E' disponibile una nuova patch per Field of Glory (e Rise of Rome), scaricabile da qui http://www.slitherine.com/files/fog/field_of_glory_patch_1.1.1.exe Occhio che sono 236 MB! Lista delle modifiche (purtroppo non hanno ancora aggiunto la LOS): 1.Change: Logic: Scenario editor and D.A.G: Inspired commanders default to a 8 hex range. 2.Change: Logic: Scenario editor and D.A.G: Field commanders default to a 5 hex range. 3.Change: Logic: Scenario editor and D.A.G: Troop commanders default to a 3 hex range. 4.Change: Logic: Units are now prevented turning if they have done a melee attack earlier in the same player turn. 5.Fix: Logic: Infinite loop in gamelogic.s.autodeploy.DeployUnit.intDeployLeader on certain armies, leading to hard crash. 6.Fix: Logic: In cohesion tests, units could provide rear support even if they were routed. 7.Change: Army generator: Leader radius and profile in generated game data. 8.Fix: Logic: Deployment was being allowed in blocked hexes. 9.Fix: OutOfBoundsException in gamefixed.s.AncientsFHexImp.Constructor, when loading a map that was originally created before 1.1.0, and has since had terrain like 'Broken' added. 10.Fix: UI: Null pointer crash in uiplayer.s.AncientsUI.InitComplete2. 11.Fix: D.A.G.: Fixed a number of descriptive and O.B. errors in the D.A.G. 12.Fix: Graphics: Fixed an issue with a number of unit facing images when turning a unit. 13.Fix: Some minor scenario O.B. issues. 14.Fix: All terrain effects were reviewed and updated. 15.Fix: Fixed a problem with some faint lines appearing at some zoom levels. 16.Fix: Fixed a problem closing replay before it is complete in a multi-player game. 17.Fix: Fixed a problem destroyed baggage camps re-appearing. 18.Fix: Crash when loading a map that was originally created before 1.1.0, and has since had terrain like 'Broken' added. 19.Fix: Logic: Deployment was being allowed in blocked hexes. 20.Change: Army generator: Leader radius and profile in generated game data. 21.Fix: Logic: In cohesion tests, units could provide rear support even if they were routed. 22.Fix: Logic: Freeze and crash on starting the game, when using certain armies in army generator games. 23.Change: Logic: Units are now prevented from turning if they have done a melee attack earlier in the same player turn. 24.Add: Ability to retry a failed multiplayer game upload. 25.Add: Multiplayer: Better validation of game upload. 26.Fix: Logic: Certain disorder code was relying on an old hex terrain value. 27.Fix: The issue where the UI would wrongly show possible move paths for a moved unit, for a short time after that unit moved. 28.Change: Disorder logic. 29.Fix: UI: Map pictures would have white lines at the edge, after rotating at zoom levels other than 1:1. 30.Fix: Off-map camps were re-appearing when a game was loaded. 31.Change: Reduced use of video RAM, particularly when loading many different scenarios without quitting and re-opening the game. 32.Fix: Closing a multiplayer game while the replay was in progress was causing it to be wrongly sent back to the opponent.