Jagged Alliance 3D - intervista

Discussione in 'Jagged Alliance' iniziata da GyJeX, 14 Marzo 2007.

  1. GyJeX


    6 Dicembre 2005
    santu sezzidu in dommo
  2. Vinnie


    20 Dicembre 2006
    beh, il fatto che ci sia stato un cambiamento di nome al progetto potrebbe pure significare qualcosa.
  3. BadBlackBear


    17 Febbraio 2006
    si, debolezza di produzione
  4. Shadow88


    28 Dicembre 2006
    lo vedo molto approssimativo questo seguito:humm::humm::humm:....vedremo...al momento aspetto solo la 1.13 definitiva...:sbav::sbav:
  5. BadBlackBear


    17 Febbraio 2006

    la versione definitiva c'è già della 113 e viene cmq uppata, e non finirà mai di essere perfezionata, migliorata, ingrandita.
  6. Shadow88


    28 Dicembre 2006
    mi puoi dare un link dove posso scaricare l'ultimissima versione della 1.13? ma nn si diceva anche di una versione italiana di questa 1.13?? grazie mille
  7. GyJeX


    6 Dicembre 2005
    santu sezzidu in dommo
    Le cose stanno così: lo sviluppo della patch 1.13 segue una "road map" che ho già riportato da qualche parte in questo stesso forum, gli obbiettivi base sono stati raggiunti all'80% quindi la patch può dirsi pressochè completata, adesso il team di sviluppo sta lavorando per ottimizzare il tutto, debuggarlo e aggiungere tutta una serie di orpelli e di richieste che i giocatori chiedono di volta in volta. La traduzione in italiano, francese etc sarà' l'ultima cosa proprio per evitare di dover mettere mano alla traduzione ogni volta che viene aggiunto qualcosa di nuovo o aggiustato qualcosa di vecchio... la 1.13 si trova già completamente tradotta in tedesco e russo perchè del team fanno parte coder tedeschi e russi che lavorano direttamente con le versioni tedesche e russe di JA2, purtroppo non c'è nessun coder italiano e comunque JA2 non è mai stato venduto nei negozi già tradotto nella nostra lingua...

    Per utilizzare l'ultima built, ossia quella con le ultimissime aggiunte e correzioni, bisogna seguire una procedura un po' rognosa ma ottimamente desceritta sul forum di riferimento del progetto 1.13, la riporto qui di seguito:

    Installing 1.13 and SVN instructions

    1) Download SVN from tortoise, here (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/)

    2} Install tortoise after you download it.

    3) Install Jagged Alliance 2 ( preferably 1.12 gold edition), it still will work with older versions, but "NOT" work with Wildfire.

    4} Create a blank folder on your desktop. And name it anything you wish, the name dosen't matter to SVN.

    5} Right click the new folder you just created. A menu will popup. At the top of this menu you will see "SVN CHECKOUT" and just below that "TORTOISE SVN". You want to click on "SVN CHECKOUT". That will bring up the URL request. Type this in. "". Now it will ask you for a username nad password. "Username will be "TestUser" note the capital letters. "Password is testreadonly" then check the little box in the corner. Now your 1.13 should be downloading into the folder you created. It will take a while to download, it is approxmately 300 megabytes now.

    6) Now that your finished downloading from the SVN it is time to add those files into your Jagged 2 folder. First open your JA2 directory. Probably be C: program files/jagged alliance 2 gold. Open that folder up. Now squeeze the size of it down a little to make room for you to now open the folder you just downloaded the 1.13 files from SVN. Open that folder up and put both folders side by side so you can view the contents of both folders fairly easily.

    7) Ok, now "MOVE" or drag and drop each inividual file and or folder from the SVN folder you downloaded the files to into the JA2 folder. Let them overwrite everytime it asks you. Just say "YES" or "ALL" to overwrite the older files from the original JA2. The first one you move should be the one called "svn" move that 1st. Then move the other single files. Now move the folder called "DATA" this will take a few minutes because it is fairly big, and just say "ALL" when it stops and asks you if you want to overwrite. Now move the folder called "1.13 DATA", and do the same thing with your overwrite stops. "ALL" to everything.

    8) Now that you have "MOVED" all those files and folders from the folder you created for the SVN download, the folder should now be totally empty. You now have the option of dowloading the 1.13 again if you want a backup and want to keep that up to date with your JA2 folder. You only need to do this if you need to reinstall the game again. It just saves you from having to download it again.

    9) Ok. Close both folders up. Now your back to the desktop. Now you want to see if there is any "UPDATES" available from the SVN. Open your JA2 directory again. Probably this time it will be "My computer, local disk C:, Program files, and then Jagged Alliance 2 Gold. "DON"T"open Jagged Alliance 2 Gold, instead "RIGHT CLICK" the folder. You will again see a menu popup. At the top you will see "SVN UPDATE" then "SVN COMMIT..." and "TORTOISE SVN". You want to choose "SVN UPDATE". It will now go to the URL that you put in at the begginning and automatically check for any updates that the modders have updated. They will download automatically into the appropriate places in your game, you don't have to do anything else there automatically updated. After they update it will give you the latest revision number. You can then view the log or say ok and close the process. That's all there is to it for the updating part. If you want to view only what is available before you update, "RIGHT CLICK" again and go to this time "TORTOISE SVN" there is right arrow there let it open and another bigger menu pops up. Click "VIEW LOG" and you can view all the files that are at the URL without updating.

    10) One last thing. It is a good idea to backup your latest .EXE. To do this just "RIGHT CLICK" the exe called Ja2. "NOT" the one called "Ja2debug" that one is only used for testing the game for bugs. You should never need to use this. Now right click Ja2 and say "COPY", now go to your desktop and right click again and say "PASTE". Now you have a copy sitting there. Right click it and say "RENAME" and I usually reanme it to what the current exe is so if it your running JA2 429.exe then thats what you call it. After you rename it, drag and drop it back into your JA2 folder. What I do now is right click it once again and say "SEND TO" "desktop(create shortcut). Now you have that shortcut on your desktop and you can run the game from there without having to open JA2 folder to run the game.

    That's about all there is to it. Refer to other forum posts for more info.

    Fonte: http://www.ja-galaxy-forum.com/board/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/56723/page/1/fpart/1
  8. Shadow88


    28 Dicembre 2006
    Grazie mille per l'esauriente spiegazione...puntuale come sempre:approved:

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