Cari compagni ammiragli e generali sul finire del '42 l'intera Cina è in mano al Giappone tranne 2 città tra cui Chungking dove si è concentrato l'intero esercito Cinese e l'intero corpo di spedizione JAP gli scontri sono molto duri ed infruttuosi come risolvo questa situazione :humm: AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 14, 42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground combat at Chungking (76,45) Japanese Deliberate attack Attacking force 259195 troops, 2434 guns, 519 vehicles, Assault Value = 9284 Defending force 156144 troops, 945 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5077 Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 4 Japanese adjusted assault: 3452 Allied adjusted defense: 9479 Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 4) Combat modifiers Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), experience(-) Attacker: disruption(-) Japanese ground losses: 27070 casualties reported Squads: 81 destroyed, 2499 disabled Non Combat: 72 destroyed, 1560 disabled Engineers: 4 destroyed, 217 disabled Guns lost 5 (0 destroyed, 5 disabled) Vehicles lost 107 (1 destroyed, 106 disabled) Allied ground losses: 7482 casualties reported Squads: 35 destroyed, 622 disabled Non Combat: 61 destroyed, 1246 disabled Engineers: 10 destroyed, 61 disabled Guns lost 2 (0 destroyed, 2 disabled) Assaulting units: 27th 32nd Division 41st Division 58th Division 40th Division 69th Division 7th Ind.Mixed Brigade 35th Division 8th Ind.Mixed Brigade 37th Division 116th Division 59th Division 110th Division 17th Ind.Mixed Brigade 12th Ind.Mixed Brigade 1st Ind.Mixed Brigade 15th Division 5th Ind.Mixed Brigade 13th Division 70th Division 3rd Division 36th Division 22nd Division 68th Division 39th Division 60th Division 34th Division 58th Infantry Regiment 2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment 6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment North China Area Army 51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion 1st Mortar Battalion 11th Army 15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment 1st Army 2nd RF Gun Battalion 52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion 14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment 12th Army 13th Army 4th Mortar Battalion 5th RF Gun Battalion Defending units: 14th Chinese Corps 70th Chinese Corps 49th Chinese Corps 65th Chinese Corps 91st Chinese Corps 63rd Chinese Corps 72nd Chinese Corps 10th Construction Regiment 4th Chinese Cavalry Corps 8th Construction Regiment 21st Chinese Corps 3rd Prov Chinese Corps 50th Chinese Corps 28th Chinese Corps 66th Chinese Corps 23rd Chinese Corps 5th Construction Regiment 8th Route Army 43rd Chinese Corps 42nd Chinese Corps 51st Chinese Corps 13th Chinese Corps 33rd Chinese Corps 15th Chinese Corps 16th Construction Regiment 19th Chinese Corps 35th Chinese Corps 69th Chinese Corps 3rd New Chinese Corps 2nd Construction Regiment 78th Chinese Corps 1st Construction Regiment 12th Construction Regiment 2nd War Area Central Reserve 1st Artillery Regiment 7th War Area CAF HQ 20th Artillery Regiment 12th Chinese Base Force 15th Group Army 18th Group Army 18th Chinese Base Force 10th Group Army 38th Group Army 6th Group Army 32nd Group Army Jingcha War Area 57th AT Gun Regiment 12th Group Army 3rd Heavy Mortar Regiment 25th Group Army 41st AA Regiment 23rd Group Army 1st Chinese Base Force 4th Group Army China Command 30th Group Army AVG Ground Echelon 37th Group Army 7th Group Army 49th AA Regiment AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 15, 42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground combat at Chungking (76,45) Allied Deliberate attack Attacking force 20739 troops, 266 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4575 Defending force 239115 troops, 2434 guns, 818 vehicles, Assault Value = 6954 Allied adjusted assault: 61 Japanese adjusted defense: 3566 Allied assault odds: 1 to 58 Combat modifiers Defender: disruption(-) Attacker: Japanese ground losses: 240 casualties reported Squads: 2 destroyed, 9 disabled Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled Allied ground losses: 6048 casualties reported Squads: 231 destroyed, 344 disabled Non Combat: 123 destroyed, 351 disabled Engineers: 5 destroyed, 40 disabled Guns lost 2 (0 destroyed, 2 disabled) Assaulting units: 63rd Chinese Corps 42nd Chinese Corps 15th Chinese Corps 3rd Prov Chinese Corps 51st Chinese Corps 21st Chinese Corps 19th Chinese Corps 72nd Chinese Corps 91st Chinese Corps 49th Chinese Corps 33rd Chinese Corps 16th Construction Regiment 28th Chinese Corps 66th Chinese Corps 43rd Chinese Corps 14th Chinese Corps 65th Chinese Corps 69th Chinese Corps 8th Construction Regiment 35th Chinese Corps 10th Construction Regiment 70th Chinese Corps 50th Chinese Corps 23rd Chinese Corps 8th Route Army 3rd New Chinese Corps 78th Chinese Corps 13th Chinese Corps 4th Chinese Cavalry Corps 12th Construction Regiment 12th Group Army AVG Ground Echelon 18th Chinese Base Force 30th Group Army 37th Group Army 38th Group Army 7th Group Army 15th Group Army 4th Group Army 10th Group Army 20th Artillery Regiment China Command 32nd Group Army 25th Group Army 1st Construction Regiment CAF HQ 1st Chinese Base Force 2nd Construction Regiment 1st Artillery Regiment 6th Group Army 41st AA Regiment Jingcha War Area Central Reserve 5th Construction Regiment 2nd War Area 3rd Heavy Mortar Regiment 23rd Group Army 18th Group Army 57th AT Gun Regiment 12th Chinese Base Force 7th War Area 49th AA Regiment Defending units: 15th Division 3rd Division 39th Division 69th Division 17th Ind.Mixed Brigade 40th Division 41st Division 37th Division 34th Division 32nd Division 35th Division 68th Division 12th Ind.Mixed Brigade 27th 116th Division 22nd Division 70th Division 36th Division 60th Division 13th Division 58th Division 59th Division 7th Ind.Mixed Brigade 5th Ind.Mixed Brigade 1st Ind.Mixed Brigade 8th Ind.Mixed Brigade 110th Division 58th Infantry Regiment 11th Army 51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion North China Area Army 14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment 13th Army 12th Army 2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment 15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment 1st Mortar Battalion 1st Army 52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion 6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment 4th Mortar Battalion 2nd RF Gun Battalion 5th RF Gun Battalion AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 20, 42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground combat at Chungking (76,45) Japanese Bombardment attack Attacking force 245810 troops, 2509 guns, 518 vehicles, Assault Value = 7924 Defending force 142526 troops, 945 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4260 Japanese ground losses: 177 casualties reported Squads: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 6 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled Guns lost 2 (0 destroyed, 2 disabled) Allied ground losses: 103 casualties reported Squads: 0 destroyed, 17 disabled Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 6 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled Assaulting units: 17th Ind.Mixed Brigade 5th Ind.Mixed Brigade 110th Division 32nd Division 39th Division 3rd Division 41st Division 22nd Division 70th Division 116th Division 13th Division 35th Division 40th Division 7th Ind.Mixed Brigade 37th Division 63rd Division 15th Division 69th Division 1st Ind.Mixed Brigade 58th Division 36th Division 12th Ind.Mixed Brigade 68th Division 60th Division 8th Ind.Mixed Brigade 27th 34th Division 59th Division 58th Infantry Regiment 51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion 2nd RF Gun Battalion 12th Army 11th Army North China Area Army 4th Mortar Battalion 14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment 52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion 2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment 1st Army 1st Mortar Battalion 15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment 6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment 13th Army 5th RF Gun Battalion Defending units: 2nd Construction Regiment 66th Chinese Corps 13th Chinese Corps 8th Route Army 28th Chinese Corps 10th Construction Regiment 72nd Chinese Corps 70th Chinese Corps 91st Chinese Corps 35th Chinese Corps 50th Chinese Corps 33rd Chinese Corps 42nd Chinese Corps 69th Chinese Corps 43rd Chinese Corps 21st Chinese Corps 4th Chinese Cavalry Corps 8th Construction Regiment 65th Chinese Corps 5th Construction Regiment 19th Chinese Corps 14th Chinese Corps 51st Chinese Corps 23rd Chinese Corps 63rd Chinese Corps 3rd Prov Chinese Corps 3rd New Chinese Corps 16th Construction Regiment 78th Chinese Corps 49th Chinese Corps 12th Construction Regiment 7th Group Army Jingcha War Area 23rd Group Army 15th Group Army 57th AT Gun Regiment 32nd Group Army 1st Artillery Regiment 10th Group Army 38th Group Army Central Reserve 30th Group Army 4th Group Army 1st Construction Regiment 1st Chinese Base Force China Command 18th Group Army 18th Chinese Base Force 25th Group Army CAF HQ 6th Group Army 3rd Heavy Mortar Regiment AVG Ground Echelon 2nd War Area 7th War Area 41st AA Regiment 37th Group Army 20th Artillery Regiment 12th Group Army 12th Chinese Base Force 49th AA Regiment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Così a naso direi che senza aviazione non farai granchè se non logorarti gli eserciti. Non so se in AE puoi comportarti come in TOAW quindi manovre varie ma se non li ammorbidisci (difese fisiche e uomini) e non li demoralizzi mi sa che avrai una lunga guerra di logoramento. Prova a fare assalti in "shock attack"
VITTORIA mi mancano solo un'altra città e una base senza nulla e poi tutta la cina sarà mia :sbav: comunque ho insistito con i bombardamenti terrestri poi ho semplicemente aspettato che finissero i supplies dato che avevano più di 60 unità in città , naturalmente prima del colpo finale in schock att ho lanciato tre delib att per diminuire le fortificazioni und combat at Chungking (76,45) Japanese Deliberate attack Attacking force 249534 troops, 2674 guns, 561 vehicles, Assault Value = 7943 Defending force 127395 troops, 956 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3265 Japanese adjusted assault: 4871 Allied adjusted defense: 1585 Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 1) Japanese forces CAPTURE Chungking !!! Allied aircraft no flights Allied aircraft losses No Allied losses Combat modifiers Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-), supply(-) Attacker: Japanese ground losses: 20769 casualties reported Squads: 34 destroyed, 783 disabled Non Combat: 20 destroyed, 412 disabled Engineers: 3 destroyed, 118 disabled Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled) Vehicles lost 45 (0 destroyed, 45 disabled) Allied ground losses: 20201 casualties reported Squads: 1876 destroyed, 182 disabled Non Combat: 1967 destroyed, 364 disabled Engineers: 469 destroyed, 6 disabled Guns lost 230 (226 destroyed, 4 disabled) Units retreated 57 Assaulting units: 15th Division 27th 19th Ind.Mixed Brigade 58th Division 34th Division 40th Division 63rd Division 110th Division 6th Division 13th Division 39th Division 104th Division 41st Division 3rd Division 60th Division 116th Division 35th Division 22nd Division 36th Division 37th Division 17th Division 68th Division 69th Division 7th Ind.Mixed Brigade 8th Ind.Mixed Brigade 115th Infantry Regiment 59th Division 1st Ind.Mixed Brigade 5th Ind.Mixed Brigade 11th Army 1st Mortar Battalion 1st Army 51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion 52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion 14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment North China Area Army 12th Army 6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment 2nd RF Gun Battalion 21st Mortar Battalion 15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment 4th Mortar Battalion 23rd Army 2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment 13th Army 5th RF Gun Battalion Defending units: 65th Chinese Corps 91st Chinese Corps 3rd New Chinese Corps 4th Chinese Cavalry Corps 23rd Chinese Corps 33rd Chinese Corps 19th Chinese Corps 28th Chinese Corps 50th Chinese Corps 21st Chinese Corps 63rd Chinese Corps 8th Route Army 15th Chinese Corps 14th Chinese Corps 13th Chinese Corps 35th Chinese Corps 49th Chinese Corps 70th Chinese Corps 78th Chinese Corps 54th Chinese Corps 3rd Prov Chinese Corps 66th Chinese Corps 51st Chinese Corps 42nd Chinese Corps 72nd Chinese Corps 12th Construction Regiment 3rd War Area Jingcha War Area 7th Group Army 10th Group Army CAF HQ 1st Chinese Base Force 18th Chinese Base Force 37th Group Army 16th Construction Regiment 2nd War Area 8th Construction Regiment 1st Artillery Regiment 32nd Group Army 13th Construction Regiment 10th Construction Regiment 57th AT Gun Regiment 23rd Group Army 13th Chinese Base Force 12th Chinese Base Force AVG Ground Echelon Central Reserve 7th War Area 30th Group Army 38th Group Army 6th Group Army 41st AA Regiment 25th Group Army China Command 15th Group Army 16th Chinese Base Force 20th Artillery Regiment 4th Group Army 12th Group Army 3rd Heavy Mortar Regiment NCAC 49th AA Regiment