GG:EDtBTR Database Project

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da cohimbra, 9 Ottobre 2013.

  1. cohimbra

    cohimbra Guest

  2. rob.bragg


    1 Settembre 2009
    molto interessante, ma se il loro unico e primario obiettivo è limitare le performance e la produzione dei Ta 152 (i primi 20 posts :) ), perchè altrimenti gli Alleati non vincono, mi sono subito antipatici :D
    Ultima modifica: 9 Ottobre 2013
  3. rob.bragg


    1 Settembre 2009
    Un contributo interessante di un utente Matrix con il cervello :)

    Bombing the Reich is a simulation. You probably don't want to go changing things that are properly simulated because something else might be improperly simulated. I have no reason to believe that there is anything wrong with the combat model or the production model of the TA 152. The only problem relating to the TA 152 that I am aware of is that some German players in play by email games have managed to greatly accelerate its production.

    I have never heard of anyone having a problem with the AI because it had TA 152s. Quite frankly, the concept of nerfing something because the AI is too strong in this game is laughable. You should be looking for ways to make games against the AI somewhat challenging, which they currently are not.

    ... This is where game design comes in. For the game to work you have to prevent the allies from just sitting and doing nothing for the first 100 turns. If the allies don't play at the start the system for the Darwinian improvement of the German Air Force does not work. So, you have to come up with a way to reasonably force the allies to actively engage the Germans. The game has two functions to do this. One is the sudden-death rules where you simply lose if your score gets to low. The other is the research rule. If you let the Germans amass large stockpiles of aircraft he can turn his excess production into research and get better planes.

    I put it to you, that if you let a human opponent expend 40 or 50 aircraft frames, engines, and parts every day for 150 days on research, you deserve to lose. The game is designed to make you lose. The cure is not to Nerf the airplane. It's not to Nerf production. It's for Allied players to actively attack the Germans.

    Ask Turner if he thinks that German production is too high, or that he is able to put too much towards research. I don't think he will answer in the affirmative. I expect to have him below 100 engines per turn by the end of turn 20.

    This game has a multitude of problems that need to be addressed, the TA 152 is not one of them!

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  4. GyJeX


    6 Dicembre 2005
    santu sezzidu in dommo
    Call of Duty è di là, prima porta a a destra.

    Maddai... :facepalm:
  5. Invernomuto

    Invernomuto -

    30 Gennaio 2006
    Ma infatti da quello che ricordo il problema principale con il Ta-152 era la possibilità, nei PBEM, di averli troppo presto perché i giocatori sfruttavano un po' al limite il motore di EGBTR per la ricerca. Per quello basta un'house rule anche perché con un intervento sul db peggiori soltanto le cose, il funzionamento della produzione/ricerca è hardcoded...

  6. rob.bragg


    1 Settembre 2009
    Il 'Progetto' è già ... FINITO ... più veloce della luce ...

    apportate quattro modifiche minimali e amen ...


    EDBTR Database Project 10-10-13 is out. Please see the first post in this thread. I have also included my Light Bombers Ground Attack Conversion v1.0 mod with it.

    This is the last version I'll be modding. Anyone who wants to take over modding future versions of the EDBTR Database Project, please do so! :)

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