Get ready to play the upgraded Magna Mundi Platinum with a host of bugfixes and the much celebrated Ad Infinitum AI in less than 24 hours! The best just got some new brains! Come to our subforum to check the mod that was downloaded 8193 times just in June, almost 3 months after its latest release! THIS IS NOT MMP2! Expect Magna Mundi Platinum 2 to be available in late summer. We are now on the latest stage of the alpha development and will enter beta in early June. Since you are curious about MMP2 and to clearly show the difference in scope, check the following numbers: Size of moddable code (Events + Missions + Decisions) Vanilla ------------------ > 0.97 Mb MMP 1.5 ---------------- > 11.0 Mb MMP2 ---------------- > 22.5 Mb (...and counting!) .
Great work ubik I read you on paradox's forum, now I started a campign with Lubeck (MMP 1.5 obviously )