Field of Glory in italiano! (patch 1.5.4)

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da JMass, 6 Maggio 2011.

  1. JMass

    JMass Moderator Membro dello Staff

    19 Marzo 2006
    Segnalo che è disponibile l'ultima patch che porta FoG alla v 1.5.4 e lo localizza in italiano, altre modifiche:

    Fix: The name of a notranslate string constant was mistyped in the Accept Challenge window. (This meant the window did not respond to a user clicking in their list of armies.)
    Fix: Fixed an error in the last Bosporan list.
    Update: Updated some upper and lower case usage in the Italian edition.
    Update: Updated army list tamper prevention data.
    Add: German in-game icons.
    Add: German help documentation.
    Update: Updated the Italian help documentation.
    Fix: Fixed an issue in the later Bosporan list with impact weapons for MF and spear for MF being swapped in error.
    Fix: Restored the ability to load some saved Early Republican Roman armies.
    Add: Rise of Rome in Italian and German.
    Add: Revised Carthaginian army in Italy list, the old version is now hidden from any new army builds.
    Add: Validation of the file name typed by the user when they are saving an army.
    Add:Immortal Fire in German and Italian.
    Add: Legions Triumphant in German and Italian.
    Fix: Some minor issues with the and/or options in some D.A.G. lists.
    Add: Classical Indian MF bow general option to some lists and in the scenario editor.
    Fix: Some inconsistent case issues on some menu tabs.
    Fix: Free company general options in the Aragonese D.A.G. list.
    Change: Changed fog and fognet version numbers to 1.5.4.
    Fix: Possible fix for a null pointer crash in uiplayer.htk.GraphicsArea.Paint that could not be reproduced.
    Fix: The Spartacus armies in Rise of Rome had invalid XML.
    Update: Updated army tamper prevention data.
  2. archita


    18 Settembre 2007
    la patch toglie i nomi delle armies in-game per SOA, un difetto che credevo fosse una corruzione o un errore e ho dovuto resinstallare XD

    invece se si vuole tornare all'inglese ( che è meglio ) basta rinominare il file IT.MO in ENG.MO e SOA torna corretto.

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