AA dato che non puoi far far loro upgrade.
    A me piace la coppia Oi/Kitakami (CL) + Fubuki (DD). I Fubuki sono spendibili e quindi vale la pena usarli in modo decisamente rischioso per far incendiare le navi nemiche in notturna e per consentire ai due CL di avere il tiro dei long lance sulle navi nemiche.
    Una validissima alternativa e' usare una classe qualunque di DD moderni imperiali che portano 8 long lance e tirare una serie di mega-salve contro il nemico cosi da affondare ogni cosa. Il limite qui e' che i DD moderni sono pochi e richiestissimi da altre TF importanti (CA e CV).

    Considera infine che io gioco in modo particolare. La mia guerra navale e' incentrata su CA e CV. Le BB le uso ogni turno, ma in bombardamento. Non scorto nemmeno la KB con TF serie di superficie nel 99% dei casi, solo in previsione di scontri aeronavali (per via della AA, della posibilita' di dover proteggere la TF al day-2 o per la possibile necessita' di 'finire' naviglio nemico al day-2).
    Inoltre le mie TF sono tendenzialmente aggiustate per classi di navi, anche se inizialmente e' dura. Io non mescolo MAI MAI MAI MAI MAI CL/CA/BB se non per i bombardamenti e tengo le classi il piu' possibile unite (p.ex. i Tone-Class assieme, i Fubuki assieme etcetc).

    Raramente ho perso scontri navali importanti, mi viene giusto in mente una battaglia a Socotra a meta' '43 contro Stefano dove ci rimisi la Hiei (credo), divorata dalle fiamme causate dai 155mm dei CL alleati e degli ingestibili Fletcher.
  13. cohimbra


    10 Marzo 2015
    Oi e Kitakami le aggiornai...grosso errore a parer mio. Tanto ASW e AA jappo nel late game sulle navi sono inutili, meglio giocarsi i 40 siluri in uno scontro one shot. Ergo: NO upgrade.

    Tenere naviglio riunito per tipo/classe è la via. Stesso range di ingaggio stessa velocità stesaa endurance.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018
    Anche io le aggiornai contro Stefano e me ne pentii.
    Sei te lo specialista upgrade vari delle navi imperiali, ma concordo in toto. La ASW la fai coi millemila FP e con le E buone (alcune hanno le DC scarse ma io accelero sempre quelle con le DC violente).
    Sulla AA giappo stendiamo un velo pietoso che è meglio. Totalmente inutile. Così inutile che io non faccio upgrade=on alle poche LCU che hanno 2x40mm all'inizio e poi convertono alle 25mm. Ci sono un paio di BF, IJAAF bn e mi pare lo Shangai SNLF in Cina che partono con le 2x40mm.

    Quando gli alleati si lamentano mi vien da ridere io che son qui a contare i fake-bofors (son 40mm ma non sono i bofors veri, son tipo copie cinesi) sulle punta delle dita.

    In compenso sono un grande specialista delle conversioni navali più losche.

    La conversione più losca di tutte sono le BB-CV che feci e amai alla follia. Non perché fossero efficaci, ma proprio per l'assenza di logica e utilità di tale lunghissima conversione.
    Magnifica. Veramente un peccato ora sia @blizzard a goderne i frutti.

    Anche i 6 CL Nagara che cerco di disbandare subito a Hiroshima in attesa del 01 Gennaio 1944 sono rimarchevoli. Diventano CLAA... Sì sì....

    No parliamone.

    E non parliamo dell'upgrade delle CV quando montano i razzi... Uno degli upgrade più dubbi disponibili, forse il più dubbio di tutti.

    Te che esperienze hai avuto in materia? Cioè: ha fatto meno o più ridere avere i razzi a bordo (escludo una qualunque utilità di essi)?

    Anni che lo dico.

    Anni che i miei alleati fanno diversamente.

    Anni che affondo loro tutto.


    Io guardo sopratutto all'endurance dei DD per le CV visto che uso estensivamente il full speed. Per il resto: CA+DD con tanti siluri e BB con quel che avanza (fanno solo bombardamento da me).
    Guardo poco punto i valori bruti di AA o simili tanto non conta nulla. C'è da guardare i device montati e possibilmente anche dove.
  15. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018


    ASW attack near Izu Oshima at 113,62

    Japanese Ships
    AKE Dakar Maru
    AKE Taketoyo Maru
    PB Yamahagi Maru #3

    Allied Ships
    SS Cuttlefish

    SS Cuttlefish is sighted by escort
    PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fails to find sub, continues to search...
    PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fails to find sub, continues to search...
    PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fails to find sub, continues to search...
    PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fails to find sub, continues to search...
    PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fails to find sub, continues to search...
    Escort abandons search for sub

    ASW attack near Hachinohe at 120,58

    Japanese Ships
    xAKL Tatsumi Maru
    xAKL Isshin Maru
    PB Fumi Maru

    Allied Ships
    SS Tautog

    SS Tautog is sighted by escort
    PB Fumi Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
    PB Fumi Maru attacking submerged sub ....
    PB Fumi Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
    PB Fumi Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
    PB Fumi Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
    Escort abandons search for sub

    TF 37 encounters mine field at Bataan (78,77)

    Japanese Ships
    DD Nenohi, Mine hits 1, on fire
    DD Harusame, Mine hits 1, heavy damage

    TF 44 encounters mine field at Bataan (78,77)

    Japanese Ships
    CA Mogami, Mine hits 1
    CA Aoba, Mine hits 1
    DD Hakaze, Mine hits 1

    Night Naval bombardment of Bataan at 78,77 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

    12 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    BB Kirishima, Shell hits 1
    BB Hiei
    BB Haruna
    BB Kongo
    DD Natsugumo
    DD Michishio
    DD Oshio
    DD Arashi
    DD Hayashio

    Allied ground losses:
    38 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Airbase hits 1
    Airbase supply hits 1
    Runway hits 8
    Port hits 2

    Manila Bay Defenses firing at BB Kirishima
    BB Kirishima firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    BB Hiei firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at BB Hiei
    E8N2 Dave acting as spotter for BB Haruna
    BB Haruna firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    BB Kongo firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Natsugumo firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at DD Natsugumo
    DD Michishio firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at DD Michishio
    DD Oshio firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at DD Oshio
    DD Arashi firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Hayashio firing at Bataan

    Night Naval bombardment of Bataan at 78,77 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Allied aircraft losses
    PBY-4 Catalina: 2 damaged

    5 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    BB Hyuga
    BB Ise
    BB Yamashiro
    BB Fuso
    BB Mutsu
    BB Nagato
    DD Hatsushima
    DD Samidare
    DD Yudachi
    DD Asagumo
    DD Natsushio

    Allied ground losses:
    399 casualties reported
    Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
    Non Combat: 26 destroyed, 37 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
    Guns lost 10 (5 destroyed, 5 disabled)
    Vehicles lost 12 (8 destroyed, 4 disabled)

    Airbase hits 7
    Airbase supply hits 3
    Runway hits 27
    Port hits 4
    Port fuel hits 2
    Port supply hits 5

    BB Hyuga firing at 2nd PA Constabulary Division
    BB Ise firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at BB Ise
    E8N2 Dave acting as spotter for BB Yamashiro
    BB Yamashiro firing at Bataan
    BB Fuso firing at Bataan
    BB Mutsu firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at BB Mutsu
    BB Nagato firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at BB Nagato
    DD Hatsushima firing at Bataan
    DD Samidare firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at DD Samidare
    DD Yudachi firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Asagumo firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Natsushio firing at Manila Bay Defenses

    Night Naval bombardment of Bataan at 78,77 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

    13 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    CA Kako
    CA Furutaka
    CA Kinugasa
    CA Aoba
    CA Mikuma
    CA Ashigara
    CA Haguro
    CA Myoko
    CA Chokai
    CA Maya
    DD Kiku
    DD Kuri
    DD Sawakaze
    DD Harukaze
    DD Kamikaze
    DD Yuzuki
    DD Nagatsuki
    DD Kikuzuki
    DD Fumizuki
    DD Minazuki
    DD Satsuki
    DD Uzuki
    DD Oboro

    Manila Bay Defenses firing at CA Kako
    CA Kako firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    CA Furutaka firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at CA Furutaka
    CA Kinugasa firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at CA Kinugasa
    CA Aoba firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    CA Mikuma firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    Manila Bay Defenses firing at CA Mikuma
    CA Ashigara firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    CA Haguro firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    CA Myoko firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    CA Chokai firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    CA Maya firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Kiku firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Kuri firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Sawakaze firing at Bataan
    DD Harukaze firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Kamikaze firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Yuzuki firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Nagatsuki firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Kikuzuki firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Fumizuki firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Minazuki firing at Bataan
    DD Satsuki firing at Bataan
    DD Uzuki firing at Manila Bay Defenses
    DD Oboro firing at Manila Bay Defenses

    Pre-Invasion action off Rabaul (106,125)
    Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

    13 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    PB Kaikei Maru
    PB Hakkaisan Maru
    PB Fukui Maru

    PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
    PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
    PB Fukui Maru fired at enemy troops

    Amphibious Assault at Rabaul (106,125)

    TF 8 troops unloading over beach at Rabaul, 106,125

    Amphibious Assault at Kota Bharu (51,75)

    TF 144 troops unloading over beach at Kota Bharu, 51,75

    Invasion Support action off Rabaul (106,125)
    Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

    11 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    PB Kaikei Maru
    PB Hakkaisan Maru
    PB Fukui Maru

    PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
    PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
    PB Fukui Maru fired at enemy troops

    Morning Air attack on 2nd PA Constabulary Division, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G3M2 Nell x 24
    G4M1 Betty x 6

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    6 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    24 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 7000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
    3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 7000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
    3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 7000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 192nd Tank Battalion ...
    Also attacking 4th Marine Regiment ...
    Also attacking 194th Tank Battalion ...
    Also attacking 2nd PA Constabulary Division ...
    Also attacking 192nd Tank Battalion ...
    Also attacking 2nd PA Constabulary Division ...

    Morning Air attack on 4th Marine Regiment, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 57 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 19 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 9

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    9 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 7000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 23 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-27b Nate x 11

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-27b Nate: 2 damaged

    Aircraft Attacking:
    11 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking 45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team ...

    Morning Air attack on 45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 58 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 18 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-27b Nate x 17

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-27b Nate: 1 damaged

    Aircraft Attacking:
    11 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
    6 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 31st PA Infantry Division ...
    Also attacking 45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team ...
    Also attacking 31st PA Infantry Division ...

    Morning Air attack on Manila Bay Defenses , at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 27 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 12

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    12 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 7000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 30th Chinese Corps, at 86,48 (Sinyang)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-Ic Sally x 34
    Ki-30 Ann x 8
    Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10
    Ki-51 Sonia x 6

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    188 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
    Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 19 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    22 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    8 x Ki-30 Ann bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    9 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    10 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
    6 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 50 kg GP Bomb
    3 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 3rd Group Army ...
    Also attacking 30th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 3rd Group Army ...
    Also attacking 30th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 3rd Group Army ...
    Also attacking 30th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 3rd Group Army ...
    Also attacking 30th Chinese Corps ...

    Morning Air attack on 31st Infantry Regiment, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-30 Ann x 25
    Ki-32 Mary x 3
    Ki-48-Ib Lily x 2

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-30 Ann: 5 damaged

    Allied ground losses:
    14 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    22 x Ki-30 Ann bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    2 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 3000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 100 kg GP Bomb
    3 x Ki-32 Mary bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    3 x Ki-30 Ann bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 2nd PA Constabulary Division ...
    Also attacking 26th PS Cavalry Regiment ...
    Also attacking 88th PS Field Artillery Regiment ...
    Also attacking Manila Bay Defenses ...
    Also attacking 31st Infantry Regiment ...
    Also attacking 88th PS Field Artillery Regiment ...
    Also attacking 31st Infantry Regiment ...

    Morning Air attack on 31st Infantry Regiment, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 90 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 28 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-27b Nate x 40

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-27b Nate: 1 damaged

    Aircraft Attacking:
    40 x Ki-27b Nate bombing from 15000 feet
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 91st PA Infantry Division ...
    Also attacking 31st Infantry Regiment ...
    Morning Air attack on 91st PA Infantry Division, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 29 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-30 Ann x 26

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    6 casualties reported
    Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    26 x Ki-30 Ann bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team ...
    Also attacking 91st PA Infantry Division ...
    Also attacking 57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team ...
    Also attacking 91st PA Infantry Division ...

    Morning Air attack on 12th Chinese Corps, at 86,48 (Sinyang)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-Ic Sally x 14
    Ki-32 Mary x 21

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    56 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    21 x Ki-32 Mary bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    14 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 30th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 12th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 30th Chinese Corps ...
    Also attacking 12th Chinese Corps ...

    Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53

    Weather in hex: Partial cloud

    Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 38,500 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-44 Tojo x 8

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    8 x Ki-44 Tojo sweeping at 35500 feet

    Morning Air attack on 30th Chinese Corps, at 86,48 (Sinyang)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-Ic Sally x 19
    Ki-48-Ib Lily x 15

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    56 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    19 x Ki-21-Ic Sally bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    15 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 100 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 52 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-IIa Sally x 11

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    21 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    11 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 7000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Also attacking 21st PA Infantry Division ...
    Also attacking 31st Infantry Regiment ...
    Also attacking 57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team ...

    Morning Air attack on 21st PA Infantry Division, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 26 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-48-Ib Lily x 6

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    6 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 3000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 100 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 3rd Group Army, at 86,48 (Sinyang)

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-51 Sonia x 6

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    6 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 4 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 2nd PA Constabulary Division, at 78,77 (Bataan)

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid detected at 27 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-32 Mary x 9

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    9 x Ki-32 Mary bombing from 3000 feet
    Ground Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Afternoon Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Overcast

    Raid spotted at 47 NM, estimated altitude 29,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 18

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    18 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 25000 feet

    Afternoon Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98

    Weather in hex: Overcast

    Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 36
    B5N1 Kate x 31
    B5N2 Kate x 63
    D3A1 Val x 75

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    B5N1 Kate: 1 damaged
    B5N2 Kate: 4 damaged
    D3A1 Val: 4 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    139WH-3: 21 damaged
    139WH-3: 7 destroyed on ground
    B-339D: 6 damaged
    Hudson I: 9 damaged
    Hudson I: 2 destroyed on ground
    Blenheim I: 2 damaged
    Blenheim I: 1 destroyed on ground
    Blenheim IV: 4 damaged
    Buffalo I: 12 damaged
    Buffalo I: 1 destroyed on ground

    Allied ground losses:
    5 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Airbase hits 4
    Airbase supply hits 2
    Runway hits 23

    Aircraft Attacking:
    10 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    10 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    11 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    13 x D3A1 Val bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    27 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    18 x D3A1 Val bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    18 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    18 x D3A1 Val bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    18 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    26 x D3A1 Val bombing from 16000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    Afternoon Air attack on Kuching , at 58,88

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 15

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    No Japanese losses

    Allied aircraft losses
    Vildebeest III: 1 damaged
    Vildebeest III: 2 destroyed on ground

    Airbase hits 7
    Airbase supply hits 2
    Runway hits 29

    Aircraft Attacking:
    15 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Afternoon Air attack on Kuching , at 58,88

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 4,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G3M2 Nell x 14

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    G3M2 Nell: 5 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    Vildebeest III: 1 damaged
    Vildebeest III: 1 destroyed on ground

    Airbase hits 4
    Runway hits 4

    Aircraft Attacking:
    14 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 3000 feet *
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Afternoon Air attack on Kuching , at 58,88

    Weather in hex: Light rain

    Raid spotted at 3 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 0 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 16

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    Vildebeest III: 3 damaged
    Vildebeest III: 1 destroyed on ground

    Airbase hits 2
    Airbase supply hits 1
    Runway hits 12

    Aircraft Attacking:
    16 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Invasion Support action off Rabaul (106,125)
    Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

    5 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    PB Kaikei Maru
    PB Hakkaisan Maru
    PB Fukui Maru

    PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
    PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
    PB Fukui Maru fired at enemy troops


    Ground combat at 86,47 (near Sinyang)

    Japanese Shock attack

    Attacking force 10882 troops, 102 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 318

    Defending force 900 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1

    Japanese adjusted assault: 240

    Allied adjusted defense: 5

    Japanese assault odds: 48 to 1

    Combat modifiers
    Defender: leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)
    Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), fatigue(-)

    Allied ground losses:
    274 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 22 destroyed, 41 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Assaulting units:
    116th Division

    Defending units:
    31st Group Army

    TYPE03 CHICK.jpg

    Ground combat at Bataan (78,77)

    Japanese Shock attack

    Attacking force 33144 troops, 445 guns, 429 vehicles, Assault Value = 961

    Defending force 19886 troops, 447 guns, 265 vehicles, Assault Value = 461

    Japanese adjusted assault: 665

    Allied adjusted defense: 255

    Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 1)

    Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0

    Combat modifiers
    Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), fatigue(-)
    experience(-), supply(-)
    Attacker: shock(+)

    Japanese ground losses:
    960 casualties reported
    Squads: 4 destroyed, 50 disabled
    Non Combat: 10 destroyed, 22 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
    Vehicles lost 84 (50 destroyed, 34 disabled)

    Allied ground losses:
    994 casualties reported
    Squads: 78 destroyed, 38 disabled
    Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 37 disabled
    Engineers: 5 destroyed, 11 disabled
    Guns lost 35 (16 destroyed, 19 disabled)
    Vehicles lost 21 (9 destroyed, 12 disabled)
    Units destroyed 1

    Assaulting units:
    2nd Tank Regiment
    21st Division
    4th Tank Regiment
    65th Brigade
    48th Division
    7th Tank Regiment
    8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
    9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
    3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment

    Defending units:
    57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
    Manila Bay Defenses
    194th Tank Battalion
    14th PS Engineer Regiment
    31st PA Infantry Division
    45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
    91st PA Infantry Division
    4th Marine Regiment
    192nd Tank Battalion
    21st PA Infantry Division
    31st Infantry Regiment
    26th PS Cavalry Regiment
    2nd PA Constabulary Division
    Subic Bay Defenses
    I Philippine Corps
    201st PA Construction Battalion
    Bataan USN Base Force
    803rd Engineer Aviation Battalion
    Provisional GMC Grp
    202nd PA Construction Battalion
    88th PS Field Artillery Regiment
    200th & 515th Coast AA Regiment
    Clark Field USAAF Base Force
    301st PA Field Artillery Regiment
    TYPE03B CHICK.jpg
    Ground combat at Tulagi (114,137)

    Japanese Deliberate attack

    Attacking force 402 troops, 3 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 16

    Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0

    Japanese adjusted assault: 17

    Allied adjusted defense: 1

    Japanese assault odds: 17 to 1 (fort level 0)

    Japanese forces CAPTURE Tulagi !!!

    Combat modifiers

    Assaulting units:
    II/66th Naval Guard Unit


    Ground combat at Rabaul (106,125)

    Allied Bombardment attack

    Attacking force 1109 troops, 19 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 44

    Defending force 3685 troops, 42 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 147

    Assaulting units:
    Lark Battalion
    B Coy/NG Rifles
    Rabaul Det. Base Force

    Defending units:
    Maizuru 1st SNLF
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
    Maizuru 2nd SNLF
    51st Naval Guard Unit
  16. ex wolf

    ex wolf

    18 Novembre 2020
    Casale Monferrato
    Intendo che questa non è una novità, per i vecchiacci come me, che si sono formati con i board games fisici.
    In cui ci si affronta faccia a faccia consultando una marea di tabelle e si tirano, per determinare gli effetti, dadi in continuazione e i risultati si registrano su fogli che rappresentano la nave stilizzata.
    Ed ho fatto l' esempio classico per chi ha giocato Bismark, della Avalon Hill scomparsa da decenni.
    Il programma, fa proprio questo, lo fa bene, in fretta facendo risparmiare un mucchio di tempo e consentendo dimensioni enormi, ma la dinamica è inconfondibile.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    • Like Like x 1
  18. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018

    Guarda, io credo che WITPAE sia semplicemente perfetto in termini di algoritmi. E' evidente che vi siano delle grossolane imperfezioni (vedi ad esempio il discorso B17 vs KB), ma complessivamente e' perfetto.

    Gli scontri navali sono gestiti in modo estremamente dettagliato e sensato, uguale quelli aerei. Gli scontri terrestri sono oscuri ai piu' per il banale motivo che, a differenza di quelli aerei e navali, anche vedendo il replay ammodo non viene detto nulla.
    Quindi in definitiva servono un fracco di scontri fatti e di conoscenza dei vari dettagli dei TOE e dei devices per capire come funziona. Non ricordo chi disse sul forum qui che e' come imparare la fisica quantistica su un libro scritto in aramaico. Ecco, direi che rende l'idea, ma cio' non toglie che abbia del tutto senso: banalmente, non e' facile (anzi, e' un casino) capire come funziona la faccenda.

    Gli scontri navali, come nella realta', sono sempre un terno al lotto. Gli scontri fino a meta' '43 sono relativamente ok, dopo e' sostanzialmente impossibile per il giapponese fare alcunche': gli alleati sono troppo forti.

    Per me sono due i grandi asset intorno ai quali impernio gli scontri navali: long lance (per i giapponesi) e fletcher (per gli alleati).

    Nel late game gli scontri navali sono tutti one shot per i giapponesi: e' raro qualcuno torni indietro. Inoltre, a causa della combo fletcher+radar-della-madonna-alleati, e' plausibile cercare scontri navali diurni invece che notturni.
    Di notte, a partire dalla fine del '43, sono gli alleati ad essere padroni del mare, cosi come prima della fine del '42 lo sono i giapponesi. In diurna e' un po' diverso e meno random. Inoltre gli scontri in diurna sono tendenzialmente meno sanguinosi di quelli in notturna. Se in notturna le navi ingaggiano per davvero, la battaglia diventa una carneficina visto che la roba esplode dappertutto e a brevi distanze le navi vengono crivellate da colpi tutti penetranti.

    EDIT: quello che intendo sulla violenza delle battaglie notturne, per fare un esempio
    Night Time Surface Combat, near Mersing at 52,82, Range 9,000 Yards

    Japanese aircraft
    no flights

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    E13A1 Jake: 1 destroyed
    E8N2 Dave: 1 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    Walrus II: 1 destroyed

    Japanese Ships
    CA Takao, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
    CA Atago, Shell hits 9, heavy fires
    CA Suzuya, Shell hits 2, on fire
    CA Kumano, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
    DD Kuroshio, Shell hits 1
    DD Oyashio
    DD Hatsukaze
    DD Natsushio
    DD Hayashio
    DD Maikaze
    DD Amatsukaze
    DD Nowaki, Shell hits 1

    Allied Ships
    BB Prince of Wales, Shell hits 42, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk
    BC Repulse, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
    CL Danae, Shell hits 1
    CL Dragon, Shell hits 8, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
    DD Vampire, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
    DD Vendetta
    DD Tenedos, Shell hits 27, and is sunk
  19. ITAK_Linus


    10 Febbraio 2018
    Io ho beccato a bordo 19 colpi, di cui una grande parte di grosso calibro.

    Gli alleati son presi sul groppone 90 colpi di vario calibro e ben 8 siluri a segno, piu' uno ulteriore in uno scontro precedente.
  20. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    giochi contro Tim?

    che sfiga, però!
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