IA poco reattiva

Discussione in 'Darkest Hour' iniziata da pilade, 12 Ottobre 2011.

  1. pilade


    22 Novembre 2007
    Ho fatto una partita con le modifche fatte da me ed evento dopo evento è riuscita, tuttavia ho notato che, dopo che la Persia ha attaccato ed annesso con facilità, seguendo le mie direttive, la Turchia e l'Afghanistan essa si blocca...le sue armate ad esempio non invadono l'iraq, si fermano ai confini e non sfondano nè in india nè in russai, nonostante avessi messo le provincie di queste nazioni come target...come mai? forse ho messo troppe province come target? (ne ho messo tante a dire il vero).

    # Persia 1936 AI File by Lothos

    switch = no # [yes/no]
    flags = { MOB1 = yes MOB2 = yes MOB3 = yes MOB4 = yes MOB5 = yes }
    max_front_ratio = 1.2
    max_garrison_prop = 0.30
    min_garrison_prop = 0.20
    neutrality = 150
    war = 1
    upgrading = 0.70
    reinforcement = 0.7
    strat_redeploy_threshold = 25
    exp_force_ratio = 0.0
    exp_force_ratios = { }
    no_exp_forces_to = { }
    use_offensive_supply = no

    # Diplomacy
    combat = {AFG = 300
    TUR = 200 }

    claim_acceptance = -59

    # Special resistance against "influence" by the listed nations. Value range = [0 - 10]
    resistance = {
    SOV = 500
    ENG = 200
    befriend = {

    protect = { }
    target = { }
    trade = {
    cancel_deal_threshold = 2

    energy = -1
    rare_materials = -1
    metal = -1
    oil = -1
    supplies = -1
    money = -1

    favored = {

    embargo = { ENG SOV }
    tech_sharing = {
    favored = { }
    embargo = { }
    not = { }
    prioritized = {
    # Agriculture
    5020 = 100
    5030 = 100
    5040 = 100

    # Inf support
    1310 = 100
    1320 = 100
    1330 = 100
    1340 = 100
    1350 = 100
    1360 = 100

    # Production
    5050 = 100
    5060 = 100
    5070 = 100
    5080 = 100
    5090 = 100
    5100 = 100
    5110 = 100
    5120 = 100
    5130 = 100
    5150 = 100
    5180 = 100

    # Light / Mountain
    1110 = 100
    1120 = 100
    1130 = 100
    1140 = 100
    # Spying
    spyprefs =
    percentage_on_spies = 0.0
    percentage_foreign_mission = 0.0

    # Used for Intell efficiency and for setting minimum chance to succeed for the AI to do that particular type of mission
    spyprefsdata =
    NumberOfSpies = 10
    min_number_of_spies = 3
    steal_blueprint = 10
    minister_assassination = 5
    smear_campaign = 10
    coup = 3
    sabotage_industry = 10
    nuclear_sabotage = 5
    found_partisans = 10
    massmedia = 10
    disrupt_techteam = 10
    country = PER
    spyprefsdata = {
    country_priorities = 3
    steal_blueprint = 10
    minister_assassination = 1
    smear_campaign = 3
    coup = 1
    sabotage_industry = 5
    nuclear_sabotage = 0
    found_partisans = 1
    massmedia = 1
    disrupt_techteam = 5
    country = IRQ
    spyprefsdata = {
    country_priorities = 3
    steal_blueprint = 10
    minister_assassination = 1
    smear_campaign = 3
    coup = 1
    sabotage_industry = 5
    nuclear_sabotage = 0
    found_partisans = 1
    massmedia = 1
    disrupt_techteam = 5
    country = AFG
    spyprefsdata = {
    country_priorities = 5
    steal_blueprint = 10
    minister_assassination = 0
    smear_campaign = 0
    coup = 0
    sabotage_industry = 0
    nuclear_sabotage = 0
    found_partisans = 0
    massmedia = 1
    disrupt_techteam = 0
    country = SOV
    # Construction and Tech Research
    #Default values
    construction = {
    max_factor = 1.00

    AA_batteries = atwar
    max_AA_level = 2
    AA_provs = {
    1085 # Teheran

    coastal_fort = no
    max_coastal_level = 3
    coastal_fort_provs = { }

    radar_station = no
    max_radar = 5
    radar_provs = { }

    air_base = no
    max_air_base = 2
    air_base_provs = { }

    naval_base = no
    max_naval_base = 3
    naval_base_provs = { }

    land_fort = no
    max_land_level = 2
    fort_borders = { }

    ic_at_war = no
    force_ic_until = 1945
    ic_end_year = 1945
    IC_provs = {
    1085 # Teheran
    1087 # Abadan
    1091 # Bandar Abbas

    military = {
    relative_build_scheme = no
    max_batch_peace = 680
    max_batch_war = 320
    max_batch_home_front = 180
    extra_convoys_war = 0.0000
    extra_convoys_peace = 0.0000

    #### Divisions etc...
    infantry = 70
    cavalry = 0
    motorized = 5
    mechanized = 5
    light_armor = 0
    armor = 10
    paratrooper = 5
    marine = 0
    bergsjae = 5
    garrison = 0
    hq = 0
    militia = 0
    # 58 %
    interceptor = 0
    multi_role = 0
    cas = 0
    strategic_bomber = 0
    tactical_bomber = 0
    naval_bomber = 0
    transport_plane = 0
    flying_bomb = 0
    flying_rocket = 0
    # 22 %
    battleship = 0
    carrier = 0
    escort_carrier = 0
    destroyer = 0
    light_cruiser = 0
    heavy_cruiser = 0
    battlecruiser = 0
    submarine = 0
    nuclear_submarine = 0
    transports = 0
    # 20 %

    #### Brigades
    artillery = 20
    sp_artillery = 0
    rocket_artillery = 0
    sp_rct_artillery = 0
    anti_tank = 8
    tank_destroyer = 0
    light_armor_brigade = 0
    heavy_armor = 0
    super_heavy_armor = 0
    armored_car = 0
    anti_air = 5
    police = 0
    engineer = 5

    cag = 100.000
    escort = 100.0000

    naval_asw = 20.0000
    naval_anti_air_s = 20.0000
    naval_radar_s = 20.0000
    naval_fire_controll_s = 20.0000
    naval_improved_hull_s = 10.0000
    naval_torpedoes_s = 10.0000
    naval_anti_air_l = 0.0000
    naval_radar_l = 0.0000
    naval_fire_controll_l = 0.0000
    naval_improved_hull_l = 0.0000
    naval_torpedoes_l = 0.0000

    technology = {
    endgoal = { }
    preference = {
    # Regular Infantry
    1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 13000 13010 13020

    # Firepower Focus - Air-Land Battle (Superior Firepower Path - US)
    6010 6020 6040 6050 6060 6070 6080 6090 6100 14050

    # Combat Engineers
    1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900

    # Light / Mountain
    1160 1170 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 13030 13040 13050

    # Marines
    1560 1570 1580 1590 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660

    # Airborne Infantry
    1670 1680 1690 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740

    # Motorized Infantry
    1396 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460

    # Mechanized Infantry
    1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 1520

    # Great War Tanks
    2620 2010

    # Light Tanks
    2630 2640 2646 2650 2030 2040 2050 2060

    # Medium Tanks
    2070 2080 2090 2140

    # Main Battle Tanks
    11000 2660 11010 2670

    # Tank Destroyers
    2170 2180 2850 2190 2200 2210 11020 11026

    # Heavy Tanks
    2100 2110 2120 2126 2127 2130

    # Armored Cars
    2860 2870 2880 2020 2150 2160 2890 11110

    # Field Artillery Support
    2290 2300 2310 2900 2910 2920 2930 2940 2320 2330 2340 2360 2950 2350

    # Self-Propelled Artillery
    2220 2230 2240 2250 11030 11040 2960 2966

    # Static Anti-Air
    2800 2450 21180 21190 21200 2460 2470 2480 2490 2500 11080

    # Anti-Tank Artillery
    2400 2410 2420 2430

    # Rocket Artillery
    2970 2370 2380 2390

    # Anti-Air Brigades
    2810 2820 2510 2520 2530 2540 11090

    # Self-Propelled Anti-Air
    22910 22920 22930 22940 22950 22960

    # SP Rocket Artillery
    2980 2260 2270 2280 11050 11060 2990

    # Manufacturing
    5810 5820 5050 5830 5060 5070 5130 5110 5120 5840 5850 5860

    # Applied Assembly lines
    5140 5150 5160 5170 5180

    # Material Science
    53040 53050

    # Rocketry

    # Construction Engineering
    5800 5080 5090 5100 5900 5910

    # Radar Warning
    5410 5416 5417 5420 5426 5430 5440 5466 5450 5460 53030 5476 53070

    # Computers
    5310 54010 54020 54030 5320 5330 5340

    # Synthetic Oil
    5190 5200 5210 5220 5230 5240 53020

    # Custom Equipment
    5920 5940 5960 5980 5930 5950 5970 5990

    # Cryptography
    5316 5326 5327 5350 5360 5370 5380 5390 5400 53060 53116

    # Agriculture
    5700 5710 5010 5020 5030 5040 5720 53000 53010

    # Medicine
    5600 5610 5620 5630 5640 5650 5660 5670

    # Armor Formation

    ignore = {


    armor = 10
    infantry = 32
    industry = 5
    aircraft = 0
    naval = 0
    land_doctrines = 15
    secret_weapons = 0
    air_doctrines = 0
    naval_doctrines = 0

    # Ground Combat, Leaders and Garrisons
    leader_ratio = {
    land_field_marshal =0.02
    land_general =0.031
    land_lt_general =0.41

    sea_grand_admiral =0.02
    sea_admiral =0.061
    sea_vice_admiral =0.401

    air_marshal =0.02
    air_general =0.091
    air_lt_General =0.11
    garrison = {
    defend_overseas_beaches = yes
    home_multiplier = 1.0
    overseas_multiplier = 0.5
    home_peace_cap = 20
    war_zone_odds = 2.0
    key_point_prio_mult = 0
    revolt_risk_mult = 1.0

    beach = 20 # Beach level 2
    capital = 40 # Our capital
    human_border = 0 # Ignored for allied human players
    war_target = 50 # The next country targeted for attack by this AI

    opposing_alliance = 50 # For neutrals, all alliances are "opposing"
    claim_threat = 0 # If we are neutral, countries with claims on us get this
    unstable_border = 0 # Bordering countries at war with someone else get this

    # Borders with specific countries
    country_priorities = {
    SOV = 150
    TUR = 1000
    IRQ = 100
    AFG = 500
    ENG = 50
    U02 = 100
    province_priorities = { }
    area_multiplier = { }
    front = {
    recklessness = 3 # 0-3
    distrib_vs_ai = offensive
    distrib_vs_human = offensive

    enemy_reinf_days = 6
    reserve_prop = 0.1
    panic_ratio_vs_ai = 2.5
    panic_ratio_vs_human = 2.5
    base_attack_odds = 1.3
    min_attack_odds = 1.1
    max_attack_odds = 3.0
    reinforce_odds = 1.2
    withdraw_odds = 0.6

    strength = 1.0
    organisation = 1.0
    soft_attack = 1.0
    hard_attack = 1.0
    ground_defense = 1.0
    dig_in = 1.0 # Against defender

    frozen_attack = 1.0
    snow_attack = 1.0
    blizzard_attack = 1.0
    storm_attack = 1.0
    muddy_attack = 1.0

    occupied = 0.7
    owned = 0.7

    jungle_attack = 1.0
    mountain_attack = 1.0
    swamp_attack = 1.0
    forest_attack = 1.0
    hill_attack = 1.0
    urban_attack = 1.0
    river = 1.0

    enemy_handicap = { }
    passivity = { }
    # Air bombardment and defense
    # Air AI File For Ground Bombings as priority
    # bomber is now obsolete and NOT USED AT ALL replace and use Air Marshal instead

    air_marshal = {
    min_mission_strength_org = 0.8
    icxdayscostfactor = 10.0 # How to value true industrial cost when calculating expect causalties
    manpowercostfactor = 100.0 # How to value manpower cost when calculating expect causalties
    destructionriskthreashold = 0.2 # when to fear a divisiopn might be destroyed

    # desirability is a multiplier used when calcualting the mission desirability
    airsuperioritydesirability = 30.0
    groundattackdesirability = 40.0
    inderdictiondesirability = 20.0
    logisticalstrikedesirability = 2.0
    runwaycrateringdesirability = 10.0
    strategicstrikedesirability = 10.0
    installationstrikedesirability = 5.0
    navalstrikedesirability = 15.0
    portstrikedesirability = 9.0
    convoyraiddesirability = 9.0

    # tolerance is the required kill:loss ration expected to do
    # mission, 2.0 accept twice the losses of your enemy, 0.5 accept half
    airsuperioritylosstolerance = 1.0
    groundattacklosstolerance = 1.0
    interdictionlosstolerance = 2.0
    logisticalstrikelosstolerance = 0.5
    runwaycrateringlosstolerance = 1.5
    strategicstriketolerance = 4.5
    installationstriketolerance = 1.5
    navalstriketolerance = 1.0
    portstriketolerance = 1.0
    convoyraidtolerance = 1.0

    # efficency is a tweakable param to adjust according to how
    # much actual damage comes from doing this mission (not to be confused with desirability)
    logisticalstrikeefficency = 0.01
    runwaycrateringefficency = 0.01
    strategicstrikeefficency = 0.01
    installationstrikeefficency = 0.01

    taskforcetype = { name = "Air Superiority" desiredratio = 0.400 rangeweight = 10.000 airkillpowerweight = 2000.000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.000 softkillpowerweight = 0.000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.000 airvulnurabilityweight = -1.000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = 0.000 idle = yes reorganize = yes air_superiority = yes }
    taskforcetype = { name = "Soft Bombing" desiredratio = 0.250 rangeweight = 10.000 airkillpowerweight = 0.000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.000 softkillpowerweight = 2000.000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.000 idle = yes reorganize = yes interdiction = yes ground_attack = yes }
    taskforcetype = { name = "Hard Bombing" desiredratio = 0.100 rangeweight = 10.000 airkillpowerweight = 0.000 hardkillpowerweight = 2000.000 softkillpowerweight = 0.000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.000 idle = yes reorganize = yes interdiction = yes ground_attack = yes }
    taskforcetype = { name = "Strategic Bombing" desiredratio = 0.100 rangeweight = 10.000 airkillpowerweight = 0.000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.000 softkillpowerweight = 0.000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.000 strategickillpowerweight = 2000.000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.000 airvulnurabilityweight = -0.500 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -0.500 idle = yes reorganize = yes logistical_strike = yes runway_cratering = yes strategic_bombardment = yes installation_strike = yes }
    taskforcetype = { name = "Naval Bombing" desiredratio = 0.050 rangeweight = 10.000 airkillpowerweight = 0.000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.000 softkillpowerweight = 0.000 navalkillpowerweight = 2000.000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.000 idle = yes reorganize = yes naval_strike = yes port_strike = yes convoy_air_raiding = yes }
    taskforcetype = { name = "Airlift" desiredratio = 0.100 rangeweight = 10.000 airkillpowerweight = 0.000 hardkillpowerweight = -2000.000 softkillpowerweight = -2000.000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.000 strategickillpowerweight = -2000.000 transportcapacityweight = 1000000.000 airvulnurabilityweight = -1.000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = 0.000 idle = yes reorganize = yes airborne_assault = yes air_supply = yes }
    # Invasions and Naval
    invasion = {
    base = 0.1 #Relative modifier. (lower = specific targets much more important.)
    random = 8.0 #How big a random range. (1.0 = 1%)
    coastal = 0.1 #increase to avoid coastal forts more.
    beach = 0.1 #higher, avoid worst beaches.
    distance = 10.0 #higher = avoid long distance.
    pocket = 20.0 #prioritise pockets, ie provinces with no adjacent controlled by same.
    island = 0.1 #prioritise taking pure islands.
    enemy = 2.0 #higher = much more vary of troops in province.
    adjacentenemy = 2.0 #higher = much more vary of troops nearby
    air_base = 1.5
    naval_base = 0.1
    air_support = 3.0
    redirect = priority
    ignore = no

    target = { 1059 = 100
    1062 = 300
    1063 = 300
    1067 = 300
    1075 = 200
    409 = 200
    2173 = 100
    1485 = 30
    1100 = 50
    705 = 20
    1030 = 20
    713 = 50
    1181 = 50
    695 = 70
    1041 = 30
    2168 = 30
    1486 = 100
    709 = 100
    708 = 100
    707 = 100
    711 = 30
    712 = 100
    2168 = 100
    2173 = 200
    2172 = 100
    2169 = 100
    2171 = 200
    1028 = 100
    1037 = 100
    1032 = 100
    1031 = 100
    1522 = 100
    1518 = 100
    1526 = 100
    1524 = 100
    1460 = 100
    1521 = 100
    admiral = {
    min_org = 100 # NEW: Percent of org gained back before the unit can leave port
    min_dmg = 98 # NEW: Percent of dmg gained back before the unit can leave port
    return_org = 60 # NEW: PERCENT OF ORG LOST BEFORE RETURNING TO PORT applies to all fleets/ships
    return_dmg = 80 # NEW: PERCENT OF DMG LOST BEFORE RETURNING TO PORT for repairs applies to all fleets/ships

    ignore = {
    #Baltic Area
    "Northern Baltic"
    "Southern Baltic"
    "Bothnian Bay"

    "Barents Sea"
    "Arctic Ocean"

    #Norway Coast (Denmark Coast)
    "Norwegian Sea"
    "East North Sea"

    #North Sea, East Coast of England
    "Central Northsea"
    "West Northsea"
    "Southeast Northsea"

    #England/France border Sea Areas
    "English Channel"
    "Bay of Biscay"
    "Cape Finisterre"

    #Spanish Coast (Atlantic Side)
    "Portugese Coast"
    "Cap St Vincent"

    "Faroes Gap"
    "Denmark Strait"

    #Ireland/West Coast of England
    "Irish Sea"
    "The Hebreides"
    "Irish West Coast"

    "Greenland Coast"
    "Northern Sea of Labrador"
    "Southern Sea of Labrador"

    #Canada East Coast
    "Hudson Bay"
    "Grand Banks"
    "Canadian Maritimes"

    #Western Mediterranean
    "Costa del Sol"
    "Gulf of Lyon"
    "Alian Coast"

    #Central Mediterranean
    "Tyrrhenian Sea"
    "Adriatic Sea"

    #Eastern Mediterranean
    "Black Sea"
    "Aegean Sea"
    "Egyptian Coast"

    #North Atlantic
    "North Atlantic"
    "Western Approaches"
    "The Seamounts"

    #Central Atlantic
    "Central Atlantic"
    "Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge"
    "Bermuda Triangle"
    "Guiana Basin"
    "South-Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge"
    "Cap Verde"

    #South Atlantic
    "Pernambuco Plain"
    "Ascension Fracture Zone"
    "Argentine Plain"
    "Angola Plain"

    #Caribbean Sea and Guilf of Mexico
    "West Gulf of Mexico"
    "East Gulf of Mexico"
    "Florida Strait"
    "Yucatan Strait"
    "Windward Islands"
    "Central Carribean"

    #Brazil and Argentina Coast
    "Coast of Guyana"
    "Coast of Recife"
    "Coast of Uruguay"
    "Coast of Brazil"
    "Coast of Argentina"

    # West Africa
    "Coast of Africa"
    "Coast of Bissao"

    #Equitorial Africa
    "Gulf of Guinea"
    "Coast of Angola-Namibia"

    #South Africa
    "Coast of South Africa"
    "Atlantic-Indian Ridge"

    #East Africa
    "Red Sea"
    "Horn of Africa"

    #Madagascar Coast
    "South Mozambique Channel"
    "North Mozambique Channel"
    "Northeast Coast of Madagascar"
    "Southeast Coast of Madagascar"

    #North Indian Ocean (Persian Gulf)
    "North Arabian Sea"
    "South Arabian Sea"
    "Coast of Ceylon"

    #Central/South Indian Ocean
    "Mascarene Plateau"
    "Mid-Indian Ridge"
    "Ninetyeast Ridge"
    "Southeast Indian Ocean"
    "Southwest Indian Ocean"

    #Bay of Bengal & West Indonesia
    "East Bay of Bengal"
    "West Bay of Bengal"
    "Malacca Strait"
    "Java Ridge"
    "Java Trench"

    #Indo-China, Borneo, Phillipenes
    "Gulf of Siam"
    "Coast of Indochina"
    "Spratly Sea"
    "Coast of Brunei"
    "Flores Sea"
    "Sulu Sea"
    "Celebes Sea"
    "Luzon Strait"

    #China Coast
    "Taiwan Strait"
    "Yellow Sea"

    #Japanese Coast
    "Sea of Japan"
    "Coast of Japan"
    "South Sea of Okhotsk"
    "West Sea of Okhotsk"
    "East Sea of Okhotsk"

    #Mariana Basin, Phillipenes
    "Philipine Trench"
    "Central Philippine Sea"
    "Mariana Trench"
    "East Mariana Basin"
    "Mid-Pacific Mountains"
    "North Bismarck Sea"

    #New Guinea, East/North Australia and New Zealan
    "Coast of New Guinea"
    "Molucca Sea"
    "Banda Sea"
    "Arafura Sea"
    "South Bismarck Sea"
    "Solomon Sea"
    "West Coral Sea"
    "East Coral Sea"
    "North Tasman Sea"
    "South Tasman Sea"
    "East Cost of New Zealand"

    # South and West Australia
    "Timor Sea"
    "West Coast of Australia"
    "East Great Australian Bight"
    "West Great Australian Bight"

    #North Pacific
    "Coast of Kamchatka"
    "East Bering Sea"
    "West Bering Sea"
    "Northwest Pacific Basin"
    "North Northeast Pacific Basin"

    #Central Pacific
    "Hawaiian Rise"
    "North East Pacific Ocean"
    "Marshalls Sea"
    "South East Pacific Ocean"
    "Western Solomons"
    "Eastern Solomons"
    "US Maritimes"

    #South Pacific
    "Line Islands"
    "Fiji Basin"
    "Southwest Pacific Basin"

    # South American West Coast
    "Southeast Pacific Basin"
    "West Coast of Chile"
    "West Coast of Peru"
    "South Southeast Pacific Ocean"
    "North Southeast Pacific Ocean"

    # USA West Coast
    "Gulf of Alaska"
    "West Coast of the United States"

    #West Coast of Mexico
    "West Coast of Mexico"
    "West Coast of Central America"
    target = {
    2211 = 200
    2208 = 100
    2210 = 100
    core = {

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