trainig piloti jap

Discussione in 'War in the Pacific: Admiral Edition' iniziata da aldila.deisogni, 1 Febbraio 2010.

  1. aldila.deisogni


    11 Ottobre 2006
    Dopo aver raggiunto esperienza verso i 60 e skill altrettanto nei campi di mio interesse voglio mandare i piloti nel replacement pool e ricomiciare ad allenare altri nuovi piloti partendo da 35 di espeienza. l'unico modo per mandarli nel replacement pool è disbadare il guppo aereo opppure ci sono altri modi??
    inoltre per aumentare la skill difesa l'unico modo è di mettere il trainig su generale?
    grazie a chi risponde
  2. qwetry


    29 Giugno 2006
    selezioni l'unità aerea,vai nella lista piloti,ci clicchi sopra(o col destro o col sinistro) e così lo metti nella riserva della squadra,fai di nuovo la stessa cosa e ora te lo manda nel general reserve
  3. aldila.deisogni


    11 Ottobre 2006
    Ho provato ma non riesco a capire (nota : io ho la versione 1.01.1084e)
    se apro una squadriglia poi faccio tasto sinistro soppra pilots mi apre la lista dei piloti e dentro non risco a fare niente anche se clicco in tutti i modi
    invece se clicco si pilots con il tasto destro mi apre la lista degli aerei se sono danneggiati e che fatica hanno e se sono in riserva ma anche qui non posso cliccare niente.

    qualcuno sa darmi maggiori spiegazioni?
  4. qwetry


    29 Giugno 2006
    il metodo che dicevo io è stato aggiunto con la 1095,penso che l'unica soluzione(a tanti problemi,non solo questo) sia aggiornare il gioco
  5. aldila.deisogni


    11 Ottobre 2006
    Ho reperito qualche info in + diciamo un riassunto.

    I. Tipi di Pilot Pools

    A) Replacement Pool - low-experience pilots who are recent graduates of the off-map training program.
    B) Reserve Pool - experienced pilots, assigned into 3 sectons: Group Reserve, General Reserve, TRACOM.
    1) Group Reserve - This includes the following pilots:
    a) Pilots assigned to an active unit, but who have a delayed arrival date.
    b) Pilots assigned to an inactive unit. (the unit has not yet arrived)
    c) Pilots assigned to an active unit, but WIA.
    d) Pilots assigned to an active unit, but inactive due to too many pilots in the unit.
    e) Pilots assigned to an active unit, but inactive due to too few planes in the unit.
    f) Pilots assigned to an active unit, but inactive in order to be transferred.
    2) General Reserve - This includes the following pilots:
    a) Pilots not assigned to any unit.
    b) Pilots whose unit was permanently disbanded/withdrawn.
    c) Pilots whose unit was destroyed while they were inactive due to WIA.
    d) Pilots transferred from Group Reserve.
    e) Pilots in General Reserve are grouped by type. (Bomber, Fighter, Patrol)
    f) Pilot type is determined by either the editor or unit type.
    3) TRACOM - This includes the following pilots:
    a) High experience (80+) pilots assigned by the player.
    b) Pilots in TRACOM help to speed up the off-map training program.
    C) Trainee Pool - pilots training in the off-map training program. Available only if the other Pools are empty.

    II. Transferring Pilots

    A) From unit to Group Reserve
    1) From the air unit's information screen, click "Pilots".
    2) Left-click the name of the pilot, then click "Yes".
    3) The pilot will remain in the unit list, but greyed-out. The pilot will now also be listed in "Group Reserve".
    B) From unit to General Reserve
    1) From the air unit's information screen, click "Pilots".
    2) Left-click the name of the pilot, then click "Yes".
    3) Left-click the name of the pilot again, then click "Yes".
    4) The pilot is no longer in the unit list. The pilot will now be listed in "General Reserve".
    C) From General Reserve to TRACOM
    1) Eligible pilots' names appear in yellow in the General reserve list.
    2) Click the name of the pilot, then click "Yes".
    D) Limitations of Transfers
    1) Pilots assigned to units due to withdraw
    a) Pilots in these units can transfer to Group Reserve with no restrictions.
    b) Pilots in these units can transfer to General Reserve if the following condition is met:
    - The # of pilots in the unit exceeds the maximum # of planes +1.
    - e.g. if a unit can have 13 planes, there must be at least 15 pilots.
    c) Pilots in excess of maximum planes +1 can transfer to General Reserve.
    e) Pilots in these units eligible to transfer are randomly determined.

    III. Assigning Pilots to Units

    A) From the Replacement Pool
    1) From the air unit's information screen, click "Get New Pilot".
    a) Each click will assign 1 pilot, up to the maximum allowed.
    2) From the air unit's information screen, click "Get # Pilots".
    a) This will give the unit it's maximum allowed pilots at once.
    3) The pilot(s) will now be listed on the air unit's "Pilots" list.
    B) From the Reserve Pool
    1) From the air unit's information screen, click "Request Veteran".
    2) Click the name of the desired pilot, then click "Yes".
    3) If transfer delay is less then 6 days, the pilot will be listed on the air unit's "Pilots" list.
    C) Transfer Delay
    1) There is a random, up to 15 days, delay for pilots transferring from the Reserve Pools.
    2) Pilots with a delay of 6 days or less will show up immediately in the assigned unit's "Pilot" list.
    3) Pilots with a delay of 7-15 days will be listed under Group Reserve until the delay is 6 days.
    4) Pilots with a delay of 7-15 days will not be listed in their units "Pilot" list until the delay is 6 days.

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