Per chi volesse divertirsi a provarli nopausetext - Toggles the pausebanner for nicer screenshots. nextsong - Changes the currently playing soundtrack. date [date in format] - Changes current date time - What time is it? oos - Make the client go oos combatsound - How often does the combat view give a random sound? 0-50 morehumans(humans) [num] - Adds more humans window(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name] - Opens or closes the specified window reload [file name] - Reloads the gui or lua file reloadinterface - Reloads the entire interface reloadfx [Arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename] - Reloads the shader reloadtexture [texture file name] - Reloads the specified texture reloadloc - Reloads the localisation poll - Polls valid Events event [event id] [<Target Country Tag>] - Executes an event die(kill) [<Target Country Tag>] - Kills the monarch of a tag add_heir [<Target Country Tag>] - Adds a heir of a tag kill_heir [<Target Country Tag>] - Kills the heir of a tag siege [<Province ID>] - Wins the siege in the specified province annex [<Target Country Tag>] - Begin annex/annexes the specified tag integrate [<Target Country Tag>] - Begin integrate/integrates the specified tag vassalize [<Target Country Tag>] - Vassalize the specified tag discover [<Target Country Tag>] - Discover capital of target tag winwars - Gives max war score in all wars for the country spritelevel [<Sprite level>] - Sets a forced sprite level. Specify no argument to reset. papvotes - Shows all votes for a cardinal in the tooltip of his name kill_cardinal - Kills the first cardinal in the list clear - Clears the console validateevents - Validates all events without triggering it testevent [<Event ID>] [<Character ID>] - Tests an event without triggering it testmission [<Mission Name>] - Tests a mission without triggering it cash [<Amount>] - Adds gold to the player population [<ProvinceID>] [<Amount>] - Adds population to a province. setmissionaryprogress [<ProvinceID>] [<Amount>] - Sets the missionary progress for a province. manpower [<Amount>] - Adds manpower to player add_natives [<ProvinceID>] [<Amount>] - Add natives to given province add_reformlevel [<Amount>] - Add reform level to the empire add_opinion [<Country tag>] - Add opinion to/from tag add_pi [<Country tag>] - Add papal influence to tag add_pa [<Country tag>] - Add patriach authority to tag add_cb [<casus belli tag>] [<target country tag>] - Add casus belli against target country remove_cb [<casus belli tag>] [<target country tag>] - Remove casus belli from target country tag [<Country tag>] - Switch tag to another country reset_mission_cancel [<Country tag>] - Switch tag to another country remove_defender_faith - Removes the defender of the Faith for the players religion add_missionary [<Country tag>] - Adds a missionary to a country add_colonist [<Country tag>] - Adds a colonist to a country add_interest [<Country tag>] - Add specified country tag to your interest remove_interest [<Country tag>] - Removes specified country tag from your interest add_diplo - Adds diplomatic entroute add_idea_group [<Idea group key>] - Adds the specified idea group power [<stability/tech_table_key/idea_key>] - Adds the specified idea group powerpoints [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get power in all powers adm [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get administrative power dip [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get diplomatic power mil [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get military power piety [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get/Add piety stability [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Increase the stability of your country imperial_authority [] - Increase your Imperial Authority prestige [] - Increase your prestige PrintSynchStuff - Prints random count and seed SetRandomCount - Sets the randomcount to 0 or arg observe(spectator) - Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game fow(debug_fow) [<Province ID> OPTIONAL] - Turns off fog of war in a province or in general collision(debug_collision) - Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision ti(debug_ti) - Toggles Terra Incognita on/off savegame - Creates an savefile. IP - Shows your IP requestgamestate - Requests the gamestate from host nudge - Go to the nudge tool revolt [<Province ID>] - Starts a Revolt in a province pirate [<Province ID>] - Starts a Pirate in a province legitimacy [<AMOUNT>] - Set the legitimacy of the ruler mapmode [Mapmode type (int)] - Change mapmode. fullscreen - Toggles fullscreen score - Score output. balance - Region Balance output. prices - Price Info add_core [<Province ID>] - Add core remove_core [<Province ID>] - Remove core own [<Province ID>] - Change ownership controll [<Province ID>] - Change controller selflearningai - Enables/Disables Self-Learning AI aiview - Toggles additional AI info yesman - Toggles AI positive responses memory - Prints out the used memory msg - Toggles all messages popup helplog - Print out all console commands to game.log file. help [command name] - Print out all console commands or a specific command description. helphelp - Double Rainbow help.
WALL OF TEXT! Turk non riesci a metterli sotto spoiler? Sono utilissimi ma un po' ingombranti allo stato attuale.
Che casino inutile, almeno su VIC2 c'era il trucco per vedere direttamente in-game gli ID delle province.
Salve a tutti!! Volevo sapere come si mettono i trucchi in questo gioco, perchè prima vorrei fare una partita di prova con i trucchi per capire un pò le differenze con eu3, e poi farò una partita seria!! Grazie!!
Inserisci i codici che trovi nella pagina nella console dei comandi. Per aprire la console dei comandi non so se posso aiutarti perchè non tutte le tastiere sono uguali io per esempio premo il tasto "§" ma non tutte le tastiere sono così.
Sulle normali tastiere italiane è necessario premere Shift per scrivere §. Probabilmente è questo che intendeva MacBrian.
A scanso di equivoci, con la tastiera italiana per attivare la consolle bisogna premere Shift + § (più precisamente è il tasto con la "ù")