#################################### # Soviet Union and England are defeated - now attack USA #################################### event = { id = 1234567890 random = no country = GER trigger = { ai = yes war = { country = GER country = USA} NOT = { war = { country = GER country = SOV } } NOT = { war = { country = GER country = ENG } } NOT = { control = { province = 187 data = SOV } } control = { province = 163 data = SOV } } control = { province = 175 data = SOV } } control = { province = 1907 data = SOV } } control = { province = 1572 data = SOV } } } name = "AI_EVENT" style = 0 date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 } offset = 7 deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1953 } action_a = { command = { type = ai which = "switch/GER_bifrost.ai" } } } Penso che l'errore sia in quel no control..infatti senza queste linee il gioco va..........io uso smep e daim per armageddon
errore trovato #################################### # Soviet Union and England are defeated - now attack USA #################################### event = { id = 1234567890 random = no country = GER trigger = { ai = yes war = { country = GER country = USA} NOT = { war = { country = GER country = SOV } } NOT = { war = { country = GER country = ENG } } NOT = { control = { province = 187 data = SOV } # Leningrad has fallen control = { province = 163 data = SOV } # Stalingrad has fallen control = { province = 175 data = SOV } # Moscow has fallen control = { province = 1907 data = SOV } # Baku has fallen } } name = "AI_EVENT" style = 0 date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 } offset = 7 deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1953 } action_a = { command = { type = ai which = "switch/GER_bifrost.ai" } } } Questo evento va.