Riporto alcuni brani tratti da un articolo di fondo pubblicato da è la sintesi di come la Russia interpreta gli eventi degli ultimi 30 anni ... una lettura molto interessante << Who is to blame for the current atmosphere of crisis around the world, who is to blame for the increase of tension to fever pitch, who is to blame for taking our societies to breaking point? Rather than any nation, it is the irresponsibility of the controlled media groups, brainwashing the hearts and minds of humankind. Suppose they told the truth? So here we are again, Russia painted as an ogre, appearing in political cartoons as a menacing and dangerous bear with sharpened claws and teeth dripping blood. Here we are again with barefaced lies peddled as mistruths, half-truths peddled as the real thing, and a deceitful and cynical manipulation of facts and figures to conjure up a scenario that does not exist but which serves to create a strong image of a foe. Russia, the eternal foe, never the friend. ... Just a minute, here...hit the pause button someone! What are we, the media, doing? Some of us are exacerbating the crisis by pulling the wool over people's eyes and churning out lies as facts, others are sitting back, shrugging and watching like voyeurs as tensions rise and we move dangerously close to a flashpoint that could send things spinning exponentially out of control. So suppose the media told things like they are and stopped pandering to the whims of the lobbies pulling their strings and paying their salaries, as they create conflicts and wars where none needed to exist? Let us start with 9/11, which in fact started with Afghanistan, not the NATO invasion in 2001, but the NATO invasion in the 1970s, which destabilized the socially progressive governments in Kabul which for the first time were sending girls to school and guaranteeing women's rights. Afghanistan was seen as the soft under-belly of the crocodile and the CIA colluded with bin Laden in training terrorists brainwashed in Pakistan's Madrassah, before being sent into Afghanistan as Mujaheddin fighters. Let us continue with the plea by the Afghan government to the Soviet Union to defend them against these marauding and murderous Islamist fanatics and let us place the Soviet "invasion" in this context. Let us follow on with the expansion of Wahhabism across Central Asia and into Southern Russia in the 80s and 90s and let us place the Chechen Wars in this context. Remember how the western press treated the Chechen darlings? As freedom fighters, fighting against oppression? Remember Beslan, what their little darlings did there? Remember Nord-Ost? Did the western media report on the horrific torture and murder of Russians by Chechen terrorists? And how does the westerner today see Chechnya? How many of them were informed that despite the troubles, the Chechen people voted en masse in a free and fair referendum by some 96% to remain inside the Russian Federation? How many of them were informed that Russia and Chechnya live together today, that the Chechen soccer club Grozny plays in the Russian Premier League alongside Zenit, Spartak Moskva, CSKA and so on? And let us follow the Afghan question with 9/11, because the link was immediately made on September 11, 2001, yet back in 1998 Mullah Omar was giving an interview to Pakistan's Dawn Magazine saying the USA would find a pretext to attack because his Taliban government had refused to cooperate in the construction of a gas pipeline across the territory of Afghanistan to the Indian Ocean through Pakistan? (Read: Energy lobby). And after 9/11, there followed Iraq (oil), there followed Libya (oil), there followed Georgia (pipeline), there followed Syria (oil and gas and the Russian Mediterranean Sea fleet), there followed Venezuela (oil), there followed an attempt to destabilize Iran and encircle it (oil) and there follows today Ukraine (gas and Russia's Black Sea Fleet). (Add Arms lobby to energy lobby because where the west goes, NATO follows suit. Add Pharmaceutical lobby, add Banking lobby who tag along afterwards spreading diseases and financing things to gain huge interest repayments. Gaddafi cheesed them all off, so...). And lo and behold we have the western media demonizing Syria's President Assad, Libya's Muammar al-Qathafi, Russia's President Putin, Iran's entire political class, Venezuela's Chavez and now Maduro. So much hatred, so many demons? So what about the demons who desecrate Palestinian graves and cemeteries, who force Palestinian farmers off their land and bulldoze their homes, who build illegal colonies on stolen land? What about the demons who perpetrated 9/11, the real ones, not the ones who left their passports conveniently and intact on a pile of rubble? What about the demons who invaded Iraq illegally outside the auspices of the UN Security Council and so, against international law? What about the demons who murdered in cold blood hundreds of thousands of civilians? Who strafed fields of cereals in Iraq with flares? Who mutilated Iraqi detainees, who tortured, who sodomised, who urinated in food? Who forced Moslems to eat pork? Who set dogs on terrified kidnapped civilians? What about the demons who run the concentration and torture camp at Guantanamo Bay, holding people without due legal process, without accusation? What about the demons who instigated the Georgians to attack South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and what about the demons who had military advisors working with the Georgian front line troops? What about the demons who entered Libya without any reason at all except to guarantee the destabilization of the country, seize its billionaire sovereign fund, take its revenue and empower terrorists? Ditto Syria? Where are these truths in the western media? Where are the stories about Bush and Cheney and the list of artefacts to give out to White House cronies after and during the war in Iraq, priceless ancient works of art, sculptures and then rebuilding contracts after civilian structures had been strafed with military hardware? What about the story of the Libyan water supply being bombed and the destruction of the factory building the pipes for repairs so that it could not be repaired, what about the strafing of the electricity grid "to break their backs"? What about the prize to be given to Muammar al-Qathafi by the UNO for his humanitarian work? For his African satellite network delivering telemedicine and e-learning programmes? Where were these facts in the western media? Where is the investigation into Tony Blair, George Bush and friends being war criminals? Where does a westerner read the truth about Kosovo, that this was where the Serbian nation was born, that Kosovo is, was, and will always be the heart of Serbia, that Albanians populated Kosovo over the decades until a population imbalance was created, that Albanian terrorists started carrying out attacks against the Serbian civilian population and the police? Who has told the truth about the atrocities committed by the Ushtria Çlirimtare ë Kosovës, the famous Kosovo Liberation Army? What about the involvement of Hashim Thaçi in these? What about the trafficking of organs by Albanian terrorists from murdered Serbian civilians, including children? The Kosovar Albanians wined and dined on Capitol Hill make Saddam Hussein appear like a fairy Godmother. And at least Saddam Hussein did not allow nine-year-old girls to be forced into marriage, which the current western-backed Iraqi government is planning to do after April 30th. Where is this story? Is this the freedom and democracy the west brought to Iraq? The bulk of the western population does not even know these stories exist or when they hear them, brush them off as fantasy. ... Crimea was not annexed, it voted voluntarily to rejoin Russia. Fact. Russia is not invading Eastern Ukraine. Fact. Russia is not destabilizing Ukraine, Ukraine has destabilized itself. Fact. The government of Ukraine is illegal. Fact. The west has no business cavorting with the holders of a Putsch. But for the west it doesn't matter does it, because their books of morals and ethics lie on the floor beside the latrine. ... >> Ho evidenziato alcuni passaggi molto significativi ... ci sono molte più verità in questa interpretazione russa della storia degli ultimi 30 anni, che in quella - opposta - che i governi occidentali hanno con tanta cura diffuso ... IMVHO ... What about the demons who perpetrated 9/11, the real ones ... The bulk of the western population does not even know these stories exist or when they hear them, brush them off as fantasy. ...
e perchè mai ? Io mi preoccupo molto di più delle dichiarazioni cinesi, che avevo già riportato nell'altro thread, ma sono passate abbastanza inosservate : - - - Global Times (pubblicato dal People's Daily, del PCC). <<Punto 1) La situazione, secondo Pechino <<So far, no military frictions between major powers have taken place, but the Ukrainian crisis has prompted the West and Russia to reevaluate the other's hostility. Such an attitude may eventually destroy the basic trust between the two. What's worse, the West's resentment toward Moscow has turned into an animus against Putin, which has closed the door to any possible reconciliation between the two sides. The West perhaps believes it cannot accept a strategic setback in Ukraine. But defeat in Crimea is even more unacceptable to Russia and Putin. The West should be given a chance to extricate itself from the current situation. Russia is also in need of such a chance, as well as the West's restraint. Even if Western leaders realize they pushed Russia too hard on Ukraine, it will be difficult for them to readjust their strategies against Moscow. Putin and Moscow are obviously ready for a worst case scenario.There will not be a new Cold War in Europe, but the worsening of West-Russia relations is unavoidable. >> Punto 2) Le conseguenze e gli insegnamenti per la Cina <<Once the confrontation between the West and Russia goes out of control, it is China that will suffer. Many countries will change their strategies, which will lead to changes to China's external strategic surroundings. China faces two tasks. The first is to urge all sides not to escalate the situation in Ukraine. It should play a mediating role between the West and Russia and help find opportunities to ease tensions. In the foreseeable future, the West and Russia will be at a crossroads. China's stance toward their confrontation will be key for the world to judge this stalemate. Second, China must remember the West's embarrassment even when Russia's GDP is not exactly stellar. The final say in a geopolitical competition is military strength. Having experienced the fall of the Soviet Union and economic slump, Russia still has enough military strength to leave the West in awe. China should speed up its military modernization, and especially develop its long-range nuclear strike capabilities. The resistance of Moscow this time may stir up the West's interest in evaluating the military strength of big powers. It is more likely that the military strength will be viewed as potential diplomatic leverage. Admittedly, China is relatively weak among major powers in this regard. Meanwhile, China lacks the experience and courage to confront the West. China should avoid confrontations, but we need to acquire the ability to not fear such a confrontation. >> La Cina ha avuto la conferma che un credibile deterrente militare (nucleare), l'unica cosa di cui realisticamente dispone la Russia oggi, RAPPRESENTA IL MEZZO (L'UNICO ?) PER POTER SOSTENERE IL CONFRONTO CON L'OCCIDENTE (i.e. : gli USA) nel caso di crisi internazionali; la Crimea o l'Ucraina rappresentano per la Cina la prova generale di quello che, in un prossimo futuro, potrebbero essere tutti gli arcipelaghi a sovranità contrastata del Mar CInese, o, addirittura, Taiwan; ed i cinesi concludono : <<China should speed up its military modernization, and especially develop its long-range nuclear strike capabilities ... It is more likely that the military strength will be viewed as potential diplomatic leverage>> Una vera dichiarazione di potenza, old style ... Gli americani sono avvisati ...