La nuova Patch uscita giorni fa introduce quello che volevamo, la fog of war, personalmente non ho provato, ma ho visto che iniziando una nuova partita si può scegliere la difficoltà tra normale o difficile, e la modalità di gioco, normale o tattica (i nemici vengono visti solo se sono sulla linea visiva dei mercenari). Ho continuato una mia vecchia partita e ho notato con piacere un leggero miglioramento per la gestione della milizia, ora dopo aver liberato il settore, e guardato negli inventari dei caduti, potremo parlare con i miliziani e dargli le armi presenti sui cadaveri ispezionati! inoltre gli si può ordinare dalla mappa strategica di difendere solo un punto o dividersi equamente tra i vari obiettivi, inoltre pagando una determinata somma potremo addestrare i miliziani, anche se attualmente non so cosa cambi, credo sia una migliore IA. Ecco il changelog: V 1.13 Added Features • Added hard difficulty level as option on game start. Modifies enemy strength, income and starting funds. • Added tactical mode as option on game start. - Enemies have to be revealed via line of sight in tactical mode. - Sound sources are marked in tactical view as well as on the minimap • Added two new achievements for tactical mode and higher difficulty. • Added option to level recruited militia up via the location UI on the world map. • Added options to distribute militia via location UI (evenly across all combat zones, focused on a single combat zone) • Added sector inventory, accessible via Character Detail Screen - Always accessible in friendly sectors - Automatically includes all containers that have been opened and all enemy drops that have been spotted by the player - Accessible for militia recruitment and trading with NPCs • Added item exchange via Drag & Drop in Character Details Screen. Illegible mercs are marked red. • Within hostile sectors mercs need to be within 5m distance to be able to exchange items. • Stamina is reduced when returning to the strategic map when squads travelled great distances in the tactical view • Current ammo saved for each weapon, weapons are unloaded when being handed over to militia. • Militia will hand weapons back unloaded to prevent players cheating ammo via the militia equip screen • NPC Traders restock their inventory over time (rules can be modified via characters.txt) • Targeting line indicates best range of weapon and chance to hit via color from green (good) to red (bad) • Camera scrolling possible by moving the cursor to the border of the screen in fullscreen mode • Added Sound FX for melee attacks • Putting away a fire arm for non-combat actions (e.g. heal) will no longer reset the firemode of the weapon • Added scrollbar in mail list window • Added trash can icon to delete mail to mail window Bug Fixes • Fixed some exploits that allowed to duplicate items via item exchange • Fixed bugs in squad selection via list on world map • Fixed regeneration of HP on world map, HP lost due to wounds takes longer to regenerate • Added missing text for Raider’s hiring dialogue • Fixed Blood not liking Magic due to a typo • Fixed MP53 weapon type not being specified • Fixed Deidranna’s sending of troops based on the player’s income becoming less likely • Fixed orientation of 66mm rocket shot from LAW • Fixed issue when player receives several items of the as quest reward and has not enough space in inventory to hold all of them • Fixed crash in tutorial • Fixed several mercs that move as a group changing positions after reaching their destination if one of them with active guard mode receives a new goto order • Fixed guard mode would prevent mercs from letting other mercs pass them • Fixed mail list not being cleared when starting a new game • Fixed item swap to player inventory for stacked items on rightclick and by "loot all"-button • Fixed bug in loner trait • Fixed bug in tough trait • Added slight offset to grenade explosions to prevent explosions inside ground to prevent grenades damage to be reduced by terrain • Changes to terrain to prevent grenades from falling through ground on machines with low frame rates • Fixed explosions not destroying armor correctly Balancing Changes and Tweaks • Added grenade launcher ammo to containers in some locations in the world • Added grenade launcher ammo to the stock of some local traders • Slightly decreased accuracy of snipers when prone • Tweaked enemy attributes to adjust aim time in combat • Tweaked enemy perception to accommodate introduction of Line of Sight • Enemies drop the amount of ammo they have left in their weapon • Enemy area defenders swap random positions to make the game less predictable in tactical mode (interval can be modified via templatesAIdescription.txt) • Reduced chance of friendly fire between enemies • State of tanks is stored outside of levels • Destroyed tanks only respawn if the location still belongs to the enemy after 24 hours • Location of Limited Edition DaHonko Flakes is now randomized • NPC traders item list is sorted by item type • Tweaks and improvements to pathfinding and navmesh calculation, mercs should not slow down in narrow passages anymore • Tweaked damage done to vehicles by explosives making tanks harder to destroy with grenades alone Localization • Polish language files added • Added missing texts for French • Added polish translation for game launcher
La Patch cambia davvero MOLTISSIME cose, e soprattutto, implementa la FOW, fondamentale per questo gioco. Pian piano sta venendo fuori davvero un ottimo prodotto.
Nelle ultimissime versioni hanno aggiunto nuove regole opzionali -I mercenari mangiano e bevono (automaticamente, però ti tocca comprare cibo e trovare acqua potabile) -I mercenari possono essere avvelenati -Le armi si surriscaldano -Le armi si sporcano -Possibile trasportare cadaveri nemici per evitare allarme -Con il trait giusto possibile travestirsi da civili o nemici per passare attraverso le linee, però non si può uccidere nessuno e se si è civili ti sparano a vista nei settori militari. E' necessario uccidere uno a pugni o sgozzarlo per avere il vestito necessario sennò vedono il buco di proiettile o coltello e non vale -Animazione calcio semplice (nemici per terra) -Possibile far arrendere i nemici: lo fanno quando sono in grande minoranza, però bisogna avere una prigione libera. In alternativa i nemici vanno tramortiti e legati -Possibile interrogare i nemici in prigione, non torturarli però, eventualmente i nemici forniscono informazioni o si convertono -Aggiunta attrezzatura da sub: dove c'è molta acqua il mercenario è invisibile al nemico con questa attrezzatura -Possibilità che un nemico ucciso diventi zombi, lo zombi può risorgere quante volte vuole finché ha la testa nella modalità più difficile -Possibilità di costruire barricate
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