Nuova patch 1.3 per HOI2 Doomsday

Discussione in 'Mod e Patch' iniziata da frankdan, 2 Marzo 2007.

  1. frankdan


    6 Settembre 2006
    Posto qui per dirvi che la Paradox proprio ieri ha rilasciato una nuova patch (la 1.3) per HOI2 DD...comprende varie migliorìe all'intelligenza artificiale del gioco più altre cose scritte nel readme.La trovate qui : (sono 16.6 mb)

    In più,giacchè mi trovo,volevo chiedervi : dove va estratto il file che l'utente Chars ha preparato per risolvere il problema delle tabelle sfasate nella sezione statistiche di HOI2 DD (tradotto in italiano) ?
  2. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Grassie :D

    Integro con le nuove modifiche:

    ---- Changes for 1.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ******* New features *******
    - Added a new supply tech in the Infantry tech tree: Semi-Modern Repair
    - Added a new armoured car tech to the Armour tech tree: Modern Armoured Car
    - Added a new engineer model (Engineer '43), enabled by Front Line Supply Service

    ******* AI Improvements *******
    - Optimised the invasion AI, leading to fewer super stacks.
    - Improved the front AI, allowing better response from when a new front was formed by invasion
    - Several tweaks in the AI switch events

    ******* Bugfixes *******
    - The Auto convoy function should now assign more escorts to convoys.
    - Abandoning doctrines should reverse all their bonuses.
    - The "do not reinforce" button reinforce should now work for ships.
    - Shore bombardment penalty now has a limit.

    ******* Databases *******
    - Added a big bunch of unique CVL names
    - Added quite a bit more unique model names to CW nations
    - Deleted the Langley-Class from the USA CV model names since it's now used as a CVL class
    - Added 'revolt = no' to the RSI revolt entry
    - American COA J. Lawton Collins activation date moved from 49 to 48
    - Switched (and edited) the first two French strategic bomber models
    - Doubled the time of two components of the Air Cavalry Secret Weapon Tech
    - Added a few commands to make the Guerrilla Warfare Doctrine a bit more attractive
    - The Head of Military Intelligence entry for Henry J. Kaiser has been moved back from 1936 to 1942
    - Chief of Navy entry for Frank Knox moved from 1941 to 1940
    - Deleted minister entry for John Bassett Moore in USA, Arthur Vandenberg moved forward to 1936 to cover
    - Fixed an error in the aircraft_tech file concerning tech 15500 triggering the wrong tech
    - Deleted MODEL_ENG_26_0;Argus-class
    - Province 435 in Bessarabia is now an extra to Romania instead of minimum since it's the province that's given to the USSR in the 'Claim Bessarabia' event
    - Flying Bomb Development (5580) is now a prerequisite for Rocket Line Assembly (5170)
    - Rocket Test Sites now cost 20 IC instead of 40 IC.
    - Rocket Test Sites and newly constructed IC now cost an additional 1 manpower
    - A Nuclear Reactor now costs an additional 5 manpower
    - Division XP Gain Factor upped from 1.0 to 1.5

    ******* Events *******
    - Event 'Chinese Front against Soviet aggression' now checks to see that China is not puppetted or allied to Japan either
    - Milton Friedman is now Roosevelt's pick for HOMI in the 1936 elections
    - The English event for intervention in the Spanish Civil War had a small error in its trigger fixed. It now checks for ENG & GER not being at war instead of ENG not being at war with ENG
    - Romania and Hungary should now really only switch sides to the USSR if it's the USSR that's liberating
    - Chinese Unified Front Against Soviet Aggression should not happen anymore if China is allied to Japan or is its puppet
    - Liberation of Metropolitan France should now not give cores on two Ethiopian provinces anymore
    - When Italy surrenders to the Allies, their army should be deleted now
    - France now loses its free off-map goodies again when it is liberated
    - Kashmir should not be an isolated UK province anymore after the liberation of PAK-IND. It goes to India
    - The UK now loses its cores on Pakistan, India & Burma in the liberation events
    - The Soviet part of the Unholy Alliance event should no longer end the just-created alliance
    - The initial Gearing Up for War event for the USA now also happens if Japan annexed or puppeted Nationalist China quickly
    - The US Elections should now put the democratic-authoritarian and political left-right sliders in the right spots
    - There's now a strait between Hong Kong and Bao'an in China

    ******* Graphics *******
    - Added a bunch of more appropriate tech pictures
    - Added the right picture for John D. Rockefeller Jr. in the USA (old one portrayed Sr.)
    - Fixed some errors with the German CV pictures
    - Included flags and shields more appropriate for the timeframe and small fixes to BHU, IRQ, JOR, KUR, LIT, PER, PRU, RUS and SLV

    *******Scenario Setup*******
    * 1936
    - Added some forgotten AA in Newcastle
    - HMS Argus made into a CVL model 0
    * 1938
    - Lithuania has Memel, not Germany
    - UK has Kuwait, not Saudi Arabia
    - Australian AA tweak
    - Chinese flooding and brigades
    * 1939
    - HMS Argus made into a CVL model 0
    * 1941
    - AST, CAN, NZL & SAF received Armoured Car
    - HMS Argus made into a CVL model 0
    - Australian motorized divisions now correctly are Model '40 instead of Model '44
    - Removed Improved Interceptor tech from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and changed OOB's accordingly
    - Removed Improved Naval Bomber tech from Australia and changed OOB
    - Removed Improved Infantry from New Zealand and moved their infantry one model back
    - Changed two British motorized divisions from model '44 to model '40
    - Changed the British colonial militia from late war model 1 to early model 0
    - Gave the UK Improved Infantry and Improved Motorized Division techs
    * 1944
    - Correctly implemented some forgotten AA to Brisbane & Newcastle
    - Added a couple more SIA and JAP events to the event history
    - HMS Argus made into a CVL model 0
    - GER, HUN & ROM no longer guarantee Japanese independence
    * 1945
    - HMS Argus made into a CVL model 0

     In più,giacchè mi trovo,volevo chiedervi : dove va estratto il file che l'utente Chars ha preparato per risolvere il problema delle tabelle sfasate nella sezione statistiche di HOI2 DD (tradotto in italiano) ?
    Tratto da Nilo

    Devono essere inseriti nella cartella "config" del mod (dentro la cartella di Hsr).
  3. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    - Rocket Test Sites now cost 20 IC instead of 40 IC.
    Non è un pò troppo poco? :humm:

    - Division XP Gain Factor upped from 1.0 to 1.5
    E' vai :approved:

    Scusate il doppio post ma ho avuto tempo solo adesso di leggerlo...
  4. qwetry


    29 Giugno 2006
    qualè il gain factor?:humm:

    finalmente la paradox ha ricominciato a lavorare,questi miglioramenti si notano o sono solo dettagli di poca importanza?
  5. GyJeX


    6 Dicembre 2005
    santu sezzidu in dommo
    Per il vantaggio che danno è ancora troppo... Molto meglio costruire fabbriche e aspettare che le tech per turbojet appaiano nel solito modo... a caso...
  6. Giano


    7 Dicembre 2005
    Ringrazio Frankdan per l'ottima notizia.. aggiungo la news (e dovrò aggiornare il "da leggere prima di ...:)

    Ciao Giano
  7. frankdan


    6 Settembre 2006
    di niente figurati...anzi è un piacere per me far parte della community di NWI !
  8. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Per qwetry: il gain factor è quel valore per calcolare l'esperienza nei combattimenti, ora aumentandolo le truppe la guadagneranno più in fretta...

    Le patch sono sempre un'ottima cosa, sia per eliminare bug che per migliorare l'AI :cautious:, comunque niente di eclatante.

    P.S. stupido: ma hai invertito la r con la t al momento dell'iscrizione o è voluto? :D

    Per GyJex: sull'utilizzo sono d'accordo, anche se io 4 reattori li faccio per velocizzare le tech, ma comunque dovrebbero essere impianti molto costosi e non di facile produzione, ora sono dimezzati con la differenza che tolgono 1 di manpower :humm:

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