######################################################################### # Resa dell'Inghilterra: L'Italia ottiene il suo Impero in Africa ######################################################################### event = { id = 33333 random = no country = ENG trigger = { control = { province = 29 data = ENG } } } } name = "La Resa dell'Inghilterra" desc = "l'Impero Africano viene ceduto all'Italia" picture = "afrika_korps" style = 0 date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 } offset = 3 deathdate = { day = 0 month = december year = 1963 } action_a = { ai_chance = 100 name = "Cediamo il nostro impero Africano all'Italia!" command = { type = secedeprovince which = ITA value = 839 } } } Questo è solo un esempio, se riesco a farlo funzionare aggiungerò altri territori. Ho messo trigger = { control = { province = 29 data = ENG } } per essere sicuro che scattasse, ma a quanto pare non è scattato.
Se li tolgo la partita non si carica.Questo succede sia che ne tolga uno sia che ne tolga due Esempio di evento corretto: ######################################################################### # The UK gears up for war ######################################################################### event = { id = 2001025 random = no country = ENG persistent = yes name = EVT_51_NAME desc = EVT_51_DESC style = 2 picture = "news_paper" # Triggered by German events trigger = { NOT = { war = { country = GER country = ENG } } } action_a = { name = "ACTION_NAME_OK" command = { type = domestic which = defense_lobby value = 1 } command = { type = manpowerpool value = 15 } command = { trigger = { event = 2003011 ai = yes } type = ai which = "switch/low_construction_factor.ai" } } } come vedi ci sono i 2 } ho visto un evento dove ci sono 3 }, l'evento è questo: ########################################################################### ###Netherlands move capital to the Dutch East Indies when nearly conquered ########################################################################### event = { id = 2004001 random = no country = HOL trigger = { random = 35 war = { country = GER country = HOL } NOT = { control = { province = 118 data = HOL } #Eindhoven control = { province = 119 data = HOL } #Arnhem control = { province = 120 data = HOL } #Nijmegen control = { province = 121 data = HOL } #Maastricht control = { province = 122 data = HOL } #Amsterdam control = { province = 124 data = HOL } #Groningen control = { province = 125 data = HOL } #Rotterdam OR = { control = { province = 123 data = HOL } garrison = { country = HOL province = 123 size = 1 } # Middelburg } } } name = "EVT_2810_NAME" desc = "EVT_2810_DESC" style = 2 picture = "news_paper" date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 } offset = 3 deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1946 } action_a = { command = { type = set_domestic which = democratic value = 10 } command = { type = set_domestic which = political_left value = 3 } command = { type = headofstate which = 15001 } command = { type = headofgovernment which = 15018 } command = { type = foreignminister which = 15038 } command = { type = armamentminister which = 15056 } command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 15086 } command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 15101 } command = { type = secedearea which = GER value = Netherlands } command = { type = ai which = "switch/HOL_Japan.ai" } command = { type = trigger which = 2003078 } # GER event } } event = { id = 2003078 random = no country = GER one_action = yes name = "EVT_2810_NAME" desc = "EVT_2810_DESC" style = 2 picture = "news_paper" action = { ai_chance = 50 name = 25601a command = { type = add_division which = "Dutch Transports Fleet" value = transport when = 0 } } action = { ai_chance = 50 name = ACTION_NAME_OK command = { type = dissent value = -2 } command = { type = trigger which = 2001037 } # ENG event } } event = { id = 2001037 random = no country = ENG name = "EVT_2810_NAME" desc = "EVT_2810_DESC" style = 2 picture = "news_paper" action = { name = 25601a command = { type = add_division which = "Dutch Transports Fleet" value = transport when = 0 } } }
Sì, ma non è che li mettono lì a caso. Le parentesi chiuse } servono a chiudere quelle aperte {. Quindi: Codice: trigger = { control = { province = 29 data = ENG } } } } ha 2 parentesi aperte { e 4 chiuse }. Chiaramente le due parentesi chiuse } sono di troppo.