HOI2 Doomsday mancano avvenimenti

Discussione in 'Hearts of Iron 2' iniziata da imperatore75, 1 Febbraio 2012.

  1. imperatore75


    1 Febbraio 2012
    salve a tutti,da un po' di tempo ho ricomnicato a giocare ad hearts of iron2 doomsday,partendo dal 1936 con l'amata germania mi ritrovo ad non avere piu' avvenimenti come l'annessione dell'austria o la scelta se dividere la cecoslovacchia.
    Qualcuno sa' se per caso come fare per ripristinare questi avvenimenti,ho installato le tre patch che trovato disponibile..aiuto vi prego...saluti e grazie:shy:
  2. Dark_Angel_Of_Sin


    14 Novembre 2006
    hai giocato normalmente? cioè senza troppi stravolgimenti?
    in caso controlla i trigger degli eventi nei relativi file

  3. imperatore75


    1 Febbraio 2012
    le uniche cose che ho fatto sono state:
    alleanza primi mesi con austria- invadere danimarca subito il 1 gennaio 1936-alleanza giappone marzo 1937.....dipende da queste cose???
  4. imperatore75


    1 Febbraio 2012
    # Anschluss of Austria
    event = {
    id = 2020
    random = no
    country = GER
    trigger = {
    exists = AUS
    atwar = no
    NOT = {
    atwar = AUS # Austria is not at war
    alliance = { country = AUS country = SOV }
    alliance = { country = AUS country = ENG }
    alliance = { country = AUS country = GER }
    name = "EVT_2020_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2020_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "anchsluss"
    date = { day = 1 month = march year = 1938 } # Real Date: March 12
    offset = 30
    deathdate = { day = 12 month = march year = 1940 }
    action_a = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2020A" # Press for Anschluss
    ai_chance = 98
    command = { type = trigger which = 2100 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 373 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 377 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 461 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 460 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 462 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 463 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 464 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 465 }
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -5 }
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -5 }
    command = { type = relation which = ITA value = -10 }
    command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -10 }
    command = { type = relation which = HUN value = -5 }
    command = { type = belligerence which = GER value = 5 }
    command = { type = domestic which = democratic value = -1 }
    # command = { type = sleepevent which = 2110 }
    # command = { type = sleepevent which = 2111 }
    # command = { type = sleepevent which = 2112 }
    # command = { type = sleepevent which = 2113 }
    command = { type = trigger which = 51 } # UK Gears up for war
    command = { type = trigger which = 52 } # France Gears up for war
    action_b = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2020B" # Do not create more tension
    ai_chance = 2
    command = { type = relation which = AUS value = 30 }
    command = { type = relation which = HUN value = 5 }
    command = { type = relation which = ITA value = 10 }
    command = { type = belligerence which = GER value = -2 }
    command = { type = dissent value = 5 }
    # command = { type = sleepevent which = 2110 }
    # command = { type = sleepevent which = 2111 }
    # command = { type = sleepevent which = 2112 }
    # command = { type = sleepevent which = 2113 }
    # Anschluss of Austria - Annexation
    event = {
    id = 2001
    random = no
    country = GER
    # Triggered by AUS 2100
    name = "EVT_2001_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2001_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "anchsluss"
    action_a = {
    name = "OK"
    command = { type = inherit which = AUS }
    command = { type = manpowerpool value = 300 }
    command = { type = dissent value = -10 }
    command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = 1 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 544 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 545 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 546 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 547 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 548 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 549 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 550 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 551 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 552 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 553 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 554 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 555 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 556 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 557 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 558 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 559 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 560 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 561 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 562 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 563 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 564 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 565 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 566 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 567 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 568 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 569 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 570 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 571 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 572 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 573 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 574 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 575 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 576 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 577 }
    command = { type = wakeleader which = 578 }
    # Anschluss of Austria - Alliance
    event = {
    id = 2002
    random = no
    country = GER
    # Triggered by AUS 2100
    name = "EVT_2002_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2002_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "Austria_Alliance"
    action_a = {
    name = "OK"
    command = { type = access which = AUS }
    command = { type = set_relation which = AUS value = 100 }
    # The Treaty of Munich
    event = {
    id = 2030
    random = no
    country = GER
    trigger = {
    atwar = no
    exists = CZE
    OR = {
    control = { province = 467 data = CZE }
    control = { province = 466 data = CZE }
    control = { province = 471 data = CZE }
    control = { province = 472 data = CZE }
    NOT = {
    OR = {
    war = { country = CZE country = GER }
    alliance = { country = CZE country = GER }
    # alliance = { country = CZE country = ENG }
    # alliance = { country = CZE country = SOV }
    ispuppet = GER
    puppet = { country = CZE country = GER }
    name = "EVT_2030_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2030_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "Munich"
    date = { day = 29 month = september year = 1938 }
    action_a = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2030A" # Demand Sudetenland!
    ai_chance = 97
    command = { type = trigger which = 2200 } # CZE
    command = { type = addcore which = 467 } # 5 Sudetenland provinces
    command = { type = addcore which = 466 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 471 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 472 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 474 }
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -10 }
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -10 }
    command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -20 }
    command = { type = belligerence which = GER value = 1 }
    command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 3 }
    command = { type = trigger which = 51 } # UK Gears up for war
    command = { type = trigger which = 52 } # France Gears up for war
    command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = 1 }
    action_b = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2030B" # Leave well enough alone
    ai_chance = 3
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 10 }
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 10 }
    command = { type = relation which = CZE value = 20 }
    command = { type = belligerence which = GER value = -2 }
    command = { type = dissent value = 5 }
  5. Dark_Angel_Of_Sin


    14 Novembre 2006
    già.. come vedi nelle prime righe dell'evento dell'anschluss una condizione è che tu NON sia alleato dell'austria.
    per quanto riguarda la cecoslovacchia, l'evento non parte se sei in guerra e, se sei alleato del giappone, dovresti essere in guerra contro i cinesi..

  6. coluicheregna


    18 Luglio 2010
    gli alleati non avrebbero mai permesso ad una germania belligerante di annettersi l'austria...
  7. imperatore75


    1 Febbraio 2012
    Quindi evito l'alleanza con austria,se ho una alleanza con il giappone devo essere in guerra per annettere anche la cecoslovacchia???
  8. imperatore75


    1 Febbraio 2012
    questo e' quello che ho per la cecoslovacchia:

    non vedo nessuna condizione con alleanza giappone o guerra cina
    # The Treaty of Munich - Czechoslovakia refuses claims
    event = {
    id = 2005
    random = no
    country = GER
    # Triggered by CZE 2200
    name = "EVT_2005_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2005_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "Munich"
    action_a = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2005A" # We dare not attack them outright
    ai_chance = 25
    command = { type = dissent value = 5 }
    command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = -2 }
    action_b = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2005B" # What they will not give, we shall take!
    ai_chance = 75
    command = { type = war which = CZE }
    command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 1 }
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -10 }
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -10 }
    command = { type = relation which = USA value = -7 } # changed for 1.3
    command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -5 } # new for 1.3
    command = { type = relation which = POL value = -5 } # new for 1.3
    # The End of Czechoslovakia
    event = {
    id = 2040
    random = no
    country = GER
    trigger = {
    event = 2003 # German event signalling annexation of Sudetenland
    exists = CZE
    NOT = {
    OR = {
    ispuppet = CZE
    exists = SLO
    alliance = { country = CZE country = GER }
    # alliance = { country = CZE country = ENG }
    alliance = { country = CZE country = SOV }
    war = { country = CZE country = GER }
    name = "EVT_2040_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2040_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "czechs_annexed"
    date = { day = 14 month = march year = 1939 }
    offset = 1
    action_a = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2040A" # Install Tiso in Slovakia
    ai_chance = 90
    command = { type = trigger which = 2201 } # CZE
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -80 }
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -80 }
    command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -5 }
    command = { type = relation which = POL value = -10 }
    command = { type = relation which = HUN value = 10 }
    command = { type = relation which = USA value = -3 } # new for 1.3
    command = { type = belligerence which = GER value = 1 }
    command = { type = trigger which = 51 } # UK Gears up for war
    command = { type = trigger which = 52 } # France Gears up for war
    command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 1 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 470 } # The rest of the Czech Republic
    command = { type = addcore which = 468 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 469 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 475 }
    action_b = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2040B" # Partition Czecho-Slovakia with Hungary
    ai_chance = 7
    command = { type = trigger which = 2202 } # CZE
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -100 } # increased for 1.3
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -100 } # increased for 1.3
    command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -10 } # increased for 1.3
    command = { type = relation which = POL value = -15 } # increased for 1.3
    command = { type = relation which = HUN value = 20 }
    command = { type = relation which = USA value = -4 } # new for 1.3
    command = { type = belligerence which = GER value = 2 } # increased for 1.3
    command = { type = belligerence which = HUN value = 2 } # increased for 1.3
    command = { type = trigger which = 51 } # UK Gears up for war
    command = { type = trigger which = 52 } # France Gears up for war
    command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 1 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 470 } # The rest of the Czech Republic
    command = { type = addcore which = 468 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 469 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 475 }
    command = { type = alliance which = HUN }
    action_c = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2040C" # Honor the Munich Agreement
    ai_chance = 3
    command = { type = relation which = CZE value = 30 }
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 20 }
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 20 }
    command = { type = relation which = POL value = 10 }
    command = { type = relation which = HUN value = -10 }
    command = { type = dissent value = 4 } # new for 1.3
    # The End of Czechoslovakia--ahistorical case that HUN does not exist
    event = {
    id = 2041
    random = no
    country = GER
    trigger = {
    event = 2003 # German event signalling annexation of Sudetenland
    exists = CZE
    NOT = { exists = HUN }
    NOT = {
    OR = {
    exists = SLO
    ispuppet = CZE
    alliance = { country = CZE country = GER }
    # alliance = { country = CZE country = ENG }
    alliance = { country = CZE country = SOV }
    war = { country = CZE country = GER }
    name = "EVT_2040_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2040_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "czechs_annexed"
    date = { day = 13 month = march year = 1939 }
    action_a = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2040A" # Install Tiso in Slovakia
    ai_chance = 97
    command = { type = trigger which = 2201 } # CZE
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -80 }
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -80 }
    command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -5 }
    command = { type = relation which = POL value = -5 }
    command = { type = relation which = USA value = -3 } # new for 1.3
    command = { type = belligerence which = GER value = 1 }
    command = { type = trigger which = 51 } # UK Gears up for war
    command = { type = trigger which = 52 } # France Gears up for war
    command = { type = domestic which = interventionism value = 1 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 470 } # The rest of the Czech Republic
    command = { type = addcore which = 468 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 469 }
    command = { type = addcore which = 475 }
    command = { type = sleepevent which = 2040 }
    action_b = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2040C" # Honor the Munich Agreement
    ai_chance = 3
    command = { type = relation which = CZE value = 30 }
    command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 20 }
    command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 20 }
    command = { type = relation which = POL value = 10 }
    command = { type = dissent value = 4 } # new for 1.3
    command = { type = sleepevent which = 2040 }
    # The End of Czechoslovakia - Czechs annexed
    event = {
    id = 2006
    random = no
    country = GER
    # Triggered by CZE 2201
    name = "EVT_2006_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2006_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "czechs_annexed"
    action_a = {
    name = "OK"
    command = { type = dissent value = -10 }
    command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = 1 }
    # new for 1.3
    #command = { type = independence which = SLO value = 1 }
    command = { type = inherit which = CZE }
    command = { type = gain_tech which = 2050 } # Improved Light Tank
    command = { type = gain_tech which = 1240 } # Improved Motorized Division
    command = { type = add_corps which = "Reserve Heeresgruppe Nord" value = land where = 469 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "10. Panzer-Division" value = light_armor when = 2 }
    command = { type = manpowerpool value = -7 } # Manpower for 10. Panzer
    command = { type = trigger which = 2051 } # Puppeted Slovakia
    # Puppeted Slovakia
    event = {
    id = 2051
    random = no
    country = GER

    #Triggered by GER2050

    name = "EVT_2051_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2051_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "slovakia"
    action_a = {
    name = "ACTIONNAME2033A" # Install a Puppet
    command = { type = make_puppet which = SLO }
    command = { type = trigger which = 2300 } # The End of Czechoslovakia
    # The End of Czechoslovakia - Czechs wish a fight!
    event = {
    id = 2007
    random = no
    country = GER
    # Triggered by CZE 2201
    name = "EVT_2007_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2007_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "czechs_fight"
    action_a = {
    name = "OK"
    command = { type = war which = CZE }
    # The End of Czechoslovakia - Czecho-Slovakia partitioned
    event = {
    id = 2011
    random = no
    country = GER
    # Triggered by CZE 2202
    name = "EVT_2011_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2011_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "CZE_Partition"
    action_a = {
    name = "OK"
    command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = 1 }
    # new for 1.3
    command = { type = dissent value = -5 }
    command = { type = gain_tech which = 2050 } # Improved Light Tank
    command = { type = gain_tech which = 1230 } # Basic Motorized Division
    # command = { type = add_corps which = "Reserve Heeresgruppe Nord" value = land where = 469 }
    # command = { type = add_division which = "10. Panzer-Division" value = light_armor when = 2 }
    # command = { type = dissent value = 2 }
    # The End of Czechoslovakia - Czechs fight!
    event = {
    id = 2012
    random = no
    country = GER
    # Triggered by CZE 2202
    name = "EVT_2012_NAME"
    desc = "EVT_2012_DESC"
    style = 0
    picture = "czechs_fight"
    action_a = {
    name = "OK"
    # command = { type = alliance which = HUN }
    command = { type = war which = CZE }
  9. Dark_Angel_Of_Sin


    14 Novembre 2006
    posta l'evento 2200 della cecoslovacchia.. comunque, da quello che mi ricordo, NON devi essere in guerra per farlo scattare.

  10. imperatore75


    1 Febbraio 2012
    scusa la mia ignoranza cosadovrei fare????non trovo la riga 2200
  11. Dark_Angel_Of_Sin


    14 Novembre 2006
    nel file degli eventi della cecoslovacchia cerca il numero 2200

  12. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Nel trigger c'è "atwar = no" per il Trattato di Monaco. Immagino il problema fosse quello, dato che il Giappone di solito è in guerra con la Cina dal Giugno 1937 e se sei alleato del Giappone ovviamente sei in guerra anche tu.
  13. imperatore75


    1 Febbraio 2012
    spagna nazionalista

    nel luglio 1936 si compie la rivoluzione in spagna,chi sa dirmi come aumentare le truppe per la rivolta della spagna fascista????ho provato ad aiutarla mandando aiuti bellici ma non ci sta' trippa per gatti...e' possibile avere come vincitore sicura la spagna fascista???grazie
  14. Dark_Angel_Of_Sin


    14 Novembre 2006
    l'unico modo sicuro per fargliela vincere è giocare con gli alleati od il comintern (legge di murphy) sennò devi usarla tu :D

  15. imperatore75


    1 Febbraio 2012
    adesso in effetti gli avvenimenti ci sono,unica cosa che non capisco...perche' e' impossibile allearsi con l'italia se mi alleo con il giappone??si puo' cambiare qualche settaggio per far si che abbia come alleata l'italia?saluti e grazie
  16. Dark_Angel_Of_Sin


    14 Novembre 2006
    la cosa più semplice è F12 acceptall. comunque penso dipenda dall'IA (quindi dovresti guardare in quei file), prima della campagna francese ho letto che è quasi impossibile allearsi con l'italia..


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