Sto proseguendo la mia prima partita con HoI2 Armageddon con gli USA ed ho una piccola difficoltà nell'identificazione delle caratteristiche dei comandanti della Marina. Ho letto che il "Lupo di mare" è la caratteristica migliore per i comandanti dei sommergibili, credo che lo "stratega" sia il più adatto per le grandi flotte di superficie composte da corazzate quali navi principali e il "ricognitore" sia la caratteristiche per i comandanti di flotte composte da portaerei. Ho azzeccato? Se poi qualcuno sa dirmi quali vantaggi comport il comandante "truffatore" gli sarò grato. Grazie
ricognitore da semplicemente un bonus nell'individuazione delle flotte nemiche, truffatore è un comandante da mettere a capo di flotte di traporti, in quanto ha un bonus nel "nascondere" tali navi
Ciao ragazzi, anche a me spesso alcune caratteristiche mi lasciano molto perplesso, ad esempio "Vecchia Guardia" ed a partire dal prrimo HoI. Riguardo il tratto "Truffatore" mi sembra di ricordare che esso influisca principalmente per gli attacchi a sorpresa, per i trasporti marittimi il più indicato dovrebbe essere "contrabbandiere". Dato che credo si sia in tanti ad avere dubbi sull'argomento ... butto giù un'idea ... perchè qualche luminare del gioco non posta tutte le caretteristiche presenti, con i precisi effetti ed i tipi di truppe più indicati per la specifica caratteristica? So che sarebbe un lavoraccio noioso ma sarebbe molto utuile per tanti.
per quanto riguarda il truffatore mi sa che hai pienamente ragione, Vecchia guardia significa che guadagna esperienza più lentamente rispetto ai comandanti più "moderni"
allora, ecco le abilità che conosco dei comandanti navali: stratega superiore:ottiene bonus in qualsiasi combattimento navale lupo di mare:rende difficilmente individuabili i sommergibili della sua flotta truffatore:l'avversario vede una quantità maggiore di navi nella flotta che comanda, rendendola piu potente agli occhi del nemico contrabbandiere: le flotte comandate da questo ammiraglio riescono con maggiore facilità ad eludere blocchi navali avversari questo sono tutti quelli che mi vengono in mente ciao
Caratteristiche Leader Esercito Logistics Wizard: This officer is able to achieve impressive economies of both supply and fuel efficiency. Divisions under his command will consume both at a reduced rate. Defensive Doctrine: This officer is very good at preparing his troops to defend against enemy attacks and counter-attacks, improving their defensiveness and toughness values. Offensive Doctrine: This officer is very good at manoeuvring his forces to gain maximum tactical advantage, giving them bonuses to all attack values. Winter Specialist: This officer excels at winter warfare, guiding his forces with such skill that they incur no penalties to movement or combat in those conditions. Trickster: An expert at camouflage and deception, divisions under this officer’s command will always gain the advantage of surprise, are very difficult for enemy aircraft to target, and are usually completely invisible to enemy intelligence activities. Engineer: Divisions under the command of an engineer are able to cross rivers without incurring the normal movement or attack penalties that other units will suffer. Fortress Buster: This officer is particularly good at assaulting enemy fortifications. Panzer Leader: A panzer leader is able to increase the movement speed of his forces, and if he commands predominantly armoured divisions, he is able to improve their attack abilities and may even achieve sudden and devastating victories by blitzing through enemy lines. Commando: This officer is best suited to lead mountaineers, marines or paratroopers, who receive large bonuses to both their attack and defensive values when under his command. Old Guard: This officer is of the old school and not particularly imaginative. Neither he nor the divisions under his command will learn as much during combat, thus reducing the rate at which they will gain experience. Desert Fox: This officer gains special bonuses to combats occurring in the desert. Jungle Rat: This officer gains special bonuses to combats occurring in the jungle. Urban Warfare: This officer gains special bonuses to combats occurring in urban provinces. Ranger: This officer gains special bonuses to combats occurring in the forest. Mountaineer: This officer gains special bonuses to combats occurring in the mountains. Counter-Attacker: This officer is highly adept at absorbing an attack and then making a counter-attack of his own. This will increase the chance that a counter-attack event will occur during a battle that favours his force. Combat events are discussed in a later section. Assaulter: This officer is particularly good at making direct frontal assaults. The increases the chance that an assault event will occur for his side during a battle. Encircler: This officer excels at encircling an enemy, increasing the chance of this favourable combat event firing during a battle. Blitzer: This officer can achieve amazing results through small-scale blitzes of the enemy position. The blitz combat event is far more likely to occur when he is in command of a force. Disciplined: This officer is able to maintain discipline within his forces, greatly increasing the chance of receiving a “delay” combat event during a battle. Caratteristiche Leader Marina Sea Wolf: This officer is a superb submarine tactician. Every submarine in a fleet he commands will be much harder to spot and will gain additional attack bonuses. Note that the fleet can be of mixed classes, but only submarines will benefit from his special bonuses. Blockade-Runner: This commander is particularly adept at avoiding combat when he wishes, particularly with enemy subs. Of course, he will have a hard time “hiding” a capital ship, but his transports and screens can often slip past a submarine pack undetected. Superior Tactician: A leader with this trait excels at naval manoeuvring tactics. His flotillas will enjoy combat bonuses to both their attack and their defence values. Spotter: This officer has an uncanny ability to predict the location of the enemy, increasing the detection capabilities of all flotillas under his command. Caratteristiche Leader Aviazione Tank Buster: This officer excels at commanding squadrons that primarily attack tactical land targets such as tanks, mechanised infantry and motorised infantry. Superior Tactician: This officer is a combat ace, inspiring his squadrons to exceptional performance in air-to-air combat. Spotter: An officer with this trait can spot a needle in a haystack.He is particularly good at aerial reconnaissance, reporting enemy force strengths with remarkable accuracy. Carpet Bomber: Ideally suited to command squadrons of strategic bombers, this officer has a proven record of effective attacks against large provincial structures such as factories and infrastructure. Night Flyer: An officer with this ability will negate many of the normal penalties for flying night missions against targets of all sorts. Fleet Destroyer: The tricky timing of pulling out of a steep attack and releasing a torpedo takes a special sort of skill, and this officer certainly has it. Naval vessels, beware! Ciau
No, è che io ormai maneggio talmente bene l'inglese che a volte lo parlo senza saperlo Comunque aveva chiesto le caratteristiche, non intendeva questo non è richiesto un grande inglese per tradurre quelle piccole caratteristiche. Ciau