certo figurati, questa come l'altro mod sui ministri che ho fatto sarà liberamente modificabile e adattabile.
E' un'idea sicuramente interessante. I local_flag sono molto utili (anche perchè se serve puoi registrare la scelta di ciascun paese), ricordati che però sono visibili solo da quel paese. Se un paese cambia tag (RUS->SOV) ad esempio i local_flag vengono mantenuti, il che è bene. Vengono persi in caso di annessione ma penso che vada bene per quello che vuoi fare. Se posso darti un consiglio, incomincia a far funzionare la prima decisione, con i local flag, il secondo evento per rimuoverle e tutto il resto (magari facendo scattare dopo 10 giorni e non 360). Una volta pienamente soddisfatto puoi fare gli altri, così probabilmente risparmi tempo ed evitare di rifare tutto più volte.
si sto proseguendo così e ho escogitato un modo per far sì che dopo aver scelto una azione (tipo abbassa le tasse per i poveri) dopo un anno non posso piu riselezionare la stessa opzione (dato che ho GIA abbassato le tasse per i poveri sotto il 25%) ma apparirà l'opzione "come l'anno precedente". Questa opzione fa in modo che comunque tra un anno avrò un risultato, frutto della decisione di due anni fa di abbassare le tasse. Sempre tutto coi flag L'unico dubbio (e figuarti...) è che il secondo evento, quello che deve scattare dopo 360giorni (in questo caso l'ho messo dopo 15 giorni per provare) a volte scatta e a volte no. Mistero. Non capisco davvero cosa possa essere. Puoi dare una guardata appena hai tempo e voglia? questa è l'action e ha chiaramente il command command = { type = event which = 9001010 where = -1 when = 15 } L'evento 9001010 è Codice: event = { id = 9001010 TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } one_action = yes style = 2 picture = "news_paper" name = "Year-End Economic Report" desc = "Our decision to reduce taxes on the poor and middle class has paid off. People have a lower tax burden and can therefore spend more. Retailers enrich and then pay more taxes." action = { name = "Perhaps we need to change something!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 500} command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Maybe we should wait another year to see results" ai_chance = 20 command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 750 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Great!" ai_chance = 50 command = { type = free_money value = 4 } command = { type = money value = 1000 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 20 command = { type = free_money value = 4 } command = { type = money value = 1000 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = free_money value = 5 } command = { type = money value = 1750 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } } Cosa c'è che non va? Perchè alcune volte scatta dopo 15 giorni altre no? Eppure non c'è trigger...deve scattare e basta perchè glielo ha detto l'azione nell'evento precedente...
Uhmm... non ne ho idea. La seconda azione non ha trigger ne data/offset/deathdate, quindi dovrebbe solo scattare dopo 15 giorni senza problemi. Non ho proprio idea del perchè non funzioni. Tutte le azioni sono valide, quindi non dovrebbero dare problemi.
niente.. sono più le volte che non parte che quelle che parte... Cioè non ci dovrebbe essere NULLA che influenzi il triggering dell'evento dato che parte tramite command. Mah...ci sto perdendo la testa... questo è tutto il papiro per l'evento delle tasse per le democrazie (io lo sto testando con gli USA) Se un giorno non hai niente da fare e ti va di provarlo... ^_^ Codice: ################### #######TAXES####### ################### event = { id = 9000044 save_date = yes TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } persistent = yes style = 2 picture = "issue_currency" decision_picture = "decision_issue_currency" # decision = { # AND = { # government = democratic # NOT = { local_flag = taxesflag } # } # } # # decision_trigger = { # # money = 1 # } trigger = { AND = { government = democratic NOT = { local_flag = taxesflag } } } date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 } offset = 1 deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1963 } name = "Taxes" desc = "Once again this year we have to decide the annual budget" ####Market Liberal### action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for Poor Strata" trigger = { OR = { ideology = market_liberal ideology = social_liberal } NOT = { local_flag = lower25poor } } ai_chance = 25 command = { type = dissent value = -5 } command = { type = free_money value = -5 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001010 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives money due to increased revenue for the middle class and rich. The poor had a lower tax burden can spend. retailers enrich and then pay more taxes. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_setflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for Rich Strata" trigger = { OR = { ideology = market_liberal ideology = social_liberal } NOT = { local_flag = lower25rich } } ai_chance = 25 #command = { type = dissent value = 0 } command = { type = free_money value = -2 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001011 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives IC due to increased revenue for the rich class who builds new industries. command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_setflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for everyone!" trigger = { OR = { ideology = market_liberal ideology = social_liberal } NOT = { local_flag = lower25all } } ai_chance = 50 command = { type = dissent value = -10 } command = { type = free_money value = -15 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001012 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives money due to increased revenue for all classes. command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_setflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Leave the same plane as the previous year." trigger = { AND = { OR = { ideology = market_liberal ideology = social_liberal } OR = { local_flag = lower25poor local_flag = lower25rich local_flag = lower25all local_flag = raise25poor local_flag = raise25rich local_flag = raise25all } } } ai_chance = 75 command = { type = event which = 9001016 where = -1 when = 15 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } } ##social democratic## action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for Poor Strata" trigger = { ideology = social_democrat NOT = { local_flag = lower25poor } } ai_chance = 25 command = { type = dissent value = -5 } command = { type = free_money value = -5 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001010 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives money due to increased revenue for the middle class and rich. The poor had a lower tax burden can spend. retailers enrich and then pay more taxes. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for Rich Strata" trigger = { ideology = social_democrat NOT = { local_flag = lower25rich } } ai_chance = 25 #command = { type = dissent value = 0 } command = { type = free_money value = -2 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001011 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives IC due to increased revenue for the rich class who builds new industries. command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for everyone!" trigger = { ideology = social_democrat NOT = { local_flag = lower25all } } ai_chance = 25 command = { type = dissent value = -10 } command = { type = free_money value = -15 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001012 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives money due to increased revenue for all classes. command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Raise the taxes under 50% for Poor Strata" trigger = { ideology = social_democrat NOT = { local_flag = raise25poor } } ai_chance = 25 command = { type = free_money value = 5 } #more taxes more money command = { type = event which = 9001013 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that decreases the money due to the increased tax burden. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Raise the taxes under 50% for Rich Strata" trigger = { ideology = social_democrat NOT = { local_flag = raise25rich } } ai_chance = 25 command = { type = dissent value = -4 } command = { type = free_money value = 3 } #more taxes more money command = { type = event which = 9001014 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that decreases the money due to the increased tax burden. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Raise the taxes under 50% for everyone!" trigger = { ideology = social_democrat NOT = { local_flag = raise25all } } ai_chance = 25 command = { type = dissent value = 5 } command = { type = free_money value = 10 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001015 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives money due to increased revenue for all classes. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } } action = { name = "Leave the same plane as the previous year." trigger = { AND = { OR = { ideology = market_liberal ideology = social_liberal } OR = { local_flag = lower25poor local_flag = lower25rich local_flag = lower25all local_flag = raise25poor local_flag = raise25rich local_flag = raise25all } } } ai_chance = 75 command = { type = event which = 9001016 where = -1 when = 15 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } } ##social conservative## action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for Poor Strata" trigger = { ideology = social_conservative NOT = { local_flag = lower25poor } } ai_chance = 15 command = { type = dissent value = -5 } command = { type = free_money value = -5 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001010 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives money due to increased revenue for the middle class and rich. The poor had a lower tax burden can spend. retailers enrich and then pay more taxes. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for Rich Strata" trigger = { ideology = social_conservative NOT = { local_flag = lower25rich } } ai_chance = 25 #command = { type = dissent value = 0 } command = { type = free_money value = -2 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001011 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives IC due to increased revenue for the rich class who builds new industries. command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Lower the taxes under 25% for everyone!" trigger = { ideology = social_conservative NOT = { local_flag = lower25all } } ai_chance = 15 command = { type = dissent value = -10 } command = { type = free_money value = -15 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001012 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives money due to increased revenue for all classes. command = { type = domestic which = political_left value = -1 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Raise the taxes under 50% for Poor Strata" trigger = { ideology = social_conservative NOT = { local_flag = raise25poor } } ai_chance = 45 command = { type = free_money value = 5 } #more taxes more money command = { type = event which = 9001013 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that decreases the money due to the increased tax burden. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Raise the taxes under 50% for Rich Strata" trigger = { ideology = social_conservative NOT = { local_flag = raise25rich } } ai_chance = 5 command = { type = dissent value = -4 } command = { type = free_money value = 3 } #more taxes more money command = { type = event which = 9001014 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that decreases the money due to the increased tax burden. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25all } } action = { name = "Raise the taxes under 50% for everyone!" trigger = { ideology = social_conservative NOT = { local_flag = raise25all } } ai_chance = 15 command = { type = dissent value = 5 } command = { type = free_money value = 10 } #less taxes less money command = { type = event which = 9001015 where = -1 when = 15 } #Triggers an event that gives money due to increased revenue for all classes. command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25rich } command = { type = local_clrflag which = lower25all } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25poor } command = { type = local_clrflag which = raise25rich } } action = { name = "Leave the same plane as the previous year." trigger = { AND = { OR = { ideology = market_liberal ideology = social_liberal } OR = { local_flag = lower25poor local_flag = lower25rich local_flag = lower25all local_flag = raise25poor local_flag = raise25rich local_flag = raise25all } } } ai_chance = 75 command = { type = event which = 9001016 where = -1 when = 15 } command = { type = local_setflag which = taxesflag } } } ############### ##LOWER TAXES## ############### event = { id = 9001010 random = no TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } one_action = yes style = 2 picture = "news_paper" name = "Year-End Economic Report" desc = "Our decision to reduce taxes on the poor and middle class has paid off. People have a lower tax burden and can therefore spend more. Retailers enrich and then pay more taxes." action = { name = "Perhaps we need to change something!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 500} command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Maybe we should wait another year to see results" ai_chance = 20 command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 750 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Great!" ai_chance = 50 command = { type = free_money value = 4 } command = { type = money value = 1000 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 20 command = { type = free_money value = 4 } command = { type = money value = 1000 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = free_money value = 5 } command = { type = money value = 1750 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } } event = { id = 9001011 random = no TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } one_action = yes style = 2 picture = "news_paper" name = "Year-End Economic Report" desc = "Our decision to reduce taxes on the rich class has paid off. Capitalists have been able to expand their industries." action = { name = "Perhaps we need to change something!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = free_money value = 2 } command = { type = money value = 350 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Maybe we should wait another year to see results" ai_chance = 15 command = { type = free_money value = 2 } command = { type = money value = 550 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Great!" ai_chance = 50 command = { type = free_money value = 2 } command = { type = money value = 1000 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Great!" ai_chance = 25 command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 1250 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 15 command = { type = free_money value = 4 } command = { type = money value = 1500 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = free_money value = 4 } command = { type = money value = 1750 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 2 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 2 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } } event = { id = 9001012 TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } one_action = yes style = 2 picture = "news_paper" name = "Year-End Economic Report" desc = "Our decision to reduce taxes on everyone has paid off. People have a lower tax burden and can therefore spend more. Retailers enrich and then pay more taxes. Capitalists have been able to expand their industries." action = { name = "Perhaps we need to change something!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 500 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Maybe we should wait another year to see results" ai_chance = 15 command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 750 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Great!" ai_chance = 50 command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 1500 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Great!" ai_chance = 25 command = { type = free_money value = 4 } command = { type = money value = 1750 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 15 command = { type = free_money value = 5 } command = { type = money value = 2000 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = free_money value = 5 } command = { type = money value = 2250 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 2 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 2 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } } ############### ##RAISE TAXES## ############### event = { id = 9001013 TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } save_date = yes one_action = yes style = 2 picture = "news_paper" name = "Year-End Economic Report" desc = "Our decision to raise taxes on the poor and middle class has shown results" action = { name = "People spend less because of the high tax burden" ai_chance = 15 command = { type = dissent value = 5 } command = { type = free_money value = -5 } command = { type = money value = 150} command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Maybe we should wait another year to see results" ai_chance = 25 command = { type = dissent value = 2 } command = { type = free_money value = -2 } command = { type = money value = 350 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Fortunately, the market has gone positively and increasing taxes has not been deleterious." ai_chance = 45 command = { type = money value = 500 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Fortunately, the market has gone positively and increasing taxes has not been deleterious." ai_chance = 25 command = { type = money value = 750 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 5 command = { type = dissent value = -2 } command = { type = free_money value = 1 } command = { type = money value = 950 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } } event = { id = 9001014 TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } save_date = yes one_action = yes style = 2 picture = "news_paper" name = "Year-End Economic Report" desc = "Our decision to raise taxes on the poor and middle class has shown results" action = { name = "It was a disaster! The capitalists had to close their factories for bankruptcy!" ai_chance = 5 command = { type = dissent value = 5 } command = { type = free_money value = -3 } command = { type = money value = 350 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Did not go as hoped. Some capitalists had to close their factories for bankruptcy!" ai_chance = 15 command = { type = dissent value = 2 } command = { type = free_money value = -2 } command = { type = money value = 550 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Maybe we should wait another year to see results" ai_chance = 50 command = { type = free_money value = -1 } command = { type = money value = 1000 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Fortunately, the market has gone positively and increasing taxes has not been deleterious." ai_chance = 25 command = { type = money value = 1250 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Fortunately, the market has gone positively and increasing taxes has not been deleterious." ai_chance = 15 command = { type = money value = 1500 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = dissent value = -2 } command = { type = free_money value = 1 } command = { type = money value = 1750 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } } event = { id = 9001015 TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } save_date = yes one_action = yes style = 2 picture = "news_paper" name = "Year-End Economic Report" desc = "Our decision to raise taxes on the poor and middle class has shown results" action = { name = "It was a disaster! The capitalists had to close their factories for bankruptcy!" ai_chance = 7 command = { type = dissent value = 10 } command = { type = free_money value = -10 } command = { type = money value = 450 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Did not go as hoped. Some capitalists had to close their factories for bankruptcy!" ai_chance = 20 command = { type = dissent value = 4 } command = { type = free_money value = -5 } command = { type = money value = 900 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Maybe we should wait another year to see results" ai_chance = 50 command = { type = dissent value = 1 } command = { type = money value = 1500 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = -1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Fortunately, the market has gone positively and increasing taxes has not been deleterious." ai_chance = 50 command = { type = money value = 1750 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "Fortunately, the market has gone positively and increasing taxes has not been deleterious." ai_chance = 25 command = { type = money value = 2250 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } action = { name = "I knew I could trust my Minister of Finance!" ai_chance = 7 command = { type = dissent value = -4 } command = { type = free_money value = 3 } command = { type = money value = 2700 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = construct which = ic where = -4 value = 1 } command = { type = local_clrflag which = taxesflag } } } #SAME PREVIOUS YEAR PLAN# event = { id = 9001016 TAG = { AFG ALB ALG ANG ARA ARG ARM AST AUS AZB BEL BEN BLR BOL BOS BRA BRU BUL BUR CAL CAM CAN CGX CHC CHI CHL CMB COL CON COS CRO CSA CSX CUB CXB CYN CYP CZE DDR DEN DFR EAF ECU EGY ENG EQA EST ETH EUS FIN FLA FRA GAB GEO GER GLD GRE GUA GUI GUY HOL HON HUN ICL IDC IND INO IRE IRQ ISR ITA JAP JOR KAZ KOR KUR KYG LAO LAT LBY LEB LIT LUX MAD MAL MAN MEN MEX MLY MON MOR MOZ MTN NAM NIC NIG NOR NZL OMN OTT PAK PAL PAN PAR PER PHI POL POR PRI PRK PRU QUE RHO ROM RSI RUS SAF SAL SAR SAU SCA SCH SCO SER SIA SIB SIE SIK SLO SLV SOM SOV SPA SPR SUD SWE SYR TAJ TAN TEX TRA TRK TUN TUR UKR URU USA UZB VEN VIE WLL YEM YUG U01 U02 U03 U04 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U67 UTC UER UPE U70 U71 U72 U73 U74 U75 U76 U77 U78 U79 U80 U81 U82 U83 U84 U85 U86 U87 U88 U89 U90 U91 U92 U93 U94 U95 U96 U97 U98 U99 } one_action = yes style = 2 picture = "news_paper" name = "Year-End Economic Report" desc = "let's see this year's results" action = { name = "let's see this year's results" command = { trigger = { local_flag = lower25poor } type = event which = 9001010 } command = { trigger = { local_flag = lower25rich } type = event which = 9001011 } command = { trigger = { local_flag = lower25all } type = event which = 9001012 } command = { trigger = { local_flag = raise25poor } type = event which = 9001013 } command = { trigger = { local_flag = raise25rich } type = event which = 9001014 } command = { trigger = { local_flag = raise25all } type = event which = 9001015 } } }
questa è bella... ho voluto fare un evento semplice giusto per capire cosa c'è che non va... l'ho messo in cima al file generic_decisions.txt Non funziona! cioè parte il primo evento, nel tooltip ti dice che scatterà l'evento PROVA2 tra 10 giorni e invece non succede un bel niente...eppure prima sto comando funzionava... non riesco a capire cosa cavolo sia successo -.-' provo a chiedere sul forum paradox, magari qualcuno sa darmi una mano.
mitico andrea funziona ora! il problema era proprio nel command del secondo evento. Sia in questo evento di test sia nell'altro delle tasse (lì mancava uno spazio dopo il valore del money e la parentesi graffa veniva attaccata al numero). Non credevo ci fosse un errore di sintassi dato che normalmente non mi fa partire proprio il gioco se il problema è quello... mi ero proprio incastrato cavolo -.- grazie mille ancora.
Prego. Al lavoro NWI è bloccato, quindi potevo rispondere solo sul forum Paradox. Poi come detto una volta visti gli eventi semplificati sono riuscito ad individuare i problemi. Quindi adesso funziona tutto?
sisi funziona tutto. Ora appare l'evento di scelta delle tasse..scelgo un'azione e dopo tot tempo appare il resoconto..dopodichè questo fa partire il giorno dopo di nuovo lo stesso evento delle tasse e ora se ho già scelto una determinata azione, questa non appare più e appare invece "lasciamo lo stesso piano dell'anno scorso" questo fa partire tra tot tempo l'evento del risultato della politica economica... ci sono ancora alcuni errorucci o cose che non funzionano bene ma una volta capito dove andare a controllare dovrei riuscire a sistemare il tutto e ad ampliare il discorso grazie ancora