E' disponibile una nuova piccola patch per Field of Glory, scaricabile da qui http://www.slitherine.com/files/fog/field_of_glory_patch_1.03.exe Lista delle modifiche: * The length of passwords in private games has been limited to 16 characters. This is the maximum the system can handle but the game was incorrectly allowing you to set it longer and then a bad error message reported it was too short causing general confusion. Now it is all fixed. * New scenario - The Battle of Lyginus River 335 B.C. * Non-shock foot no longer pursue mounted. * Shock foot no longer pursue mounted on passing a complex move test. * Battle wagons and artillery will now never pursue. * Some mounted troops were gaining swordsmen capability when not so armed and this has been fixed. la patch è compatibile con tutte le versioni di Field of Glory sia Slitherine che Matrix (dalla v1.00 alla 1.02). Aggiungo che chi non avesse sottomano il proprio seriale perchè magari lo tiene sul pc e non sul portatile, può leggerlo nel file Slitherine\Field of Glory\FOG.txt