[FoG] Patch 1.40

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da JMass, 26 Novembre 2010.

  1. JMass

    JMass Moderator Membro dello Staff

    19 Marzo 2006
    E' disponibile la nuova patch, scaricabile tramite il sistema d'aggiornamento, per Field of Glory.
    Lista delle modifiche:
    Add: Ability to change a unit's evade setting.
    Add: Keyboard shortcuts for changing a unit's evade setting.
    Add: New keyboard shortcuts. See the help section for more details.
    Add: UI: Ability to change a unit's facing using keyboard shortcuts.
    Add: Keyboard shortcut for selecting the next/previous unit.
    Add: Keyboard shortcuts for placing/packing stakes, and mounting/dismounting.
    Add: Ability to instruct a battle groups whether they should evade when charged.
    Add: In the 'New Game' and 'Issue Challenge' windows, it is now possible to sort historical scenarios by their year or their complexity.
    Add: Caching of details of historical scenarios, to improve the game's startup time.
    Add: Book cover images for the next four army books.
    Change: Impetuous charge paths that result in the impetuous unit being in front of a target with stakes placed are now possible.
    Change: Logic: The 'attacked by artillery or firearm' die modifier for ranged combat cohesion tests is now applied if any ranged attack against the unit being tested used artillery/firearm, not just the current ranged combat.
    Change: Logic: During break-off, the break-off move allowance can no longer be exceeded to avoid ending next to enemies.
    Change: Logic: During rout and evade, the rout/evade move allowance plus one can no longer be exceeded to avoid ending next to enemies.
    Change: Logic: If a unit has charged an enemy in the rear, causing it to rout, and not pursued, then the charger is no longer permitted to change facing afterwards.
    Change: Logic: In close combat, only enemy units that are adjacent and non-routed at the time of the combat now affect the die rolls (that is, give 'support').
    Change: Logic: When an allied leader is eliminated, only adjacent units that belong to the same nation will now have their cohesion tested.
    Change: Logic: Units that break off can only move through the two hexes of their rear arc, as defined by their facing before the break off attempt. Before this, they would move towards a hex vertex that was chosen to give them a good chance of breaking off.
    Change: Logic for when skirmishers should evade.
    Change: UI: In the unit mouse over display when a unit is unprotected, the word "Unprotected" is no longer shown.
    Change: UI: In the unit mouse over display, only the word "Drilled" is now shown; when a unit is undrilled, the word "Undrilled" no longer appears.
    Change: The evade options are no longer shown for units that are incapable of evading.
    Change: Map editor: The unit palette is now organised by army book, to avoid excessively long lists of unit folders.
    Change: Map Editor: Improved the UI by using buttons with icons to select tools, instead of radio buttons.
    Change: In the map editor, the complexity field is now set automatically, rather than being user editable.
    Change: Battle group images are now stored in a way that uses less disk space.
    Change: Troop specification validation no longer sets camelry's armour to protected when it is something other than protected or armoured.
    Change: The troop specification validation no longer makes artillery undrilled.
    Change: Improved terrain effects chart.
    Fix: UI: The +++ and --- POA levels are no longer shown.
    Fix: It is possible to give units stakes in the map editor.
    Fix: UI: If a button in the initial menu (e.g. Army Generator) was clicked while logging out of multiplayer, the initial menu would appear on top of the resulting menu when logging out was complete.
    Fix: Logic: The cohesion die modifier for being an inspired general, or being adjacent to an inspired general, was potentially being applied twice.
    Fix: Logic: A crash (OutOfBoundsException in gamelogic.s.AncientsMovePathImp.intHexIDs).
    Fix: All reported D.A.G. list errors in the Field of Glory forum.
  2. Invernomuto

    Invernomuto -

    30 Gennaio 2006
    JMass, che ne diresti di pubblicare la cosa sul portale come news? Con la nuova interfaccia è una boiata, è più semplice che scrivere sul forum.
    Sto tentando di coinvolgere anche balena, dai che siamo già in 3 :)
  3. JMass

    JMass Moderator Membro dello Staff

    19 Marzo 2006
    Sarà una boiata ma mi sono perso qualcosa, ho una news bloccata in "attesa di revisione" e dovrei scriverne un'altra... :confused:
  4. Invernomuto

    Invernomuto -

    30 Gennaio 2006
    Strano, a me o balena non deve approvare nulla nessuno. Sarà una roba di permessi, prova a sentire Darksky.

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