Rilasciata patch 1.05

Discussione in 'Darkest Hour' iniziata da ^_AC_^, 3 Dicembre 2017.

  1. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    La patch 1.05 è stata rilasciata! Maggiori informazioni tecniche sul forum Paradox:

    Posto qui il Dev Diary 34 relativo alla patch 1.05 completamente tradotto in italiano, la versione originale la trovate qui (tanto la versione inglese l'ho scritta sempre io :D ):

    Ciao a tutti e benvenuti al nuovo Development Diary per Darkest Hour.
    É con sentimenti contrastanti che annunciamo il rilascio della patch 1.05. Ovviamente c'è orgoglio e gioia nel presentare il nostro lavoro ai giocatori. Ma c'è anche un po' di tristezza perché il rilascio della patch sarebbe dovuto avvenire molto tempo fa. Sfortunatamente gli sviluppatori attivi sono sempre meno e alcuni di loro hanno molti compiti urgenti da gestire. Per questi e altri motivi i progressi sono stati molti lenti e non siamo riusciti a completare tutti i compiti che avevamo inizialmente deciso per la patch 1.05.
    Detto questo, la patch è comunque ricca di quella che crediamo sia un impressionante quantità di bug fixes, con qualche nuova feature che speriamo vi piacerà. Ci sono molti piccoli miglioramenti che aiuteranno sia i giocatori che i modder. In generale, la patch 1.05 porterà sicuramente un'esperienza di gioco migliorata per Darkest Hour. Di seguito una breve panoramica dei cambiamenti più importanti.

    Prima di tutto abbiamo modificato gli Sprites delle portaerei che causavano CTD con gli ultimi drivers AMD. Speriamo che questo problema sia risolto per sempre. :)
    Per soddisfare la richiesta di molti modders, abbiamo aggiunto 60 nuovi country TAGs (UA0, UA1, UA2, UA3, UA4, UA5, UA6, UA7, UA8, UA9, UB0, UB1, UB2, UB3, UB4, UB5, UB6, UB7, UB8, UB9, UC0, UC1, UC2, UC3, UC4, UC5, UC6, UC7, UC8, UC9, UD0, UD1, UD2, UD3, UD4, UD5, UD6, UD7, UD8, UD9, UE0, UE1, UE2, UE3, UE4, UE5, UE6, UE7, UE8, UE9, UF0, UF1, UF2, UF3, UF4, UF5, UF6, UF7, UF8, UF9). Speriamo che siano abbastanza per il momento.
    Tra le nuove caratteristiche della 1.05, abbiamo aggiunto un'opzione per l'autoassegnamento delle brigate terresti e aeree e migliorato l'attuale logica di autoassegnamento delle brigate navali. Abbiamo anche aggiunto informazioni esaustive su modificatori e attributi nei tooltip di unità e brigate. Per lo stesso motivo, abbiamo migliorato il tooltip degli effetti delle politiche nazionali e colorato gli effetti. Abbiamo aggiunto il colore anche agli effetti dei vari ministri. Sono piccoli cambiamenti ma pensiamo che aiuteranno i giocatori.
    Un'altro cambiamento è stata l'esportazione su misc.txt del bonus ESE delle offensive e ora il tooltip mostra il bonus ESE aggiornato e la durata in giorni. Forse i modder sapranno usare questa e altre piccole feature in modi che anche noi non riusciamo a immaginare!
    Ma forse per descrivere meglio questi miglioramenti un paio di immagini valgono più di mille parole. :)

    E ora una veloce panoramica sui più imporanti miglioramenti a comandi e triggers:
    • aggiunto parametro di durata al commando per creare patti di non aggressione (di default durano 2 anni);
    • aggiunti due nuovi comandi add_brigade e build_brigade per, rispettivamente, creare una nuova brigata nel deployment pool e ordinare la costruzione di una nuova brigata;
    • aggiunto comando dig_in_max per cambiare il livello massimo di trinceramento per una nazione e aggiunto comando dig_in_daily per cambiare l'incremento giornaliero del trinceramento per una nazione;
    • aggiunti i comandi add_core_area, add_core_region, add_claim_area, add_claim_region, remove_core_area, remove_core_region, remove_claim_area, remove_claim_region - questi non hanno bisogno di una spiegazione ;) ;
    • esteso il comando industrial_modifier con opzioni individuali per IC, energia, acciaio, materiali rari, petrolio, rifornimenti e denaro;
    • esteso il testo del trigger nuked per includere dettagli su numero di attacchi nucleari, obiettivo e nazioni e province coinvolti, quando applicabile;
    Speriamo che i modders useranno questi e altri miglioramenti che abbiamo apportato a trigger e comandi nella patch 1.05 per creare mod sempre migliori! :)

    I modders apprezzerranno anche alcuni miglioramenti ai log degli errori:
    • aggiunto TAG della nazione nei log degli eventi accaduti;
    • aggiunta validazione e reporto di errori (debug level 1) di ministri assegnati all'inizio di uno scenario;
    • aggiunta validazione e reporto di errori (debug level 1) quando un leader è definito come comandante di più di un'unità o quando un leader non valido è definito come comandante di un'unità;
    • aggiunte informazioni dettagliate (in formato pronto per essere importato come CSV) sui modelli di tutte le unità e brigate in savedebug.txt (debug level 2);
    Sicuramenti noi stessi abbiamo approfittato di queste nuove validazioni per correggere qualche errori nei nostri file!

    Tornando alle nuove caratteristiche, oltre a numerosi fix a eventi e decisioni esistenti, abbiamo anche aggiunto qualche nuova catena di eventi:
    • aggiunti nuovi eventi per offrire territori a Romania e Finlandia dopo la Bitter Peace in cambio della loro entrata nell'Asse;
    • aggiunta catena di eventi per il sottomarino mercantile Deutschland nello scenario 1914;
    • migliorato la catena di eventi delle concessioni Austro-Ungariche all'Italia nello scenario 1914 (le scelte possibili sono ora Trento / Trento e Trieste / Trento, Trieste e la costa dalmata da Spalato a Ragusa);
    • aggiunta catena di eventi per la partizione della Repubblica Popolare di Polonia tra Repubblica Democratica Tedesca e Unione Sovietica alleate nello scenario 1933;

    Abbiamo anche integrato molti Improvement Mods specifici per alcune nazioni, risolto molti problemi con ministri al potere all'inizio dei vari scenari rilevati dai nuovi log degli errori, risolti diversi spelling della stessa persona, risolti molti problemi di immagini di ministri e leader usate da persone diverse, aggiunte 4 nuove tecnologie (Estrazione mineraria avanzata - 1935, Estrazione petrolifera avanzata - 1935, Estrazione mineraria moderna - 1946, Estrazione petrolifera moderna - 1946) e aggiunti tutti i nomi mancanti per i componenti delle tecnologie.

    Prima di scrivere le patch notes complete, vogliamo ringraziare tutti i nostri giocatori e modder. Abbiamo ricevuto molti bug report dettagliati, suggerimenti e miglioramenti e la nostra comunità ci ha aiutato a rendere Darkest Hour un gioco ancora migliore. Fare una lista completa con tutte le persone coinvolte sarebbe impossibile, quindi faremo solo una breve lista di chi ha fornito i contributi più importanti. In nessun ordine particolare: kujiro, Pioniere, novapaddy, Treeplace, bestmajor, Dzakuza, Sargeras, PAW, Stahl-Opa, eeeex, Andrei Gijgorev, Czudak X e il team del mod TRP. Coloro che non vedono il proprio nome non devono sentirsi esclusi: come abbiamo detto la lista non è completa e i nostri ringraziamenti vanno a tutti.

    E ora il changelog completo (questo in inglese)!

    Engine changes:

    Fixed bugs
    1. Fixed a rare CTD on country TAG change (bombardments not canceled and pointing over the flag of the old country on the battle plate results in a crash)
    2. Fixed issue with dormant leaders of existing countries defined in main scenario file's dormant leaders list not set as dormant on new scenario start, but only after a save and reload
    3. Fixed issues with AI join and leave alliance rules:
    - Puppets will leave alliances their master is not part of when that is possible (not at war, not leader of a major alliance)
    - Check relations and government type only against alliance leader (prevents leave alliance of minor members because one is with different government type)
    - Check relations and government type on join alliance against alliance leader
    4. Added missing tool-tip entry for muddy and frozen weather modifiers for air units during bombardment
    5. Added missing tool-tips for units/brigades in deployment panel
    6. Re-enabled Frozen weather attack/defense modifiers on Stat. pages for naval units and brigades as these are used by the game - 1.03 issue
    7. Removed weather and night movement modifiers from Stat. pages for naval units and brigades as these are not used by the game
    8. Removed weather and night movement modifiers from Stat. pages for air units and brigades as these are not used by the game
    9. Removed terrain defense modifiers from Stat. pages for air units and brigades as these are not used by the game
    10. Fixed issue with multiple draw air combats messages when own and military controlled units participated in air combat
    11. Fixed issue with missing Strategic Redeployment mission in mission order panel for pure rocket units
    12. Fixed a bug with missing tool-tips on the rightmost side on division plate in targets list for brigade deployment
    13. Fixed issues with trade efficiency calculation when best port province is owned by enemy country
    14. Fixed issue with provincial AA fire doing strength damage to carriers on Carrier strike on airbase mission instead of doing only ORG damage
    15. Fixed issue with fleets in port being listed as defenders when airbase in the same province is attacked by carriers
    16. Fixed issue with invalid strategic bombardment initiated on carrier strike on airbase mission
    17. Removed air units based at attacked by carriers airbase from defender’s list
    18. Improved rules for participating of air units on defender’s side on carrier strike on port – only air units based at the province and set on air scramble and air superiority mission will join such combats (respecting mission settings – ORG/STR, day/night, start/end mission dates, out of fuel and weather)
    19. Fixed logic for mission started/ended check (added equal time check too; started: start time <= current time; ended: end time <= current time)
    20. Fixed issue with carrier strike on port and airbase missions not respecting mission settings (ORG/STR, day/night, start mission date)
    21. Fixed issue with naval units attacked at port by carriers using their sea attack to fire against the carriers instead of using their air attack
    22. Fixed issue with convoy escorts using their convoy attack value to fire against attacking fleet instead of using their sea or submarine attack values
    23. Fixed issue with attacked by carriers fleets in port being able to inflict STR damage to carriers and ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
    24. Fixed issue with air units assisting defense of attacked by carriers naval base using their sea attack to fire against the carriers instead of using their air attack
    25. Fixed issue with air units assisting defense of attacked by carriers naval base being able to inflict STR damage to carriers and ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
    26. Disallowed carriers with ORG less then “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting to inflict damage to attacked at bases units
    27. Disallowed carriers with ORG less then “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting to inflict damage to attacked naval and air bases
    28. Fixed issue with province AA being able to inflict ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
    29. Fixed issue with non-CAG equipped ships doing damage to buildings on carrier attack on naval and air bases
    30. Fixed issue with units under or in bombardment regaining ORG at the same time. Only retreating units are allowed to regain ORG while under bombardment
    31. Fixed issue with “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg per hour” misc.txt modifier not used when there are no defending units
    32. Fixed issue with AI being able to retreat from naval combats before min. combat time (4 hours)
    33. Fixed issue with units being able to retreat from combats before the minimum combat time (4 hours for naval and 2 hours for air battles) or when under bombardments if the average unit ORG is under “Auto-retreat from combat when average ORG...” misc.txt modifier
    34. Fixed issue with STR/ORG status bar under unit sprites not auto-updating for military controlled units
    35. Fixed CTD on some scenarios start (when an air unit is too big and is auto-split, like in DH Core 1941) as result of STR/ORG status bar under unit sprites not auto-updating for military controlled units
    36. Fixed issue with automatic split of air units defined in scenario files not working properly for too big units (more than 2 times the limit of air unit size)
    37. Added proper support in save_date section in save game for event IDs with 9 or 10 digits
    38. Fixed bug with carrier strike on port record in naval battles history list having "UNKNOWN COUNTRY" as target in some situations (when a "ghost" AI fleet is the first to be targeted in the port)
    39. Removed carrier strike on empty ports from naval battles history list
    40. Fixed issue with carrier strike on airbases logged in land battles history list
    41. Set attacker as winner in battles history log on carrier strike on port and airbase when the combat ends in a draw
    42. Fixed a bug with fleets remaining locked in port of canal controlling provinces if the province is taken by rebels
    43. Removed port and airbase strike missions from available missions list on right-click over province with no port or airbase while a CV containing fleet is selected
    44. Fixed issue in declare war panel layout causing random CTD - 1.00 issue
    45. Fixed issue with text position in some situations (like long allies list) on declare war panel - 1.00 issue
    46. Increased size of text buffers used for messages to reduce chance of text overflow
    47. Added missing tool-tip for listed trades on Break Trade Agreement diplomatic action panel
    48. Improved layout of Break Trade Agreement diplomatic action panel - fixed issue with header text exceeding panel borders for long country names, moved trades list to bottom
    49. Improved layout of Send Expeditionary Force diplomatic action panel - fixed issue with header text exceeding panel borders for long country names, shortened units by one item and moved it slightly down and to the left
    50. Tweaked Cancel button position on diplomatic actions panels to mirror position of OK button
    51. Fixed switched enforcer and subject sides in non-aggression pacts
    52. Fixed messages for non-aggression pacts (switched enforcer and subject sides)
    53. Fixed incorrect sound played on some pop-up dialogs
    54. Fixed issue with missing arrival to province message for auto-retreated units
    55. Fixed missing country name on coup pop-up message for coups triggered by events.
    56. Fixed invalid value shown on land_fort_eff event command tool-tip
    57. Fixed invalid value shown on coast_fort_eff event command tool-tip
    58. Fixed issue with incorrect combat modifiers (amphibious penalty) when a country switches sides on scenario start and immediately attacks enemy in the same province as own troops (like in 1945 scenario, HUN vs. GER)
    59. Fixed bug with stacking penalty applied to friendly units supporting defense of airborne assaulted neighboring province
    60. Fixed bug with river crossing (or amphibious assault) combat penalty for units attacking spawned rebels into the same province in some situations (depending on the previous province for the unit). Also addresses issue with these combat penalties not cleared on arrival to the province when supporting such attack from a neighboring one
    61. Fixed issue with command limit of airborne units dropped to attacked by another units province not accounted properly (should be considered as another vector of attack with own command limit)
    62. Fixed issue with truncated/incomplete long texts in game history log on higher horizontal display resolutions
    63. Added missing string for a minister personality effect (diplomatic cost against own country) - 1.00 issue
    64. Fixed issue with ESE bonus from offensive supply calculation (bonus was half of what tool-tip suggests)
    65. Fixed issue with disabled task (mission) state for a country not preserved upon save/reload if default state of the task (misc.txt) is enabled - 1.00 issue
    66. Fixed issue with dig in combat penalty applied to both attack and defense efficiency of bombers attacking entrenched land units while it should hamper attack efficiency only
    67. Fixed issues and improved supply distance mod calculation (used as modifier on ORG regain, reinforce and upgrade speed of units)
    68. Fixed issue with retreat province selection in some situations when previous province for the unit is controlled by enemy country (vanishing AI units)
    69. Fixed issue with multiple end bombardment messages displayed when military controlled and owned by the player units are bombed in the same province
    70. Fixed issue with resource command giving supplies on top of what it is supposed to give
    71. Fixed tooltip text for build_cost and build_time commands when issued on a military branch (air/land/naval)
    72. Fixed issue with incorrect upgrade time and cost (both set to 100%) modifiers for upgrade to the last unit model if “Do not upgrade” option was used previously for the division - 1.00 issue
    73. Fixed issue with “Use speed to set garrison status (no move allowed) to land units” misc.txt modifier having no effect when enabled - 1.02 issue
    74. Fixed issue with wrong for the scenario or not found country descriptions on country change for saved games
    75. Fixed issue with active FoW for sea, land and lake provinces next to allied/puppet/master land provinces that should be otherwise visible
    76. Fixed issue with active FoW in some situations for land and lake provinces next to allied/puppet/master units that should be otherwise visible
    77. Fixed incorrect values in unit’s attrition calculation text – a cosmetic issue
    78. Fixed a rare CTD on new scenario start if rebels are created before all other countries
    79. Fixed issue with off-map production of convoy escorts and convoy transports applied twice per day
    80. Changed daily resource calculation in a way that off-map produced resources are added after on-map produced for proper handling of negative off-map values
    81. Fixed issue with missing tool-tips for resources on top bar when in Production panel
    82. Better position of manpower number in province panel for support of 3 and more digits
    83. Fixed issue with instant enemy detection by units of military controlled countries when the controller country is not at war with enemy of the controlled country
    84. Fixed incorrect (-100%) Radar Efficiency value displayed on the tech overview page
    85. Fixed issue with air over-stacking penalty modifier and logic applied to ground units under bombardment
    86. Fixed issue with over-stacking penalty modifier of fleets under bombardment in ports counting defending air units too
    87. Fixed issue with one-time trade negotiations where asking for all money from AI countries greatly reduces the chance of acceptance compared to [all money - 1]
    88. Rearranged action buttons on unit panel to have consistent buttons order and to allow one more active button which is needed for paratrooper units when in province with both a port and an air base
    New features
    1. Added 60 more user country TAGs (UA0-9, UB0-9, UC0-9, UD0-9, UE0-9, UF0-9)
    2. Implemented auto-attach of air and land brigades. Improved existing naval brigades attach logic - attach most valuable brigades to most valuable units; values set in brigade_types.txt and division_types.txt are used as a base
    3. Added auto-assign options for land and air brigades
    4. Added information on tool-tips of brigades and units about their modifiers and attributes
    5. Allowed pure rocket units to be strategically redeployed to any friendly airport
    6. Improved best port calculation logic with penalties for blocked ports (Black Sea, Mediterranean and Baltic Sea)
    7. Improved non-aggression details in intelligence/diplomacy tab for a country:
    - Added expiration date
    - Selected country is always first in the message
    8. Allowed influence diplomatic action to affect Political Left and Democratic policy sliders
    Note: Both sliders are set as not movable by influence in policy_effects.csv file for both DH Full and core/Light
    9. Tweaked nuke AI logic - do not use nukes against rebels, reduced chance to use nukes over provinces that are not owned by enemy countries
    10. Better handling of string IDs defined multiple times in text (CSV) files – proper report of these issues and ensuring that only one version (the last read) is to be displayed in the game. String replacements in mods.csv are not reported as ERROR, but as INFO to suppress error report when a string is replaced on purpose in a mod.
    11. Rearranged order of some text files load - darkest_hour.csv is loaded first and text.csv and messages.csv are the last to be loaded before mods.csv
    12. Added color to minister effect values (green for positive and red to negative modifiers):
    - Added one digit after the decimal point for most minister personalities effects
    - Unified minister personalities effects texts between DH Full and Light/Core
    - Updated MIN_DIPLO_COST text
    13. Added minister name and ideology to all tool-tips over minister picture
    14. Improved domestic policy effects tool-tip:
    - Added color to effects values (green for positive and red to negative modifiers)
    - Display effective change instead of absolute values on change policy tool-tips
    - Display current (total) value too
    - Always display restrictions (ally, claim and demand territory, break NAP, GoI) for policy slider that modifies these
    15. Improved tool-tip text for offensive supply – display actual ESE bonus and days duration (as set in misc.txt) instead of preset values
    16. Displayed current progress (%) for items in the build queue
    17. Added messages when air/land/naval units no longer cannot execute their assigned missions
    18. Added a message when a nation guarantees the independence of another nation
    19. Added a message when a nation no longer guarantees the independence of another nation
    20. Included "# Min. Softness for a land division, including added by brigades." misc.txt parameter in the calculation of unit stats shown on tool-tips
    21. Added dig in max level and dig in daily increase to Tech overview page
    22. Moved Radar Efficiency line from Intel & Research to Misc. Military section on the tech overview page
    23. Improved combat modifiers of air units defending ports against enemy CV attacks:
    - Count only air units for stacking penalty modifier
    - Use mission effectiveness modifiers (air scramble or air superiority)
    - Use mission effectiveness modifiers (air scramble or air superiority)
    New options in misc.txt
    1. Added new misc.txt modifier (economy section):
    - Added extra upgrade progress to units in supply. Added daily progress to all units in supply that can upgrade is equal to Cur_STR/(Max_STR * THIS). Added value is not affected by any other upgrade modifiers. Set to 0 to disable this functionality. 720 #0
    - Modifier on distance between current and closest friendly province which is used for supply distance mod calculation (modifier on ORG regain, reinforce and upgrade speed of units). 1.0 # 1.0
    2. Added new misc.txt modifier (AI section):
    - Allow AI countries to leave alliance because of bad relations or too different government type compared to alliance leader (on top of all other leave alliance rules). 1 - Allowed, 0 - Disabled 1 #1
    3. Added new misc.txt modifier (combat section):
    - ESE bonus from offensive supply - 0.25 #0.25
    - Combat Modifier: Penalty for air units bombing entrenched armies (entrenchment level * THIS, final value is limited to -0.99) # -0.03
    - Combat Modifier: Bonus for defending entrenched armies in land combat (entrenchment level * THIS) # 0.01
    Commands and triggers
    Note: Check Modding documentation\event commands.txt for details.
    1. Added treaty duration parameter to non_aggression command:
    type = non_aggression which = [country] where = [country] [when = duration in days]
    -when = duration in days. When not specified or set to 0(default), treaty duration is set to 2 game years (720 days)
    2. Added add_brigade command to create a new brigade into deployment pool:
    type = add_brigade value = [brigade type] when = model
    3. Added build_brigade command to order construction of a brigade:
    type = build_brigade value = [brigade type] when = XXX cost = x.xx where = [days for 1st]
    - when = XXX # Sets serial line XXX items long.
    - cost = x.xx # Sets starting cost
    - where = XXX # Sets days till completion of the first item
    4. Added disable_task command to disable a certain type of mission:
    type = disable_task which = [task type]
    5. Allowed enable_task command to be properly unexecuted (i.e. disable the task) on doctrine abandon
    6. Added dig_in_max command to change max land units dig in level for a country:
    type = dig_in_max value = X [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    -when = 0(default) - add value to current dig_in_max / 1 - set dig_in_max to value / 2 - reset dig_in_max to global default (set in misc.txt)
    7. Added dig_in_daily command to change the dig in level increase per day for a country:
    type = dig_in_daily value = X [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    -when = 0(default) - add value to current dig_in_daily / 1 - set dig_in_daily to value / 2 - reset dig_in_daily to global default (set in misc.txt)
    8. Extended industrial_modifier command with individual options for IC, resources and money:
    type = industrial_modifier which = [total/supplies/oil/metal/energy/rare_materials/money/ic] value = X
    -total - applies to oil, metal, energy, rare_materials and ic at once.
    -oil/metal/energy/rare_materials/money/supplies/ic – applies only to this production type
    9. Added add_core_area command:
    type = add_core_area which = AREA_NAME [where = TAG/-1]
    # Set all provinces in AREA_NAME area as national for country TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined
    10. Added add_core_region command:
    type = add_core_region which = REGION_NAME [where = TAG/-1]
    # Set all provinces in REGION_NAME region as national for country TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined
    11. Added remove_core_area command:
    type = remove_core_area which = AREA_NAME [where = TAG/-1]
    # Removes national status for all provinces in AREA_NAME area for country TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined
    12. Added remove_core_region command:
    type = remove_core_region which = REGION_NAME [where = TAG/-1]
    # Removes national status for all provinces in REGION_NAME region for country TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined
    13. Added add_claim_area command:
    type = add_claim_area which = AREA_NAME [where = TAG/-1]
    # Rise claims on all provinces in AREA_NAME area for country TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined
    14. Added add_claim_region command:
    type = add_claim_region which = REGION_NAME [where = TAG/-1]
    # Rise claims on all provinces in REGION_NAME region for country TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined
    15. Added remove_claim_area command:
    type = remove_claim_area which = AREA_NAME [where = TAG/-1]
    # Removes claims from all provinces in AREA_NAME area for country TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined
    16. Added remove_claim_region command:
    type = remove_claim_region which = REGION_NAME [where = TAG/-1]
    # Removes claims from all provinces in REGION_NAME region for country TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined
    17. Improved peacetime_ic_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode:
    type = peacetime_ic_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # ONLY applied when a country is at peace. Default base value is set in misc.txt. when = 0(default, add value to current peacetime_ic_mod)/1(set peacetime_ic_mod to value) /2 - reset peacetime_ic_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    18. Improved wartime_ic_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode:
    type = wartime_ic_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # ONLY applied when a country is at war. Default base value is set in misc.txt. when = 0(default, add value to current wartime_ic_mod)/1(set wartime_ic_mod to value) /2 - reset wartime_ic_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    19. Improved tc_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode:
    type = tc_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify National Transport Capacity. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current tc_mod)/1(set tc_mod to value)/2 - reset tc_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    20. Improved tc_occupied_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode:
    type = tc_occupied_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify Occupied Province Transport Capacity Drain. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current tc_occupied_mod)/1(set tc_occupied_mod to value)/2 - reset tc_occupied_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    21. Improved attrition_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode:
    type = attrition_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify the Attrition Penalty. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current attrition_mod)/1(set attrition_mod to value)/2 - reset attrition_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    22. Improved trickleback_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode:
    type = trickleback_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify the trickle back efficiency. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current trickleback_mod)/1(set trickleback_mod to value)/2 - reset trickleback_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    23. Improved max_amphib_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode:
    type = max_amphib_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify the max amphibious army size before applying severe combat penalties. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, set max_amphib_mod to value)/1(add value to current max_amphib_mod)/2 - reset max_amphib_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    24. Improved supply_dist_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode:
    type = supply_dist_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify the Supply Distance Penalty. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current supply_dist_mod)/1(set supply_dist_mod to value)/2 - reset supply_dist_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    25. Improved repair_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode: type = repair_mod value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify Reinforcement Efficiency. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current repair_mod)/1(set repair_mod to value)/2 - reset repair_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    26. Improved research_mod command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode: type = research_mod value = X(%)[when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify research efficiency. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current research_mod)/1(set research_mod to value)/2 - reset research_mod to global default (set in misc.txt)
    27. Improved radar_eff command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode: type = radar_eff value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify the efficiency of radar stations (bonus to friendly aircraft in the province.) Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current radar_eff)/1(set radar_eff to value)/2 - reset radar_eff to global default (set in misc.txt)
    28. Improved hq_supply_eff command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode: type = hq_supply_eff value = X(%) [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Modify supply efficiency bonus given by HQ to other units. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current radar_eff)/1(set radar_eff to value)/2 - reset radar_eff to global default (set in misc.txt)
    29. Improved sce_frequency command with optional parameter to switch between add or replace value mode: type = sce_frequency value = X [when = 0(default)/1/2]
    # Combat event chance multiplier. Positive value = good. when = 0(default, add value to current sce_frequency)/1(set sce_frequency to value)/2 - reset sce_frequency to global default (set in misc.txt)
    30. Improved nuked trigger texts to include details about number of nukes, target and destination countries and province when applicable.
    31. Added model validation for add_division command (when = model)
    Improved Error Logs
    Note 1: For most of these checks to be activated you must set "Extra debug logs" in settings.cfg to 1 or 2.
    Note 2: All errors are logged into savedebug.txt file in your game's root folder.
    1. Added validation and error report (debug level 1) of ministers assigned to offices on new scenario start:
    - ID validation
    - scenario start year should be before minister's end and retirement years
    - scenario start year should be after or equal to minister's start year
    - minister's type should match office position
    - minister's country should match assignment country
    2. Added country TAG next to fired events log in savedebug.txt
    3. Added check and error report (debug level 1) when too many brigades are defined for unit in a scenario or when brigade attach fails
    4. Added check and error report (debug level 1) when a leader is defined as commander on multiple units
    5. Added check and error report (debug level 1) when invalid leader ID is defined as commander on unit
    6. Added check and error report when a province is connected to province #0
    7. Added check and error report (debug level 1) when non-land province is used as national or claimed province for a country
    8. Added check and error report (debug level 1) when ignored for the scenario province is used as national or claimed province for a country
    9. Added check and warning report (debug level 1) when no tech teams are found in a loaded tech team file
    10. Added check and warning report (debug level 1) when no ministers are found in a loaded ministers file
    11. Added check and warning report (debug level 1) when no leaders are found in a loaded leaders file
    12. Added check and error report (debug level 1) when non-land division type is used for land unit in scenario file
    13. Added check and error report (debug level 1) when non-sea division type is used for naval unit in scenario file
    14. Added check and error report (debug level 1) when non-air division type is assigned to air unit in scenario file
    15. Added check and warning report (debug level 1) when too many aircraft are added to a single air unit in scenario file
    16. Added detailed information (in CSV ready format) for models of all units and brigades to savedebug.txt (debug level 2)
    17. Added check if Muddy climate type is defined for sea provinces in Province.csv file (debug level 1). Muddy climate should be used for land provinces only.
    18. Check format of replaced texts against original text and report issues (debug level 2)
    19. Tweaked errors report – suppressed string format errors for missing translations as these are expected
    20. Improved scenario validation logic and errors report for issues with provinces owner and controller
    21. Event name validator will no longer report AI_EVENT event names as WARNING (name not found) as these are normal to exist
    Modding Documentation Changes
    1. General review of event commands.txt to remove typos and misunderstandings
    2. Fixed typos in comments in "AI Files Modifiers.txt" and "Invasion AI - How To.txt"
    3. Updated event IDS.csv to include range for multi-countries:600
    4. Added a Tech Image Template file for modders
    Translation and Text Changes
    1. Removed editor.csv and Sfx.txt files as they are not used by the game
    2. Added empty modtext.csv to core's config folder
    3. Rearranged files and updated header information of darkest_hour.csv, mods.csv, text.csv and messages.csv (DH Core), mods.csv (DH Light), darkest_hour.csv, mods.csv, text.csv, event_text.csv and messages.csv (DH Full)
    4. Fixed many minor text issues in DH Core texts (mostly updating texts and formats to match those in DH Full)
    5. Fixed mixed/incomplete Polish translation for NEWDEC message (DH Core/Full)
    6. Removed incorrect Polish translation for TECH_APP_ARMOR_100_x
    7. Added incomplete French translation for 2003180desc
    8. Corrected text of EVT_1330120016_DESC (The Aizawa Incident)
    9. Fixed issues with arm. brigade names in Russian
    10. Fixed a small starting letter in arm. brigade name in German
    11. Removed "." from the end of some diplomatic action titles
    12. Changed MILALLREJECT_4 text from "refused to join our" to "refused our proposal for" to match message use by the game
    13. Removed incorrectly added percentage symbol after value for add_prov_resource command's tool-tip text (EE_ADD_PROV_RESOURCE - DHCore/Full)
    14. Fixed many issues in DH Full tutorials texts
    15. Improved precision of UIW_DIGIN message
    16. Added partially missing translation (GER, SPA, ITA, FRA) and corrected English for TUTORIAL_4_A5a_DESC
    17. Fixed TUTORIAL_1_A9_DESC text from Production to Economy in English and French to match the tab name in those two languages.
    18. Split DEV_READY to two type of messages (DEV_READY and UIW_ETA). Updated DEV_DATE_FOR_NEXT, DEV_READY and DEV_COST to use white color for important data.
    19. Fixed invalid year in some languages for MODEL_2_3 (Motorized Infantry 1945)
    20. Removed MODEL_4_3 (Advanced Light Tank) entry from unit_names - inexistent L-Arm model
    21. Fixed MODEL_5_4 - MODEL_5_7 (Arm) model names to match tech names that enable those models
    22. Fixed missing/incorrect model indexes for some models in French
    23. Fixed BRIG_MODEL_7_4 - BRIG_MODEL_7_8 (L-Arm brigade) model names to match tech names that enable those models
    24. Fixed BRIG_MODEL_29_3 - BRIG_MODEL_29_10 (M-Arm brigade) model names to match tech names that enable those models
    25. Removed BRIG_MODEL_29_11 (M-Arm brigade) entry - inexistent M-Arm model
    26. Correct BRIG_MODEL_USA_10_5;M8 Grayhound and BRIG_MODEL_USA_2_1;M8 Scot
    27. Removed unused generic model names for CVE/CVL. Fixed CVL model names order
    28. Fixed 3 typos in texts in "Darkest Hour Full/config/text.csv"
    29. Fixed typos in 3 messages
    30. Improved description of "Air unit - STR damage modifier vs entrenched Land units" in misc.txt
    31. Removed xxxx_BTN2 ("Goto") strings from 6 coup messages as there's no such button on those
    32. Rearranged THEYCOUP message for better view
    Event Changes

    Darkest Hour Light/core
    1. Fixed many wrong or missing text references, added missing translations
    Darkest Hour Full
    1. Created new events to offer territories to Romania and Finland after Bitter Peace in exchange for their joining the Axis
    2. Added decisions and event chain for Deutschland merchant U-boat in 1914 scenario
    3. Improved event chain of Austrian concessions to Italy in WW1 (now possible choices are Trento / Trento and Trieste / Trento, Trieste and the Dalmatian coast from Split to Dubrovnik)
    4. Add event chain for partition of People's Republic of Poland between allied DDR and SOV
    5. Fixed bug in "What colonies for Free France?" event, restoring ai_chance to its proper value.
    6. Added missing Lend-Lease revert event for U01/FRA and USA.
    7. Fixed various issues and improved English Surrender (adding free units to newly created countries)
    8. Added case for ITA surrender to DDR in WW2
    9. Fixed various issues with WW1 peace treaties (Russia getting Galician provinces even if defeated, missing Austrian claims, Russian claims not removed, German Bessarabia given to Ukraine)
    10. Reworked events 133011626 (Versailles and Beiyang China), 133011627 (Versailles and Alternate China) and 133011628 (Versailles and T. Entente China)
    11. Added 2 back-up events that restore peacetime_ic_mod and wartime_ic_mod to misc.txt defaults for countries that have these set to lower values in scenarios. Updated all events that change both modifiers for those countries to check for a local flag before doing the change to avoid improper values
    12. Removed incorrect check in trigger of "Surrender events - Japan surrenders to China" event preventing the said event from firing for CHC
    13. Corrected triggers and effects of Gallipoli campaign event chain in WW1
    14. Fixed wrong difficulty (Normal instead of Hard/Very Hard) set in triggers in both "Plots against Hitler" events
    15. Added Game Over to action name and use new inherit parameter for Franco-British Union, WW1 minor surrender and mexican civil war surrender events
    16. Forced player game over in events 2001547 (U09 Serbia submits to us!), 2007540 (SOV Finland joins Soviet Russia), 2038607 (U57 Villistas submit to us), 2038608 (U57 Zapatistas submit to us), 2038619 (U57 Zapatistas submit to us), 2084503 (SER Evacuate through Albania?), 2041001 (U62 Russia Eastern Outskirts), 2001002 (ENG French-British union), (GER Denmark Accepts Our Demands), (ITA Annexation of Albania - Zog accepts), 2007054 (SOV A great moment for our nation).
    17. Fix of bug where Japan's surrender forces Germany to make peace with Allies if they are allied
    18. Fixed issue with 1st Vienna Award event chain, now enabled
    19. Fixed wrong minister IDs for China-Nanjing in 2 events (2012017 CHI "The Chinese question - first peace proposal" and 2012018 CHI "The Chinese question - final peace proposal").
    20. Added "NOT = { ispuppet = yes }" to trigger for most coup events in coups_events.txt to prevent weird coups and alliance leave by the AI in the game
    21. Removed Elsass-Lothringen provinces (104 107 105) as targets by "Send Weapons to the Resistance" event (U01) as these are GER cores
    22. Fixed country TAG in event 2145537 (Senussia recognizes our suzerainty over them)
    23. Fixed two invalid event action string IDs in 1914/FIN - Finland.txt
    24. Fixed invalid trigger of event 2181011 (Treaty of Qumul) for CHI instead for SOV by 2 actions in event 2181008
    25. Fixed invalid province in Lend-Lease events, added comments to commands
    26. Various fixes and improvements to ai_ministers.txt (minor corrections to HUN, ROM and BUL events + added new events 5200094 -> 5200101 for FRA and 5200107 -> 5200108 + 5200111 -> 5200122 for ENG and 5200123 -> 5200124 for GER)
    27. Various fixes and improvements to election_events.txt: corrected FRA event 2900008 + added new events 2900168 -> 2900171 for FRA and 2109014, 2109015 and 5200109 for ENG
    28. Added command to move capital to 525 Helsinki to events 2030017 (FIN Victory in the Finnish Civil War) and 2103003 (U20 Victory in the Finnish Civil War)
    29. Event "Oil embargo to Japan" should not fire after victory over USA
    30. Set correct minister in 1941 Iraqi coup event
    31. Fixed issues with Italian Homeland Defense AI Events
    32. Corrected date of Easter Rising event (April 24th)
    33. Fixed wrong year (1993 instead of 1933) in action trigger of event "Defending Nanjing" (#1330110051)
    34. Fixed wrong event id for Grand Offensive - USA (should be 1300010 instead of 13000010)
    35. Fixed missing action name in event 2049037 US. Presidential Election of 1944
    36. Fixed issue in England/France "gears up for war" events to ensure maxing-out of peacetime_ic_mod in a perfect event chain
    37. Fixed issue in Japanese Surrender where it kept control of Indonesia after surrender
    38. Fixed issue with Organized Retreat choice for CHI in Battle of Nanjing
    39. Removed redundant "desc = "AI_EVENT"" from AI events and "name = AI_EVENT" lines from actions in AI events
    AI Changes

    Darkest Hour Full
    1. Removed Port Said (791) from invasion targets list in various AI files as it is invalid since we removed the beach there
    2. Fixed format and typos in comments in 4 air AI files
    3. Adjusting USAs build priorities in the pre-war game to get them to build carriers
    4. Fixed issue with Indochina (puppet of France) remaining neutral in WWI
    5. Add AI switches for Baltic states and SOV in case GER chooses Commie path in 1933 scenario

    Scenarios Changes

    Darkest Hour Light/core
    1. Fixed many issues with some ministers set in power on scenario start detected by new error logs in DH Core/Light (changes to 1 minister files and 6 scenario files)
    2. Removed invalid (non-land province) from PER cores in Armageddon and in The Abyss scenarios
    3. Removed invalid name = ... references in Tutorial files
    4. Added missing to some of the tutorials to suppress redundant attrition losses messages
    5. Improved Advanced Warfare Tutorial (chapter 6):
    - Removed CV+CA and DD fleets from USA OOB to easy the amphibious attack
    - Added missing province from victory conditions
    - Removed the final tutorial text once a unit is loaded on TP to improve player's experience till tutorial chapter end
    6. Changed start year of Research chapter of the Tutorial from 1939 to 1936 to match years of INC files loaded (1936 scenario) and avoid errors reported because of unavailable ministers
    7. Loaded ministers for ALS (Allies) in DH Light to fix errors in some combat scenarios
    Darkest Hour Full
    1. Fixed many issues with some ministers set in power on scenario start detected by new error logs (changes to 34 minister files and 62 scenario files)
    2. Removed no longer valid flag_ext setting for FRA in 1941 scenario, removed wrong flag ext from France
    3. Added missing cost entry for some ships in build queue for Italy in 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942 and 1943 scenarios.
    4. Anti-Comintern-Pact flag set in 1939+ scenarios.
    5. Adjusted production modifiers to the new model (separate IC and resource modifiers) for FRA, GER, ITA, ENG and USA
    6. Removed the naval_improved_hull_s attachment from ""HMS London" in 1943 scenario as this ship has too many attachments for its type
    7. Removed Montgomery as leader of 10th Army in 1942.11 scenario as he's already set as leader of 8th Army (as he was historically at the time)
    8. Fixed issues with 2 French leaders assigned as commanders to 2 and 3 units athe same time in 1939.09 scenario
    9. Removed USS Mississippi and USS Idaho from USA OOB in 1914 scenario
    10. Removed JAP+puppets from Axis alliance and its war against Allies, formed new JAP alliance and created a new war for it against the Allies in 1942+ scenarios
    11. Removed inexistent TAN from Comintern war against the Axis in 1944.12 scenario
    12. Removed FIN from Comintern and added new FIN vs Axis war instead (1944.12 scenario)
    13. Removed unused province from claims list in (1914 scenario)
    14. Removed 2 ignored provinces from owned/controlled/national province list for RUS in BS_1904.02 scenario
    15. Fixed 5 invalid leader assignments in 1914 scenario (SPA, FRA, BEL).
    16. Removed invalid core provinces for CHI and CHC in all 1933+ scenarios
    17. Fixed duplicate leader assignments set in 1940+ scenario files (mostly for FRA and GER)
    18. Removed invalid/too many brigades from units in scenario files (1 ENG in 2 scenarios and 1 GER in 1 scenario)
    19. Increased one INT unit's level for France in 1936 scenario.
    20. Fixed some CL model and names for GER in 1914 scenario.
    21. Fixed incorrect Chief of Indian Air Force in 1933-36 scenarios
    22. Fixed incorrect Iranian CoS 1943+ scenarios
    23. Fixed incorrect position of 4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division in 1944.06 scenario
    24. Fixed incorrect ship model for Carrier Bйarn in French OOBs 1940 and 1941
    25. Fixed issues with Hungarian minister and improved OOB in 1933-36-39 scenarios
    26. Fixed errors in 1933-36 scenario - removed invalid attachments (torpedoes) from JAP, CHI, CGX fleets
    27. Fixed issues with 2 HUN commanders assigned to two corps at the same time in 1044.06 scenario
    28. Fixing CVE-CVL mismatches in the 1944.12 scenario
    29. Added missing tech (SP Art level 1) to USA in 1942 scenario
    30. Corrected mobilization level of Abyssinia in 1933 scenario
    31. Restored Hugh Sinclair as minister of intelligence in 1939 scenario as he held the office till his death in December and removed his ID from dormant_ministers lists in 1939+ scenarios as his retirement and end years are set to 1940 already
    32. Fixed Polish and German ministers used in Basic Warfare Tutorial (gov. taken from 1939 scenario)
    33. Changed start year of Production Tutorial from 1939 to 1936 to match scenario files used in that chapter
    34. Added oil and supplies depot to Elbing in Basic Warfare Tutorial
    35. Added small oil and supply depot to Gibraltar in 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945 scenarios
    36. Corrected political sliders of Tibet at scenario start

    Unit Changes
    1. Updated values of some land/air/naval unit and brigade types
    2. Increased time and cost and improved naval_improved_hull_l and naval_improved_hull_s attachment modifiers
    3. Tweaked some sea/air vulnerability values of BB and CV models
    4. Reduced air vulnerability bonus from CAG (about 50% reduction) and LCAG (set to slightly less or equal to same CAG levels) brigades
    5. Increased rain attack/defense penalties for CV/CVL/CVE from -20 to -30% to avoid getting to 110% efficiency with attached radar and late techs
    6. Balanced Escort Fighters brigades:
    - reduced Air Attack bonus and raised supply and fuel consumption for Escort Fighter
    - increased Air Attack of 1937+ models of Interceptors and Fighters
    - increase Air Defense / Vulnerability for last 3 models of Strategic Bombers
    - increased Escort brigade build time and build cost to be 1/2 of the cost of similar year FTR models
    7. Corrected airattack values of Interceptors and Fighter (removed temporary decrease for multijet)
    8. Major overhaul of torpedoes representation in the game:
    - Removed torpedo brigade from SS/SSN/DD units
    - Torpedo techs set to give convoy attack (up to 8), sea attack (up to 4) and sub attack (up to 4) bonuses directly to SS/SSN/DD units
    - Limited torpedo brigade bonuses from techs to 9 convoy attack, 4 sub attack and 2 sea attack
    - Allowed first torpedo model to upgrade to next model (at full cost)
    - Increased torpedo brigade cost
    - First model adds fire range penalty (5) which is removed by the second model
    - Reduced starting torpedo brigade attack stats, especially for the second model
    - Reduced starting DD sea and convoy attack values for every model by 1 point
    - Reduced SS max brigades from 2 to 1
    - Reduced SSN max brigades from 3 to 2
    - Reviewed SSN models stats and cost and set to be better then equal SS models and also to increase between SSN models
    9. Added 1 sea and 1 convoy attack to early CV/CVL models
    10. Removed supply consumption added by naval fire control and radar attachments
    11. Reduced the "Min. Softness for a land division, including added by brigades." misc.txt parameter form 20% to 10%
    12. Removed naval_asw model 6 (ASW Suite (1962) guided rockets) entry from naval_asw.txt file as this model is not used (not activated by any tech)
    13. Fixed inconsistencies with surfacedefence between tactical bomber models
    14. Fixed inconsistencies with airdefence between interceptor models and between multi role models
    15. Increased damage taken by entrenched land units by bombing ("Air unit - STR damage modifier vs entrenched Land units" misc.txt modifier)
    16. Tweaked att/def weather and night modifiers for both naval radar brigades (set to give equal att/def bonus, added blizzard, snow and storm bonuses)
    17. Added max_allowed_brigades = 0 to R-Int unit type to suppress a false text in production panel that the unit supports 1 attachment that is not yet available
    18. Reduced SUB and NSUB rain attack penalty modifier to -10 (from -20)
    19. Added SUB and NSUB rain defense penalty modifier -10 (from 0) to match used rain attack one
    20. Removed all weather movement modifiers (stat pages) for naval units as those are not used by the game
    21. Added new info column at the end of unit_modifiers.csv and brigade_modifiers.csv with information of each modifier usage
    Graphics Changes
    1. Modified the CV Sprites which caused the CTD Issues with the latest AMD GPU Drivers
    2. Removed 2 unused by the game font files (arial10.bmp and eurostilecond12.bmp)
    3. Added new game font (eurostilecond14FixNum.bmp) with fixed width for numbers
    4. Changed tool-tip text font to one with fixed width for numbers
    5. Fixed many incorrectly displayed counters in U71-U99 range
    6. Added missing picture decision_wargames.bmp to Darkest Hour Light
    Darkest Hour Full Only
    1. New decision picture for Align BUL, ROM and HUN
    2. Added 4 new Tech Images (DH55000, DH55010, DH55020, DH55030) for the new mining and oil extraction techs
    Other DB Changes

    Darkest Hour Light/core
    1. Removed many unused event and decision pictures
    2. Fixed invalid Albanian minister in Doomsday scenario
    3. Changed start year of 5 Spanish ministers used in SCW scenario
    4. Fixed Polish and German ministers used in Basic Warfare Tutorial (gov. taken from 1939 scenario)
    Darkest Hour Full
    1. Integrated Bulgarian Improvement Mod into DHFull
    2. Integrated Portugal TTs Improvement Mod into DHFull
    3. Integrated Tibet TTs Improvement Mod into DHFull
    4. Integrated Serbian WW1 TTs Improvement Mod into DHFull
    5. Integrated Ecuador TTs Improvement Mod into DHFull
    6. Integrated Greece TTs Improvement Mod into DHFull
    7. Fixed many issues with pictures used by multiple persons (108 ministers files and 75 leaders files involved)
    8. Fixed different spelling of same person
    9. Changed start year of Speer from 1943 to 1942 to fix event issue. Reduced Speer's effects (to counter his early availability)
    10. Restored predefined German navy names from Kampfgruppe IVX to 012. Flotte (navynames.csv)
    11. Fixed Reichskommissariat Ukraine's capital to be Rowne instead of Kiev
    12. Fixed Prioux (FRA) leader name, years and added better picture, added missing FRA general (Bourret)
    13. Fixed some Bulgarian unit/army names according to official transliteration rules
    14. Added pictures to three Japanese leaders/ministers (Arisaka, Inoue Niro, Nakase Noboru)
    15. Fixed typos in JAP minister names
    16. Corrected end date and retirement date for all ENG ministers plus other minor corrections
    17. Wrong Picture for DEN Minister Erik With
    18. Added missing Newfoundland TT
    19. Removed many unused event and decision pictures
    20. Fixed incorrect name for Brasilian TT Cordeiro de Farias
    21. Fixed incorrect name for TUR TT Mehmet Ali Ьngen
    22. Fixed wrong picture for DEN Minister Erik With
    23. Fixed invalid picture references for some DEN/U22/SCA 1933+ ministers
    24. Fixed invalid picture for U02 (RAJ) general Heath
    25. Fixed invalid picture for SOV/U25 minister Ivan A. Serov
    26. Fixed invalid picture references for 3 SOV ministers: Leonid I. Brezhnev, Georgy M. Malenkov and Aleksandr N. Shelepin
    27. Fixed wrong picture for a SWE minister - Karl Kilbom
    28. Fixed various issues and made improvements to the French Mandate for Syria (Henry Dentz, Йmile Eddй, Alfred Naqqache, Charles-Lйon-Clйment Huntziger, Henri-Lйon Caillault, Georges Catroux, Jean-Franзois Jannekeyn)
    29. Fixed missing picture of Henri Bonnal (FRA TT)
    30. Removed duplicate TT in DEN (Asger Grandjean)
    31. Fixed wrong image and incorrect name for SPA TT Garcia Valino
    32. Fixed wrong pic for DEI TTs Raaijmakers and Reynders
    33. Fixed wrong pic for ROM TT Vвnatori de munte
    34. Fixed wrong name for Iranian TT Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
    35. Fixed various issues and made improvements to Free France TTs/ministers/leaders (Darlan, Muselier, Gensoul)
    36. Added pic for A-H minister August Urbanski von Ostrymiecz
    37. Fixed various issues with Slovak ministers
    38. Fixed various issues in Polish leaders
    39. Removed duplicated minister (Antoni Minkiewicz)
    40. Various fixes to LIT tech teams
    41. Various fixes and improvements for General Government (U44)
    42. Fixed invalid ministers in SLO and BOS
    43. Fixed End and Retirement years of AGR minister Agustнn P. Justo from 1933 to 1944
    44. Added missing picture references for some ministers (N. Ireland and England)
    45. Added Walther Wever as minister for GER and changed his trait as leader
    46. Fixed various issues with leaders and TTs of JAP, NOR, ITA, SOV, DEN, HUN, BRA, POR
    47. Removed doubled redundant version of Hugh Sinclair as ENG Head of Military Intelligence
    48. Fixed end and retirement years of David Lloyd George
    49. Added new picture (9951) for RSI minister Carlo Emanuele Basile
    Tech Changes
    1. Added new techs 55000 (Advanced mining - 1935), 55010 (Advanced oil extraction - 1935), 55020 (Modern mining - 1946), 55030 (Modern oil extraction - 1946) to DH Full.
    2. Changed a prerequisite for "Strategic Missile Focus" (1951 tech) from "Intercontinental Ballistic Missile" (1956 tech) to "Ballistic Missile" (1944 tech)
    3. Corrected morale effect of techs 6450 (Light Mobility 1941) and 6160 (Infiltration Assault Doctrine 1942);
    4. Increased build time reduction bonus for both hull attachments from -20% to -25% with tech Ship Assembly Line
    5. Added TECH_ARMOR_DIVISIONS_DESC text (displayed on tech tool-tip) to Armor Division Formation and all Arm. unit enabling techs
    6. Added all remaining missing tech components names
    7. Changed component from mathematics to training for techs 6830 (Unified Axis Doctrine), 6840 (Unified Soviet Doctrine) and 6850 (Unified Nato Doctrine);
    8. Fixed terrain modifier bonuses from land doctrines to use whole numbers only + Issues with terrain modifiers left from WWI land doctrines
    Map Changes
    1. Replaced "Clear" with "Plains" terrain in Province.csv (DH Core/Light)
    2. Added "X" column at the end of Province.csv (DH Core/Light) to ensure fixed column count when editing the file from MS Excel
    3. Removed 2 name entries about in-existing regions from province_names.csv and world_names.csv (REGION_KAZAN and REGION_MAGADAN)
    4. Added Impassable Connections to multiple Caribbean Islands
    5. Fixed invalid coordinates for Prov ID 537 Kem (Soviet Russia)
    6. Fixed invalid distance between island ID 990 (Las Palmas - Spain) and the sea province ID 2265 (East Canary Islands)
    7. Updated coordinates of some naval zones
    8. Fixed wrong coordinates for provinces in Canada
    • Like Like x 7
  2. Carlos V

    Carlos V

    15 Dicembre 2010
    E' veramente straordinario il lavoro degli sviluppatori di Darkest Hour! :)
    Hanno creato una piccola perla anni fa, che ci ha fatto divertire per molto tempo, e continuano a migliorarla, anche quando ormai gran parte dell'utenza è passata a Hearts of Iron IV. Complimenti, quindi, ad @^_AC_^ e a tutto lo staff che c'è dietro la realizzazione di questo gioco.

    Mi pare di capire che questa sia una patch improntata più sul bugfixing che sull'aggiunta di nuovi contenuti e questo un po' mi dispiace: avrei voluto tanto uno scenario del 1946 e degli eventi per la Guerra Fredda.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Willy il Peyote

    Willy il Peyote

    19 Settembre 2014
    Land of Boiafaus
    Figata!!! Complimenti a tutto il team :approved:

    ps: ma poi a pensarci bene io questa patch l'ho poi aspettata per una settimana, doppia figata :)
    Ultima modifica: 3 Dicembre 2017
  4. ronnybonny

    ronnybonny Moderator Membro dello Staff

    6 Febbraio 2009
    Padova e Udine
    Complimenti a tutto il team
  5. Subversor


    22 Marzo 2007
    A distanza di 6 anni dall'uscita state perfezionando un capolavoro. Grazie per l'impegno e la dedizione che ci mettete! Il mio oculista vi ringrazia meno visto che colorando gli effetti diventa tutto più sbrigativo e meno faticoso da inquadrare :D
  6. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Grazie a tutti per i complimenti! :)
  7. Willy il Peyote

    Willy il Peyote

    19 Settembre 2014
    Land of Boiafaus
    Ho dato un'occhiata stanotte, con l'italia nel 33. Mi sembra che ci siano più brigate attaccate alla fanteria, tutte le divisioni italiane ad eccetto delle 3 alpine hanno una brigata di supporto. Non me le ricordavo così nella 1.4 ma forse mi sbaglio.
    Comodissimi i numeri evidenziati!
  8. Djmitri


    13 Agosto 2012
    Wow complimenti, per la nuova patch!

    Penso proprio che inizierò una nuova campagna... :cool::cool::cool::cool:
  9. Devil


    14 Ottobre 2017
    Come faccio ad installare la nuova patch?
  10. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
  11. Devil


    14 Ottobre 2017
  12. cohimbra


    10 Marzo 2015
    Su Win10 in certe schermate (tipo le liste dei counters nelle statistiche, oppure sui pop-up di infiormazione nella schermata delle tecnologie), e in generale nei caricamenti gioco/scenario va piuttosto lento e a scatti. C'è quindi un problema di compatibilità. Consigli per il settaggio dell'eseguibile?
    edit: ho provato il metodo seguente

    Copy the text below, open notepad and paste it in:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]
    "C:\\***\\***\\Darkest Hour.exe"="$ DWM8And16BitMitigation WINXPSP3 Layer_ForceDirectDrawEmulation"

    Click File -> Save
    Name it FixDH.reg
    Double click it, then allow it to make the change.

    In generale va meglio, il mouse nelle statistiche non viaggia ancora fluido ma adesso è quanto meno gestibile.
    Ultima modifica: 8 Dicembre 2017
  13. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Hai abilitato DirectPlay come Legacy Component? Dovrebbe risolvere molti problemi con W10:
  14. Gabriele Druido

    Gabriele Druido

    27 Maggio 2010
    Mi associo ai complimenti.
    Io non ho compreso una cosa: quando nel modulo di avvio di DH vado nel riquadro "versione" e cerco di aggiornare dalla 1.04 alla 1.05 mi rimanda al forum della Paradox. Come mai?
  15. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Perché sul forum paradox si trova l'installer della patch (in alternativa si può usre Steam per chi ha il gioco su Steam).
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Gabriele Druido

    Gabriele Druido

    27 Maggio 2010
    Grazie della precisazione. Ho seguito le indicazioni ed è andato tutto bene.
  17. Messe


    17 Gennaio 2019
    Ho provato ad installare la Patch 1.05 (178Mb su forum Paradox) su DH 1.04 (GOG Game), per poi installare la 1.05.01. Il problema che al momento del lancio mi dice che la patch 1.05 non trova una versione compatibile di DH e di installare la 1.05.01.
    Nel launcher del gioco mi dice però che DH è aggiornato al 1.05.01 ma aprendo il gioco mi dice che sono sempre alla versione 1.04.

    Non capisco quale sia il problema.

    Avete idea di cosa sbaglio?
  18. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Così al volo. Il passaggio GOG 1.04 -> 1.05 -> 1.05.1 è normale e testato più volte.
    Non ho capito se il problema che dici è al momento di installare la 1.05 o la 1.05.1, potresti chiarire meglio il processo?
  19. Messe


    17 Gennaio 2019
    Il passaggio è il seguente:
    1) il laucher del gioco mi da questa situazione aggiornamento 1.05.01:

    poi quando faccio partire il gioco sia liscio sia Full mi da questa situazione:


    quindi quando provo a caricare l'aggiornamento 1.05 sul gioco mi esce questa finestra:


    se provo ad installare la patch 1.05.01 me la installa, ma il gioco non funziona dandomi errori.

    Boh? otrebbe centrare che è della GOG GAME?
  20. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    No, perché la patch manuale è stata pensata proprio per la versione GOG.
    Mi viene il dubbio che tu abbia diverse versioni del gioco installate sul tuo PC... ma non dovrebbe cmq causare questa situazione.
    Hai provato a disinstallare completamente DH e a reinstallare partendo da GOG?
    • Agree Agree x 1

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