Duellanti Dilettanti - Lirio (A) vs Daniel M. (J)

Discussione in 'Le vostre esperienze: AAR' iniziata da Lirio, 4 Gennaio 2016.

  1. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    1 e 2 Gennaio 1942

    E' il 1942.
    Primo gennaio.
    i miei aerei imbarcati sulle tre portaerei sulla west coast iniziano l'addestramento.


    Purtroppo, i sommergibili nipponici sono in agguato ovunque, sopratutto sulla west coast, a Pago Pago e a Palmyra.
    La TK montebello viene silurata a Palmyra.
    La TK Richmond viene silurata in direzione Pago Pago.

    A Soerabaya, la CVE Hosho e la CVL Zuiho attaccano e affondano un paio di cargo.
    La BB Kongo, insieme ad altre navi da battaglia bombarda nelle Filippine, ove continuano gli sbarchi.

    Buona notizia: la BB Pennsylvania arriva a Seattle e va nei cantieri navali, dove ne avrà per almeno 3 mesi.

    Australia: sblocco il 2/16th Field Regiment e lo assegno al Col. Douglas. Si prepara per Port Moresby.
    Quanto al consiglio di ritirare le truppe da Rabaul e altre zone, non accetto il consiglio.
    Non ho ancora visto nessuna nave giapponese in zona.
    Non ho elementi per ritenere doveroso ritirarsi e giocherò (come detto dall'inizio) in modo relativamente storico, per quanto le mie modeste conoscenze permettano. Non vedo perché lasciare Rabaul senza combattere. Anzi, se ne avrò la possibilità invierò rinforzi. Ho deciso di giocare così.
    Poiché anzi, a Port Moresby non ho abbastanza punto supporto e i lavori vanno a rilento, sblocco anche il 2nd RAN Base Force e dico di prepararsi a futuro sbarco anfibio (poiché il porto è piccolo, ancora 1, penso che lo sbarco anfibio sia cosa più saggia).

    A Rangoon, poiché temo ulteriori attacchi aerei, setto le 3 squadriglie in sweep, una a 20k, una a 15k, una a 10k.
    Metto una quota in train e una quota in rest. Quindi, spero di non stancare troppo i piloti, per ora. A Moulmein ordino a 1 battaglione e un reggimento di andare a Rangoon, poiché fanno parte della 1st Burma Division, che intendo ricostruire per difendere la città. A Moulmein lascio forze minori, solo per rallentarlo.

    Singapore: qui invece decido di ritirarmi, poiché non ha più senso difendere aeroporti danneggiati e con quasi più aerei. Quindi siamo in ritirata dovunque verso Manila.

    2 Gennaio 1942
    Inizia una battaglia tra 4 BB e 2 ML a Singapore.
    E' solo il preludio di un bombardamento notturno su Singapore.

    Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

    142 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    BB Hyuga, Shell hits 37, on fire
    BB Ise
    BB Fuso
    BB Nagato

    Allied ground losses:
    218 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 38 disabled
    Engineers: 3 destroyed, 3 disabled
    Vehicles lost 4 (3 destroyed, 1 disabled)

    BB Hyuga firing at Singapore Fortress
    Singapore Fortress firing at BB Hyuga
    BB Ise firing at Singapore Fortress
    Singapore Fortress firing at BB Ise
    BB Fuso firing at Singapore Fortress
    BB Nagato firing at Singapore Fortress

    Non mi convince questa mossa dei Giapponesi. La Hyuga è pesantemente colpita. Inoltre, per fortuna loro non sono incappate nel mio campo minato, poiché avevo minato il porto (ma forse si sono posizionate a distanza, non lo so).

    Il giorno dopo, le 4 bb affondano il PG Herald.

    Ma i danni alle BB sono evidenti.

    Day Time Surface Combat, near Singapore at 50,84, Range 25,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    BB Nagato
    BB Fuso
    BB Ise, heavy damage
    BB Hyuga, on fire

    Allied Ships
    ML No. 310, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
    ML No. 311, Shell hits 2, and is sunk

    Maximum visibility in Clear Conditions: 30,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 25,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 25,000 yards
    Range closes to 23,000 yards
    BB Hyuga engages ML No. 310 at 23,000 yards
    BB Fuso engages ML No. 311 at 23,000 yards
    Range closes to 20,000 yards
    BB Nagato engages ML No. 311 at 20,000 yards
    BB Fuso engages ML No. 311 at 20,000 yards
    BB Nagato engages ML No. 311 at 20,000 yards
    Yano, Hideo* orders Japanese TF to disengage
    Range closes to 18,000 yards
    BB Nagato engages ML No. 311 at 18,000 yards
    ML No. 311 sunk by BB Fuso at 18,000 yards
    Range increases to 21,000 yards
    BB Hyuga engages ML No. 310 at 21,000 yards
    Range increases to 23,000 yards
    ML No. 310 sunk by BB Hyuga at 23,000 yards
    Combat ends with last Allied ship sunk...

    Day Time Surface Combat, near Tandjoengpinang at 50,85, Range 28,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    BB Nagato
    BB Fuso
    BB Ise, heavy damage
    BB Hyuga, on fire

    Allied Ships
    AM Ballarat
    AM Toowoomba

    Maximum visibility in Clear Conditions: 30,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 22,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 22,000 yards
    Both TF attempt to withdraw!
    Range increases to 28,000 yards...
    BB Fuso engages AM Ballarat at 28,000 yards
    Task forces break off...

    Day Time Surface Combat, near Tandjoengpinang at 51,85, Range 21,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    BB Nagato
    BB Fuso
    BB Ise, heavy damage
    BB Hyuga, Shell hits 1, on fire

    Allied Ships
    PG Herald, Shell hits 3, and is sunk

    Maximum visibility in Clear Conditions: 30,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 25,000 yards
    Range closes to 21,000 yards...
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 21,000 yards
    Range closes to 19,000 yards
    BB Hyuga collides with BB Fuso at 51 , 85
    Range closes to 15,000 yards
    BB Hyuga engages PG Herald at 15,000 yards
    Range closes to 13,000 yards
    BB Hyuga engages PG Herald at 13,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards
    PG Herald sunk by BB Fuso at 9,000 yards
    Combat ends with last Allied ship sunk...

    A Soerabaia una battaglia aerea.

    Morning Air attack on Soerabaja , at 56,104

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A5M4 Claude x 18
    B5N1 Kate x 3
    D3A1 Val x 7

    Allied aircraft
    B-339D x 4
    CW-21B Demon x 6
    75A-7 Hawk x 5

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A5M4 Claude: 3 destroyed
    B5N1 Kate: 1 damaged
    B5N1 Kate: 1 destroyed by flak
    D3A1 Val: 2 destroyed, 4 damaged

    No Allied losses

    Allied Ships
    AGP Eridanus, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

    Aircraft Attacking:
    4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
    Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
    3 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 5000 feet
    Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb

    CAP engaged:
    1-Vl.G.IV with 75A-7 Hawk (5 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
    (5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
    5 plane(s) intercepting now.
    Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
    Raid is overhead
    2-Vl.G.IV with CW-21B Demon (6 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
    (6 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
    6 plane(s) intercepting now.
    Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
    Raid is overhead
    3-Vl.G.IV with B-339D (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
    (4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
    4 plane(s) intercepting now.
    Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
    Raid is overhead

    Vinco 2 battaglie in Cina, in difesa in terreni accidentati e in montagna.
    I giapponesi silurano un altro paio di TK, devo mandare dei DD a Palmyra e a PagoPago per difendere meglio.
    Cade Iba.

    A Mare Island escono dai cantieri navali 4 AG.
    A Seattle invece escono 4 ACM, preziosi per i campi minati.

    A Singapore, ordino a tutti i bombardieri navali aerosiluranti di armare siluri e attaccare le 4 BB che hanno bombardato la notte precedente. Saranno scortati da tutti i caccia disponibili alla stessa altezza, 6k.

    A Perth viene ricostruita la 13th Brigade.

    A Pago Pago siamo messi bene, inizia a essere una base discretamente difesa.

    Wake: i giapponesi stanno sbarcando e non ho supplies. I marines reggono al primo scontro, ma sono perduti se non intervengo. Decido anche qui di non abbandonare il campo. Per quanto rischioso, faccio partire due TF da battaglia, con ciascuna 1 CA+1Cl+ 4DD per andare a cercare lo scontro a Wake. Faccio andare dietro anche un AG già carico di supplies che faccio dirottare da Midway e mando 3dd a incontrarlo per scortare i supplies.
    Da Seattle, dall'altra parte del mondo, faccio partire l'unica BB operativa, la Warspite, con 4DD di scorta, che sarà incontrata a mezza strada da altre navi da guerra (CA e CL) in partenza dalla west coast, direzione Wake.
    Arriveremo in tempo?
    • Like Like x 1
  2. cohimbra


    10 Marzo 2015
    La missione di Sweep è puramente offensiva, non ha a che fare con la difesa.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    a volte i report sballinano, o forse lui vuole coprire le BB , con la mini KB

    capita , a volte le squadriglie vanno per i cavoli loro

    Ricorda che Rangoon non ci arrivi via mare con le BB
    Port Blair , fai bene, coprila, è il centro della guerra.
    Port Moresby dipende dal giapponese, se la vuole a tutti i costi la prende, sicuramente se la riempi lo distrai/rallenti, ma poi quello che ci porti è perso, soprattutto se ci mette la KB in copertura della zona e te la bombarda dal mare.
    In ogni caso se vuoi portare BF a PM ti conviene la BF della Tasmania, costa pochi PP in inter army australiano.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. supertramp


    27 Aprile 2009
    Nesso (CO)
    Bombardare Singapore dal mare è follia, infatti...
    Occhio che non sempre vedi dal report se sue navi colpiscono delle mine, devi leggere il combat report; dico così perchè vedo che la BB Ise ha heavy damage sembra senza aver subito cannonate.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. DistruttoreLegio


    13 Settembre 2014
    Lasciamo perdere la divina commedia ho trovato cosa leggere prima di dormire ( in verità non dormo chiudo solo gli occhi e penso alle missioni future )
  6. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    ecco perchè!
    non me lo sapevo spiegare, infatti.
    beh, allora ho fatto bene a minare (ulteriormente).
    avevo letto che Singapore dal mare era molto difficile da attaccare, per questo non ho lasciato navi in difesa, fidando nelle batterie costiere e nelle mine.
    quando posso vado a leggere meglio il combat report, ma non è già quello che ho postato sopra?
  7. StarUGO


    15 Dicembre 2006
    I tuoi report cominciano ad essere paurosamente professionali,sara' merito del CDC?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. supertramp


    27 Aprile 2009
    Nesso (CO)
    Si, quello è il report del bombardamento.
    Scorrendolo tutto magari trovi il report dell'urto con la mina.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Amadeus


    17 Febbraio 2006
    Lirio impegnato in un PBeM a WitP-AE! Chi l'avrebbe mai detto? :)
    Vai Lirio, da (ex) giocatore alleato tifo per te!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    Sarei onorato di averti come prestigioso SM nel mio CDC.

    3 gennaio 1942

    Sommergibili a Palmyra.
    Sommergibili a Sydney
    Sommergibili giapponesi sulla west coast.

    Sono il problema principale, per ora.
    Non so come trovare abbastanza ASW.
    Faccio il possibile ovunque, se non altro se ne è andato da PH, dopo che avevo scatenato tutta la flotta a combatterli.
  11. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    4 gennaio 1942

    Attacchi giapponesi feroci nelle filippine, sbarca ovunque.
    A Suva, attacchi sommergibili Giapponesi.

    Il supremo comando alleato, nella persona del Con. Gen. Lirio, decide l'operazione segreta:
    Catorcio Selvaggio

    Catorcio selvaggio: respingere l'invasione nemica a Wake.
    Il giapponese è troppo fiducioso nel fatto che io lasci perdere le conquiste storiche sicure, tra cui Wake.
    Si sbaglia.
    Poichè i marines stanno difendendosi da un paio di giorni coi denti, e i trasporti nemici sono stati colpiti dalle batterie costiere, siamo senza supplies, ma il nemico non è sbarcato in forze, ci ha sottovalutato.
    Lasciare andare Wake è la scelta più logica.
    Io faccio quella illogica.
    Wake è la mia priorità attuale.
    Decido di mandare rinforzi di supplies, scortati da 3DD.
    Ordino a sommergibili di prepararsi per Wake, e cerco tutto ciò che ho da mandare.
    Ho libero solo il 34th Inf. Reg. non pronto per uno sbarco anfibio.
    Non importa.
    Ordino di salire sulle uniche 2 navi AP disponibili a PH.
    Non bastano per caricare tutto il reggimento: non importa, non abbiamo scelta.
    Si parte, direzione Wake.

    A Port Moresby, preparo due flotte australiane e miste alleate.
    Si tratta dei RAN Cruisers, con il CA Camberra, CL Perth e 2 DD.
    E poi la Darwin Battle Fleet, con CA Houston, Cl Marbelhead, CL Boise + 4 DD.
    Da Sydney si prepare il CA Pensacola, il CA Australia, il CL Adelaide + 1DD che andrà a fondersi nelle due TF sopra scelte.
    Non basterà se arriva con le portaerei, se arriva con navi da battaglia, io cercherò lo scontro.
    Perchè i conigli giocano così, non scappano, lasciando i nostri fanti indifesi.

    Da Perth mando il CL Danae, il CL Dragon, il CL Durban + 3 DD di scorta.
    La Prince Of Wales è sfuggita all'assedio di singapore e ora viaggia con 4 DD di scorta a 8 nodi in direzione Sydeny, dopo scalo a Perth.

    Le 2 TF Giapponesi con le CV non so più dove sono.
    Questo è un problema, erano nel mar di Giava e nel Makassar Street l'ultima volta.
    Dove andranno ora?
  12. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    5 gennaio 1942

    L'azzardo di Wake per ora ci arride.
    incredibilmente, le difese costiere ingaggiano da 7.000 yards la flotta da sbarco nemica, un CL e altre navi scorta pare siano dileguate, e 2AK sono in fiamme.

    Invasion Support action off Wake Island (136,98)
    Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

    8 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

    Japanese Ships
    xAK Nittai Maru, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
    xAK Shinwa Maru, on fire

    5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Nittai Maru at 7,000 yards

    Le forze giapponesi sbarcate sono deboli e non riescono a superare la difesa dei marines.

    Iniziano gli attacchi aerei su Moulmein, ma eravano pronti.
    Mi pare stia andando bene, per ora.

    Morning Air attack on Moulmein , at 55,55

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-IIa Sally x 15
    Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 11

    Allied aircraft
    H81-A3 x 15
    Buffalo I x 5

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 destroyed, 5 damaged
    Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 2 destroyed

    No Allied losses

    Port hits 2

    Aircraft Attacking:
    12 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
    Port Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    CAP engaged:
    AVG/1st Sqn with H81-A3 (7 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
    (7 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
    7 plane(s) intercepting now.
    Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
    Raid is overhead
    6 planes vectored on to bombers
    AVG/2nd Sqn with H81-A3 (8 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
    (8 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
    8 plane(s) intercepting now.
    Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
    Raid is overhead
    No.67 Sqn RAF with Buffalo I (5 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
    (5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
    5 plane(s) intercepting now.
    Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
    Raid is overhead

    Cade Manado!
    Attacca Rabaul.
    Li avevamo avvistati dai catalina il giorno prima, ora ci sono addosso.
    A Port Moresby ho fatto tutto il possibile per creare una difesa: basterà?
    Intanto, una flotta con il 3rd Marine Defence Battalion è a un giorno di viaggio da Port Moresby.
    Sto preparando altri rinforzi, ma arriveranno in tempo o la strada sarà già chiusa?

    Il problema è che abbiamo 3 flotte nemiche a Rabaul.

    Una di queste 3 mi preoccupa molto.

    Operazione Catorcio Selvaggio

    A Wake, la situazione è questa.


    Infine, il teatro cinese.
    A nord.

    Al Centro.

    Al Sud.

    Infine, Singapore.

    Ho lasciato passare la TF di portaerei davanti a Batavia, ritirando le mie flotte. Ora, riparto con i trasporti.
    1 Convoglio con 22k supplies e 1 convoglio con 6k supplies partono da Colombo, direzione Singapore.

    La perla non cadrà facilmente, questo sia chiaro.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. ivaldi79


    2 Aprile 2010
    Temo che PM non riuscirai a tenerla , se ci sbatte i betty e zero a rabul è finita , upgrada l'aereoporto lvl 4 in una settimana e via , non mi aspettavo daniel invadesse cosi presto rabul , a Wake Island stai attento , dalle Marshall pososno partire i Betty ( c'è già una squadriglia all'inizio ) e silurarti le navi a Wake ( sempre se ti ha bombardato l'aereoporto con i caccia sopra ) , comunque al prossimo turno tieni d'occhio la KB se scompare dalla zona vuol dire che sta andando a nord.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    ma se la KB va a sud verso PM ti fredda il tuo battaglione finchè è ancora in mare
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Amadeus


    17 Febbraio 2006
    Troppo buono! Io sono ancora un niubbo a WitP-AE e poco adatto a dare suggerimenti validi.
    Comunque apprezzo il tuo stile intraprendente e fiducioso! Ti auguro di mandare all'aria la tabella di marcia del tuo avversario a Wake.

    Tieni duro a Singapore! Per esperienza ti dico che si può fare! (immaginalo pronunciato à la Frankenstein Jr. ... ed anche con un grado di scientificità paragonabile al suddetto film)
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    Non c'è più religione.
    (LL, Lirio Lettore, cade un mito...:p)

    Detto, fatto.



    Ci manca solo che un giorno giochi da Giappo gestendo la ricerca e poi abbiamo visto tutto! - pensò qualcuno nel CDC.
    Stay Tuned.
    • Like Like x 4
  17. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    LA BEFANA DEL 1942

    Nel giorno della befana del 42, i giapponesi attaccano Rabaul.
    Erano davvero portaerei, sicuramente una grossa squadra navale con portaerei sopra rabaul.
    A Pago Pago voglio costruire una importante base, sto portando rinforzi e siamo a 2 di forti.
    I giapponesi affondano naviglio alleato coi sommergibili un pò dovunque.
    La situazione a Wake è preoccupante, come si vede una flotta di superficie giapponese blocca i nostri rifornimenti.

    Sopratutto i rifornimenti dei marines, impegnati in battaglia con i giapponesi sbarcati, sono a zero.
    Faccio partire dei sommergibili con missione trasporto.

    Intanto, consolido i porti in Alaska e in Canada, rinforzando le difese.

    Nella foto, batterie di bofors in addestramento.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    7 gennaio 1942

    Il primo mese di guerra.

    Il Con. Gen. Lirio espone la situazione al CDC e chiede un parere sull'andamento della guerra nel primo difficile mese, dati alla mano.

    Distrutto dai giapponesi l'AG Antares diretto a Wake, nel disperato tentativo di portare supplies, era l'unica nave già carica di rifornimenti. La squadra navale giapponese costituisce un blocco insuperabile.
    Si decide, quindi, che va distrutta, altrimenti l'isola di Wake è perduta.
    Si prepara un piano in due fasi, di cui diremo dopo.

    Vengono affondati ak a Darwin da sub giapponesi e anche una TK nelle isole Fiji.

    A Aden, fondo due reggimenti e formo la 7th armoured brigade.
    Viene subito preparata per andare di corsa a Rangoon, abbiamo bisogno come il pane di blindati e corazzati.

    Parte il Rangoon Express, una convoglio di trasporti scortato dal CA exeter, CL Hobart, 1 DD, 1 PG, che porta artiglieria antiaeree e artiglieria anticarro a Rangoon.
    Sempre a rangoon, inizia lo sbarco del 6th heavy artillery AA.
    A Port Blair, inizia a fatica lo sbarco anfibio della 18th Division.
    Il comando alleato ritiene opportuno portare una intera divisione a Port Blair, è noto a tutti che, come insegna un SM, la guerra di vince alle Andamane.
    Il convoglio è denominato Port Blair Express.

    A Seattle, si forma la TF Colorado, con 4 DD di scorta.
    Ordino alla CA Indianapolis e al CL Raleigh di unirsi alla TF Colorado, insieme ad altri DD di scorta.
    La direzione è PH, per poi andare a Wake.
    Strategicamente, il comando alleato ha un solo nome in testa, ora: WAKE.


    Una grossa formazione di Portaerei, Rabaul sta per cadere.
    Non abbiamo modo di portare rinforzi.

    Tutto il settore dipende ormai dalla difesa di Port Moresby

    Abbiamo rischiato e stiamo scaricando il battaglione dei marines.
    Tutte le navi scaricano rifornimenti alla massima velocità, sperando che la flotta giapponese non attacchi domani.
    La difesa di Port Moresby è comunque discreta, a parere del comando alleato.
    In ogni caso, di più non si poteva fare.

    IL CA Portland con il CA NOrthampton, e 2 DD partono in una TF da battaglia per Wake.
    Dalla West Coast si uniranno da San Francisco il CA Chester, il CA Chicago, oltre a 2DD di scorta alla BB Colorado.
    Da San Diego si uniranno alle Hawaii il CA Conisville il CL Trenton e 2DD di scorta.
    La BB Warspite si unisce alle 2 flotte indirezione Wake.
    Sempre da PH partono 3 AM che seguono il 3rd transport fleet per Wake, con il reggimento di fanteria a bordo, caricato in fretta a e furia e a ranghi incompleti: non c'è tempo per aspettare navi trasporto dall'australia.
    Altri 2 AM seguono, scorteranno il convoglio trasporti.
    L'idea è fornire un minimo di supporto con cannoni navali e un minimo di anti sommergibili, non abbiamo di meglio.
    Perfino da Pago Pago, ordino a tre trasporti di salpare, direzione Wake.

    3 SS scaricano rifornimenti, passando il blocco giapponese, e portando disperati rinforzi ai marines disperati senza cibo e munizioni.
    Altri 2 SS arriveranno a breve per scaricare un minimo di rifornimenti, quanto basta si spera per sopravvivere all'attacco giapponese e attendere i rinforzi del reggimento in viaggio per mare.

    Ma, come detto, tutto dipende dalla rimozione del blocco navale della TF da battaglia giapponese.

    Tutto è pronto per la battaglia di Wake.

    L'idea alleata è semplice, e rischiosa.
    Ho deciso di mandare avanti i trasporti sperando di riuscire a rinforzare l'isola, ma i giapponesi hanno affondato un AK e un AG.
    Però, ora sono in zona, e sappiamo dove sono.
    Forse, loro non sospettano che non una ma due TF da battaglia americane sono lanciate a tutta forza in battaglia, con ordine di attaccare, sopportando alto rischio e con comandanti competenti e aggressivi.

    Dobbiamo liberare il blocco navale a Wake.
    Dobbiamo rischiare la flotta navale delle Hawaii.
    Non sappiamo con esattezza molto del nemico, se non i rapporti delle battaglie precedenti, perché non abbiamo ricognitori aerei in questa parte dell'oceano.

    Ma il dado è tratto.
    Le due flotte da battaglia hanno l'ordine di incrociare la squadra navale giapponese e attaccare.
    Perché ho spezzato in due le forze?
    L'idea è:
    1) non so se molte navi in una stessa TF siano efficienti
    2) per riunirle avrei perso tempo, almeno un giorno, poiché le navi non erano tutte in porto a PH ma alcune erano in nave
    3) con due flotte da battaglia ho più possibilità di trovare i giapponesi, se pattuglio zone di mare non coincidenti

    Ordino quindi a tutti gli idrovolanti dai ponti degli incrociatori pesanti e leggeri di alzarsi in volo, direzione ovest, nel raggio di mare dove supponiamo sia la squadra navale giapponese.

    Questa operazione segreta è chiamata in codice: OPERAZIONE BIC.
    I giapponesi saranno attaccati da due squadre navali a distanza (si calcola) di poche ore.
    La prima lama solleva il pelo, la seconda lo taglia.

    Inizia la battaglia di WAKE.
  19. ivaldi79


    2 Aprile 2010
    La difesa di PM non si può definire discreta se non supera i 500 AV e fort lvl 3 , attualmente la può prendere ancora con facilità , ma comunque non lo può più fare con le unità navali nei dintorni e deve per forza inviare una divisione , quindi hai ancora tempo per aumentare la difesa , riguardo alle sue CV sicuramente avrà visto le tue navi da sbarco , se è furbo viene ad affondarti tutto , riguardo a Wake peccato che non hai le tue di CV in quella zona avresti fatto un mordi e fuggi abbastanza dannoso alla flotta nipponica, dove sono attualmente?
  20. Lirio


    16 Agosto 2012
    (La battaglia di Wake, 7 gennaio 1942)

    Questo è quello che sapevamo delle forze nemiche:

    Night Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 140,98, Range 6,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Katori
    CL Tenryu
    CL Tatsuta
    CL Yubari
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi
    DD Yayoi
    DD Mochizuki
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate

    Allied Ships
    AG Antares, Shell hits 28, heavy fires, heavy damage

    Poor visibility due to Rain with 82% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Rain and 82% moonlight: 6,000 yards
    Range closes to 11,000 yards...
    Range closes to 10,000 yards...
    Range closes to 9,000 yards...
    Range closes to 8,000 yards...
    Range closes to 7,000 yards...
    Range closes to 6,000 yards...
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 6,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 6,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 6,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 6,000 yards
    CL Katori engages AG Antares at 6,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages AG Antares at 6,000 yards
    Range increases to 7,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 7,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages AG Antares at 7,000 yards
    DD Oite engages AG Antares at 7,000 yards
    Range increases to 8,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 8,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages AG Antares at 8,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages AG Antares at 8,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 10,000 yards
    CL Katori engages AG Antares at 10,000 yards
    Range increases to 12,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 12,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages AG Antares at 12,000 yards
    Range closes to 11,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 11,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 9,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages AG Antares at 9,000 yards
    Range increases to 11,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 11,000 yards
    Range increases to 12,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages AG Antares at 12,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages AG Antares at 12,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages AG Antares at 12,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages AG Antares at 12,000 yards
    Allied Task Force Manages to Escape
    Task forces break off...

    Quindi, sappiamo cosa incontreremo la notte del 7 gennaio.
    Inizia la battaglia, furibonda.

    Night Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 138,98, Range 11,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Katori, Shell hits 9, heavy fires
    CL Tenryu
    CL Tatsuta, Shell hits 1
    CL Yubari, Shell hits 8, on fire
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi
    DD Yayoi, Shell hits 1
    DD Mochizuki, Shell hits 1
    DD Oite, Shell hits 1
    DD Hayate

    Allied Ships
    CA Minneapolis, Shell hits 2
    CL Detroit
    DD Ralph Talbot
    DD Henley, Shell hits 2, on fire
    DD Patterson, Shell hits 2
    DD Preston, Shell hits 1
    DD Cassin, Shell hits 2, on fire
    DD Downes, Shell hits 1

    Improved night sighting under 75% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 75% moonlight: 11,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 11,000 yards
    Japanese open fire on surprised Allied ships at 11,000 yards
    CL Yubari launches Long Lance Torpedoes at CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta fires at CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards
    CL Yubari fires at DD Downes at 11,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta fires at DD Cassin at 11,000 yards
    CL Yubari fires at DD Preston at 11,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki launches Long Lance Torpedoes at DD Cassin at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi launches Long Lance Torpedoes at DD Ralph Talbot at 11,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki launches Long Lance Torpedoes at DD Downes at 11,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Yubari at 9,000 yards
    CL Detroit engages CL Tatsuta at 9,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Downes at 9,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Hayate at 9,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Patterson at 9,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Oite at 9,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Oite at 9,000 yards
    DD Cassin engages DD Mutsuki at 9,000 yards
    Range closes to 8,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Minneapolis at 8,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CL Detroit at 8,000 yards
    DD Downes engages DD Hayate at 8,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Cassin at 8,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mutsuki at 8,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mochizuki at 8,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Ralph Talbot at 8,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Henley at 8,000 yards
    Range closes to 6,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Minneapolis at 6,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Detroit at 6,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Downes at 6,000 yards
    DD Cassin engages DD Hayate at 6,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mochizuki at 6,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Cassin at 6,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Henley at 6,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Mutsuki at 6,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Cassin at 6,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Cassin at 6,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Yubari at 6,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 6,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CL Detroit at 6,000 yards
    CL Katori engages DD Cassin at 6,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Patterson at 6,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Downes at 6,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 6,000 yards
    DD Cassin engages DD Yayoi at 6,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 6,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Downes at 6,000 yards
    Range increases to 8,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Minneapolis at 8,000 yards
    CL Detroit engages CL Yubari at 8,000 yards
    DD Downes engages DD Yayoi at 8,000 yards
    CL Detroit engages CL Katori at 8,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Hayate at 8,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Cassin at 8,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Henley at 8,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Ralph Talbot at 8,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Ralph Talbot at 8,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Mutsuki at 8,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Detroit at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Downes at 10,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Cassin at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Preston at 10,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Patterson at 10,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mochizuki at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Patterson at 10,000 yards
    DD Cassin engages DD Kisaragi at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 8,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 8,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 8,000 yards
    CL Detroit engages CL Tenryu at 8,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 8,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Preston at 8,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Henley at 8,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mochizuki at 8,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Preston at 8,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Downes at 8,000 yards
    DD Downes engages DD Mutsuki at 8,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Minneapolis at 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Detroit at 10,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Downes at 10,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 10,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Oite at 10,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Kisaragi at 10,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Mutsuki at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CL Detroit at 9,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Detroit at 9,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tenryu at 9,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Cassin at 9,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Preston at 9,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Oite at 9,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mutsuki at 9,000 yards
    DD Cassin engages DD Yayoi at 9,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Downes at 9,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Patterson at 9,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CL Detroit at 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Detroit at 10,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CL Detroit at 10,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Preston at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Patterson at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Ralph Talbot at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Cassin at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CL Detroit at 9,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Downes at 9,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 9,000 yards
    DD Downes engages DD Hayate at 9,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Henley at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Downes at 9,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Patterson at 9,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Preston at 9,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Detroit at 9,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Downes at 9,000 yards
    CL Katori engages DD Cassin at 9,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Preston at 9,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Patterson at 9,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mochizuki at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Ralph Talbot at 9,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mutsuki at 9,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Downes at 9,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 9,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Preston at 9,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Patterson at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Cassin at 9,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Yayoi at 9,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Kisaragi at 9,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Downes at 9,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CL Detroit at 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 10,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tenryu at 10,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Katori at 10,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Cassin at 10,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Preston at 10,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Preston at 10,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Yayoi at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Downes at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mutsuki at 9,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Oite at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Cassin at 9,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Yayoi at 9,000 yards
    DD Cassin engages DD Kisaragi at 9,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Mutsuki at 9,000 yards
    Owada, Noburu orders Japanese TF to disengage
    Task forces break off...

    Secondo scontro.

    Night Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 139,98, Range 11,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Katori, Shell hits 14, heavy fires, heavy damage
    CL Tenryu
    CL Tatsuta, Shell hits 2
    CL Yubari, Shell hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi
    DD Yayoi
    DD Mochizuki, Shell hits 1, on fire
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate

    Allied Ships
    CA Minneapolis, Shell hits 3
    CL Detroit
    DD Ralph Talbot
    DD Henley, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Patterson, Shell hits 1, on fire
    DD Preston, on fire

    Improved night sighting under 75% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 75% moonlight: 11,000 yards
    Range closes to 11,000 yards...
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 11,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 11,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Hayate at 11,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Henley at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Henley at 11,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Kisaragi at 11,000 yards
    Range increases to 12,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Yubari at 12,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tatsuta at 12,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tenryu at 12,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Katori at 12,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Henley at 12,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Hayate at 12,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mochizuki at 12,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Henley at 12,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 12,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Henley at 12,000 yards
    Range closes to 10,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 10,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Preston at 10,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Oite at 10,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Hayate at 10,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Oite at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Patterson at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 7,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 7,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Hayate at 7,000 yards
    CL Katori engages DD Patterson at 7,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Hayate at 7,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Henley at 7,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mochizuki at 7,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Patterson at 7,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 7,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mutsuki at 7,000 yards
    Range increases to 9,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mutsuki at 9,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Katori at 9,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mochizuki at 9,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Oite at 9,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Henley at 9,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Kisaragi at 9,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mutsuki at 9,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tatsuta at 10,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Katori at 10,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    DD Henley engages DD Mochizuki at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Henley at 10,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Patterson at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 7,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 7,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Preston at 7,000 yards
    CL Katori engages DD Patterson at 7,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Henley at 7,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Oite at 7,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Henley at 7,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Henley at 7,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Henley at 7,000 yards
    Range increases to 9,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mochizuki at 9,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Yayoi at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Henley at 9,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Henley at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mochizuki at 9,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Patterson at 9,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mutsuki at 9,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Katori at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mochizuki at 9,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Yayoi at 9,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Henley at 9,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Patterson at 9,000 yards
    Range increases to 11,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Yubari at 11,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 11,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Patterson at 11,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Henley at 11,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Oite at 11,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Preston at 11,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Kisaragi at 11,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Mutsuki at 11,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Yubari at 11,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Preston at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Patterson at 11,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Henley at 11,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Mochizuki at 11,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Patterson at 11,000 yards
    Range closes to 9,000 yards
    CL Yubari engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tatsuta at 9,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Preston at 9,000 yards
    DD Preston engages DD Hayate at 9,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Hayate at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Patterson at 9,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Kisaragi at 9,000 yards
    Conolly, Richard L. orders Allied TF to disengage
    Task forces break off...


    ight Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 139,99, Range 11,000 Yards

    Japanese aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    E7K2 Alf: 1 destroyed

    Japanese Ships
    CL Katori, Shell hits 12, and is sunk
    CL Tenryu
    CL Tatsuta
    CL Yubari, Shell hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi
    DD Yayoi, Shell hits 1, on fire
    DD Mochizuki, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate, Shell hits 1

    Allied Ships
    CA Minneapolis, Shell hits 2
    CL Detroit
    DD Ralph Talbot, Shell hits 1
    DD Patterson, heavy fires

    Improved night sighting under 75% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 75% moonlight: 11,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 11,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 11,000 yards
    Conolly, Richard L. crosses the 'T'
    CL Detroit engages CL Katori at 11,000 yards
    CL Katori engages DD Patterson at 11,000 yards
    CL Katori engages DD Ralph Talbot at 11,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Mochizuki at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Ralph Talbot at 11,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Kisaragi at 11,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tenryu at 11,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Hayate at 11,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Mochizuki at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Patterson at 11,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Kisaragi at 11,000 yards
    Range closes to 10,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Minneapolis at 10,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Mochizuki at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Ralph Talbot at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 7,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Katori at 7,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Ralph Talbot at 7,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Patterson at 7,000 yards
    CL Detroit engages CL Katori at 7,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Patterson at 7,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Ralph Talbot at 7,000 yards
    Range closes to 6,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 6,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Patterson at 6,000 yards
    DD Oite engages DD Ralph Talbot at 6,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Ralph Talbot at 6,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Ralph Talbot at 6,000 yards
    Range increases to 7,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tenryu at 7,000 yards
    CL Katori engages CL Detroit at 7,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Patterson at 7,000 yards
    CL Katori engages DD Ralph Talbot at 7,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Oite at 7,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Kisaragi at 7,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Yubari at 7,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Tatsuta at 7,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Hayate at 7,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Oite at 7,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Yayoi at 7,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Kisaragi at 7,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Mutsuki at 7,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Patterson at 7,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Hayate at 7,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Oite at 7,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Yayoi at 7,000 yards
    Range increases to 9,000 yards
    CL Detroit engages CL Yubari at 9,000 yards
    DD Patterson engages DD Hayate at 9,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Ralph Talbot at 9,000 yards
    Conolly, Richard L. orders Allied TF to disengage
    Range increases to 11,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages CL Yubari at 11,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Detroit at 11,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Patterson at 11,000 yards
    DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Hayate at 11,000 yards
    CA Minneapolis engages DD Mutsuki at 11,000 yards
    Task forces break off...


    Night Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 139,99, Range 10,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Tenryu, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
    CL Tatsuta
    CL Yubari, and is sunk
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi
    DD Yayoi, on fire
    DD Mochizuki, Shell hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate, Shell hits 1, on fire

    Allied Ships
    CA San Francisco
    CL Helena
    DD Phelps
    DD Litchfield
    DD Humphreys
    DD Sands

    Improved night sighting under 75% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 75% moonlight: 11,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 10,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA San Francisco at 10,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CL Helena at 10,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Hayate at 10,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages CL Tenryu at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Humphreys at 10,000 yards
    Range increases to 11,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Helena at 11,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Sands at 11,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Humphreys at 11,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Yayoi at 11,000 yards
    Range closes to 10,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Helena at 10,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tenryu at 10,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Hayate at 10,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Oite at 10,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Hayate at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Sands at 10,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Kisaragi at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 8,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA San Francisco at 8,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tenryu at 8,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Kisaragi at 8,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Hayate at 8,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Oite at 8,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Yayoi at 8,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Sands at 8,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Mutsuki at 8,000 yards
    Range increases to 9,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 9,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA San Francisco at 9,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Kisaragi at 9,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Yayoi at 9,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Kisaragi at 9,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Litchfield at 9,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 10,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tenryu at 10,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Yayoi at 10,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Phelps at 10,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Yayoi at 10,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Kisaragi at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 6,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tenryu at 6,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Yayoi at 6,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Oite at 6,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Litchfield at 6,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Sands at 6,000 yards
    Range increases to 7,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 7,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Hayate at 7,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Yayoi at 7,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Mochizuki at 7,000 yards
    DD Mochizuki engages DD Phelps at 7,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Mutsuki at 7,000 yards
    Range closes to 6,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 6,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA San Francisco at 6,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Hayate at 6,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Oite at 6,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Mochizuki at 6,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Kisaragi at 6,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Mutsuki at 6,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 10,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tenryu at 10,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Hayate at 10,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Yayoi at 10,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Mochizuki at 10,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Kisaragi at 10,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Mutsuki at 10,000 yards
    Task forces break off...


    Night Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 139,99, Range 11,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Tenryu, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
    CL Tatsuta
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi
    DD Yayoi, on fire
    DD Mochizuki, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate, on fire

    Allied Ships
    CA San Francisco
    CL Helena
    DD Phelps
    DD Litchfield
    DD Humphreys
    DD Sands

    Improved night sighting under 75% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 75% moonlight: 11,000 yards
    Range closes to 11,000 yards...
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 11,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 11,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages CA San Francisco at 11,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tenryu at 11,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Sands at 11,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Humphreys at 11,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Litchfield at 11,000 yards
    CL Tenryu engages DD Phelps at 11,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Kisaragi at 11,000 yards
    Task forces break off...

    Night Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 139,99, Range 11,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Tenryu, heavy fires, heavy damage
    CL Tatsuta
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi
    DD Yayoi, on fire
    DD Mochizuki, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate, on fire

    Allied Ships
    CA San Francisco
    CL Helena
    DD Phelps
    DD Litchfield
    DD Humphreys
    DD Sands

    Improved night sighting under 75% moonlight
    Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 75% moonlight: 11,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 11,000 yards
    Japanese TF attempts to evade combat
    Range increases to 12,000 yards...
    Range increases to 12,000 yards...
    Japanese Surface Combat TF evades combat


    Day Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 139,99, Range 21,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Tatsuta, Shell hits 10, heavy fires
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi
    DD Yayoi
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate, Shell hits 2

    Allied Ships
    CA San Francisco
    CL Helena
    DD Phelps
    DD Litchfield
    DD Humphreys
    DD Sands

    Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions: 28,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 21,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 21,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA San Francisco at 21,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 21,000 yards
    Range closes to 18,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Mutsuki at 18,000 yards
    Range closes to 15,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 15,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Hayate at 15,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Humphreys at 15,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Hayate at 15,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Hayate at 15,000 yards
    Range closes to 12,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 12,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Hayate at 12,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Hayate at 12,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Hayate at 12,000 yards
    Range closes to 10,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 10,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 10,000 yards
    DD Hayate engages DD Sands at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Humphreys at 10,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Mutsuki at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 7,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA San Francisco at 7,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 7,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Oite at 7,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Mutsuki at 7,000 yards
    Range increases to 10,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 10,000 yards
    DD Yayoi engages DD Humphreys at 10,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Litchfield at 10,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Mutsuki at 10,000 yards
    Range increases to 13,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CL Helena at 13,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Hayate at 13,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Kisaragi at 13,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Kisaragi at 13,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Hayate at 13,000 yards
    Range increases to 17,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 17,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 17,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Oite at 17,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Mutsuki at 17,000 yards
    Range increases to 23,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 23,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages DD Hayate at 23,000 yards
    Task forces break off...


    Day Time Surface Combat, near Wake Island at 138,101, Range 20,000 Yards

    Japanese Ships
    CL Tatsuta, Shell hits 2, heavy fires
    DD Mutsuki
    DD Kisaragi, Shell hits 1
    DD Yayoi
    DD Oite
    DD Hayate

    Allied Ships
    CA San Francisco
    CL Helena
    DD Phelps
    DD Litchfield
    DD Humphreys
    DD Sands

    Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions: 28,000 yards
    CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 20,000 yards
    CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 20,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 20,000 yards
    CL Helena engages DD Oite at 20,000 yards
    Range closes to 16,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 16,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages DD Hayate at 16,000 yards
    DD Kisaragi engages DD Sands at 16,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Kisaragi at 16,000 yards
    Range closes to 14,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 14,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Hayate at 14,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Oite at 14,000 yards
    DD Humphreys engages DD Oite at 14,000 yards
    DD Litchfield engages DD Oite at 14,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Mutsuki at 14,000 yards
    Range closes to 10,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages DD Kisaragi at 10,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 10,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Hayate at 10,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Yayoi at 10,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages DD Kisaragi at 10,000 yards
    Range closes to 7,000 yards
    CA San Francisco engages CL Tatsuta at 7,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Yayoi at 7,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Kisaragi at 7,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Yayoi at 7,000 yards
    CL Tatsuta engages CA San Francisco at 7,000 yards
    CL Helena engages CL Tatsuta at 7,000 yards
    DD Sands engages DD Oite at 7,000 yards
    DD Mutsuki engages DD Litchfield at 7,000 yards
    DD Phelps engages DD Mutsuki at 7,000 yards
    McMorris, Chas H. orders Allied TF to disengage
    Task forces break off...


    La prima vera battaglia navale della guerra del pacifico tra flotte di superficie segna una netta e chiara vittoria alleata.
    L'operazione BIC funziona perfettamente.
    Le due flotte da battaglia attaccano separatamente e in più attacchi le navi giapponesi.
    Dei 4 CL giapponesi, risultano duramente colpiti tutte le navi.
    Numerosi DD di scorta giapponesi sono parimenti colpiti.
    Nelle navi alleate, solo i DD di scorta sono duramente colpite nella battaglia, ma nessuna delle navi da guerra principali, nè incrociatori pesanti, nè incrociatori leggeri risulta danneggiato in modo significativo.
    Alla fine della lunga notte e giornata di intensi combattimenti, la flotta giapponese batte in ritirata, perdendo certamente un paio di incrociatori.
    Il blocco navale per Wake è stato liberato.
    Gli alleati, dopo un mese di continue sconfitte, segnano per la prima volta un punto importante, di valore strategico.
    I sogni di conquista dell'isola di Wake del nemico sono infranti, per ora.
    L'isola di Wake resterà nelle mani alleate, se i rinforzi arriveranno prima della sicura reazione giapponese.
    In ogni caso, i giapponesi ora sanno di trovarsi di fronte un avversario per nulla sconfitto.
    Al comando generale si invia dalla prima squadra navale un messaggio sintetico: squadra navale nemica in ritirata. Stop. Proseguiamo all'inseguimento. Stop. Tre DD gravemente danneggiati scortati rientrano a PH. Stop. Navi nemiche in fiamme al tramonto. Stop. Almeno due incrociatori nemici affondati. Stop. Vittoria. Stop.

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