Montgomery ha sempre riscosso vittorie con una superiorità numerica tale da far vergognare perfino i russi
No niente Jagdpanther per le SS prima del 5 gennaio 1945, sicurissimo, sono stati impiegati sotto le SS durante le operazioni in Ungheria
tutto in inglese ci sono problemi? Vado di corsa e non ho il tempo di tradurre..... etc..etc.......After tests of prototypes, it was then ordered to start the full-scale production in December of 1943. Jagdpanther's production at MIAG (Muhlenbau-Industrie AG) in Braunschweig started in January of 1944, while at MNH (Maschinenfabrik Niedersachsischen-Hanover) in Hannover in November of 1944. During the production, third assembly plant - MBA (Maschinenbau und Bahnbedarf) in Postdam-Brewitz also started producing Jagdpanthers. It was planned that production will reach output of 150 vehicles per month, but the highest output was in January of 1945, when 72 were produced. Overall from December of 1943 to March of 1945, only 392 were produced (chassis numbers 300001 to unknown and 303001 to unknown), although some sources state that about 413 to 417 were made since production continued until April of 1945 or 425 until May of 1945. The total number of Jagdpanthers produced was a direct result of Allied bomber raids, which caused much destruction and disruption at two production centers (MIAG and MNH). Per rispondere in maniera più precisa, la 1° azione conosciuta (da me almeno, magari qualcuno ne trova anche una prima): On July 30th of 1944 near Les Loges in Normandy, three Jagdpanthers from schwere Panzer Jaeger Abteilung 654 ambushed a squadron of British 6th Guards Tank Brigade destroying some 10-11 Churchill tanks in a short period of two minutes. At the same time, other squadron of British 6th Guards Tank Brigade opened fire at three Jagdpanthers causing crews of two of them to abandon their vehicles (because of damaged tracks), while the third one retreated. Organizzazione: Jagdpanthers were grouped into independent schwere Panzerjager Abteilungens - heavy anti-tank battalions (with 3 companies with 14 vehicles each and 3 vehicles in battalion HQ) and those that operated as part of Panzer Division. First Jagdpanthers were issued to schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 559 and 654 and reached the frontline in Western Europe in June of 1944. Only 654th had full compliment of 42 vehicles, while 559th had only 10 to 14 vehicles. Majority of Jagdpanthers produced saw service on the Eastern Front, while only single battalion (schwere Panzerjaeger Abteilung 654) saw service during Normandy Battles in the Summer of 1944. In preparations for the Ardennes Offensive, the largest number ever of Jagdpanthers was assembled, including vehicles transferred to the Western Front from the Eastern Front to take part in the offensive. Some 51 Jagdpanther in six battalions took part in the fighting in December of 1944. Small number of Jagdpanthers was used by Waffen-SS formations and only 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich, 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen and 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg (part of the 6th Panzer Army) received company each during relief attempt to rescue encircled garrison of Budapest in January of 1945. Out of original 42 issued to those divisions only 12 were operational on April 1st and eventually took part in the defence of Vienna. From 1945, Jagdpanthers were also issue to Panzer Abteilungs of 7 Panzer Divisions, The Fuehrer Grenadier Regiment and single Panzer Brigade, but using them as substitute tanks was a mistake but a necessity at the time. Ora mi metto a cercare, se questo "fantomatico" Abteilung 654 è stato assegnato per qualche tempo a una delle divisioni SS. Anche se parlare di divisioni in normandia....mah, meglio Kampfgruppe. sullo J.Panther Thomas L. Jentz Panzer Tracts No.9-3 Jagdpanther 24 euro. Includes 1/10th scale drawings to illustrate the smallest details, while six-view (including right side and belly) 1/35th scale drawings are still used for the complete Jagdpanther. Plus “flat-plane” drawings of many components to aid modelers make accurate parts that are hard to replicate when only drawn at angle. This book is also loaded with information on the development history, production, unit organisation, issue, tactics, and wartime reports from front-line units. 92pp. over 200 scale drawings. 45 photos. scappo ciao
Lo sPzJagAbt 654 era una delle unità della specialità più famose: Panzerabwehr-Abteilung (mot.) 654 Panzerjäger-Abteilung 654 (mot.) (1 Apr 40) schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 654 (22 Mar 43) II./Panzerjäger-Regiment 656 (8 Jun 43) schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 654 (1 Sep 43) 26 Aug 39 mobilized in WK X, remains in the West 10 May 40 XVI Corps (mot.), 6th Army, Army Group B with three companies (@ 12 x 3.7cm Pak) 11-18 May 40 attached to 3rd and 4th Panzer Divisions, XVI Corps (mot.), 6th Army, Army Group B 19 May-4 Jun 40 attached to 4th Panzer Division, XVI Corps (mot.), 4th Army, Army Group B 5-9 Jun 40 attached to 4th Panzer Division, XVI Corps (mot.), 6th Army, Army Group B 10-17 Jun 40 attached to 4th Panzer Division, XVI Corps (mot.), 9th Army, Army Group B 18 Jun-5 Jul 40 attached to 4th Panzer Division, XVI Corps (mot.), 12th Army, Army Group B 24 Jul 40 transferred to 18th Army, Poland, from 2nd Army, Army Group C 4-22 Jun 41 XI Corps, Second Panzer Group, Army Group Center (3.7cm guns (1 platoon of 4x 2.8cm sPzB 41)) less 2./ assigned to HQ, 4th Army, Army Group Center 10 Jul 41 2./ assigned to HQ, 4th Army, Army Group Center 28 Jul 41 bulk of the battalion assigned to 2nd Army Mid-Aug 41 XII Corps, 2nd Army, Army Group Center 2 Sep 41 41 2./ returns to the battalion near Chernigov 22 Sep, 5 Oct 41 LIII Corps, 2nd Army, Army Group Center less 3. assigned to 2nd Army early Nov 41 assigned to XXXIV Corps (mot.), 2nd Army? 24 Dec 41 2nd Army, Army Group Center 4 Jun 42 LV Corps, Armeegruppe von Weichs [Niehorster: 28 Jun 42 2nd Army reserves, Army Group South with two companies each with twelve Pak 40s and one company of twelve Pak 97/38 (f) guns] 13 Jul 42 VII Corps, 2nd Army/Armeegruppe von Weichs 30 Jul 42 VII Corps, 2nd Army Jul-Sep 42 re-equipped with 75mm AT guns (8x Pak 40 and 4x Pak 97/38 (f) per company) 6 Nov 42 9 Pak 40 and 1 Pak 97/38 (f) serviceable, 1 Pak 97/38 (f) unserviceable in 1./, two companies entirely without AT guns Dec 42 elements attached to 298th Infantry Division, II Italian Corps, 8th Italian Army 12 Dec 42 2./ issued 9 Marder IIs at Kantemirovka, guns turned over to 3./ 19 Dec 42 16 more Marder IIs arrive at Kantemirovka and are almost overrun by the Soviets mid-Feb 42 battalion ordered to Hamburg to reform 1 Apr 43 schwere-Panzerjäger-Kompanie 518 and 1./Pz.Jg.Abt. 168 incorporated 28 Apr 43 transferred to Rouen, France under 15th Army mid-May 42 first Ferdinands arrive 13-15 Jun 43 entrained for Russia with 45 Ferdinands Aug 43 turned over all surviving Ferdinands to I./PJR 656 and transferred to France without equipment 28 Apr 44 8 Jagdpanthers arrive in Mailly-le-Camp 14 Jun 44 17 more Jagdpanthers dispatched 27-29 Jun 44 one company with 8 Jagdpanthers attached to Panzer Lehr Division 18 Jul 44 2./ assigned to XXXXVII Panzer Corps 28 Jul 44 3./ arrived sometime prior; 21 Jagdpanthers operational, 3 in short-term repair, 1 in long-term repair 31 Jul 44 8 Jagdpanthers issued 1 Aug 44 8 operational Jagdpanthers, 13 in short-term repair, and 3 in long-term repair; 1./ remained in Mailly-le-Camp 10 Aug 44 1./ recommended to be sent to Normandy 14 Aug 44 8 more Jagdpanthers dispatched Sep 44 rebuilt at Grafenwöhr Oct 44 6 Jagdpanthers issued Nov 44 6 Jagdpanthers and 28 Pz IV L/70 (V) issued Dec 44 20 Jagdpanthers and 3 Pz IV L/70 (V) issued 4 Dec 44 19th Army, Army Group G Jan 45 10 Jagdpanthers issued 1 Jan 45 First Army, assigned to Army Group G for “Nordwind” Feb 45 6 Jagdpanthers issued 21 Mar 45 assigned to LIII Corps, 15th Army, Army Group B, Remagen sector
si, praticamente dopo Falaise, parlare di divisioni è fuorviante. Quindi può darsi che gli J. P. superstiti fossero finiti in qualche kampfgruppe di questa era la richiesta iniziale. All'est, budapest se non sbaglio sicuramente servirono in Div. SS, ma si parla di dopo il novembre 44. ciao
Ho dato un'occhiata nel librone "Combat History of... 654" di Muench, edito dalla JJF, e dal 5 settembre all'ottobre (pagg. 286 e segg.) l'unità era in ricostituzione a Gey, sud di Dueren e Grafenwohr. Quindi direi che non è stata ad Arnhem nè come unità indipendente nè Kampfgruppata
Bellissimo libro fftopic: il mio prossimo acquisto (forse x natale)
Quello sul 653 è uscito anche in "economica", ossia in brossura dalla Stackpole Books. Sul 654, quello lussuoso della JJF su Amazon lo mettono a 57 USD (un buon prezzo, direi).
Comunque quello che intende Tieke dovrebbe essere il Panzerjager Abteilung 559 ma ripeto stasera voglio controllare meglio (purtroppo la memoria ormai mi tradisce)
Il 559 in Olanda c'era... Panzerabwehr-Abteilung (mot.) 559 Panzerjäger-Abteilung 559 (1 Apr 40) Panzerjäger-Abteilung (Sfl.) 559 (1 May 42) schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 559 (Panther) (10 Apr 44 ) 26 Aug 39 mobilized in WK V 1 Sep 39 7th Army, Army Group C 10 May 40 XXIII Corps, 16th Army, Army Group A with three companies (@ 12 x 3.7cm Pak) 24 Jul 40 transferring to Army Group A from 12th Army, Army Group C 22 Jun 41 LVI Panzer Corps, Fourth Panzer Group, Army Group North (4.7cm SP guns) 20 Aug 41 LVI Panzer Corps, 16th Army, Army Group North 5 Oct 41 VII Corps, 4th Army, Army Group Center 24 Dec 41 2nd Army, Army Group Center 1 May 42 reequipped with 7.62cm SP guns 3./ disbanded; Panzerjäger-Kompanie 601 incorporated into unit as 3./ 4 Jun 42 2nd Army/Armeegruppe von Weichs [Niehorster: 28 Jun 42, 2nd Army reserves, Army Group South with two companies of Marder IIs as well as 601. schwere Panzerjäger Kp.] 13 Jul 42 XIII Corps, 2nd Army/Armeegruppe von Weichs 30 Jul 42 VII Corps, 2nd Army [Niehorster (2): 12 Jan 43, Korps Cramer, Army Group B, 12 Marders and 24 towed 75mm guns] 21 Jun 43 XIII Corps, 2nd Army, Army Group Center, Kursk [Niehorster: 4 Jul 43, organized with two companies of six Marder IIs each; 3./ equipped with two self-propelled 50mm and four self-propelled 128mm guns] Sep 43 6 Marder IIIs delivered May 44 5 Jagdpanthers issued Aug 44 8 Jagdpanthers issued 20 Aug 44 2./ and 3./ re-equipped with 14 StuGs each Sep 44 17 Jagdpanthers issued 6 Sep 44 part in the Netherlands 31 Oct 44 LXXXVIII Corps, 15th Army, Army Group H 4 Dec 44 attached to 256.Volksgrenadiere Division, 1st Army, Army Group G 11 Dec 44 attached to Panzer-Lehr Division, XXXXVII Panzerkorps, 5th Panzer Army for “Wacht Am Rhein”, replaced I./PzR 130 with 21 StuGs and Jagdpanthers Dec 44 18 Pz IV L/70 (V) issued Jan 45 6 Jagdpanthers issued 21 Jan 45 detached from Panzer-Lehr Division Mar 45 5 Jagdpanthers issued, assigned to XIII SS-Corps, 7th Army, Army Group G Apr 45 19 Jagdpanthers issued [
Scusa mi era sfuggito il tuo post, in Olanda c'era la schwere Pz.Kie Hummel, con 14 Tiger I. Per guasti vari ne arrivarono nella zona di Arnhem inizialmente solo due.
in particolare gli elementi (teile) del 559 ad Arnhem era la 1./schwere-Panzerjaeger-Abteilung 559 con 4 Jagdpanther, assegnata al Kampfgruppe Huber.
Sarebbe interessante conoscere la storia dei comandanti, se quello indicato in quel periodo coincide da quanto affermato da Tieke allora avremmo dipanato un dubbio.
scusate la domanda, ma era una unità organica o di formazione? e cosa si intende per SP 50mm (su semicingolato?) e SP 128 mm (lo Jagdtiger)?
no, lo Jagdtiger arriva ai reparti ben dopo il 1943, e non è neanche lo Sturer Emil (prodotto in 4 es., usati 2, per il 1943 non era più in azione). Spannometricamente direi che il listato in quel punto è sbagliato.