Ciao a tutti. Dal forum Matrix riporto quanto segue: The HTTR expansion Pack is a set of 13 scenarios covering all of the major actions that took place during the Market Garden Campaign in Holland, September 17-26 1944. The project began in 2006 with the conversion of the HTTR maps for mixed-mode movement. As we dug into the map conversion we discovered more and more issues that needed attention. Many parts of the maps had to be re-worked since minor and major river terrain had wiped out mechanized road movement wherever the roads were drawn too close to the river (like almost everywhere) and many new crossings were added where these roads crossed the rivers. Numerous other historical accuracy checks and revisions were made using veteran’ accounts, period aerial photographs and digital topography. We also expanded the Eindhoven map and scenario start time to include the Irish Guard’s probe into Aalst on the morning of September 18th. But the big-ticket item included in the pack is the melding together of the Nijmegen and Arnhem Campaigns into one 10-day long mega scenario. The Map is 27 Km wide and covers the battlefield from south of Grave to 15 Km north of Arnhem. Developed, playtested and balanced by Panther Game’s beta testing team, this scenario promises to provide an experience like nothing you have ever seen before in real-time strategy wargaming. Every scenario had to be designed to incorporate all of the new features that have been introduced into the series through “Conquest of the Aegean” and “Battles from the Bulge” including the new supply mechanics, supply entry points, and exit victory conditions. The German and Allied OOB's for the Market Garden Campaign had to be reconstructed with the new BFTB estabs, unit by unit. All of the historical bios and unit histories were transferred over from HTTR and many new ones added that were missing in the original. Both the German and the British OOB's have been extensively reworked for historical accuracy based on new information, most of which has become available only after HTTR was released. Guards Armoured Division, 107th Panzer Brigade, Korps Feldt, 406th Infantry Division, Kampfgruppe Walther all got closely reviewed and many revisions and corrections were made based on historical research. LINK: Saluti!
Annunciata ufficialmente e disponibile "later in the month". Linko la news con prezzi e AAR su Wargamer. Tutto sommato mi sembra un prezzo abbastanza "onesto" (anche se voglio vedere il prezzo in euro) se gli scenari sono di qualità. Io dovrò frenarmi perché non ho tempo, ma un pensiero ce lo faccio. Ciao
Non credo, è un'espansione, ti serve cmq il gioco base per giocare e BftB non è che te lo tirino dietro. Sul discorso prezzi, se ti aspetti prezzi stile Steam dalla Matrix (e, in generale, per un wargame) rimarrai deluso. Ormai i titoli di punta viaggiano sui 60-80$, tasse escluse. HPS non è che costi tanto meno. Le motivazioni sono diverse, direi che qualche post più su Arjuna le ha esposte abbastanza bene. Saluti
[BFTB-HTTR] - è arrivato e si può comprare carissimi, da qualche giorno è uscita l'espansione 35 euro circa con l'edizione in Cd + download immediato 13 scenari Mi sembra davvero un ottimo acquisto Anche solo la guida (gratis), con le sue 180 pagine di storia, dati e mappe, e consigli, mi sembra che valga non poco. Con questi 13 scenari arriviamo a oltre 80 scenari tra Cota-BFTB-HTTR Peccato che manchi del tutto qualche teatro operativo del fronte occidentale (come l'Italia). ciao ciao