Patch 1.31 ed Espansione Leviathans

Discussione in 'Europa Universalis 4' iniziata da ^_AC_^, 8 Luglio 2020.

  1. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Europa Universalis IV - 6 April 2021 - War Canoes & Unit Renders
    Ciao! Prima di tutto lasciate che mi presenti. Mi chiamo David Horler, e sono l'Art Lead a Paradox Tinto qui a Barcellona.

    Ho iniziato a lavorare sugli unit pack di EU4 dal lontano 2013, e dall'ora ho lavorato su environment art e tech art per PDS in giochi come Imperator: Rome e Crusader Kings III. Ora sono tornato alle origini, alle espansioni di EU4.

    Se ve lo siete perso, abbiamo appena annunciato che l'espansione Leviathan e la relativa patch gratuita saranno rilasciati il 27 Aprile, quindi diamo un'occhiata ad alcune delle novità che vi aspettano!

    Canoe da guerra
    Molte culture nel mondo hanno sviluppato semplici mezzi di navigazione per trasportare guerrieri e materiali lungo le coste e anche attraverso l'oceano. A volte, vascelli nemici si sono scontrati in combattimento in qualità di piattaforme per armi da lancio e truppe da sbarco.

    Il nostro rifacimento di Nord America e Oceania ci è sembrato una buona opportunità per rivisitare le capacità di trasporto navale di nazioni tribali. Quindi nella patch gratuita sarà inclusa la Canoa da Guerra, una unità di trasporto base disponibile per tutti coloro che non hanno ancora ricercato la Cocca. Questo permetterà a nazioni poco tecnologiche di effettuare combattimenti navali e spostare reggimenti attraverso il mare.


    Avere la capacità di attraversare i mari permette tante nuovi eccitanti possibilità a inizio partita se si gioca con una nazione tribale costiera in America o Australia. Tuttavia, siccome le Canoe da Guerra hanno una capacità di combattimento bassa, circa ⅓ di quello di una Cocca, non si può fare affidamento su di esse per affrontare nazioni con navi più tecnologicamente avanzate.

    Unit Renders

    Compreso con Leviathan c'è uno unit pack decisamente esteso, con molte chicche grafiche per il Sud Est Asiatico e non solo!

    Aborigine Austrialiani e Polonesiani:
    Lan Na:
    Luang Prabang:

    Questo è tutto per ora - ma settimana prossima torneremo per parlare di achievements.

    Buona settimana a tutti, ci vediamo a PDXCON Remixed la settimana prossima!

  2. Alessandro Argeade

    Alessandro Argeade

    3 Ottobre 2015
    Ma certo, le ben note capacità navali degli aborigeni australiani e dei nativi californiani. Sta patch puzza sempre più di Civilization Universalis
  3. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 20th of April 2021

    Manca solo una settimana al rilascio di Leviathan, ed è stato un anno piuttosto interessante, per usare un eufemismo.

    Circa un anno fa io, groogy, starnan e neondt ci stavamo facendo il c**o per finire Emperor, dopo i precedenti rilasci decisamente non buoni. Da molte prospettive si può considerare un ottimo rilascio: ha venduto tanto, ha ottenuto buone recensioni, ha raggiunto un record di giocatori. Tuttavia a causa della grande ambizione di riscrivere la IA da zero e la creazione di sistemi completamente nuovi, quel rilascio ha anche generato una grande quantità di debito tecnico, che si è aggiunto a quello accumulato in tutta la precedente vita del gioco. Quando parlo di debito tecnico, non sto parlando di cose normali per i programmatori, ma mi riferisco al debito tecnico come bug segnalati. Bug che possono rovinare l'esperienza dei giocatori. Questo non è accettabile nel lungo periodo, dovevamo fare qualcosa, ma allo stesso tempo volevamo tornare alla precedente filosofia di EU4 di rilasciare almeno 2 espansioni all'anno.

    Allo stesso tempo, a inizio primavera 2020 abbiamo preso la decisione di creare un nuovo studio a Barcellona che prendesse le redine della serie Europa Universalis. Questo sarebbe stato ottimo e sarebbe stato divertente creare tutto da capo partendo da un team piccolo.

    Poi è arrivato il Coronavirus e tutti iniziammo a lavorare da casa e in pratica stiamo ancora tutti lavorando da casa. Tuttavia, abbiamo assunto il nostro primo nuovo dipendente per Tinto a Settembere e il team è cresciuto ogni mese da allora: adesso ci sono 14 persone che lavorano a Paradox Tinto e altre 4 inizieranno a lavorarci nei prossimi 2 mesi. Alcuni di questi hanno fatto parte di PDS per tanto tempo come me, saintdaveuk e alexivan ma gli altri sono stati assunti per rendere grande questo team e alcuni di loro sono ottimi modder della nostra comunità. Quello che ci unisce è la grande passione per EU4 e questo lo si vede nel prodotto su cui lavoriamo.

    Perciò con un nuovo team e un enorme debito ho preso la decisione di passare a una nuova filosofia con cui lavorare sulle espansioni di EU4 a Paradox Tinto:
    • Meccaniche a pagamento dovrebbero essere standalone e facili da mantenere
    • Nessun rifacimento di meccaniche principali quando abbiamo ancora un sacco di bug
    • Ridurre il numero di bug il più possibile
    • Aggiungere più contenuto come misisoni, grafica e musica
    • Migliorare le zone della mappa che non hanno ricevuto molta attenzione negli ultimi anni

    Tutto questo sembra ottimo sulla carta, ma nella realtà? Guardando al nostro Jira interno, il mio team ha fatto un lavoro straordinario fino a oggi. Abbiamo risolto circa 1100 bug dal 1° Settembre, riducendo il numero di quelli aperti di ben 657 (perché nuovi bug sono continuamente segnalati sul forum, dalla nostra QA e dal nostro team).

    La nostra visione per il resto dell'anno è assicurarci di concentrarci sul ridurre il numero di bug il più possibile, pur continuando a produrre nuovo contenuto!

    In ogni caso, queste sono le patch notes per il rilascio della 1.31 di settimana prossima:
    ######################## ###########################

    # Expansion Features
    - Monuments are now spread around the world giving a variety of modifiers to their owners.
    - Monuments can be upgraded giving greater bonuses.
    - Some Monuments can be relocated to your capital.
    - Added several Events related to Monuments.
    - 48 unique monument illustrations.
    - You can now curry favors with another country.
    - You can now trade accumulated favors for ducats, soldiers and sailors.
    - You can now trade favors to ask someone to break an alliance.
    - You can now trade favors to put a relative on the throne of another country.
    - You can now trade favors to request the return of a core province.
    - You can now trade favors to reduce the opinion towards another country.
    - Colonial nations have three different types which gives them different behavior.
    - Colonial nations have upgrades giving various bonuses.
    - You can concentrate development of your or your vassal states transfering the development to your capital.
    - You can centralize a state to reduce its governing cost.
    - Totemism has a new mechanic where previous rulers can be selected as ancestors and give you modifiers based on traits.
    - Added several Events for Totemism.
    - You can now designate units to automatically carpet siege selected areas.
    - New Mandala government reform for some nations which encourages gameplay with vassals.
    - You can now specify to never mothball certain forts.
    - New Pillage Capital wargoal to steal development from your enemies.
    - Draft transports mechanic to quickly build a transportation navy.
    - Regency councils are now led by estates.
    - You can now choose to extend a regency to delay when your heir ascends to the throne.
    - Brunei, Champa, Cherokee, Dakota, Iroquois, Lan Xang, Khmer, Madyas, Majapahit, Navajo, Palembang, Pegu, Powhatan, Pueblo, Siamese, Shan states, Sunda, Tondo and Vietnamese missions.
    - Full sets of unit models for Brunei, Majapahit, Malacca, Pagaruyung, Ayutthaya, Champa, Lan Na, Luang Prabang
    - Generic unit model for Polynesian countries.
    - Generic unit model for Australian Aboriginal countries.
    - War canoe model for Native Americans.
    - War canoe model for Polynesians.
    - 2 New Disasters (Khmer and Vietnam).
    - You can expand the infrastructure of a province to increase the amount of manufacturers, at the cost of governing capacity.
    - 9 New Achievements.
    - Added Leviathan achievements Icons.

    # Free Features
    - Added 7 new events about special regent characters.
    - Added an event chain of 4 flavour events for the Iroquoian Nations, regarding ‘The Morning Wars’
    - Added 5 new flavor events for the Pueblo tribes.
    - Added 5 new flavor events for the Cherokee tribe (CHE).
    - Added Sikh Gurus mechanic.
    - Added new alert types.
    - Heir legitimacy has been reworked.
    - Added new alert icons.
    - Added new subject icons.
    - Added new government reform icons.
    - New Zoroastrian holy sites.
    - Added reforms for each colonial subtype.
    - New idea groups for theocracies, steppe hordes, natives.
    - New migration mechanics for natives.
    - Migration speed was removed and migration cost was added.
    - Alert for when a migratory tribe's province devastation gets high and they can migrate.
    - Added Aotearoa (Maori NZ), United Hawaii and United Fiji as new TAGs.
    - Added custom names for both Nobility and Clergy for Polynesia.
    - Added new 45 Aboriginal & Polynesian flags.
    - Added new 98 provinces in North America, including historical Lakes Tulare and Cahuilla.
    - New Aboriginal tech group.
    - New Aboriginal and Polynesian ideas.
    - Added generic missions for North American Natives and Polynesian Countries.
    - Added 43 Events for Polynesian TAGs with new Event Pictures.
    - Added several Generic Events for Native Americans.
    - New Parsi culture.
    - New mechanic for tribal development.
    - New mechanics for federations.
    - New government reforms for tribal nations.
    - New Plutocracy government reform.
    - New Kongsi federation government reform.
    - Added flavor text and changed some names for the new policies (Theocracy, Horde, Indigenous).
    - Added Clove as a trade good.
    - Added Japanese volunteer mercenaries.
    - Added several Events for Federations.
    - Added one Volcano event
    - Added difference between the graphics for cobelligerent with allies and cobelligerent without allies in the Declare War interface.
    - Added several Catalan culture names to Europe.

    # Gamebalance
    - Now supporting rebels in a rival country does not give any power projection.
    - Now heir claim grade is increased faster.
    - Ruler/heir legitimacy tweaked, so only kids get reduced claim strength.
    - Made regencies have a minimum 80% legitimacy, so that they are always useful enough until heirs are ready to take over.
    - Upgrading Trade Centers requires 15 development for rank 2, and 30 development for rank 3.
    - Canals now provide far more trade power.
    - The Swiss Guard is now up to 4 times as large.
    - Increased priority and max for savings, decreased massively for subsidies.
    - Reduced importance of colonists if we have loans.
    - Reduced importance of subsidies if we have loans.
    - Reduced missionary importance if we have loans.
    - Reduced advisor importance if we have loans.
    - Made saving take into account all loans, not just bank loans.
    - Marines now only take +10% shock damage instead of +25%.
    - Naval Ideas Finisher is now +10% Marines instead of +5%.
    - Each coastal development now gives 40 sailors instead of 30.
    - Maratha & Noble Levies are now -10% Tax instead of -25% tax, and +25% Manpower instead of +100% Manpower.
    - Estates now have -25 loyalty for each nation you ally with that you have a victory card on.
    - Horde can no longer get Aristocratic ideas.
    - Admirals & Explorers now use diplomatic power for a separate maintenance pool.
    - Coastal Sea now reduces naval engagement width by 20% instead of increasing it by 10%.
    - Naval Engagement Width now increases with tech, so you go from 5 to 75 over time.
    - The amount of sailors ships need now increases as they become more advanced.
    - Small factor to split sail_speed into blockade power and sail speed.
    - Sailor consistency balance. Reduced number of sailors needed for Archipelago Frigate, Chebeck, Galiot, Galleass, Galley and War Galley.
    - The movement speed of ships now increases with more advanced models. Galleys up to 25% at the best model, while the other ship-types reach +50%.
    - Coastal Defence and Naval Batteries now block slave raids.
    - Reduced the appoint_cardinal_cost modifier that made possible to appoint cardinals for 0 ducats.
    - Now you can release nations in the HRE Casus Bellis.
    - The window to take ideas/tech for innovativeness has now been increased to 365 days from 90 days.
    - Passive gain from being ahead of time will now give you 0.01 innovativeness instead of 0.005.
    - Innovativeness gain from taking Idea first/early is now 2 instead of 1.
    - Innovativeness gain from taking Tech first/early is now 4 instead of 2.
    - Severely lowered reformation desire gain.
    - Regency Council no longer decreases Legitimacy, but instead increases Stability Cost.
    - Now there is a penalty for setting as Co-belligerent a nation you have a Royal Marriage with.
    - Now Veche Republics can use the Merchant Republic reforms in the third tier.
    - Make it easier to find the Province with revolt risk in Stability and Expansion tab.
    - Released nations keep several values from the moment they were annexed.
    - Added some straits between islands.
    - Now subjects will join the war but only will support it if they, and the overlords, don’t have liberty desire towards the top overlord.
    - Christian countries can join HRE by simply bordering it.
    - Overlord being forced to become tributary during war forces him but not the vassals out of other ongoing wars.
    - Primitives can now build transports. Also added an early transport ship called "war canoe" for before tech 3.
    - The 'Restrict Imperial Courts' parliament bribe now costs 1 IA instead of 5.
    - Non-European countries are now more willing to charter out Trade Companies in Europe.

    # AI
    - AI budgeting has been improved.
    - Made AI better at gauging when to build Coastal Defence building.
    - AI for Centralize State.
    - Improved on AI managing Governing Capacity.
    - Changed AI weights to the uparaja_reform.
    - AI usage of Monuments.
    - Fixed AI may force enemy to become player's tributary in a peace treaty.
    - AI Check for AE with Pillage Capital peace treaty.
    - AI does not Establish Order while saving Monarch Power to research technologies.
    - AI can be dissuaded from attacking or checks for changed circumstances.

    # Interface
    - Added the Paradox Tinto logo.
    - Loading screen featuring Hayam Wuruk in front of Borobudur Temple.
    - Illustrations for Zoroastrian holy sites.
    - Additional event illustrations for Polynesia.
    - Additional event illustrations for South East Asia.
    - Various additional icons.
    - New “Mothball all forts” button.
    - New disaster icons.
    - Fixed Building tab and images in the macrobuilder GUI.
    - Take on debt tooltip now displays value including interest when you lack the money.
    - Transfer Occupation now sorts country by state development.
    - Added scrollbar for estate privileges and removed the estate limit.
    - Updating a Center of Trade now updates modifier immediately.
    - Improved trade-power value tooltip in province view.
    - Income and expenses now enum classes.
    - Added income and expenditure logging.
    - Fixed the active forts icon in the military screen doesn't have a tooltip and is not aligned with the buttons or the text below.
    - Added a message for when another nation gets a cardinal, Appoint Cardinal interaction has been used and when Papal States appoint a loyalist.
    - Increased the warning for Agenda expiry to 3 years from 1 year.
    - The Emperor is correctly shown as joining the war on the defending side.
    - Added new select all/deselect all buttons to message settings.
    - Fixed tooltips for force limits when you have under 5 provinces.
    - Made the syncretic faith window close if your religion changes.
    - UI alert informs the player if they meet the requirements to become a Hegemon.
    - Only provinces can be selected on map in peace deal view.
    - Fixed issues with popup for Call to Arms as Defender of the Faith.
    - Fixed Interface issue with recruiting cannons in subject territories.
    - Show Governing Capacity in State View.

    # Usermodding
    # Effects:
    - Added add_great_project_tier to define the tier of a monument present in a province.
    - Added free_concentrate_development = yes to allow Government Reforms to have this feature at no cost.
    - Added extend_regency effect to set by how many years a regency will be extended.
    - Added regency = { estate = xxxx } to set a estate as lead in a regency.
    - Added set_estate_led_regency_privilege to define a privilege that will be added to a country. “random” is an option for a Random privilege chosen among the possible ones.

    # Modifiers:
    - Added great_project_upgrade_cost.
    - Added local_great_project_upgrade_cost.
    - Added monthly_heir_claim_increase_modifier (multiplicative).

    # Triggers:
    - Added has_great_project { type = X }.
    - Added num_of_times_used_transfer_development.
    - Added num_of_times_used_pillage_capital.
    - Added has_pillaged_capital_against.
    - Added is_in_extended_regency = yes.
    - Added has_estate_led_regency.
    - Added estate_led_regency_influence.
    - Added estate_led_regency_loyalty.
    - Added is_subject_of_type_with_overlord.

    # Defines:
    - Added Number of Possible Federation Countries.
    - Added Ancestor Personality Level in Defines.
    - Added Ancestor Cost.
    - Added Great Project Warscore Cost.
    - Added Extended Regency Legitimacy Penalty.
    - Added Default Extended Regency Years.
    - Added Several Defines for Great Projects.
    - Added Sikh Guru Chance.
    - Added various Defines for Concentrate Development.

    # Others:
    - Added on_pillaged_capital.
    - Added on_transfer_development.
    - Added on_extend_regency.
    - Added on_estate_led_regency.
    - Added on_estate_led_regency_surpassed.
    - Added on_colonial_type_change.

    # Script
    - Added texture converter script.
    - Added the option to have royal marriages and queens as requested by the reporter.
    - Fixed federation cohesion bar isn't visible when you join a federation until you close and reopen the federation view.
    - Added Catholic privilege for churches.
    - Added Catholic Sanctuaries estate privilege.
    - Added map mode, tooltips, fixed validation and province selection, fixed being able to siege sea provinces, added stop unit mission so we can cancel missions without needing to know what they are.
    - Added 5 new events about the construction of monuments.
    - Added a context string to evaluation of mission fulfillment.

    # Bugfixes
    - Papal states no longer becomes a daimyo when vassalized.
    - Fixed crash when loading a non-existent province.
    - Fixed text fields for server ID and password in multiplayer menu.
    - Fixed an issue where you couldn't build units past 80% of your force limit.
    - Fixed issues with “The Freedom of Geneva” event.
    - Fixed crash opening 35th page of ledger.
    - Fixed issue with the event option "Integrate Burgundy into the Empire" in "Burgundy Inherited" does not release Burgundy with the Emperor's dynasty.
    - Fixed an issue in RNW not showing trade nodes.
    - Can no longer use special characters in naval template names.
    - Fixed freeze after choosing Trade Goods Mapmode when any province is selected.
    - Trade Company Investment Alert now opens Macro Builder on Trade Company Investments Tab.
    - Now Inland trade tooltip explains it takes a third of development as a base.
    - Now Nations have military access to tributary's overlord if overlord does not join tributary in war.
    - Now Military Access is not cancelled when player's tributary overlord declares war on that country or makes it tributary.
    - Fixed Peace diplomatic cost shown wrongly if player uses both force vassalization and province takeover.
    - Fixed vassal use of Trade Companies.
    - Now Tributary states with vassals can give land to their vassals in peace deal.
    - Now Fort retaking province cannot be prevented by switching occupation to a vassal.
    - Now create Vassal overlay does not remain when you close the main tab.
    - Now you can’t downgrade vassals CoTs.
    - Now Land Force Limit bonus from vassals doesn’t boosts yearly Army Professionalism gain from Unit Drilling.
    - Fixed when declaring war against a subject, Call to Arms to overlord's allies was sent from the subject instead of the overlord.
    - Fixed crash when player tries to open Show Diplomatic Feedback tab.
    - Fixed crash when getting cost for upgrading a max level center of trade.
    - Fixed crash with totemist mechanic if ruler has a personality.
    - Fixed crash when having an ancestor with no personality.
    - Fixed various missions in all areas.
    - Improved feedback for autonomous carpet siege.
    - Fixed Navarre missions with RNW.
    - Fixed different issues with pillaging capital.
    - Fixed different issues with extend diplomacy.
    - Removed nationalism for primitives vs non-primitives.
    - Added explanation for favor rewards.
    - Fixed overlap of some buttons on diplomacy options.
    - Fixed various out of sync errors in multiplayer mode.
    - Fixed “aligned “Allow players to play the same country”.
    - Fixed loc on reduce opinion.
    - Fixed the option "Rich Presence" that was written in English in FR/DE/ES versions, being replaced in DE/ES versions in Main Menu.
    - Fixed ”Go to” button that has capital letters in German language for the “The Treaty of Tordesillas”.
    - Old GUI reubication fixes.
    - Fixed unlocalized text in the in-game DLC overview in the German version.
    - Fixed description crash in ledger.
    - Fixed crash in Court and Country Events.
    - Fixed loc string for reform name.
    - Fixed cores on uncolonized provinces give Uncontested Cores prestige debuff.
    - Fixed Compile fix, the header is hidden outside the matchmaking module. Also use the matchmaking interface provided.
    - Fixed declare war view sometimes disallowing selection of an ally when the tooltip says they'll accept.
    - Added suggested french loc fixes.
    - Fixed flavor_pue.5 is now triggered only.
    - Compile fix, missing forward declaration.
    - Fix on IsAddressMatchingBackend. Sometimes joining on Steam lobby when game was running Nakama wasn't showing any error.
    - Cppcheck fixes.
    - Fixed “Ruler had no personalities”, so was crashing at GetHeadData().
    - Fixed Event converting nation that conquered Mandate of Heaven will not Harmonize old country religion.
    - Fixed crash after exiting to the menu RaiseException.
    - Fixed province with wrong culture and added missing history files. The wastelands are now known to the NA natives.
    - Fixed “goto to the event” which properly goes to the event's province.
    - Fixed explain how it's calculated the quantity of a reward gived by a favor.
    - Fixed wrong pathing in north american east coast territory.
    - Fixed overlap of tab buttons on diplo options.
    - FIxed tooltip on "Settle" button not having line breaks.
    - Fixed Cannot change culture of a syncretic faith province, but cannot convert it either (to allow changing culture).
    - Fixed Fort values are shown for provinces with no fort in the province panel.
    - Fixed in the leave federation view there is an edit text box where you can remove the name of the federation.
    - Fixed human players is listed in the outliner in singleplayer games.
    - Fixed not able to change State into Territory due to converting province despite having finished Religious Ideas.
    - Fixed a bug that caused the "global_religious_conversion_resistancer" to make it more likely to be target of religious conversion center instead of less.
    - Fixed the reward of the mission so it gives either stability or admin power.
    - Removed condition in expand administration.
    - Added industralization institution where needed.
    - Added visibility to the area around Muisca for Andean TAGs so that they can fight freely.
    - Added a missing description for the bought_indulgence modifier.
    - Fixed whenever player changes government through an event they get all reform progress back.
    - Fixed "That is mine" is awarded for Custom Nation starting on normally uncolonised province.
    - Fixed condottieri morale damage depends on maintenance slider of country giving condottieri.
    - Fixed a nation falling under a Personal Union does not leave a coalition they are part of.
    - Fixed Propagate Religion CoRs can spawn in non-muslim province and not be able to convert it.
    - Fixed claims coalition enemy will be co-belligerent in war while he won't.
    - Fixed declaring war with the Tribal Border Feud CB and attempting to select them as vassal shows "Cannot be selected when using the 'force migration' casus belli, which is not what's being used here.
    - Fixed the "Move to" peace offer is visible even if there's nowhere to move, but the text just says move to which looks broken.
    - Fixed current wars ledger page - the war score text widget overlaps loads of the shields
    - Fixed a number of macro bugs preventing triggers and effects working.
    - Fixed moving Main Trade City to a node where merchant is transferring trade power does not change the merchant's behavior.
    - Fixed estimated arrival date does not match real one when moving army.
    - Fixed nation gets "Joined League War" modifier for joining any war against Religious League leader.
    - Fixed assert when changing a merchant from transferring to collecting on moving the primary trade node.
    - Fixed colonies completed with a colonist don't convert to owner's religion.
    - Fixed missing persistence for CWar.
    - Fixed no monarch/leader/ship names for federations.
    - Fixed AE distance calculation from being step-based to being linear.
    - Fixed the target of a succession war can in rare circumstances become warleader, which prevents the war being ended.
    - Fixed maximum monarch power cap is lowered if it is higher than 999 and player starts golden era.
    - Fixed the problem moving the hidden effects of the option to the immediate section so it fires even if the player does not do anything, avoiding any other automatic response that could break the feature.
    - Fixed In regencies in the target country, Claim Throne checks the dynasty of the heir instead of the regent.
    - Fixed a bug where universities could not be built if a province had lost slots already.
    - Fixed minor bug penalising Heathens for being Heretics.
    - Fixed concede colonial nation does not work properly if player has a colonial nation outside the target region causing massive overextension.
    - Fixed player can be at war with his own ally without breaking alliance.
    - Fixed Consolidate Development button in state panel should have a text saying what it does similar to the Centralize State one next to it.
    - Fixed reduce opinion diplomatic action doesn't specify how much opinion they would lose.
    - Fixed potential crash generating a regency with no estates.
    - Fixed missing option names.
    - Fixed a bunch of effect GetDesc stack overflows.
    - Fixed armies ignore forts if the path has been set before the war declaration.
    - Fixed tooltip for extended regency trigger.
    - Fixed the estimated time until next reform fluctuates on monthly tick in the tooltip for government reform progressbar.
    - Fixed tributary Overlord gives conditional access to enemies but not its tributaries in war.
    - Fixed Fort position changes on camera move.
    - Fixed subjects with supportive focus may become passive.
    - Fixed custom Nations with a culture from the New World can see the build a Flagships button in province builder.
    - Fixed "Placate estate" parliament bribes always use generic estate names.
    - Removed message about Independence War of a country player supported independence of shows rebellious vassal as ally of the overlord.
    - Fixed garrison bonuses applied when enemy sieges Player's forts.
    - Fixed duplicated keys.
    - Fixed error log spamming in observer mode.
    - Added various clauses that check if FRA is subject.
    - Fixed an error which causes blockade progress to be miscalculated when you have less than required ships to blockade.
    - You can no longer raid coasts where you have a truce with the owner.
    - Sich Rada now allows you to raze provinces if you have The Cossacks DLC.
    - Hegemon opinion is only applied to non-subjects.
    - AI will now get back manpower when they disband units.
    - Tooltip Modifier from "Siege Specialist" general trait was not displayed in Fort defense tooltip in siege view.
    - Fix on Reconquista Tutorial for not having enough admin power to end it.
    - User is kicked out from the subjects tab once the user no longer plays as the overlord.
    - Overlord developing subject's provinces grants crown land to the overlord instead of the subject.
    - Fixed CTD when user selects ruler random personality when creating custom nation.
    - Fixed script error in Event flavor_swi.7 (Calvin becomes the Spiritual Leader of Geneva).
    - Fixed script error in Tunisian Missions. The same error could be found in the previous mission of the tree. Corrected both.
    - Fixed script error in Spanish Missions. The same error could be found in the previous mission of the tree. Corrected both.
    - Added the Quelimane area as possible to fulfill the requirements as is part of the referred Trade Node and is historically related to the provinces affected by this mission.
    - Fixed script error in Emperor of the Revolution Reform. Considering the modifier that the reform gives, the easiest change is to simply make it available only when the player owns the Emperor DLC.
    - Fixed script error in Fate of Neumark and Treaty of Colln events by adding a remove_core = TEU in both cases so that Teutons lost their cores in the provinces they are selling.
    - Fixed script error in the event aow_events.48 that allowed the event to try to give a cardinal to a non=catholic province. While the result was that the province if it was non-catholic wouldn't receive the cardinal, it is a better design to only allow catholic provinces to be eligible.
    - Fixed script error in Event 1081 that did not check that the Papal States did not actually exist. The event won't affect Italy, though.
    - Updated hindu_events.1 to have Buddha as a possible option.
    - Fixed script error in flavor_bur.16 where it is not checked that NED is not a subject so the rest of the dutch minors won't join and cause a massive spike in Liberty Desire.
    - Fixed script error in Event flavor_hab.3195 where a peasant austrian cultured revolt (by flavour text( can happen anywhere. The event now checks you own at least one province in the proper region and of the proper culture and fires in one of those provinces.
    - Fixed script error in Event flavor_swi.201. The event that fires this (200) won't fire if Geneva is at war so that the odd result does not happen (forcing Geneva out of all current wars as it is made a march).
    - Reduced the Kingdom of God and Embrace Conciliarism modifiers for appointing cardinals so they don't stack to 100%.
    - Event "Mary Dies" will no longer start if the country is at war.
    - Fixed icon and text positions for the two resolution configurations. Governing cost overlaps with the number of building slots in native buildings view.
    - Hided standard view icons for native american window and vice versa.
    - Fixed American Provinces not being in their proper Trade Node.
    - Fixed bug where a province with "no_religion" can’t be converted to any religion.
    - Fixed when recruiting special regiments become regular infantry after saving and loading the save.
    - Fixed war leader's subjects weren't called into defensive wars.
    - Fixed inaccurate tooltip for score multiplier from Hegemony.
    - Fixed huge nations in CK2 converted save games start with their capital in a territory.
    - No longer colonial regions can be added into HRE.
    - Propagate Religion now policy can only be used if you're muslim or if you are hindu and have completed the mission "The Porch of Mecca".
    - Fixed tooltip for religious conversion in province view of provinces with harmonized religion wasn’t checking whether you could convert the province or not.
    - Fixed tutorial when you are playing the unit control basic, a window will no longer appear and suddenly disappear when clicking on a non-player army.
    - Fixed misleading tooltip for when conquering land would increase land share.
    - Fixed the tooltip of the "Excommunicate" diplomatic action indicating the chosen country has too much Papal Influence when this action is on cooldown.
    - Fixed the Defender of Faith Tier tooltip for non-Christian and non-Muslim countries no longer reads as if they can adopt Dotf.
    - Fixed tooltip for Naval Force Limit Modifier no longer displays a penalty for local Autonomy after assigning it to the Trade Company.
    - Fixed the really annoying "adding cash to warscore doesn't let you add the full amount when nearing max warscore" bug.
    - Fixed lowering Maintenance to keep the enemy in battle for longer by storing the morale for the country at the start of the particular battle so any changes don't affect the units involved until that particular battle is over.
    - Fix for the cash benefit for creating states always being listed as 0.
    - Fixed switching map modes with States tab opened followed by opening Trade Company Investments causes colours and names mismatch on map.
    - Fixed bug where attached unit could be one day off.
    - The option to create an Alliance again after allying a nation and reloading with an active Call to Arms from that nation was blocked. The last diplo action date and country was not persisted in the save, fixed that.
    - Tooltip for effects changing government rank no longer displays current rank if the nation's rank is locked.
    - Fixed clicking on a province with Gold when building a regular manufactory through macrobuilder builded Ramparts.
    - Hunt for Seven Cities can switch off with no notification to the player even if there are provinces left to be explored. Fixed this.
    - Fixed the game claiming that your movement is blocked by a hostile fort when trying to retreat from a battle before 12 days have passed.
    - Fixed AI refusing to spend overflow monarch points on development in some cases.
    - Fixed that when the player accepted Demands for Separatists from an event the nation didn't get released and the separatist army became part of the player’s one.
    - Fixed ordering transport ships with army on board to travel through few ports will leave army only in last port.
    - Fixed countries in America that are missing their primitive flag without Conquest of Paradise/El Dorado.
    - Changed misleading tooltips.
    - Fixed bug in the Trade tutorial that required Venice to build 5 ships with only 65 ducats. Changed it to 3 instead.
    - Native province view fixes.
    - Forcing harboured fleet to return to occupied province will prevent them from leaving said province.
    - Fixed Imperial Authority tooltip containing outdated information on how Imperial Authority is gained and lost.
    - Fixed how to know HRE Electors stance on a reform.
    - Fixed Reloading game causes recruiting special regiments to change into regular infantry
    - Fixed attempting to attach an army to other already attached army has no effect.
    - Fixed Revolutionary OPMs can become Free Cities.
    - Fixed Hegemon tooltip read Another Great Power inseat of All other Great Power.
    - Fixed text may overflow when selling ships to a country with a long name.
    - Separated both budgeting logs.
    - Enhanced algorithm.
    - Fixed game crashes randomly during mid-game playthrough.
    - Fixed asset when history database is being applied before triggers are postvalidated.
    - Added colour to tooltip text.
    - Fixed Tooltip for detaching Marines doesn't tell the player why they can't use it.
    - Reduced the amount of alert manager checking.
    - Added tooltip for for Metropolitan map mode when you cannot assign Metropolitan to a state
    - Fixed Colonial Nations to have the option to force other nations to become a Tributary under their Overlord.
    - Fixed Appoint Cardinal cost does not appear in country modifiers list.
    - Fixed tooltip saying that you are declaring war without CB to Burgundy when trying to force personal union, when actually there is a CB that allows it.
    - Fixed when clicking on a province it will either show the province or state views based on what it's shown previously.
    - Army Strength is displayed correctly in the War Declaration screen.
    - Now Blockade Force Required is not listed in country modifiers.
    - The list of cardinals in the Papacy doesn't overlap with itself.
    - Interface always contains all implemented informations.
    - Now all provinces can be culture converted.
    - Dhimmi modifiers are only applied to non-Muslim provinces.
    - Now Revolution can spread to provinces that it is already present in
    - Sorting armies by Manpower now works correctly.
    - Modifier is included in Military Tactics tooltip in battle overview.
    - Fixed the large garrisons overflow interface in siege view.
    - You can cycle through armies in one province if they're attached.
    - Subjects' rebels use the correct scope for their tooltip when viewed by the overlord.
    - All modifiers get displayed for all nations.
    - Appointing Cardinal Papal action has a 4-year cooldown.
    - The Player is informed that supporting rebels in rival countries grants bonus power projection.
    - Fixed issues with the commands.
    - White peace affects Hegemon status in the same way regardless if it is sent as "Demand Tribute" or "Offer Tribute".
    - Button to change all settings to allow achievements now works properly.
    - Narcissism achievement actually checks for battles won.
    - Changing map mode while in Land units tab is permanently displayed.
    - Annexed countries can't release subjects as part of a peace deal.
    - Greenland and Papua New Guinea are now islands
    - Fixed Ottoman Flavour Titles not Loading.
    - Fixed several Out of Syncs.
    - Fixed CTD in country subject view when trying to show relationship with subjects.
    - Fixed Provinces from the nation's allies cannot be taken in a peace treaty if the nation is annexed through "Concede Colonial Region" peace treaty.
    - Fixed Official Faith of the Holy Roman Empire not being the official faith once Proclaim Erbkaisertum is passed.
    - Fixed a bug that made possible to have multiple diplomats building spy network in a single country, revoking a diplomat on annexation.
    - Fixed that morale recovery modifier was not properly displayed for Mercenary Companies.
    - The pop-up for assigning a province to Trade Company now lists all the modifiers.
    - Fixed script issue for generating heathen advisors checking continent of a country rather than country capital.
    - Fixed incorrect event key referenced for inviting enemies to the dutch revolts.
    - Right-clicking on a province in development macro-builder no longer centers map on the province.
    - Fixed AE when vassalising a nation is not reduced by releasing a third nation.
    - Corrected the area and region missions only needing a single province while restricting it to colonized provinces (so one doesn't get stuck because can't colonize).
    - Corrected the New World Missions so that it needs all the provinces in a single area/region without taking in consideration non colonized provinces.
    - Fixed tooltip that shows that Expand Empire peace treaty can add provinces to the HRE without adding their owner.
    - Fixed Expand Empire treaty ignoring provinces nonadjacent to the HRE for calculating IA, AE and prestige gain.
    - Fixed a revolutionary event options.
    - Fixed incorrect AE shown in peace deal. Now peace deal UI shows the maximum of AE you will gain.
    - Fixed Italian Defence mission to allow for better forts as well.
    - Changed corrupted key in the Irish loc for Edinburg (248).
    - Changed the conditions for Brahmins privilege Supremacy Over the Crown.
    - Cossack revolt nation will not get new ideas upon tag change.
    - Fixed bug with Colonial Nations revolutionary names.
    - Fixed several multiplayer crashes.
    - Now Workshop in Production Interface is sorted by Improvement Value by default.
    - Now in Court tab tooltip for heir display heir's stats or traits.
    - Fixed popup spam when playing as daimyo.
    - Now tooltip for mercenary maintenance on recruitment interface list all modifiers.
    - Fixing consistency in Army Professionalism abilities tooltip.
    - Now giving away ally's provinces in a peace deal reduces the ally's trust.
    - Fixed Country modifiers screen listing Yearly Revolutionary Zeal regardless of Age or Revolutionary status.
    - Fixed Using Autonomous Rebels Suppression resulting in Army mission Cancelled popup
    - Fixed rebel progress being 0% if no forts have been taken.
    - Fixed Cannot change Allied Objective if you use it for your Subject and the two of you are alone in the war.
    - Fixed the number of attached troops being doubled on a map view.
    - Fixed Clicking "Previous/Next" in Ledger closes it and moves camera to random location after few times on lower GUI scales.
    - Fixed Armies in Autonomous Rebel Suppression ignoring rebels from other countries
    - Scripted advisors can now be female.
    - Fixed Player whose hotjoin request had been rejected couldn't return to main menu.
    - Fixed the AI not ever promoting cultures.
    - Fixed supporting HRE reforms only selects those that are directly required for that reform.
    - Stopped appointing a loyalist cardinal creating a truce with yourself.
    - Lifted FoW for condottieri.
    - Can use great power actions on tributary states.
    - Return of Rathore event now generates a war which you can see.
    - Native countries can no longer charter trade companies.
    - Fixed separatism timeout date calculation.
    - Now revoking Ewiger Landfriede allows wars.
    - Inability to select reforms due to cost now is correctly reported.
    - Now you rightly get Queen of Conquest if annexing an OPM.
    - Now Spread the Revolution power projection is displayed correctly in peace offer text.
    - Fixed crash in court view when using mods that don't have certain widgets.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
  5. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Saluti a tutti!

    La patch 1.31 Majapahit è stata rilasciata!


    NON dovreste caricare savegame precedenti alla 1.31 dopo aver fatto l'aggiornamento alla nuova patch! Per istruzioni su come giocare il gioco con patch precedenti, andate qui!

    Come al solito, se trovate problemi segnalateli nel nostro bug report forum o create un support ticket. Grazie!
    # Free Features
    - Added 7 new events about special regent characters.
    - Added an event chain of 4 flavour events for the Iroquoian Nations, regarding ‘The Morning Wars’
    - Added 5 new flavor events for the Pueblo tribes.
    - Added 5 new flavor events for the Cherokee tribe (CHE).
    - Added Sikh Gurus mechanic.
    - Added new alert types.
    - Heir legitimacy has been reworked.
    - Added new alert icons.
    - Added new subject icons.
    - Added new government reform icons.
    - New Zoroastrian holy sites.
    - Added reforms for each colonial subtype.
    - New idea groups for theocracies, steppe hordes, natives.
    - New migration mechanics for natives.
    - Migration speed was removed and migration cost was added.
    - Alert for when a migratory tribe's province devastation gets high and they can migrate.
    - Added Aotearoa (Maori NZ), United Hawaii and United Fiji as new TAGs.
    - Added custom names for both Nobility and Clergy for Polynesia.
    - Added new 45 Aboriginal & Polynesian flags.
    - Added new 98 provinces in North America, including historical Lakes Tulare and Cahuilla.
    - New Aboriginal tech group.
    - New Aboriginal and Polynesian ideas.
    - Added generic missions for North American Natives and Polynesian Countries.
    - Added 43 Events for Polynesian TAGs with new Event Pictures.
    - Added several Generic Events for Native Americans.
    - New Parsi culture.
    - New mechanic for tribal development.
    - New mechanics for federations.
    - New government reforms for tribal nations.
    - New Plutocracy government reform.
    - New Kongsi federation government reform.
    - Added flavor text and changed some names for the new policies (Theocracy, Horde, Indigenous).
    - Added Clove as a trade good.
    - Added Japanese volunteer mercenaries.
    - Added several Events for Federations.
    - Added one Volcano event
    - Added difference between the graphics for cobelligerent with allies and cobelligerent without allies in the Declare War interface.
    - Added several Catalan culture names to Europe.

    # Gamebalance
    - Now supporting rebels in a rival country does not give any power projection.
    - Now heir claim grade is increased faster.
    - Ruler/heir legitimacy tweaked, so only kids get reduced claim strength.
    - Made regencies have a minimum 80% legitimacy, so that they are always useful enough until heirs are ready to take over.
    - Upgrading Trade Centers requires 15 development for rank 2, and 30 development for rank 3.
    - Canals now provide far more trade power.
    - The Swiss Guard is now up to 4 times as large.
    - Increased priority and max for savings, decreased massively for subsidies.
    - Reduced importance of colonists if we have loans.
    - Reduced importance of subsidies if we have loans.
    - Reduced missionary importance if we have loans.
    - Reduced advisor importance if we have loans.
    - Made saving take into account all loans, not just bank loans.
    - Marines now only take +10% shock damage instead of +25%.
    - Naval Ideas Finisher is now +10% Marines instead of +5%.
    - Each coastal development now gives 40 sailors instead of 30.
    - Maratha & Noble Levies are now -10% Tax instead of -25% tax, and +25% Manpower instead of +100% Manpower.
    - Estates now have -25 loyalty for each nation you ally with that you have a victory card on.
    - Horde can no longer get Aristocratic ideas.
    - Admirals & Explorers now use diplomatic power for a separate maintenance pool.
    - Coastal Sea now reduces naval engagement width by 20% instead of increasing it by 10%.
    - Naval Engagement Width now increases with tech, so you go from 5 to 75 over time.
    - The amount of sailors ships need now increases as they become more advanced.
    - Small factor to split sail_speed into blockade power and sail speed.
    - Sailor consistency balance. Reduced number of sailors needed for Archipelago Frigate, Chebeck, Galiot, Galleass, Galley and War Galley.
    - The movement speed of ships now increases with more advanced models. Galleys up to 25% at the best model, while the other ship-types reach +50%.
    - Coastal Defence and Naval Batteries now block slave raids.
    - Reduced the appoint_cardinal_cost modifier that made possible to appoint cardinals for 0 ducats.
    - Now you can release nations in the HRE Casus Bellis.
    - The window to take ideas/tech for innovativeness has now been increased to 365 days from 90 days.
    - Passive gain from being ahead of time will now give you 0.01 innovativeness instead of 0.005.
    - Innovativeness gain from taking Idea first/early is now 2 instead of 1.
    - Innovativeness gain from taking Tech first/early is now 4 instead of 2.
    - Severely lowered reformation desire gain.
    - Regency Council no longer decreases Legitimacy, but instead increases Stability Cost.
    - Now there is a penalty for setting as Co-belligerent a nation you have a Royal Marriage with.
    - Now Veche Republics can use the Merchant Republic reforms in the third tier.
    - Make it easier to find the Province with revolt risk in Stability and Expansion tab.
    - Released nations keep several values from the moment they were annexed.
    - Added some straits between islands.
    - Now subjects will join the war but only will support it if they, and the overlords, don’t have liberty desire towards the top overlord.
    - Christian countries can join HRE by simply bordering it.
    - Overlord being forced to become tributary during war forces him but not the vassals out of other ongoing wars.
    - Primitives can now build transports. Also added an early transport ship called "war canoe" for before tech 3.
    - The 'Restrict Imperial Courts' parliament bribe now costs 1 IA instead of 5.
    - Non-European countries are now more willing to charter out Trade Companies in Europe.

    # AI
    - AI budgeting has been improved.
    - Made AI better at gauging when to build Coastal Defence building.
    - AI for Centralize State.
    - Improved on AI managing Governing Capacity.
    - Changed AI weights to the uparaja_reform.
    - AI usage of Monuments.
    - Fixed AI may force enemy to become player's tributary in a peace treaty.
    - AI Check for AE with Pillage Capital peace treaty.
    - AI does not Establish Order while saving Monarch Power to research technologies.
    - AI can be dissuaded from attacking or checks for changed circumstances.

    # Interface
    - Added the Paradox Tinto logo.
    - Loading screen featuring Hayam Wuruk in front of Borobudur Temple.
    - Illustrations for Zoroastrian holy sites.
    - Additional event illustrations for Polynesia.
    - Additional event illustrations for South East Asia.
    - Various additional icons.
    - New “Mothball all forts” button.
    - New disaster icons.
    - Fixed Building tab and images in the macrobuilder GUI.
    - Take on debt tooltip now displays value including interest when you lack the money.
    - Transfer Occupation now sorts country by state development.
    - Added scrollbar for estate privileges and removed the estate limit.
    - Updating a Center of Trade now updates modifier immediately.
    - Improved trade-power value tooltip in province view.
    - Income and expenses now enum classes.
    - Added income and expenditure logging.
    - Fixed the active forts icon in the military screen doesn't have a tooltip and is not aligned with the buttons or the text below.
    - Added a message for when another nation gets a cardinal, Appoint Cardinal interaction has been used and when Papal States appoint a loyalist.
    - Increased the warning for Agenda expiry to 3 years from 1 year.
    - The Emperor is correctly shown as joining the war on the defending side.
    - Added new select all/deselect all buttons to message settings.
    - Fixed tooltips for force limits when you have under 5 provinces.
    - Made the syncretic faith window close if your religion changes.
    - UI alert informs the player if they meet the requirements to become a Hegemon.
    - Only provinces can be selected on map in peace deal view.
    - Fixed issues with popup for Call to Arms as Defender of the Faith.
    - Fixed Interface issue with recruiting cannons in subject territories.
    - Show Governing Capacity in State View.

    # Usermodding
    # Effects:
    - Added add_great_project_tier to define the tier of a monument present in a province.
    - Added free_concentrate_development = yes to allow Government Reforms to have this feature at no cost.
    - Added extend_regency effect to set by how many years a regency will be extended.
    - Added regency = { estate = xxxx } to set a estate as lead in a regency.
    - Added set_estate_led_regency_privilege to define a privilege that will be added to a country. “random” is an option for a Random privilege chosen among the possible ones.

    # Modifiers:
    - Added great_project_upgrade_cost.
    - Added local_great_project_upgrade_cost.
    - Added monthly_heir_claim_increase_modifier (multiplicative).

    # Triggers:
    - Added has_great_project { type = X }.
    - Added num_of_times_used_transfer_development.
    - Added num_of_times_used_pillage_capital.
    - Added has_pillaged_capital_against.
    - Added is_in_extended_regency = yes.
    - Added has_estate_led_regency.
    - Added estate_led_regency_influence.
    - Added estate_led_regency_loyalty.
    - Added is_subject_of_type_with_overlord.

    # Defines:
    - Added Number of Possible Federation Countries.
    - Added Ancestor Personality Level in Defines.
    - Added Ancestor Cost.
    - Added Great Project Warscore Cost.
    - Added Extended Regency Legitimacy Penalty.
    - Added Default Extended Regency Years.
    - Added Several Defines for Great Projects.
    - Added Sikh Guru Chance.
    - Added various Defines for Concentrate Development.

    # Others:
    - Added on_pillaged_capital.
    - Added on_transfer_development.
    - Added on_extend_regency.
    - Added on_estate_led_regency.
    - Added on_estate_led_regency_surpassed.
    - Added on_colonial_type_change.

    # Script
    - Added texture converter script.
    - Added the option to have royal marriages and queens as requested by the reporter.
    - Fixed federation cohesion bar isn't visible when you join a federation until you close and reopen the federation view.
    - Added Catholic privilege for churches.
    - Added Catholic Sanctuaries estate privilege.
    - Added map mode, tooltips, fixed validation and province selection, fixed being able to siege sea provinces, added stop unit mission so we can cancel missions without needing to know what they are.
    - Added 5 new events about the construction of monuments.
    - Added a context string to evaluation of mission fulfillment.

    # Bugfixes
    - Papal states no longer becomes a daimyo when vassalized.
    - Fixed crash when loading a non-existent province.
    - Fixed text fields for server ID and password in multiplayer menu.
    - Fixed an issue where you couldn't build units past 80% of your force limit.
    - Fixed issues with “The Freedom of Geneva” event.
    - Fixed crash opening 35th page of ledger.
    - Fixed issue with the event option "Integrate Burgundy into the Empire" in "Burgundy Inherited" does not release Burgundy with the Emperor's dynasty.
    - Fixed an issue in RNW not showing trade nodes.
    - Can no longer use special characters in naval template names.
    - Fixed freeze after choosing Trade Goods Mapmode when any province is selected.
    - Trade Company Investment Alert now opens Macro Builder on Trade Company Investments Tab.
    - Now Inland trade tooltip explains it takes a third of development as a base.
    - Now Nations have military access to tributary's overlord if overlord does not join tributary in war.
    - Now Military Access is not cancelled when player's tributary overlord declares war on that country or makes it tributary.
    - Fixed Peace diplomatic cost shown wrongly if player uses both force vassalization and province takeover.
    - Fixed vassal use of Trade Companies.
    - Now Tributary states with vassals can give land to their vassals in peace deal.
    - Now Fort retaking province cannot be prevented by switching occupation to a vassal.
    - Now create Vassal overlay does not remain when you close the main tab.
    - Now you can’t downgrade vassals CoTs.
    - Now Land Force Limit bonus from vassals doesn’t boosts yearly Army Professionalism gain from Unit Drilling.
    - Fixed when declaring war against a subject, Call to Arms to overlord's allies was sent from the subject instead of the overlord.
    - Fixed crash when player tries to open Show Diplomatic Feedback tab.
    - Fixed crash when getting cost for upgrading a max level center of trade.
    - Fixed crash with totemist mechanic if ruler has a personality.
    - Fixed crash when having an ancestor with no personality.
    - Fixed various missions in all areas.
    - Improved feedback for autonomous carpet siege.
    - Fixed Navarre missions with RNW.
    - Fixed different issues with pillaging capital.
    - Fixed different issues with extend diplomacy.
    - Removed nationalism for primitives vs non-primitives.
    - Added explanation for favor rewards.
    - Fixed overlap of some buttons on diplomacy options.
    - Fixed various out of sync errors in multiplayer mode.
    - Fixed “aligned “Allow players to play the same country”.
    - Fixed loc on reduce opinion.
    - Fixed the option "Rich Presence" that was written in English in FR/DE/ES versions, being replaced in DE/ES versions in Main Menu.
    - Fixed ”Go to” button that has capital letters in German language for the “The Treaty of Tordesillas”.
    - Old GUI reubication fixes.
    - Fixed unlocalized text in the in-game DLC overview in the German version.
    - Fixed description crash in ledger.
    - Fixed crash in Court and Country Events.
    - Fixed loc string for reform name.
    - Fixed cores on uncolonized provinces give Uncontested Cores prestige debuff.
    - Fixed Compile fix, the header is hidden outside the matchmaking module. Also use the matchmaking interface provided.
    - Fixed declare war view sometimes disallowing selection of an ally when the tooltip says they'll accept.
    - Added suggested french loc fixes.
    - Fixed flavor_pue.5 is now triggered only.
    - Compile fix, missing forward declaration.
    - Fix on IsAddressMatchingBackend. Sometimes joining on Steam lobby when game was running Nakama wasn't showing any error.
    - Cppcheck fixes.
    - Fixed “Ruler had no personalities”, so was crashing at GetHeadData().
    - Fixed Event converting nation that conquered Mandate of Heaven will not Harmonize old country religion.
    - Fixed crash after exiting to the menu RaiseException.
    - Fixed province with wrong culture and added missing history files. The wastelands are now known to the NA natives.
    - Fixed “goto to the event” which properly goes to the event's province.
    - Fixed explain how it's calculated the quantity of a reward gived by a favor.
    - Fixed wrong pathing in north american east coast territory.
    - Fixed overlap of tab buttons on diplo options.
    - FIxed tooltip on "Settle" button not having line breaks.
    - Fixed Cannot change culture of a syncretic faith province, but cannot convert it either (to allow changing culture).
    - Fixed Fort values are shown for provinces with no fort in the province panel.
    - Fixed in the leave federation view there is an edit text box where you can remove the name of the federation.
    - Fixed human players is listed in the outliner in singleplayer games.
    - Fixed not able to change State into Territory due to converting province despite having finished Religious Ideas.
    - Fixed a bug that caused the "global_religious_conversion_resistancer" to make it more likely to be target of religious conversion center instead of less.
    - Fixed the reward of the mission so it gives either stability or admin power.
    - Removed condition in expand administration.
    - Added industralization institution where needed.
    - Added visibility to the area around Muisca for Andean TAGs so that they can fight freely.
    - Added a missing description for the bought_indulgence modifier.
    - Fixed whenever player changes government through an event they get all reform progress back.
    - Fixed "That is mine" is awarded for Custom Nation starting on normally uncolonised province.
    - Fixed condottieri morale damage depends on maintenance slider of country giving condottieri.
    - Fixed a nation falling under a Personal Union does not leave a coalition they are part of.
    - Fixed Propagate Religion CoRs can spawn in non-muslim province and not be able to convert it.
    - Fixed claims coalition enemy will be co-belligerent in war while he won't.
    - Fixed declaring war with the Tribal Border Feud CB and attempting to select them as vassal shows "Cannot be selected when using the 'force migration' casus belli, which is not what's being used here.
    - Fixed the "Move to" peace offer is visible even if there's nowhere to move, but the text just says move to which looks broken.
    - Fixed current wars ledger page - the war score text widget overlaps loads of the shields
    - Fixed a number of macro bugs preventing triggers and effects working.
    - Fixed moving Main Trade City to a node where merchant is transferring trade power does not change the merchant's behavior.
    - Fixed estimated arrival date does not match real one when moving army.
    - Fixed nation gets "Joined League War" modifier for joining any war against Religious League leader.
    - Fixed assert when changing a merchant from transferring to collecting on moving the primary trade node.
    - Fixed colonies completed with a colonist don't convert to owner's religion.
    - Fixed missing persistence for CWar.
    - Fixed no monarch/leader/ship names for federations.
    - Fixed AE distance calculation from being step-based to being linear.
    - Fixed the target of a succession war can in rare circumstances become warleader, which prevents the war being ended.
    - Fixed maximum monarch power cap is lowered if it is higher than 999 and player starts golden era.
    - Fixed the problem moving the hidden effects of the option to the immediate section so it fires even if the player does not do anything, avoiding any other automatic response that could break the feature.
    - Fixed In regencies in the target country, Claim Throne checks the dynasty of the heir instead of the regent.
    - Fixed a bug where universities could not be built if a province had lost slots already.
    - Fixed minor bug penalising Heathens for being Heretics.
    - Fixed concede colonial nation does not work properly if player has a colonial nation outside the target region causing massive overextension.
    - Fixed player can be at war with his own ally without breaking alliance.
    - Fixed Consolidate Development button in state panel should have a text saying what it does similar to the Centralize State one next to it.
    - Fixed reduce opinion diplomatic action doesn't specify how much opinion they would lose.
    - Fixed potential crash generating a regency with no estates.
    - Fixed missing option names.
    - Fixed a bunch of effect GetDesc stack overflows.
    - Fixed armies ignore forts if the path has been set before the war declaration.
    - Fixed tooltip for extended regency trigger.
    - Fixed the estimated time until next reform fluctuates on monthly tick in the tooltip for government reform progressbar.
    - Fixed tributary Overlord gives conditional access to enemies but not its tributaries in war.
    - Fixed Fort position changes on camera move.
    - Fixed subjects with supportive focus may become passive.
    - Fixed custom Nations with a culture from the New World can see the build a Flagships button in province builder.
    - Fixed "Placate estate" parliament bribes always use generic estate names.
    - Removed message about Independence War of a country player supported independence of shows rebellious vassal as ally of the overlord.
    - Fixed garrison bonuses applied when enemy sieges Player's forts.
    - Fixed duplicated keys.
    - Fixed error log spamming in observer mode.
    - Added various clauses that check if FRA is subject.
    - Fixed an error which causes blockade progress to be miscalculated when you have less than required ships to blockade.
    - You can no longer raid coasts where you have a truce with the owner.
    - Sich Rada now allows you to raze provinces if you have The Cossacks DLC.
    - Hegemon opinion is only applied to non-subjects.
    - AI will now get back manpower when they disband units.
    - Tooltip Modifier from "Siege Specialist" general trait was not displayed in Fort defense tooltip in siege view.
    - Fix on Reconquista Tutorial for not having enough admin power to end it.
    - User is kicked out from the subjects tab once the user no longer plays as the overlord.
    - Overlord developing subject's provinces grants crown land to the overlord instead of the subject.
    - Fixed CTD when user selects ruler random personality when creating custom nation.
    - Fixed script error in Event flavor_swi.7 (Calvin becomes the Spiritual Leader of Geneva).
    - Fixed script error in Tunisian Missions. The same error could be found in the previous mission of the tree. Corrected both.
    - Fixed script error in Spanish Missions. The same error could be found in the previous mission of the tree. Corrected both.
    - Added the Quelimane area as possible to fulfill the requirements as is part of the referred Trade Node and is historically related to the provinces affected by this mission.
    - Fixed script error in Emperor of the Revolution Reform. Considering the modifier that the reform gives, the easiest change is to simply make it available only when the player owns the Emperor DLC.
    - Fixed script error in Fate of Neumark and Treaty of Colln events by adding a remove_core = TEU in both cases so that Teutons lost their cores in the provinces they are selling.
    - Fixed script error in the event aow_events.48 that allowed the event to try to give a cardinal to a non=catholic province. While the result was that the province if it was non-catholic wouldn't receive the cardinal, it is a better design to only allow catholic provinces to be eligible.
    - Fixed script error in Event 1081 that did not check that the Papal States did not actually exist. The event won't affect Italy, though.
    - Updated hindu_events.1 to have Buddha as a possible option.
    - Fixed script error in flavor_bur.16 where it is not checked that NED is not a subject so the rest of the dutch minors won't join and cause a massive spike in Liberty Desire.
    - Fixed script error in Event flavor_hab.3195 where a peasant austrian cultured revolt (by flavour text( can happen anywhere. The event now checks you own at least one province in the proper region and of the proper culture and fires in one of those provinces.
    - Fixed script error in Event flavor_swi.201. The event that fires this (200) won't fire if Geneva is at war so that the odd result does not happen (forcing Geneva out of all current wars as it is made a march).
    - Reduced the Kingdom of God and Embrace Conciliarism modifiers for appointing cardinals so they don't stack to 100%.
    - Event "Mary Dies" will no longer start if the country is at war.
    - Fixed icon and text positions for the two resolution configurations. Governing cost overlaps with the number of building slots in native buildings view.
    - Hided standard view icons for native american window and vice versa.
    - Fixed American Provinces not being in their proper Trade Node.
    - Fixed bug where a province with "no_religion" can’t be converted to any religion.
    - Fixed when recruiting special regiments become regular infantry after saving and loading the save.
    - Fixed war leader's subjects weren't called into defensive wars.
    - Fixed inaccurate tooltip for score multiplier from Hegemony.
    - Fixed huge nations in CK2 converted save games start with their capital in a territory.
    - No longer colonial regions can be added into HRE.
    - Propagate Religion now policy can only be used if you're muslim or if you are hindu and have completed the mission "The Porch of Mecca".
    - Fixed tooltip for religious conversion in province view of provinces with harmonized religion wasn’t checking whether you could convert the province or not.
    - Fixed tutorial when you are playing the unit control basic, a window will no longer appear and suddenly disappear when clicking on a non-player army.
    - Fixed misleading tooltip for when conquering land would increase land share.
    - Fixed the tooltip of the "Excommunicate" diplomatic action indicating the chosen country has too much Papal Influence when this action is on cooldown.
    - Fixed the Defender of Faith Tier tooltip for non-Christian and non-Muslim countries no longer reads as if they can adopt Dotf.
    - Fixed tooltip for Naval Force Limit Modifier no longer displays a penalty for local Autonomy after assigning it to the Trade Company.
    - Fixed the really annoying "adding cash to warscore doesn't let you add the full amount when nearing max warscore" bug.
    - Fixed lowering Maintenance to keep the enemy in battle for longer by storing the morale for the country at the start of the particular battle so any changes don't affect the units involved until that particular battle is over.
    - Fix for the cash benefit for creating states always being listed as 0.
    - Fixed switching map modes with States tab opened followed by opening Trade Company Investments causes colours and names mismatch on map.
    - Fixed bug where attached unit could be one day off.
    - The option to create an Alliance again after allying a nation and reloading with an active Call to Arms from that nation was blocked. The last diplo action date and country was not persisted in the save, fixed that.
    - Tooltip for effects changing government rank no longer displays current rank if the nation's rank is locked.
    - Fixed clicking on a province with Gold when building a regular manufactory through macrobuilder builded Ramparts.
    - Hunt for Seven Cities can switch off with no notification to the player even if there are provinces left to be explored. Fixed this.
    - Fixed the game claiming that your movement is blocked by a hostile fort when trying to retreat from a battle before 12 days have passed.
    - Fixed AI refusing to spend overflow monarch points on development in some cases.
    - Fixed that when the player accepted Demands for Separatists from an event the nation didn't get released and the separatist army became part of the player’s one.
    - Fixed ordering transport ships with army on board to travel through few ports will leave army only in last port.
    - Fixed countries in America that are missing their primitive flag without Conquest of Paradise/El Dorado.
    - Changed misleading tooltips.
    - Fixed bug in the Trade tutorial that required Venice to build 5 ships with only 65 ducats. Changed it to 3 instead.
    - Native province view fixes.
    - Forcing harboured fleet to return to occupied province will prevent them from leaving said province.
    - Fixed Imperial Authority tooltip containing outdated information on how Imperial Authority is gained and lost.
    - Fixed how to know HRE Electors stance on a reform.
    - Fixed Reloading game causes recruiting special regiments to change into regular infantry
    - Fixed attempting to attach an army to other already attached army has no effect.
    - Fixed Revolutionary OPMs can become Free Cities.
    - Fixed Hegemon tooltip read Another Great Power inseat of All other Great Power.
    - Fixed text may overflow when selling ships to a country with a long name.
    - Separated both budgeting logs.
    - Enhanced algorithm.
    - Fixed game crashes randomly during mid-game playthrough.
    - Fixed asset when history database is being applied before triggers are postvalidated.
    - Added colour to tooltip text.
    - Fixed Tooltip for detaching Marines doesn't tell the player why they can't use it.
    - Reduced the amount of alert manager checking.
    - Added tooltip for for Metropolitan map mode when you cannot assign Metropolitan to a state
    - Fixed Colonial Nations to have the option to force other nations to become a Tributary under their Overlord.
    - Fixed Appoint Cardinal cost does not appear in country modifiers list.
    - Fixed tooltip saying that you are declaring war without CB to Burgundy when trying to force personal union, when actually there is a CB that allows it.
    - Fixed when clicking on a province it will either show the province or state views based on what it's shown previously.
    - Army Strength is displayed correctly in the War Declaration screen.
    - Now Blockade Force Required is not listed in country modifiers.
    - The list of cardinals in the Papacy doesn't overlap with itself.
    - Interface always contains all implemented informations.
    - Now all provinces can be culture converted.
    - Dhimmi modifiers are only applied to non-Muslim provinces.
    - Now Revolution can spread to provinces that it is already present in
    - Sorting armies by Manpower now works correctly.
    - Modifier is included in Military Tactics tooltip in battle overview.
    - Fixed the large garrisons overflow interface in siege view.
    - You can cycle through armies in one province if they're attached.
    - Subjects' rebels use the correct scope for their tooltip when viewed by the overlord.
    - All modifiers get displayed for all nations.
    - Appointing Cardinal Papal action has a 4-year cooldown.
    - The Player is informed that supporting rebels in rival countries grants bonus power projection.
    - Fixed issues with the commands.
    - White peace affects Hegemon status in the same way regardless if it is sent as "Demand Tribute" or "Offer Tribute".
    - Button to change all settings to allow achievements now works properly.
    - Narcissism achievement actually checks for battles won.
    - Changing map mode while in Land units tab is permanently displayed.
    - Annexed countries can't release subjects as part of a peace deal.
    - Greenland and Papua New Guinea are now islands
    - Fixed Ottoman Flavour Titles not Loading.
    - Fixed several Out of Syncs.
    - Fixed CTD in country subject view when trying to show relationship with subjects.
    - Fixed Provinces from the nation's allies cannot be taken in a peace treaty if the nation is annexed through "Concede Colonial Region" peace treaty.
    - Fixed Official Faith of the Holy Roman Empire not being the official faith once Proclaim Erbkaisertum is passed.
    - Fixed a bug that made possible to have multiple diplomats building spy network in a single country, revoking a diplomat on annexation.
    - Fixed that morale recovery modifier was not properly displayed for Mercenary Companies.
    - The pop-up for assigning a province to Trade Company now lists all the modifiers.
    - Fixed script issue for generating heathen advisors checking continent of a country rather than country capital.
    - Fixed incorrect event key referenced for inviting enemies to the dutch revolts.
    - Right-clicking on a province in development macro-builder no longer centers map on the province.
    - Fixed AE when vassalising a nation is not reduced by releasing a third nation.
    - Corrected the area and region missions only needing a single province while restricting it to colonized provinces (so one doesn't get stuck because can't colonize).
    - Corrected the New World Missions so that it needs all the provinces in a single area/region without taking in consideration non colonized provinces.
    - Fixed tooltip that shows that Expand Empire peace treaty can add provinces to the HRE without adding their owner.
    - Fixed Expand Empire treaty ignoring provinces nonadjacent to the HRE for calculating IA, AE and prestige gain.
    - Fixed a revolutionary event options.
    - Fixed incorrect AE shown in peace deal. Now peace deal UI shows the maximum of AE you will gain.
    - Fixed Italian Defence mission to allow for better forts as well.
    - Changed corrupted key in the Irish loc for Edinburg (248).
    - Changed the conditions for Brahmins privilege Supremacy Over the Crown.
    - Cossack revolt nation will not get new ideas upon tag change.
    - Fixed bug with Colonial Nations revolutionary names.
    - Fixed several multiplayer crashes.
    - Now Workshop in Production Interface is sorted by Improvement Value by default.
    - Now in Court tab tooltip for heir display heir's stats or traits.
    - Fixed popup spam when playing as daimyo.
    - Now tooltip for mercenary maintenance on recruitment interface list all modifiers.
    - Fixing consistency in Army Professionalism abilities tooltip.
    - Now giving away ally's provinces in a peace deal reduces the ally's trust.
    - Fixed Country modifiers screen listing Yearly Revolutionary Zeal regardless of Age or Revolutionary status.
    - Fixed Using Autonomous Rebels Suppression resulting in Army mission Cancelled popup
    - Fixed rebel progress being 0% if no forts have been taken.
    - Fixed Cannot change Allied Objective if you use it for your Subject and the two of you are alone in the war.
    - Fixed the number of attached troops being doubled on a map view.
    - Fixed Clicking "Previous/Next" in Ledger closes it and moves camera to random location after few times on lower GUI scales.
    - Fixed Armies in Autonomous Rebel Suppression ignoring rebels from other countries
    - Scripted advisors can now be female.
    - Fixed Player whose hotjoin request had been rejected couldn't return to main menu.
    - Fixed the AI not ever promoting cultures.
    - Fixed supporting HRE reforms only selects those that are directly required for that reform.
    - Stopped appointing a loyalist cardinal creating a truce with yourself.
    - Lifted FoW for condottieri.
    - Can use great power actions on tributary states.
    - Return of Rathore event now generates a war which you can see.
    - Native countries can no longer charter trade companies.
    - Fixed separatism timeout date calculation.
    - Now revoking Ewiger Landfriede allows wars.
    - Inability to select reforms due to cost now is correctly reported.
    - Now you rightly get Queen of Conquest if annexing an OPM.
    - Now Spread the Revolution power projection is displayed correctly in peace offer text.
    - Fixed crash in court view when using mods that don't have certain widgets.
    Perché navigare verso spiagge lontane quando ci sono tesori da saccheggiare qua vicino? L'oro dei nostri vassalli decorerà il nostro palazzo e il bottino di rivali depredati rafforzerà il nostro sviluppo. Si dice che la vera crescita provenga dall'interno, che niente di duraturo si possa costruire sulle ceneri della guerra. Noi diciamo che la vera crescita può venire anche dai nemici incontrati lungo la strada. Ora con Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan, potrete depredare i vostri nemici per il vostro sviluppo e profitto.

    Disponibile da oggi, Leviathan è la più recente espansione del celebrato gioco storico di grande strategia della Paradox e la prima sviluppata da Paradox Tinto. Leviathan aggiunge nuove opzioni diplomatiche e domestiche, con nuove opportunità di espansione e di miglioramento della propria nazione mentre compete per il potere dal Rinascimento all'Era della Rivoluzione.

    Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan è disponibile presso i principali rivenditori digitali al prezzo suggerito di $19.99/£15.49/€19.99.

    Le principali novità di Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan includono:
    • Diplomazia Migliorata: coltivate relazioni con i vostri vicini, ottenete favori con cui richiedere doni, sostegno militare e addirittura province.
    • Nuove opzioni per la Reggenza: i consigli di reggenza ora rappresentano gli interessi dell'Estate più potente e possono essere estesi per ritardare l'ascensione di un un sovrano inadatto.
    • Nazioni Coloniali Specializzate: scegliete se le vostre colonie debbano focalizzarsi su aiuto militare, potere commerciale o governo autonomo.
    • Concentrare Development: ora potete rubare development da vassalli o territori per migliorare la vostra capitale.
    • Saccheggia Capitale: saccheggiare una capitale nemico come opzione di pace vi permette di trasferire development nella vostra capitale.
    • Espandi Infrastruttura: le province possono espandere la propria capacità di costruire nuove strutture e manufatture, permettendo a nazioni piccole di creare centri di ricchezza a un costo modesto.
    • Centralizza Stato: Ridurre il costo del governo spendendo punti di Riforma inutilizzati.
    • Totemismo: Nazioni che seguono la religione Totemista possono riverire un pantheon di leader del passato, con bonus che riflettono le abilità che questi avevano in vita.
    • Monumenti: Espandi e crea grandi progetti, aggiungendo bonus al tuo impero.
    • Nuovi Modelli di Unità: nuovi modelli di eserciti per le nazioni del Sud Est Asiatico, tra cui nazioni Indocinesi, Indonesiane e Polinesiane;
    • e altro: tra cui l'abilità di assediare a tappeto le province nemiche, reclutare trasporti per nazioni plutocratiche, osservare eredi che guadagnano legittimità mentre aspettano di ereditare il trono e altri cambiamenti.
    Leviathan è accompagnato da una grande patch gratuita disponibile per tutti i giocatori di Europa Universalis IV. La patch “Majapahit” include modifiche alla mappa del Sud Est Asiatico e del Nord America, con grossi cambiamenti al gameplay delle Prime Nazioni Nordamericane. Inoltre aggiunge le nazioni Aborigene Australiane.

    Compra su Paradox Store - Compra su Steam

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  6. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Sembra che Paradox Tinto sia partita malissimo! Leggendo il forum (non ho avuto il tempo di provare) sembra che la patch 1.31.0 rilasciata ieri abbia numerosissimi problemi.

    Alcuni suggeriscono addirittura che per errore sia stata rilasciata una "build" vecchia e non la vera patch da rilaciare. Non è la prima volta che lo si dice e di solito è solo un insulto gratuito senza fondamento, ma forse in questo caso potrebbe esserci un fondo di verità. Infatti, da quanto ho letto, pare siano stati rilasciati dei "placeholder" grafici, come quelli che si vedono in alcuni dei DD (con spesso scritto a fianco "la grafica non è definitiva"). Inoltre oggi è stata rilasciata la 1.31.1 con numerosi fix, tra cui questi problemi grafici e di sicuro questa hotfix era già pronta e sviluppata, non è stata assemblata in mezza giornata.

    Vedremo! Per adesso direi che, sebbene la hotfix 1.31.1 di oggi risolva molti dei problemi del rilascio di ieri, ci sono molti giocatori che chiedono una spiegazione dettagliata su cosa sia successo esattamente.

    Ecco il changelog della hotfix 1.31.1 rilasciata oggi:
    ######################## ###########################

    # Gamebalance
    # Economy
    - Stopped native land from becoming totally devastated within 70 years.
    - Fixed the amount of manpower required to speed up great project construction.
    - Stop some subject types from having their development concentrated.
    - Trade good changes will destroy invalid manufactories.
    - Now centralize state reduces the governing cost of the entire state.
    - Fixed so manpower and sailors received from colonies are based on max values instead of current.
    - Rebalanced monuments.
    - Fixed so that all tribal land is settled when you enact the federal constitution.
    - Nations no longer lose their naval doctrine when failing to meet requirements.
    - Fixed so that colonial cores get affected by the minimum autonomy in territories modifiers.

    # Governments
    - Forming Shan no longer gives player's state generic National Ideas.
    - Nerfed native federation reform rate.
    - Balanced federations values.

    # Religion
    - Stopped the ability to snowball ancestor personalities in totemism.
    - Fixed Esprit de Corps policy giving ridiculous missionary strength.

    # Units
    - Fixed so you have docking rights for subjects of subjects.

    # War & Peace
    - Disabled Release Nation of a rebel you're supporting, use Enforce Rebel Demands.
    - Demanding a country's capital and forcing religion on them changes religion in their new capital instead of their old one.
    - Rebels set to be non-reinforcing won't reinforce.
    - Attached armies now count as retreating if the main army retreats.
    - Force converted nations are now granted the global_holy_war_released_modifier modifer.
    - Threatening war now takes into account guarantors.
    - Tributary Overlord now joins coalition war if it is declared by their Tributary.
    - Nerfed primitive war score cost for taking provinces.
    - Nerfed AE for primitives.
    - Fixed so you can use the cb_push_back_colonizers casus belli to use it against non tribal nations bordering them.
    - Fixed exploit where you could call to arms rivals of your enemies without being allied.
    - Fixed dismantle the revolution peace treaty having different warscore cost and prestige depending on which side offers it.
    - You can no longer pillage development from natives' capitals with no losses.

    # Other
    - Disallowed heir for favours for some government types.
    - Fixed the climate of some provinces in north america.
    - Favors from relative alliance strength works the right way around.
    - Favours for x now uses the lowest monthly income of both actor and recipient country to determine how much is transferred.

    # AI
    # Diplomacy
    - Added AI for selection of trust usage actions between AI countries.

    # Economy
    - AI no longer prioritizes Trade Company Investments too high compared to buildings.
    - AI will now look to release vassals and create trade cities if their governing capacity is over or if their overextension is large.
    - Fixed an issue where AI controlling Merchant Republics never creates Trade Cities.
    - Added AI for concentrate development.
    - Fixed so AI countries will give more priority to monarch points if they have short term needs.

    # War
    - Fixed AI not attacking easy rebels in a country they're at war with.
    - Fixed AI joining wars when bankrupt.
    - Fixed AI only looking for adjacent provinces in peace deals instead of including provinces that were adjacent over a sea province too.

    # Interface
    # Country
    - Allowed settled tribes to acquire tribal land from the colony window.

    # Icons/Art
    - crosses of the Great Britain flag have slightly nicer proportions.
    - Ulster flag colours made a little bit less garish.
    - Ulm flag made slightly higher quality.

    # Tooltips
    - Missionary tooltip for subjects shows their modifiers instead of overlord's.
    - Added tooltip for not being able to save uncompressed saves with random new world.
    - Improved tooltip for not being able to sell province due to debt.
    - Improved "Average non-overseas autonomy" tooltip to state that it's only core provinces.
    - Improved tooltip for selecting culture in nation designer.
    - Fixed tooltip for war exhaustion in battle view.
    - Improved description for average unrest and average effective unrest triggers.
    - Improved tooltips for browsing subject mission trees.
    - You can now see the effect of the monument in the ledger page.
    - Relocating monuments now states that distance is a cost factor.
    - Added a descriptive tooltip to heir claim strength.
    - Improved tooltip for introducing new heir.
    - Improved tooltip for promoting cultures if there are modifiers affecting its cost
    - Fixed tooltip text to include information about losing the title if you lose a war to infidels.
    - Added a tooltip for production increase when there are no trade companies.
    - Added tooltip to show claim strength growth.
    - Fixed confusing tooltip when attempting to demand the last province when war reparations are already demanded.
    - Improved tooltip for federation cohesion.
    - Fixed so that relocating great projects specifies where they would be relocated.

    # Unitmodels
    - USA unit pack now uses dynamic colours.
    - Tweaked USA country colors to match the palette of the original American Dream unit models.
    - Ayutthaya unit models spread to countries with Siamese culture.
    - Brunei unit models spread to countries with Bornean culture.
    - Champa unit models spread to countries with Cham culture.
    - Lan Na unit models spread to countries with Khon Muang culture.
    - Luang Prabang unit models spread to countries with Lao culture.
    - Majapahit unit models spread to remaining cultures in the Malay culture group.
    - Malacca unit models spread to countries with Malayan culture.
    - Pagarruyung unit models spread to countries with Acehnese or Sumatran culture.
    - Brittany, Cornwall, Normandy, Scotland, Wales units are now tied to the appropriate cultures in addition to their tags.
    - The old Byzantine unit models are now used by Greek minors.
    - The old Byzantine unit models are no longer overridden by the Imperator unit pack in the Nation Designer.
    - The old Byzantine unit models now use dynamic colours.
    - All countries with Turkish as primary culture now use Ottoman units.
    - All countries with Dutch, Frisian, and Flemish primary cultures now use Netherlands units.
    - Normals on the Malacca Tier 1 unit model fixed so it appears correctly.
    - The Isles and Gaeldom use Leinster Tier 1 gallowglass instead of generic Western units.
    - Mann swapped to Ulster units instead of Ireland units, because their design is a bit less specific to their country.

    # Other
    - Added to war peace description if a Hegemon will lose their status as a result of the peace.
    - Event windows now move to the front when you click on them.
    - Fixed "Suggest Demands" option generating a peace offer that will be rejected when occupying an OPM with allies who are not defeated.
    - Can now use either shift key for templates.
    - Can now upgrade existing buildings through building construction screen in province interface if the province has no free building slots.
    - State macrobuilder now specifies which state you're changing the edict for.
    - Fixed GUI for Sikhism.
    - Trade favors for trust notification now disabled by default.
    - You can now double click monuments in the ledger to center on their location.
    - Fixed so you can right click culture and core creation in the outliner to cancel it.
    - Fixed nations that could decline a call to arms being added to estimated enemy strength when declaring war.
    - Fixed so that monarch dynasty names are added to the list of future possible leader names.
    - Fixed so that message about gaining/losing casus belli appears for every affected nation.
    - Fixed so extend regency doesn't show up for non-monarchies and non-hordes.
    - Fixed so you can browse subject upgrades without fulfilling requirements.
    - Fixed so icons for federation advancements are highlighted when you have 100% cohesion.

    # Usermodding
    # Logging
    - Improved errorlog printout when failing to read a modifier type.

    # Triggers
    - Added support to use "all" for estate_influence trigger.
    - Added trigger num_of_free_explorers for checking unassigned explorers.

    # Other
    - Number of sprites in nation designer can be raised with new variable MAX_ARMY_SPRITE_LEVEL_IN_NATION_DESIGNER in defines.lua.

    # Script
    # Decisions
    - Abolishing slavery now changes trade goods to a random goods instead of unknown.

    # Events
    - Decline of Hanseatic League event: Free Cities no longer only join Lübeckian Trade League if Lübeck has at least 1% trade power in their home trade node.
    - The event "A Political Marriage" now grants you a consort from the married country and the localization makes now sense.
    - Calvin becomes the Spiritual Leader of Geneva can trigger for any nation and convert the Papal States to Reformed.
    - Fixed nobles_estate_events.7 triggering when you have a regency.
    - Fixed issues with consort events triggering when you have a regency.

    # Setup
    - Rename Ngati Awa.
    - Renamed Te Tai Tokerau to Ngapuhi.
    - Moved Waitaha from 1109 to 2738.
    - Fixed Missing reforms of Polynesian Kingdom and Polynesian Tribe.

    # Other
    - Fixed the incident_shogunate_authority where it was using absolutism without checking if it was a revolutionary nation.

    # Bugfixes
    - Events or missions granting development now work for native countries.
    - Female heirs are now generated without relying on female advisor chance.
    - Fixed inheriting country during war disables all occupations from that country on enemy.
    - Fixed no penalty for setting as co-belligerent a nation you have a royal marriage with.
    - Fixed the Dhimmi agenda to build a temple may have been impossible to complete.
    - Ming no longer loses the Celestial Empire mandate after going to war with any non-asian country.
    - Monuments no longer get downgraded when a province changes owner peacefully.
    - New ruler popup now correctly reports on ruler personality.
    - Stopped leaders converted into monarchs having 0,0,0 skills.
    - Subjects are now called into wars inherited by forcing personal union through peace offer.
    - Totemism ancestors now have an effect.
    - Trade power now transferred from colonies.
    - Upgrading a territorial core no longer ignores former claims on the province.
    - Upgrading colonies/changing colonial types no longer count as monthly expenditure.
    - Fixed dialog on settling natives showing wrong development being added.
    - Closed "support independence" loophole when forming a new nation with subjects, so their attitude initially stays the same as it was.
    - Concentrate development cooldown is persisted in all states.
    - Estate_vaisyas_disaster no longer incorrectly references estate_rajput.
    - Fixed inconsistent units when Rajput nation is created.
    - Fixed not being able to concentrate development in one state from more than one subject.
    - Natives who reform leave federations, reforming federations removes all members.
    - Special regiment modifiers applied to drilling.
    - Now sprites are applied after loading the initial state of all countries. This fixed primary_culture working again in the sprite pack's triggers.
    - Now when playing the same nation with a friend you don't have to play twice a tribute.
    - Now second step in Spanish Empire A New World tutorial guides player to the correct province.
    - Now the recruit tab in the province view is closed when the player closes the view and opens it again.
    - Fixed an error blocking dismiss or detach of military leaders.
    - Added a Leviathan DLC requirement to the potential of the fall_of_majapahit disaster.
    - Fixed so majapahit.2 event can be triggered from the on_battle_won_unit onaction.
    - Fixed a number of issues with the event personality_events.47.
    - Added the correct age to Queen Shin Sabwu and added a minimum age to Dhammazedi so there is not a huge difference of ages between one option and the other.
    - Fixed second step in Spanish Empire A New World tutorial guides player to the incorrect province.
    - Fixed problems with Consort Events.
    - Fixed Portuguese and Spanish missions being blocked for player.
    - Consort should not fire west_african.27.
    - Fixed issues found while testing Dynamic Historical Events.
    - Fixed issues found while testing tribal casus bellis.
    - Fixed issues with Event trade_policy_events.7.
    - Fixed localization for mission gc_cas_spa_new_spain mentioning states instead of provinces.
    - Fixed No Current Cult alert using Fetishist icon for Alcheringa religion.
    - Fixed popup when diplo vassalizing a country mentioning we now receive half their tax incomes.
    - Fixed When zero days are left to get the innovation boost for teching it gives no info on time remaining.
    - Fixed province view fabricate claims stating duplicate text.
    - Fixed text in continue game overflowing.
    - Fixed issues in dynasty events.
    - Fixed text for supremacy over the crown going out of bounds.
    - Fixed text for colony name going out of bounds.
    - Fixed text for supporting rebels going out of bounds.
    - Added missing localization for opinion modifier when pillaging a state for someone.
    - Fixed issue with event mnd_khmer_4 with Ayu pillaging itself.
    - Fixed issue where Spanish Empire tutorial may ask to select a fleet in a province without any fleet.
    - Fixed an issue where the wrong type of advisor would be generated.
    - Fixed a desync related to converting a leader to monarch.
    - Fixed issue where seizing land from an empty estate can cause revolt.
    - Fixed the HRE cast vote button covering the top crest.
    - Fixed bug where becoming a junior parner in a PU would cancel vassal annexation.
    - Fixed so that annexing a country in a peace deal doesn't teleport the diplomat.
    - Fixed issue where forming Italy may force nation into HRE.
    - Fixed a potential crash for AI handling ancestors.
    - Fixed so ledger doesn't show absolutism for revolutionary nations.
    - Fixed a crash when hovering nonexistent great projects in the ledger.
    - Fixed hotkeys not working in units macro builder.
    - Fixed a potential CTD when hovering temple icon in technology view.
    - Fixed an out of sync when removing the leader from their federation.
    - Fixed oddities in province panel after changing government type away from native.
    - Fixed score screen showing revolutionary flags for nations that previously went revolutionary.
    - Escape menu game options now correctly preserved, displayed.
    - Fixed a case where attaching to an army fails with no feedback.
    - Fixed so tech screen shows correct cost for buildings.
    - Fixed icons of active privileges not being centered properly.
    - Fixed broken english with revolutionary country names for country names that start with The.
    - Fixed tributary subject UI elements overlapping icons.
    - Fixed an issue where you could extend regency without an heir.
    - Fixed an issue where federation members would leave the federation at game start.
    - Fixed an out of sync related to combat modifiers.
    - Fixed an out of sync related to language configuration.

    # Other
    - Added Leviathan DLC country recommendations (NA tribes, Colonial nations, East Indies and Oceania countries).
    - Fixed so credits screen expansion name is in bold.
    - You now need to select a valid username before attempting to join a lobby.

  7. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    In questo momento l'Espansione Leviathan è, se non erro, il gioco con il più basso rating su Steam, con recensioni Estremamente Negative, all'8%.
    Credo che la cosa stia un po' sfuggendo di mano perchè continua ad abbassarsi, era al 12-15% al rilascio e al 10% ieri.

    Sono apparsi articoli a riguardo su varie riviste digitali:

    Un primo post di scuse di Johan era apparso il giorno dopo il rilascio, ma è stato in seguito cancellato. Lo potete trovare qua:
    Da allora Johan non ha più scritto nulla e, tra i pochi a metterci la faccia, c'è stato BjornB, il Community Manager, con il seguente post:
    • Informative Informative x 2
  8. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    É stata rilasciata una nuova patch/hotfix, la 1.31.2.

    Queste sono le patch notes:
    # Gamebalance

    # Economy
    - Bankruptcy cancels any monumemt construction.
    # Governments
    - Added a malus for IA if you're the Emperor and you extend your regency.
    - Christian theocracies can't use Aristocratic ideas any more.
    - Custom republics now get bonus on ruler skills with ideas.
    - Extending Estate Regency now costs 10 Legitimacy.
    - Increased governing capacity modifier of celestial empire so Ming is not over governing capacity at game start.
    - Following tags are now downranked to duchies from kingdom rank: PAH, PAT, LUW, BNE, BEU, TER, TID, BTU, CEB, MNA, HAW, MAU, OAH, KAA, KEL, ATJ, BRS, TDO, PGS, IND, BTN, PGR, JMB, BLI.
    # Units
    - Seperatist rebels get the unit type of the country they want to be, not the country they're in.
    # War & Peace
    - HRE members can't be co-belligerents against another HRE member after Ewiger Landfriede.
    - It's no longer possible to enforce peace in Religious League war.
    - Emperor in coalition against you no longer causes the entire coalition to fight you in any war you try to start.
    - Humiliate CB no longer allows vassalization.
    # Other
    - Changed Golden Temple monument to Doaba (2075).
    - Changed Kiev Pechersk Lavra Yearly Patriarchal Authority modifier from +0,5%, +0,5% and +1% to +0,1%, +0,2% and +0,5%.
    - Changed Mount Fuji Theravada religion requirement to Mahayana.
    - Changed Registan Square Monthly Piety modifier from -1%, -2% and -3% to +0,1%, +0,2% and +0,3%.
    - Having a colonial nation gives you Colonialism in your capital.
    - Balancing favours diplomatic actions.

    # AI
    # Diplomacy
    - Added AI refusal for favour actions.
    # Other
    - AI is more inclined to use the cults of the Alcheringa Religion, which fits the most to their AI personalities.

    # Interface
    # Icons/Art
    - Event pictures now use graphical culture fallbacks.
    # Mapmodes
    - Macro builder no longer blocks map modes.
    # Tooltips
    - Fixed overlap problems for tooltipping monarch/heir/queen names.
    # Other
    - Ancestors too rubbish to give you any benefits don't show up in the list any more.
    - OK/Cancel buttons now all have the shortcuts c and z.
    - Less popups for favor actions by default.

    # Script
    # Achievements
    - Fixed issues with the Wonderful achievement.
    # Events
    - Reworked the options of event "Anglo-Powhatan War". Now you have guaranteed two options: first one will give you a military boost while the second option will increase the opinion of rivals of Englan/GB additionally to the opinions of Castile/Spain and France.
    - The event "A Helping Hand" (monument_events.2)'s first option will now ask for 6 months of income instead of 5 ducats. Additionally, the event can now trigger multiple times over the duration of a campaign instead only once.
    - The event "Monument in 'Province Name'" (monument_events.1) grants now 1 stabilty as long you are under 1. Else it will give you 20 prestige. Additionally, the event triggers now for every highest tier monument instead of only once a game and gives you now -10% stability costs for 10 years.
    - The event "The Completion of Borobudur" (monument_events.5) will now give you a proper subjugation casus belli instead of a restore union cb. Also, now the event allows you to move your capital to the temple.
    - The event "The House of the Lord" (monument_events.3)'s first option now asks you for 3 months of income instead of 10 ducats. The second option will no longer affect three provinces in total but instead gives you a country modifier, which grants you +1 Tolerance of the True Faith and -1 National Unrest for 20 years.
    - The AI will now priorize to choose the option "We should let Trailok decide." in the event "The Ascension of Trailok" when Sukhothai is controlled by a player.
    - The events "The Kingdom of Champassak", "The Kingdom of Vientiane" and "The Kingdom of Luang Prabang" now only trigger if the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
    - Fixed issues with native_americans.25 (The Potlatch) so that it is not as spammy.
    - Fixed issue with volcano event.
    # Ideas
    - The Samoan ideas' first tradition will now grant -30% advisor cost instead of increasing the advisor pool by 1.
    - Hawaiian Ideas have been rebalanced. The idea "Repurposing the Ali'i Nui" now gives 1 legitimacy instead of 2, the idea "Naha Prophecy" has no longer increased Hostile Core Creation Cost and the ambition of is now +20 Global Settler Increase instead of the ability to recruit explorers.
    - Forming Aotearoa will no longer remove the Iwi Ideas. Instead, the player will be even asked if they want to change their ideas to the Iwi Ideas.
    - Forming Viti will no longer remove Fiji Ideas. Instead, the player will be asked if they want to swap their ideas to the Fijian Ideas.
    - The Fijian ideas have received balance changes. The idea "Waqa Drua" will now grant 100% prestige and 50% naval traditions from naval battles and the idea "Fijian Warlords" grants now +10% Morale of Armies and +0.5 Army Tradition.
    - The Iwi idea "Kaikiakitanga" will now grant -5% development cost.
    - Fixed so consort_events.2 doesn't trigger without a consort.
    # Missions
    - Fixed Palembang mission 'Orang Laut' so now it can be completed if the country is a pirate republic.
    - Fixed triggering and reward issues in Palembang missions 'Orang Laut', 'Arrival of Dragonships', 'Pirate Kings', and 'Restore Srivijaya', to make them a more comprehensive and coherent set of missions.
    - Palembang mission 'Orang Laut' now can be completed if pirate republic.
    - The mission "Cultivate a Mandala" now rewards you with 100% prosperity in your capital area additionally to the other reward.
    - The mission "Populate Ayutthaya" now rewards you with 50 Government Reform Progress instead of 100 diplo points.
    - The mission "Win a Royal Duel" now requires you to have 3% Army Professionalism (or 20 Army Tradition if Cradle of Civilization is not active) and to have at least as much Army Tradition as Khmer.
    - Siam can no longer be formed through a decision for people with the Leviathan DLC. Instead, they will now have to work through the mission tree to form it as intended.
    - Corrected Tu'i Tonga Empire mission's conditions to be better.
    - Fixed issues with polynesian and oceanian missions.
    - Fixed an issue with not being able to complete the "Honor the Ancestors" mission.
    - Added a fallback to Samoan and Tongan missions to avoid getting stuck in case one of them do not exist.
    - Fixed an issue with the Samoan Army mission.
    # Setup
    - The province Manahoac (2552) is now part of the "Great Valley" area.
    - Fixed starting rulers with no birth date in later game starts being too old.
    - The province "Sawokli" is now a savanna instead of a desert.
    - Changed color of Aotearoa to a red one as suggested.
    - Exchanged the Trade Goods of two provinces in New Zealand.

    # Bugfixes
    - Fixed a CTD related to naval combats.
    - Fixed a CTD related to naval misions.
    - You can no longer pillage development from natives' capitals with no losses.
    - You can't operate other people's great projects any more unless they're your subjects.
    - Savegames don't get corrupted due to cooldown storage.
    - The province Lau's name is no longer scattered around and the city of Maui is no longer underwater.
    - Abdication no longer prevented in Celestial Empire owing to "low Legitimacy".
    - Added the missing icons for the government reforms "Uparaya Succession" and "Sakdina System".
    - Becoming papal controller now lifts excommunication from members of personal union as well.
    - Can no longer exploit reduce infrastructure to gain an extra manufactory.
    - The event "The Mandate of Heaven" (flavor_dai.4) has now the proper event picture.
    - Double clicking on top row of Great Projects in the ledger no longer shows the wrong location.
    - Favors from relative alliance strength works the right way around.
    - Fixed a CTD when reforming native federation advancements when at war.
    - Infinite concentrate development exploit no longer works.
    - Lan Xang is no longer infinitely reformable.
    - Monuments no longer get downgraded when a province changes owner peacefully.
    - Fixed so Mount Fuji gives a local development bonus, not global.
    - Fixed issue where nations with capitals that can get a path to the HRE couldn't join the HRE.
    - Fixed so natives can build boats.
    - Fixed issue with naval attrition not working.
    - Fixed another issue with calling non allies using the macro builder.
    - No more event flood of old events on loading.
    - Fixed outliner not showing the correct name of colonies.
    - Polynesians/Aboriginies use the correct fallback units if no Leviathan unit pack is installed.
    - Ruler of Demak created by event majapahit.5 no longer has missing localization.
    - Ruler of custom nation no longer disappears/gets bugged after reloading the save.
    - Fixed some issues with separatism not disappearing when it should.
    - Fixed issues with strengthening government when at lower legitimacy and max absolutism.
    - The event "Dynastic Tensions in Dai Viet" now only triggers if the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
    - Totemist ancestors now functional without Rights of Man.
    - Zoroastrian religion no longer displays Coptic icons.
    - Fixed an issue with assigning the correct government reform for different colony types.
    - Battles against condottieri now count for war score.
    - Canals no longer locked behind Wealth of Nations DLC.
    - Disabled trade favors for trust and prepare for war diplomatic actions when Leviathan and Cossacks are disabled.
    - Event sikhism_flavor.2 actually does something.
    - Fixed issues with advisor portrait fallbacks.
    - Fixed a CTD related to adding pashas.
    - Huge amounts of dev in a province no longer cause overflow error for increasing development.
    - Fixed a CTD related to using the cede_province effect with an invalid country.
    - Fixed a CTD related to checking if we can vassalize someone we've already selected to pillage and their capital province is not in a state.
    - Fixed issue causing massive error log.
    - Fixed an OOS when host and client use different languages.
    - Fail conditions for "Increase Autonomy in X" Dhimmi Agenda are now displayed properly.
    - Fixed so Aotearoa, Fiji and Hawaii keep their National Ideas after their formation.
    - The Mandala System government reform is only usable when the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
    - Fixed a CTD for missing gfx culture tag for sprite packs.
    - Corrected Kaitiakitanga spelling.
    - Fixed a crash when running the every_tribal_land_province effect on non tribal countries.
    - Fixed so blue mountains look like mountains.

    Per il momento, a parte questa patch, non ci sono comunicazioni da parte degli sviluppatori o della Paradox in geneale.
    Oggi però è stato abbastanza attivo il Capo delle Comunicazioni in questa discussione:
    Tra le altre cose, ha detto che la priorità degli sviluppatori al momento è risolvere il problema. Poi in futuro verrà il momento di parlare alla comunità dei piani per il futuro. Effettivamente poche ore dopo è arrivata l'hotfix. Vedremo se domani ci sarà un DD o no.

  9. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    É finalmente arrivata una comunicazione ufficiale da Johan Anderson riguardante il rilascio di Leviathan:

    "Leviathan è stato uno dei peggiori rilasci avuti finora e segue un lungo percorso di rilasci di bassa qualità a partire da Golden Century per EU4.

    Come Studio Manager e Game Director, alla fine della giornata questa è una mia responsabilità, quindi devo scusarmi per questo. La colpa è tutta mia.

    Avrei dovuto ritardare l'inizio dello sviluppo di Leviathan fino a quando non avremmo avuto tutte le risorse necessarie e il tempo per farle ambientare correttamente nel progetto. Avremmo dovuto annunciare una pausa nello sviluppo di EU4 dopo il rilascio di Emperor, fino al momento in cui avremmo avuto un team pronto a iniziare a disegnare e lavorare a inizio 2021.

    Stiamo perciò cambiando in parte i nostri piani per il resto dell'anno. Il nostro piano originale era di correggere tutti i bug rimasti prima di smettere di sviluppare nuove espansioni per EU4. Ora stiamo accelerando questi piani e ci stiamo assicurando che la comunità li riceva frequentemente.

    La patch 1.31.3 dovrebbe essere rilasciata questa settimana e la patch succesiva avremmo intenzione di rilasciarla per fine maggio o inizio giugno; successivamente vorremmo rilascio parecchie altre patch per il resto dell'anno.

    Questa è ovviamente una partenza dura per il team e per lo studio, ma non è finita qui. Abbiamo assunto un gruppo di grandi individui, con una forte passione per il gioco, per formare Paradox Tinto. Questo ci porterà a un futuro migliore per Europa Universalis."

    Chiarimento #1:
    "Per chiarire, il mio piano originale era di fermare la produzione di nuove espansioni e poi prendersi del tempo per risolvere quanti più bug possibile. Stiamo cambiando questo e ci focalizzeremo sul ridurre il numero di bug per un po' di tempo già a partire da adesso"

    Chiarimento #2:
    "Per chiarire, quando ho scritto di accelerare i piani, questo non significa che il team stia facendo straordinari (crunching), ma significa che stiamo riordinando le priorità in modo che fix di vecchi bug arrivino ai gocatori pima (e più frequentemente) rispetto al piano originale."
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Alessandro Argeade

    Alessandro Argeade

    3 Ottobre 2015
    Era l'unico modo per uscirne decentemente, ora speriamo che alle parole seguano i fatti
  11. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Rilasciata patch/hotfix 1.31.3

    # Gamebalance
    # Economy
    - Changed so you can't centralize your capital state.
    # Governments
    - Changed Tier 6 reform for Monastic Order 'A Dynastic Order' to require new Divine idea group instead of Aristocratic one.
    # Other
    - Annam and Tolkin are now Mahayana instead of Theravada.
    - Changed St Peter's religion requirement.
    - Slight change to Hawaiian Ambitions.

    # AI
    # Economy
    - Fixed a case where AI is not coring land when it seemingly should.
    - Added a define for how much governing capacity penalty an AI considers tolerable.
    # Other
    - AI will no longer extend regency far into the future.

    # Interface
    # Icons/Art
    - All events without namespace now give proper triggered illustration.
    - Adjusted "Monthly Reform Progress Modifier" icon resolution.
    - Fixed so papacy screen doesn't use two different icon assets to represent one same resource.
    - Reduced the number of repeating mission icons in Leviathan mission trees.
    # Tooltips
    - Fixed nonsense tooltip on Dhimmi agenda.
    - Fixed issue with tooltip for naval attrition regarding lack of sailors.
    - Centralize state tooltip now shows the correct dev limit.
    # Unitmodels
    - Champa artillery tier 1 is now crewed by the DLC model instead of the base models.
    - Malacca artillery tier 4 is now crewed by Malacca infantry model instead of Majapahit infantry.
    - Majapahit cavalry tier 1 now uses the DLC model instead of the base models.
    - Brunei cavalry tier 3 uses the tier 3 infantry model instead of falling back to tier 2.
    - Removed the ahistorical coat of arms design on the tabard of Spanish tier 2 units from the Catholic League unit pack.
    # Other
    - Imperial incidents message box now is bigger.
    - Fixed overlapping of monuments and native buildings.
    - Guru confirm dialog now shows missionary penalty.
    - Clicking the centralize state section in outliner now opens the province view.
    - Fixed issue with misalignment in edicts background.

    # Usermodding
    # Triggers
    - Added current_guru_is trigger.
    - Changed reform_level trigger to check the amount of reforms while has_reform_on_level trigger checks if you have a reform of specific level.
    - Fixed so culture trigger works on countries as well as provinces.
    - Fixed so num_of_colonies trigger uses correct value.

    # Script
    # Achievements
    - The achievement "Cities of Cebola" no longer requires you to start as Pueblo but to start as a nation, which has Pueblo as their primary culture.
    - Changed the six nations condition that any iroquois nation can achieve it.
    - Fixed so keep the flame burning achievement can be completed with random new world.
    - Fixed so keep the flame burning achievement requires you to be zoroastrian.
    - Fixed so some achievements don't show up for countries that can't achieve them.
    # Events
    - Burgundy is unable to declare war of independence until the Imperial Incident is over. This change will not affect campaigns, which don't have Emperor enabled.
    - The disaster "The Northern and Southern Dynasties" will now place the correct dynasties in Annam and Tolkin should it be triggered after the Age of Reformation.
    - The event "The Fall of Kyoto" will now give the new shogun a Subjugation casus belli against all former daimyos, who were at war with the new owner of Kyoto when he claimed the Shogunate.
    - The event "The Fall of Kyoto" will now properly transfer all daimyos from the previous one to the new owner of Kyoto.
    - The new owner of Kyoto should not stay as a daimyo.
    - Event to upgrade the Tenochtitlan now actually upgrades it.
    - Fixed issues with the Sikhism events chain.
    - The event "Diet of $YEAR$" (flavor_hun.1) now creates a named regency if you keep the current council.
    - Fixed issue with Hungarian regency for Ladislaus Postumus having a blank name.
    # Ideas
    - The idea "Dwellers of Tipis" switched places with the idea "Bison Hunters", making the Dwellers idea the first one to get.
    - The pirate nations, which get released through the pirate events, now have their proper Piratical ideas back.
    # Missions
    - Nations of the Random New World have now their proper New World missions back.
    - The mission "Kings of the Franks" will now transfer all French vassals to Burgundy regardless of their liberty desire.
    - Fixed Byzantine "Rome Reclaimed" mission to trigger on catholic countries when completed.
    - The Khmer mission "Protect the Cham" has now the correct brackets in the script, which means all the missions after it are now working properly.
    - Added Hussite as a possible option in the Swiss Mission "Affair of Sausages".
    - Removed some missions for Natives created in a Random New World having missions targeting specific provinces in America.
    # Setup
    - Dakota has been renamed into North Dakota, the area below it has been renamed from Minesota to South Dakota, Minnessota has its name fixed and its now called Minnesota, the state "Texas" has swapped placed with the state "Coastal Prairi" (which was a duplicate of "Texas Plains")
    - The tags MGD and MKS are now downranked from kingdom rank to duchy rank.
    - Fars has regained its previous color back and is no longer yellow.
    - Removed the random core of Pasai on the province Butak.
    - Fixed issue with Timurid heir starting with -1 claim strength.
    - Changed several terrains in NZ.
    - Changed several trade goods in NZ.
    - Redrew Southern Island in NZ.
    - Renamed some tags to proper Iwi names.
    - Renamed several provinces in NZ.
    - Reorganized Development in NZ to better depict Pa density.
    - Fixed some Historical inaccuracies with Vietnamese content.
    - Ambras Castle is in correct province now.
    - Changed the color of Aotearoa so it is not that easily mistaken with GBR or ENG.
    # Other
    - Decisions 'Repair of the Great Wall', 'Construct the Forbidden City' and 'Versailles' overlapped with new monuments feature, so now are not available if having Leviathan DLC.
    - Adjusted some dynasty names for the Vietnamese culture.
    - The agenda "Build Alliances" will no longer be available for subject nations as they would automatically fail the agenda when they take it.
    - The provinces "Rhade" and "Tay Nguyen" and the countries "Rhade" and "Koho" swapped places on the map.
    - Added several dynasties to Maori.

    # Bugfixes
    - Fixed a CTD related to rivals.
    - Fixed a CTD related to peace treaties.
    - Fixed some CTDs for mods in province view.
    - Fixed a CTD related to conquering a province from a centralized state.
    - Fixed a CTD related to parsing event triggers.
    - Fixed an OOS related to an issue with constructions while migrating.
    - Can now take land from natives if they're sitting on some other tribe's tribal land.
    - Can now take land from a tribe that's sitting on unclaimed land in a peace treaty.
    - Coastal Defence or Naval Battery built in one province no longer blocks raiding of the entire country's coast.
    - Force religion is no longer free after you pillage the capital. Force religion is a cost per unit dev; so is pillage state (except you're not pillaging all the dev). So, if you choose Force Religion and Pillage, the cost will be the same as selecting Force Religion only (because the total dev that's being affected is the same - you're changing religion on 80% and pillaging the other 20%, or you're changing religion on 100%); but if you choose Pillage only then the war score cost will be lower (20% of the total dev cost).
    - Grazing the land in enemy territory will now give tribal development.
    - Fixed Manchu banners bonuses not working.
    - Mandala system now available with either Leviathan or Dharma.
    - Old heir dying now means any extended regency is cancelled.
    - Fixed bug with Parliament issues not being persisted.
    - Sikhism events now change gurus, and you can't add multiple teachings by not accepting on the dialog.
    - Removing TUR in a mod no longer crashes when you try to recruit a general. But beware, removing tags can cause files not to load properly.
    - Stopped menu flipping to government when natives reform.
    - When you get a subjugation CB, it should always allow actual vassalisation regardless of the size of the target (like forming PUs).
    - Fixed issue displaying heir claim for meritocracies.
    - Fixed performance issue selecting armies that can do autonomous carpet siege in big areas.
    - The governments of Self-Governing Colonies have now their proper name.
    - Fixed issue where you couldn't rename the area capital.
    - The modifier "guru_teaching" has now a proper localization.
    - Various localization fixes.
    - Added a new condition so a TAG is affected by the Counter Revolution triggered modifier if any country is revolutionary and it is either in its same continent or if they share a border.
    - Fixed some issues with burgundian inheritance.
    - Fixed exploit for not picking the first reform as republics giving you massive absolutism.
    - Fixed issues with vassalization not being available when it should.
    - Fixed issue with events stopping to show up for the player.

  12. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Rilasciata ieri una beta della 1.31.4.
    Istruzioni su come attivarla (con password):
    # Gamebalance
    # Other
    - Should a foreign country become the Emperor of the HRE then all of their European provinces, which have a connection to their capital, will be added to the Empire.

    # Interface
    # Tooltips
    - Add new line to "Proclaim Erbkaisertum" tooltip explaining that it removes vassal princes from the diplomatic relations of the emperor.
    - Fixed Piracy in Palembang tooltip containing wrong ruler name.
    - Fixed issue where tactics difference would be displayed incorrectly in siege phase tooltip.# Other
    - Added new icon for "Missionary Strength against Heathen"

    # Script
    # Decisions
    - Forming Malaya will now ask the player if they want to update their ideas.
    - The decision "Flee to Brazil" will now properly set your captial to Brazil - regardless if it was in Europe or elsewhere on the world before.# Events
    - The event "The Completion of Borobudur" has now additional modifiers ot its Mean-Time-To-Happen, which will drastically increase the chance for that event to happen for Sunda and Majapahit.
    - The event "The Completion of Borobudur" triggers for Sunda only when they have fulfilled the misison "Restore Borobudur".# Ideas
    - The Samoan Idea "Fa's Samoa" now grants you +10% Governing Capacity instead of the +5% Administrative Efficiency.# Missions
    - Adjusted some mission icons for the Indonesian Mission Tree.
    - Fixed issue with Palembang havind duplicated missions.
    - The Ayutthayan mission "Royal Absolutism" will now ask the player if they want to update their ideas while switching to Siam.
    - The Maori mission "Centralize the Realm" gives now monarch points if you are no longer tribal instead of trying to enact the Polynesian Kingdom.
    - The Maori mission "Loyal Subjects" will no longer require that all estates have less than 10 influence. Instead, it will now require that every estate has less 40 influence and a loyalty of 65 or higher.
    - The Maori mission "Own a Center of Trade" will now upgrade only ONE of your Centers of Trade instead of every single one.
    - The Maori missoin "Riri Wars" will give you now +100 ADM power and 0.15 years of Manpower if there is no rival left for getting a CB against.
    - The Maori mission "Expand the Trade Routes"'s requirement is now consistent wiht itself, meaning the amount of trade buildings you need to have is always 3 or 2 with 20 light ships.
    - The Maori mission "Gain Mana"'s requirement has been nerfed to having 1 stability down from 3.

    # Bugfixes
    - All province modifiers, which are granted by estate privileges, will now properly affect provinces, which weren't owned by the country at the point when the privilege got enacted (for example: newly conquered Christian provinces will now be affected by the Dhimni privilege if active).
    - Fixed issue with custom nations overriding others in MP.
    - Declare War interface no longer falsely suggests that Emperor's allies are called to war.
    - The define_heir effect can now allow random higher stats than given if fixed = yes isn't specified.
    - Non-active countries now have their revolutions crushed just like everyone else so they don't pop back up as revolutionary if released later on.
    - Majapahit and Khmer national disasters will now trigger as expected.
    - Fixed the monarch names of Fars.
    - Can now stop building spy network via diplo menu of a country whom you took the capital of.
    - Fixed issue with not being able to speed up progress on monuments construction after continuing save.
    - Changing displayed Unit Type or Technology Tier does not close Sprite Pack list in Nation Designer.
    - Conquering a province with a monument under construction now cancels construction.
    - Fixed a CTD related to AI disbanding mercenaries.
    - Fixed a CTD when tooltipping siege in outliner.
    - Fleet basing rights are now granted automatically by war allies.
    - Fixed issue where "Left the Empire" would not tick down over time.
    - Fixed issue for subjects not fabricate claims.
    - Last federation advancement now inherits properly without auto-settling, and gives all tribal land correctly.
    - Various issues with CBs and war goals fixed.
    - Fixed OOS related to leader initialization.
    - Fixed OOS related to naval modifiers.
    - Fixed issue where a hotjoin request would be duplicated if player cancels hotjoin and request it again.
    - Fixed some issues related to monument events.
    - Fixed a CTD in eventwindow related to selecting an event picture to display.
    - Fixed an issue for pending events not loading property if they do not have an end date set.
    - Fixed an issue for events not showing up when playing coop in MP.
    - Fixed a CTD related to building spy networks.
  13. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
  14. kaiser85


    29 Marzo 2007
    Dici che è possibile iniziare una partita con la 1.31.4 Beta oppure conviene aspettare una patch più stabile-definitiva?
  15. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Ti dirò, io all'epoca avevo iniziato una partita coi Ming con la 1.31.1 e, a parte il problema della vassallizzazione della 1.31.2 e quello delle prestazioni nella 1.31.3, non ho avuto grossi problemi.

    Ho dato un'occhiata al volo e non vedo molti bug report per la 1.31.4 se non per i Monumenti. Non so come siano le prestazioni, se il problema della 1.31.3 sia stato risolto o meno (nel mio caso, si è presentato dopo circa 130 anni di gioco).
    Unica cosa: forse a breve aggiungono nuovi bugfix, se non si fosse ammalato il tecnico principale avrebbero già fatto. Fonte:

    Onestamente ti direi di provare a iniziare una nuova partita, o al massimo aspettare un paio di giorni se rilasciano qualche nuova fix. Però magari per la partita evita di iniziare nella zona del SudEst Asiatico che forse ha ancora qualche problema.

    EDIT: dimenticavo, facci sapere come va, se trovi la patch stabile o meno.
    • Like Like x 1
    Ultima modifica: 31 Maggio 2021
  16. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    La patch 1.31.4, precedentemente in beta, è ora stata rilasciata ufficialmente:
    Mi sembra che le patch notes siano identiche a quella della beta:
    # Gamebalance
    # Other
    - Should a foreign country become the Emperor of the HRE then all of their European provinces, which have a connection to their capital, will be added to the Empire.
    # Interface
    # Tooltips
    - Add new line to "Proclaim Erbkaisertum" tooltip explaining that it removes vassal princes from the diplomatic relations of the emperor.
    - Fixed Piracy in Palembang tooltip containing wrong ruler name.
    - Fixed issue where tactics difference would be displayed incorrectly in siege phase tooltip.# Other
    - Added new icon for "Missionary Strength against Heathen".
    # Script
    # Decisions
    - Forming Malaya will now ask the player if they want to update their ideas.
    - The decision "Flee to Brazil" will now properly set your capital to Brazil - regardless if it was in Europe or elsewhere on the world before.# Events
    - The event "The Completion of Borobudur" has now additional modifiers of its Mean-Time-To-Happen, which will drastically increase the chance for that event to happen for Sunda and Majapahit.
    - The event "The Completion of Borobudur" triggers for Sunda only when they have fulfilled the mission "Restore Borobudur".# Ideas
    - The Samoan Idea "Fa's Samoa" now grants you +10% Governing Capacity instead of the +5% Administrative Efficiency.# Missions
    - Adjusted some mission icons for the Indonesian Mission Tree.
    - Fixed issue with Palembang having duplicated missions.
    - The Ayutthayan mission "Royal Absolutism" will now ask the player if they want to update their ideas while switching to Siam.
    - The Maori mission "Centralize the Realm" gives now monarch points if you are no longer tribal instead of trying to enact the Polynesian Kingdom.
    - The Maori mission "Loyal Subjects" will no longer require that all estates have less than 10 influence. Instead, it will now require that every estate has less 40 influence and a loyalty of 65 or higher.
    - The Maori mission "Own a Center of Trade" will now upgrade only ONE of your Centers of Trade instead of every single one.
    - The Maori mission "Riri Wars" will give you now +100 ADM power and 0.15 years of Manpower if there is no rival left for getting a CB against.
    - The Maori mission "Expand the Trade Routes"'s requirement is now consistent with itself, meaning the amount of trade buildings you need to have is always 3 or 2 with 20 light ships.
    - The Maori mission "Gain Mana"'s requirement has been nerfed to having 1 stability down from 3.
    # Bugfixes
    - All province modifiers, which are granted by estate privileges, will now properly affect provinces, which weren't owned by the country at the point when the privilege got enacted (for example: newly conquered Christian provinces will now be affected by the Dhimni privilege if active).
    - Fixed issue with custom nations overriding others in MP.
    - Declare War interface no longer falsely suggests that Emperor's allies are called to war.
    - The define_heir effect can now allow random higher stats than given if fixed = yes isn't specified.
    - Non-active countries now have their revolutions crushed just like everyone else so they don't pop back up as revolutionary if released later on.
    - Majapahit and Khmer national disasters will now trigger as expected.
    - Fixed the monarch names of Fars.
    - Can now stop building spy network via diplo menu of a country whom you took the capital of.
    - Fixed issue with not being able to speed up progress on monuments construction after continuing save.
    - Changing displayed Unit Type or Technology Tier does not close Sprite Pack list in Nation Designer.
    - Conquering a province with a monument under construction now cancels construction.
    - Fixed a CTD related to AI disbanding mercenaries.
    - Fixed a CTD when tooltipping siege in outliner.
    - Fleet basing rights are now granted automatically by war allies.
    - Fixed issue where "Left the Empire" would not tick down over time.
    - Fixed issue for subjects not fabricate claims.
    - Last federation advancement now inherits properly without auto-settling, and gives all tribal land correctly.
    - Various issues with CBs and war goals fixed.
    - Fixed OOS related to leader initialization.
    - Fixed OOS related to naval modifiers.
    - Fixed issue where a hotjoin request would be duplicated if player cancels hotjoin and request it again.
    - Fixed some issues related to monument events.
    - Fixed a CTD in eventwindow related to selecting an event picture to display.
    - Fixed an issue for pending events not loading property if they do not have an end date set.
    - Fixed an issue for events not showing up when playing coop in MP.
    - Fixed a CTD related to building spy networks.


    @kaiser85 se hai già iniziato la partita con la beta penso tu possa proseguire con la patch ufficiale senza problemi, se no penso sia il momento giusto per iniziare. Facci sapere come va!
  17. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Europa Universalis IV - 8 June 2021 - New monuments chosen for 1.31.5

    Buone notizie gente! Oggi vi presentiamo i nuovi Monumenti che saranno introdotti nella patch 1.35.1 (che arriverà a breve).

    Ma prima, lasciate che mi presenti. Sono Pavía, e sono stato membro del forum da più di 15 anni prima di entrare a far parte di Paradox Tinto un paio di mesi fa. A parte fare parte del forum, ho speso la maggior parte del mio tempo a giocare a giochi Paradox per migliaia di ore, a partire dal primo Europa Universalis. Oh, e ho anche un Dottorato in Storia Medioevale, ma quello è probabilmente la cosa meno importante del mio attuale CV.

    Detto questo, parliamo dei Monumenti. Prima vi presento quelli che avete scelto col voto dalla comunità.

    Il primo è El Escorial, il famoso palazzo-monastero costruito su ordine di Filippo II nei sobborghi di Madrid:
    Requisiti: Gruppo Culturale Iberico

    Tier 1
    Global modifiers:
    • −0.01 Monthly autonomy change
    • +5% Governing Capacity

    Tier 2
    Global modifiers:
    • −0.025 Monthly autonomy change
      +10% Governing Capacity
      +10% Global Tariffs

    Tier 3
    Global modifiers:
    • −0.05 Monthly autonomy change
      +15% Governing Capacity
      +20% Global Tariffs

    Il secondo è la Città Santa di Gerusalemme, un luogo sacro per Ebraismo, Cristianesimo e Islam:
    Requisiti: Religione Cristina, Musulmana o Ebraica.

    Tier 1
    Area modifiers:
    • +1% Local missionary strength
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.1 Yearly Prestige
    • +1% Missionary strength against Heretics

    Tier 2
    Area modifiers:
    • +2% Local missionary strength
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.25 Yearly Prestige
    • +2% Missionary strength against Heretics

    Tier 3
    Area modifiers:
    • +3% Local missionary strength
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.5 Yearly Prestige
    • +1 Missionary

    Per finire, l'ultimo dei più votati è stato Cerro Rico del Potosí, la più ricca miniera d'argento del Sud America e un luogo che un tempo ha ospitato la città più popolosa della regione.
    Requisiti: nessuno

    Province modifiers:
    • +1 Local Goods Produced
    Area modifiers:
    • +5% Local Goods Produced Modifier
    Global modifiers:
    • -0.1% Interest
    Tier 2
    Province modifiers:
    • +2 Local Goods Produced
    Area modifiers:
    • +10% Local Goods Produced Modifier
    Global modifiers:
    • -0.25% Interest
    Tier 3
    Province modifiers:
    • +3 Local Goods Produced
    Area modifiers:
    • +20% Local Goods Produced Modifier
    Global modifiers:
    • -0.5% Interest

    Santa Maria del Fiore e la Porta di Brandeburgo hanno ricevuto quasi abbastanza voti, quindi è probabile che saranno aggiunti in futuro.

    Ma a parte questi, il team Tinto ha anche votato internamente per altri 3 Monumenti.

    Il primo è la Kaaba della Mecca, il sito più sacro per i Musulmani e il luogo di arrivo per il pellegrinaggio Haji, uno dei Cinque Pilastri dell'Islam.
    Requisiti: Religione Musulmana

    Global modifiers:
    • +0.1 Yearly Prestige
    • +10% Religious Unity
    Tier 2
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.25 Yearly Prestige
    • +15% Religious Unity
    • -5% War score cost vs other religions
    Tier 3
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.5 Yearly Prestige
    • +20% Religious Unity
    • -10% War score cost vs other religions

    Il successivo è la Grande Moschea di Djenné, uno dei luoghi di culto costruiti durante l'Impero Mali con mattoni adobe.
    Requisiti: Religione Musulmana

    Tier 1
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.1 Monthly Piety
    • +1% Missionary strength against Heathens
    Tier 2
    • Global modifiers:
      +0.2 Monthly Piety
      +2% Missionary strength against Heathens
      +1 Missionary
    Tier 3
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.3 Monthly Piety
    • +3% Missionary strength against Heathens
    • +1 Missionary

    Per finire, la Città Imperiale di Hue, costruita dalla dinastia Nguyen come simbolo del Dai Viet unificato.
    Requisiti: Confucianesimo

    Tier 1
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.25 Yearly harmony increase
    • +0.5 Yearly legitimacy
    Tier 2
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.33 Yearly harmony increase
    • −10% State maintenance
    • −5% Minimum autonomy in territories
    • +1 Yearly legitimacy
    Tier 3
    Global modifiers:
    • +0.5 Yearly harmony increase
    • −20% State maintenance
    • −10% Minimum autonomy in territories
    • +1 Yearly legitimacy

    Per concludere, abbiamo ricevuto molto feedback dalla comunità e abbiamo deciso di sostituire uno dei Monumenti attuali con una scelta più interessante.

    Questa è la Torre di Belém che sostituisce il Palácio Nacional da Pena di Lisbona, dato che è un simbolo della città sin dall'Era delle Scoperte:
    Requisiti: nessuno

    Tier 1
    Province modifiers:
    • +5 Local trade power
    Area modifiers:
    • +15% Local manpower modifier
    Global modifiers:
    • +5% Global trade power
    Tier 2
    Province modifiers:
    • +10 Local trade power
    Area modifiers:
    • +25% Local manpower modifier
    Global modifiers:
    • +10% Global trade power
    • +10% National sailors
    Tier 3
    Province modifiers:
    • +15 Local trade power
    Area modifiers:
    • +50% Local manpower modifier
    Global modifiers:
    • +15% Global trade power
    • +25% National sailors

    A proposito dei modificatori, ovviamente ci stiamo ancora lavorando, quindi modificatori e valori potrebbero essere modificati o sostituiti, in base ai test e al feedback ricevuto.

    Una nuova modalità per la mappa che mostra i Monumenti sarà aggiunta nella 1.31.5
    Speriamo che apprezzerete nuovi Monumenti scelti sia dalla comunità che dal team, oltre allo splendido lavoro dei nostri artisti, quando finalmente ci giocherete con la 1.31.5. Ci vediamo!
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Alessandro Argeade

    Alessandro Argeade

    3 Ottobre 2015
    Ok, belli i monumenti, ma EUIV è tornato giocabile?
  19. R3wu0


    6 Febbraio 2011
    Io continuo a pensare che i monumenti inseriti siano ancora troppo pochi e soprattutto mal distribuiti nei vari continenti
  20. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Credo che al momento i problemi principali siano:
    • è sparito un CB per l'imperatore dell'HRE o qualcosa del genere
    • le meccaniche di Leviathan di Saccheggia Development e Concentra Development sono un po' OP, ma se non hai il DLC non dovrebbe esserci problema
    • a volte nazioni AI generano quantità colossale di AE che porta a coalizioni mondiali
    • non mi è chiaro se ci sono problemi con le tribù del Nord America o se sono stati risolti
    • non mi chiaro se hanno risolto i monumenti poco bilanciati e a volte con requisiti discutibili
    Forse @kaiser85 può darci la sua opinione se ha iniziato una partita.
    Penso che questa sia un'opinione comune, anche se piano piano ne stanno aggiungendo altri.


    Al momento non è chiaro quando arriverà la patch 1.31.5, ma se non ho capito male dovrebbe iniziare come beta pubblica, quindi potrebbe arrivare a breve. Anche perché a Luglio la Svezia va sempre in vacanza, quindi o arriva a breve oppure a Settembre temo.

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