Empire:total War

Discussione in 'Strategici - Generale' iniziata da pak, 25 Settembre 2007.

  1. pak


    2 Aprile 2007
    E' previsto, per il 2008, non si sa ancora il mese di uscita del nuovo prodotto della serie "total War".
    Mi auguro, sia decisamente migliore come IA e come attinenza storica di MTW2 e che non sia la solita accozzaglia di bug come il sopracitato gioco.:mad:
    Di positivo il fatto che l'ambientazione sarà a partire dal 1700 circa fino ad arrivare a ben oltre il 1800, quindi..:sbav: ..MAGNA GODURIA, abbraccerà in toto, sia il periodo "rivoluzionario" che quello napoleonico..:sbav: :sbav:
    Vi saranno diverse campagne che comprenderanno la colonizzazione dell' india, del Nord America, nonchè...pare del Nord Africa.
    Altra buona notizia, la creative assembly gestirà la maggior parte dello sviluppo, lasciando solo qualche rifinitura alla Sega (responsabile della leggerezza con cui è stato sviluppato MTW2).:mad:
    Ultima buona notizia...finalmente si potranno combattere battaglie navali in 3d con una 20ina di navi, con rispettivi equipaggi per parte.
    Le aspettative sono tante, però, pare che tutte le riviste che hanno annunciato la cosa, si tengano molto abbottonate, conoscendo le Cag...e della Sega (mai nome, in questo caso fu + appropriato).
  2. redoctober79


    15 Giugno 2006
    C'era già un'altra discussione:


    Comunque a mi basterebbe avere una diplomazia migliore (alla paradox), IA da battaglia più tosta (tipo quella di STW o MTW) e un maggior realismo nella campagna con meno battaglie ma decisive e più frequenti alle frontiere (trovo assurdo in RTW e MTW2 che tu possa marciare quasi indisturbato per il territorio nemico), pochi assedi e magari l'inserimento della logistica.
    Poi visto il periodo ci sono molto cose da variare rispetto ai capitoli precedente, quindi sono curioso di vedere come gestiranno il colonialismo, le rivoluzioni e le diverse forme di governo oltre all'arruolamento di unità e generali (basta con i membri della famiglia reale) e ovviamente le battaglie navali.
    In ogni caso penso che per vedere una simulazione reale delle battaglie sarà meglio rivolgersi ad altri giochi.
  3. Antigono


    9 Febbraio 2006
    E anche delle campagne... :( !!!
  4. pak


    2 Aprile 2007
    Cavoli!! E dire che ho fatto una ricerca sull'argomento prima di creare un nuovo topic...vabbè...Sorry!!:(
    Ps: adesso vado a leggermi il topic che mi avete segnalato!!
  5. Ciotto


    4 Marzo 2007
    @pak: A quali bug ti riferisci quando parli di MTW2 :humm:???? Io non né ho mai incontrati.
  6. pak


    2 Aprile 2007
    1) durante gli assedi...spesso le truppe non salgono sulle mura (dalle torri d'assedio).
    2) Le bombarde, se messe in linea, sparano una si e le altre no...insomma...anche se ti consumi il dito a fare click per dargli il comando...proprio non ti cagano.
    3) Crash durante le battaglie con i Tartari..
    La Patch che hanno creato successivamente non ha risolto molti problemi..
    Comunque..ribadisco...è un bel gioco ....potevano però decisamente farlo meglio.:approved:
  7. Giorgio


    29 Settembre 2007

    in total medieval war non mi partono le campagne, mentre mi partono le campagne storiche e le battaglie. Come sistema operativo ho Vista home Premium. C'e bisogno di una patch o di un crack particolare. Fatemi sapere a garcarlo@hotmail.it
  8. T-Duke76


    28 Marzo 2007
    Avanti con i soliti altisonanti "proclami imperiali" ... sembra tutto molto bello, vedremo.... :cautious:

    Team: About 40 people are working on Empire of which a few newbies are introduced. Full work was actually started on the engine once Barbarian Invasion was released, but the development of the 3D engine has been going on for a bit longer then that.

    Lead Designer: James Russell.
    Designer: Jan van der Crabben (Thamis).
    Designer/ Head Writer: Mike Brunton (MikeB).

    QA: Jack Lusted.

    Marketing & PR: Mark O'Connell (SenseiTW)

    Time Period: The game is set in the years 1700 to the early 1800's, a turbulent age of gunpowder, revolution, discovery and Empire Building.

    Victory conditions: the player's aim is to create the greatest Republic or Empire the world has known, spanning not just a continent but the world! Can you hold on to lands in the New World, or establish a rich trading empire in the Indies?

    - Empire: Total War will boast a full re-write of the AI with a wider range of strategies and tactics, providing a formidable opponent on land, sea and on the campaign map.
    - One of the quirks of the old engine was that the diplomacy and military AI were two separate routines, developed separately by two different programmers. Those systems fought each other. The military side would say 'we need to invade' while the diplomatic side will say 'well, I just made a treaty with them.' Getting them to work together was difficult. It meant the behaviour wasn't always consistent.' Throwing out those systems should fix the quirks, while allowing for new game mechanics.

    Campaign map:
    - An all-new fully animated campaign map with all buildings and upgrades visible, upgrades are done by clicking on them on the Strategic Map.
    - New improved systems for Trade, Diplomacy, Missions and Espionage in that Diplomats, Spies and Assassins will no longer be represented on the map.
    - A refined and streamlined UI.
    - Improved Advisors and tutorials.
    - Queens are portrayed: According to Mike Brunton "But given that there's Queen Anne and Catherine the Great and Empress Marie-Therese, we'd be a bit remiss not to include proper queen-type queens, now wouldn't we?"
    - New agents and diplomacy traits functions are also planned, but no details are known about that yet.
    - Revolutions can happen, leading to the separation of countries. (As an example, a rebellion of the Scotts was given).
    - Enhanced auto management.
    - The big change for the fans is the reinvention of army movement. "It's fair to say that the campaign map in Rome and Medieval was divided into army-sized tiles, "Each tile could hold one army. In Empire, there's no tiling system. The player will never see any type of tiling artefact - it's entirely freeform. It's like taking the squares off the chessboard."
    - Slavery appears, but it's not something you can actively get involved in.
    - You will be able to build colonies. It will make a difference, whether you settle in the wilderness of the Americas, or whether you can use preexisting infrastructure in India.
    - Each nation will still have a capital.
    - You can change the form of government between: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy, and Republic. This will directly influence how you can deal with revolts and how fast you develop new technologies. Other factions will treat you according to your form of government.
    - Taxes can be set seperately for Nobles, Burghers, and Peasants.
    - The event movies will be in also, as there are already some screenshots from them too.

    - North America
    Spanish settlements in the Caribbean.
    British Colonists/Americans in the west.
    Native Americans.

    - South America

    - Europe

    - North Africa
    French colonies in North Africa.
    Native Africans.
    - Central Asia
    English trading posts in India.
    Mughals in India.

    Historical figures:
    - Peter The Great
    - Malborough
    - Charles XII of Sweden.
    - Wellington.
    - Napoleon (according to PC Gameplay).
    - According to Mike Simpson, there's even a possibility to have Napoleon himself in your own ranks when around the end of the century you recruit an artillery unit in Corsica.

    Playable: 11. (temporarily list according to Cn Iulius Flamininus).
    - Britain
    - America
    - Sweden
    - United Provinces(Netherlands)
    - Poland-Lithuania
    - Russia
    - Prussia
    - Venice
    - Spain
    - France
    - Ottoman Empire

    Non-playable: approximatly 40.

    Undetermined (playable or non-playable):
    - Poland-Lithuania.

    Land Battles:
    - Maximum of twenty regiments (according to James Russell in PC Gameplay). (I'm sorry, but I have to say that I'm really dissapointed about this).
    - Real time battles will pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare.
    - Capturing and occupying key buildings around the map. They will automatically take up defensive positions and fire out of windows/doors. You'll need to be careful however, because artillery can destroy buildings.
    - Using cover, such as behind walls.
    - Earth walls can be constructed, units entrenched and the battlefield is fully destructible.
    - One can only besiege star shaped forts...
    - Sound will be adjusted and improved so that the battlefields will become much more alive!

    - Heavy artillery in the form of cannons, mortar and early rocket launchers, with bouncing cannonballs who bounce differently depending on the surface they hit slicing through drifting gunsmoke to tear up lines of infantry.
    - Cannons will seize up and explode.
    - Well-organized batteries of cannon.

    - Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire, the boom of artillery and the thunderous charge of cavalry.
    - Generals will bark out orders to their regiments as the player orchestrates the battle utilizing formations, unit abilities and drills.
    - Formations: Line to mass their fire, Square to defend against cavalry charges or spread out in loose formation to minimize damage from cannon fire are all excellent tactics that the player will have to keep in mind.
    - There will be a fire button. It's a sort of override tool so you can time your shot when you want to. And timing is critical. Let off muskets too early, and you won't do enough damage. Let off your muskets too late in the face of a cavalry charge, and you've got every chance of being crushed by a flying dead horse."
    - There's more of an emphasis on fire in Empire, but that doesn't mean that shock isn't also a vital component of battle. (Most of your fire units will have a shock attack as well.)


    - Weapons will jam and misfire.
    - The field of conflict will become strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men, lacerated and dismembered by pike, bayonet and shot.
    - Draw armies out of the cities, removing the dominance of sieges. That's being done by making region improvements - structures such as barracks, mines and palaces - exist outside of the city, vulnerable to attack. Generals can no longer afford to hide behind their city walls in the event of an invasion. They must sally forth and chase the aggressor away.

    Sea Battles:
    - 3D naval combat
    - Intuitively command vast fleets or single ships
    - After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board taking control of your men as they fight hand to hand on the decks.
    - Once a ship is conquered by bordering it, you add it to your navy, but, this doesn't mean you can deploy it straight away, you'll have to return to a harbor, recruit a crue, repair damage to the ship before you're able to put it into service.
    - Movement of ships is identical to the way land armies are moved, you have several harbors in which you can construct ships and these are then one at a time moved on the campaign map.
    - Realistic sailing model. (Different wind conditions, different light conditions, different weather conditions).
    Example: A gust of wind is caused by a whirlpool of wind moving vertically; they actually move quite slowly and cover quite large areas - you see it because it makes the surface of the water rough, and the rest shiny. It means you can build gameplay into entering and chasing gusts of wind, and using them to overtake an enemy fleet."
    - There will be rigging. Stays, shrouds etc. (Exactly how detailed they will be will depend on performance).
    - Cannon and musket fire.
    - Boarding actions.
    - A full and very detailed damage model . The cannonballs can knock down masts, damage the sails , riggings and hulls and they'll kill individual men. That obviously affects the manouvrability of your ships.
    - Full range of weather effects to influence battles. These will play out on stunning, ultra-realistic seascapes, as cannons and muskets blaze away, cutting through the smoke and fog to splinter, pierce and shatter hulls, sails and masts, laying waste to crew members and sending them to Davy Jones' Locker.
    - Ship-specific formations and admiral traits.
    - Each ship takes up a single unit space.
    - Players can field fleets of up to 20 ships with each of about 100 men on board who will make sure there is utter chaos and explosions on board.
    - Pirates are included.
    - You'll have a variety of choices to make when engaging in naval combat. Your cannons can be directed to aim for the hull to sink an enemy, for the decks to clear the way for boarding action by your marines, or for the masts to reduce the enemy's speed and maneuverability.
    - There will be various classes of vessel, which will essentially vary by maneuverability, speed, and firepower.
    - Command your ships whether you want to aim at the sails or at the hull, or at the men on the decks. You can choose what ammunition to load (Three types).
    - You'll see and feel it all: the wind in the sails, the choking atmosphere of the gun-deck as the crew frantically reload the cannons, the fights on deck... the man at the steering wheel, driving the boat. (we definatly need to read up on those nautical terms ).
    - Seablockades can be performed to cripple the economy of other nations.
    - Screenshot: Sinking ship.(PC Gameplay).

    - Brand new graphics engine and technology which will include:
    - Seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat.
    - New advanced landscape and flora systems, dynamic weather and new battle choreography and occupy-able and destructible battlefield buildings.
    - New ballistics and physics model.

    - The game won't start full tilt with access to every single feature. Players will have the chance to wade around in the shallow end of the pool for a while before having to contend with all the options the game has to offer.
    - Even when the other options start opening up, the team has reduced many of the management hassles that are present in the series. Recruiting big armies in Medieval II or in Rome require you to issue individual production orders in a number of different provinces. Empire will allow you to build large armies simply by recruiting units at your general. He'll then translate that request into production orders in nearby provinces.
    - Similarly, players of previous Total War games have had to balance each of their provinces individually to maximize tax output and minimize unrest. Now, the game makes use of a more comprehensive tool to manage things across your entire empire.
    - Given the time period, managing unrest is going to be a relatively important concern. As your society advances, your citizens will demand more and more freedom, which can definitely put a crimp in your own policies. You can choose to liberate them and become a modern enlightened state, or you could hold on to your power a little longer by crushing your people under an oppressive regime. Where previous games saw peoples aligned by religious affiliation, Empire will tend to focus more on this concept of political freedom as a component of happiness.

    - A brand new multiplayer component will include player rankings, leagues and ladders and completely new gameplay modes.

    - Modding: we want to give the modders a push in the back by releasing some tools we also work with, with these tools you can as a designer make adjustments without having to harass the programmers, this make these tools ideal for modders. We're not certain yet whether will release these tools with the game itself or put them online after the release of the game.
  9. Armilio


    18 Settembre 2007
    Hinterland di Milano
    Infatti,con creativ assembly il gioco si è comunque costantemente evoluto,nel male e nel bene...il TW della sega invece è stato il primo che ha ricevuto delle critche non leggere dagli appassionati e ad essere stato definito poco innovativo.Come al solito la sega come tutte le grandi case distributrici ha spremuto(e credo spremerà)il titolo fino all'ultimo,senza rischiare di cambiare qualcosa....:facepalm:

    Punto tanto su questo gioco per rivedere un TW che sia degno di questo nome...non perchè MTW2 non sia bello,però mi ha un pò deluso,bastava qualche lavoretto in più,qualche ottimizzazione a livello di gioco(bellissimo poter andare in america...peccato che bisogna arrivare fino al 1400 per farla...voglio sapere chi è che ha aspettato così tanto!avverto che comunque ci sarà l'espansione con 4 campagne,tra qui ci sarà una ambientata nell'americhe).E poi finalmente ci saranno le battaglie navali!:love:

    E poi un gioco ambientato in quest'epoca con una grafica superba ci voleva!:sbav:

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