allora devo confessare che quando vado in guerra difficilmente faccio caso al terreno dove si stanno movendo i miei uomini, ma quando vedo 30000 soldati scacciati da 10000 nemici, un po' mi rode e quindi vorrei capire come poter sfruttare al meglio le condizioni del terreno, decidendo quindi dove è preferibile attaccare e quali terreni sono più facilmente difendibili.
È un po' ovvio, in montagna ti difendi meglio e attacchi meglio in pianura. Pianura cavalieri, colline meglio artiglieria e fanti. Comunque su Eu3 non conta molto il terreno, come potrebbe contare,che so, in HOI
Ma no! Ti copio il testo dalla wiki per saperne di più: Combat Combat consists of a series of combat resolutions. A single combat resolution lasts for a 5-day period, beginning with a 5-day shock combat resolution, followed by a 5-day fire combat resolution. This alternating process completes until one army runs out of morale. This system means that shock combat resolutions are slightly more common, and that combat against defeated or retreating forces will be resolved entirely in the shock combat resolution. Actual combat is resolved using the following formula. The process is the same for shock combat resolutions as it is for fire, simply using fire attack/defense rating instead of shock attack/defense ratings. On each day of combat the game evaluates how many casualties each side inflicts on the other by the following formula: Casualties Modified roll = (Attack + Dice) - (Defense + Terrain) + (Leader Differential) Final Casualties: Base Roll * Tech Level Modifier * Discipline * 6 If the Modified roll is 13 or greater, then use 12 as the modified roll. If the Modified roll is less than 13 but greater than 1, then subtract 1 from the modified roll. If the Modified roll is 1, then use the modified roll. If the Modified roll is less than 1, then the use 2^(modified roll). Definitions: Attack: the attack rating (shock or fire rating depending on the combat resolution). Dice: A random number (in the range 0-9) representing luck for the combat resolution Terrain: Terrain modifiers are applied to both the attacker and defender's offensive roll - it subtracts from the attacker and adds to the defender. Cavalry takes double penalties (but does not get double benefit on defense). Forest/Marsh/Hills: -1 for the attacker, +1 for the defender Mountains: -2 for the attacker, +2 for the defender River Crossing: -1 for the attacker, +1 for the defender Defense: the defense rating (shock or fire rating depending on the combat resolution). In IN, if there an artillery unit in the back row, it gives half its defense rating to the infantry unit in front of it as a bonus. Leader Differential: The difference in capability between the opposing leaders. Tech Level Modifier: The Shock or Fire multiplier based on the tech level of the army's nation. Discipline: A damage modifier. So discipline of 125% increases the damage done by the unit by 25%, discipline 90% reduces the damage done by 10%. The National Idea Napoleonic Warfare increases Discipline by 25%, but requires a Land Tech level of ≥53. In IN, if an artillery unit is in the back row, its damage is halved. Military tactics is a concept introduced in Heir to the Throne. It is a value that increases with some Land Tech levels and it makes a big difference in combat. As the vlaue of Military tactics increases the amount of damage taken decreases. The amount of damage done is modified by the military tactics value by the follwing formula: Damage = Base damage / (1 + Military Tactics) Morale Modified roll = Morale Offense - Morale Defense Final Morale Damage = Modified roll * Tech Level Modifier * 0.08 If the Modified roll is 13 or greater, then use 12 as the modified roll. If the Modified roll is less than 13 but greater than 2, then subtract 1 from the modified roll. If the Modified roll is less than 2, then use 1 for the modified roll. Pagina
le tattiche militari nelle statistiche, la disciplina nell'ultima pagina della schermata che apri cliccando sullo stemma, insomma, quella dove recluti generali
Alla fine non devi fare chissà quali calcoli algoritmici, fai come ha detto pinky se devi attaccare in montagna evita di mandarci la cavalleria, così come per le Foreste. I fattori più importanti sono disciplina, il morale e la presenza del condottiero.