FoG] Patch 1.11

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da JMass, 13 Marzo 2010.

  1. JMass

    JMass Moderator Membro dello Staff

    19 Marzo 2006
    E' disponibile una nuova patch per Field of Glory (e Rise of Rome), scaricabile da qui
    Occhio che sono 236 MB!

    Lista delle modifiche (purtroppo non hanno ancora aggiunto la LOS):
    1.Change: Logic: Scenario editor and D.A.G: Inspired commanders default to a 8 hex range.
    2.Change: Logic: Scenario editor and D.A.G: Field commanders default to a 5 hex range.
    3.Change: Logic: Scenario editor and D.A.G: Troop commanders default to a 3 hex range.
    4.Change: Logic: Units are now prevented turning if they have done a melee attack earlier in the same player turn.
    5.Fix: Logic: Infinite loop in gamelogic.s.autodeploy.DeployUnit.intDeployLeader on certain armies, leading to hard crash.
    6.Fix: Logic: In cohesion tests, units could provide rear support even if they were routed.
    7.Change: Army generator: Leader radius and profile in generated game data.
    8.Fix: Logic: Deployment was being allowed in blocked hexes.
    9.Fix: OutOfBoundsException in gamefixed.s.AncientsFHexImp.Constructor, when loading a map that was originally created before 1.1.0, and has since had terrain like 'Broken' added.
    10.Fix: UI: Null pointer crash in uiplayer.s.AncientsUI.InitComplete2.
    11.Fix: D.A.G.: Fixed a number of descriptive and O.B. errors in the D.A.G.
    12.Fix: Graphics: Fixed an issue with a number of unit facing images when turning a unit.
    13.Fix: Some minor scenario O.B. issues.
    14.Fix: All terrain effects were reviewed and updated.
    15.Fix: Fixed a problem with some faint lines appearing at some zoom levels.
    16.Fix: Fixed a problem closing replay before it is complete in a multi-player game.
    17.Fix: Fixed a problem destroyed baggage camps re-appearing.
    18.Fix: Crash when loading a map that was originally created before 1.1.0, and has since had terrain like 'Broken' added.
    19.Fix: Logic: Deployment was being allowed in blocked hexes.
    20.Change: Army generator: Leader radius and profile in generated game data.
    21.Fix: Logic: In cohesion tests, units could provide rear support even if they were routed.
    22.Fix: Logic: Freeze and crash on starting the game, when using certain armies in army generator games.
    23.Change: Logic: Units are now prevented from turning if they have done a melee attack earlier in the same player turn.
    24.Add: Ability to retry a failed multiplayer game upload.
    25.Add: Multiplayer: Better validation of game upload.
    26.Fix: Logic: Certain disorder code was relying on an old hex terrain value.
    27.Fix: The issue where the UI would wrongly show possible move paths for a moved unit, for a short time after that unit moved.
    28.Change: Disorder logic.
    29.Fix: UI: Map pictures would have white lines at the edge, after rotating at zoom levels other than 1:1.
    30.Fix: Off-map camps were re-appearing when a game was loaded.
    31.Change: Reduced use of video RAM, particularly when loading many different scenarios without quitting and re-opening the game.
    32.Fix: Closing a multiplayer game while the replay was in progress was causing it to be wrongly sent back to the opponent.

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