WITE2; OOB 2.0

Discussione in 'War in the East' iniziata da Von Gters, 6 Aprile 2023.

  1. Von Gters

    Von Gters

    10 Ottobre 2016
    Sapete che è in lavorazione l'aggiornamento dell'OOB alla versione 2.0?

    Cioè finalmente dopo anni e anni, ci sarà molta più attinenza ai numeri di uomini, mezzi, cannoni ecc delle divisioni.
    Io credo principalmente si concentreranno sugli alleati della Germania fra cui l'Italia (gli mandai l'esatta composizione della divisione Alpina tridentina) e finalmente tornerò poi a giocarci, tempo permettendo :D
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. GeorgePatton


    26 Marzo 2006
    Interessante. Era così non conforme alla realta? Non mi sembrava
  3. Von Gters

    Von Gters

    10 Ottobre 2016
    Assolutamente si. Vado a memoria, quella divisione in gioco ha circa 8000/9000 effettivi, pochi cannoni e un valore di attacco misero.
    Nella realtà invece la tridentina era ben fornita di cannoni, automezzi, pezzi anticarro ecc e complessivamente era costituita da circa 17000 uomini.
    Questo discorso è valido un po' per tutte le divisioni asse che non siano tedesche, hanno valori nettamente troppo bassi che ne pregiudicano la combattività
  4. GeorgePatton


    26 Marzo 2006
    Allora credo valga la pena attendere l'aggiornamento prima di provare una partita
  5. Von Gters

    Von Gters

    10 Ottobre 2016
    Si anch'io la penso come te. E probabilmente aspetterò poi altri aggiornamenti perché non sarà facile bilanciare il gioco in quanto ci sarà un bella differenza di "forze in campo" rispetto come è stato sviluppato
  6. GeorgePatton


    26 Marzo 2006
    Previsioni su quando uscirà l'OOB 2.0?
  7. Von Gters

    Von Gters

    10 Ottobre 2016
    A marzo uno degli sviluppatori ha detto che c'erano sopra a lavorare... Onestamente non saprei dire quando uscirà
  8. Von Gters

    Von Gters

    10 Ottobre 2016
    "but we're making progress on the major OB update. It sounds like we'll have the last of the scenarios updated within the next couple of weeks, but we will need to test them some before they go out as a public beta. The next update will mostly be a data update, with only a few code changes"

    Direi che se avete materiale da mandargli riguardo le divisioni italiane ecc, questo è il momento giusto per farlo.
  9. Von Gters

    Von Gters

    10 Ottobre 2016
    Queste le novità che verranno introdotte dalla prossima patch...

    The 2.0 update is a comprehensive review of all Axis OBs and is culmination of several years’ worth of work. I spent time going through German published sources on KSTNs, Kriegsgliederungs and the excellent work of Niehorster and Askey which go into tremendous detail based on the above KSTNs and Kriegsgliederungs. The original WitE OBs used single templates for all most of the German divisions and this simply is just not a representation of how these units looked like. The infantry divisions were organized in waves of mobilization that had similar characteristics. There were several dozens of different “waves” of infantry divisions that were not previously represented. Some had full panzerjaeger Battalions and a full aufklarungs battalion. Some had a combined “Fast” Battalion with a single panzerjaeger company and two companies of recon. Some had a pioneer battalion of two companies instead of three. Some fielded captured Soviet anti-tank guns and some even had nebelwerfers. Some static type divisions raised in the West were very poorly equipped but had their own self propelled panzerjager company! Now, there is some significant flavor in the differences in these units and they field some more exotic or captured equipment as part of their OB which has been an issue reported in the past.

    The 1944 “standard” infantry divisions were still not standardized despite the published organization charts. WiTE OBs had almost every infantry division with a self-propelled StuG or Panzerjaeger company. In reality, these were exceptions and not the norms. The OBs were adjusted accordingly.

    Panzer Divisions also used a generally single upgrade path which was again far from reality. The 8th Panzer Division was still using Czech 38ts during the battles around Veliyke Luki. Now, there are four different tiers of Panzer Divisions – Tier 1 (Elite, latest equipment), Tier 2 (Standard), Tier 3 (use a StuG Battalion as part of their panzer regiment) and Tier 4 (older equipment and last to upgrade). These tiers aren’t absolute and no panzer division strictly adhered to any of these tiers but they do allow for a wider variety of equipment to be used. It also prioritizes new equipment fielding since only the Tier 1 divisions are immediately authorized the latest equipment since the equipment demand is not immediately opened up to every panzer division on the new OB update. It also allows for older tanks and equipment to stick around longer so that they have a longer useful life. There were still Panzer IIIs lurking around in numbers during Bagration in the summer of 1944. The tiered system allows for the divisions to use different types of panzer aufklarungs battalions. Some divisions hang onto primarily motorcycle units while some get the latest Sdkfz 250 recon sections. This system also activates the Sdkfz 250 chassis of equipment as there were not enough available slots in the previous generic panzer division OBs to use them before. With more variations of panzer divisions, we can also introduce more limited pieces of equipment that weren’t getting much use with some tiers receiving flamm panzers, Sdkfz 251/16 Flamm Halftracks, Lynxes and various armored cars that weren’t used in great numbers before.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Von Gters

    Von Gters

    10 Ottobre 2016
    Panzerjaeger equipment elements are now added a little bit more realistically as the OBs take into account the actual availability of equipment in their OBs since the production model does not have a true “learning curve” but are built more “on demand”. Even though the Panzerschrek was technically in production in late 1943, it wasn’t commonly available to the infantry divisions until the spring of 1944. References say that the Germans trained five independent panzershrek battalions for use in the East in late 1943 with some panzergrenadier divisions receiving them first. This is reflected in the OBs as well. Some of the units had to have their panzershrek complement toned down significantly as well. A lot of these OB units were using the number of panzershreks on hand instead of the number of trained panzershrek firing teams. This resulted in a large number of panzershreks that should not have been in these units. In 1944, there were normally about 2 panzershrek teams per company. This was increased to 3 in late 1944 and by 1945, there were as many as 4 teams in a company. This is the reason why the panzershrek ground element was renamed as “Panzershrek Team”.

    The Pak 97/38 is another example of a stop gap measure that was used before significant Pak40s could be fielded. You will now see more of these converted French ATGs before enough Pak40s could be fielded in early 1943.

    Other than organization changes, these changes were implemented as well:

    • Review of Axis Minor imported German equipment and captured equipment now formally incorporated into their respective Axis minor OBs. MG 34s, Pak38s, Panzer IIIs, Panzer IVs, Panzerschreks are now in Axis Minor OBs

    • Addition of full breakdown of combat units by year for divisions, brigades, regiments and battalions with the appropriate motorization status. No more substituting 1943 Motorized Regiments with a 1941 Regular Infantry Regiment. They have their own units now.

    • Many units have motorized and un-motorized variants

    • More unit now have their historic names like “Army Sturm Artillery Brigade”

    • Panzer and Stug units now have their escort units included – Flak, Panzergrenadiers, Panzer Pioneers, Motorized Recon, etc.

    • Germans have Kampfgruppe units to be used in special scenarios. This is basically a single combat regiment backed by divisional assets.

    • More variations of panzerjaeger and flak units

    • Huge addition of new units never seen before

    • Deliberate OB upgrades for key dates – such as Oct 43 for when panzerfausts become available in the ground elements.

    • Soviet Reduced Shtat Rifle Divisions

    • Axis Minor OB reviews. Note that the best references for these countries come in their native languages which I do not have access to

    • Italians have three different variants of units – North Africa, Metropolitan, and Eastern Front

    • Cleaned up OB list in a logical manner. There was all kind of nationalities jumbled up in confusing mass entries. Now, it should be easier to scan through what is available.

    • Cleaned up the ground elements of every single entry. The ground elements within an OB are now organized in a logical fashion as well by Infantry, Recon, Engineer, MGs, Mortars, Infantry Guns, ATGs, SP Anti-Tank, AAA, Artillery/Rockets, Armored Recon, Tanks and Support. Also cleared out blank spaces in OBs
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. GeorgePatton


    26 Marzo 2006
    Quando è prevista l'uscita della patch? Avevo in programma una partita e a questo punto attendo
  12. Von Gters

    Von Gters

    10 Ottobre 2016
    • Informative Informative x 2

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