E' disponibile la patch 1.1.2 http://www.slitherine.com/files/fog/field_of_glory_patch_1.1.2.exe Questa patch non supporta la Matrix Games edition, che sarà presto disponibile qui: http://www.matrixgames.com/products/latestdownloads.asp Changes in v1.1.2 Change: Medium foot will no longer charge impetuously if they would end up in clear terrain. Fix: Correct a number of typo's in the D.A.G. army lists. Fix: Issue with some baggage camp deployment locations changing after a game has started. Add: Line of sight/Fog of War functionality for Rise of Rome owners. Add: Field fortifications can now be deployed in the same way as baggage camps. Add: Shooters now use the new Line of Sight logic. Fix: Null pointer crash in gamelogic.s.RoutPath.movePathGrow. Add: Updated artillery battlegroup graphics. Fix: Improved restrictions with a logical 'or' in the DAG. Add: Added new user contributed scenario, Rhone Crossing 218 BC (JB). Add: Added new user contributed scenario, Akragas 406 BC (DC). Add: Added new user contributed scenario, Crimissos River 341 BC (DC). Add: Added new user contributed scenario, Hecatombeaum 226BC (AD). Add: Added new user contributed scenario, Medway 43AD (ND). Add: Added new user contributed scenario, Tagus 220 BC (DC).
Ed ecco il link per scaricare la patch 1.1.2 per la versione Matrix Games: http://matrixgames.com/products/380/downloads/Field of Glory - Rise of Rome
ho scaricato la patch 1.1.2 della matrix ma certi file della patch non vengono aperti, sarà per il fatto che ho rise of rome della Slitherine?