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Discussione in 'Steel Panthers' iniziata da cyberdisc, 18 Marzo 2008.

  1. cyberdisc

    cyberdisc Moderator

    5 Maggio 2006
    Come da oggetto, hanno sformato il nuovo Enhanced Pack:
    New Enhanced Scenario and Campaign Pack 2008

    Queste dovrebbero essere le novità:
    1. German OOB: early-war panzers and their formations,have been reclassed and rearranged. Additionally, a few formations were found to have been "typed" incorrectly, leading to problems.
    2. USMC OOB: Assault Rafts were mis-classed as Ship class instead of Assault Boat class. This resulted in them not moving unless in Deep Water hexes.
    3. Some French tanks were mis-sized as size 1, changed these to size 2
    4. Soviet IS-IIM tank size changed to match IS-II.
    5. USMC M2a4 stuart tank had wrong Gun assigned, changed to 37mm M3 gun (was previously M5 gun)
    6. Added "Waffentrupp" (weapons squad) unit to German oob.
    Found only in Waffen-SS Kompanie
    7. Changed caliber of Japanese type 99 rifle from 6.5mm to 7.7mm in OOBs where it is used.
    8. reduced accuracy of Chinese type 88 rifle
    9. US and USMC LCVP landing craft armament changed to 2 30 Cal AAMGs
    10. UK AOP carrier was mispriced 10 Pts too low.
    11. Unit 241 FO Vehicle in Hungary oob had ammo loadout in empty weapons slot, moved to correct slot
    12. adjustment to all MG 34 and MG 42 machine Gun stats thru out the OObs. Range of MG34 and MG42 MMG and LMG and AAMG now match. HE kill of MG42s slightly higher than MG34s.
    Accuracy of MG34s slightly higher than MG42s
    TMGs, CMGs, and BMGs were not changed
    13. Greek Engineer Squad unit was showing incorrect size of size 3...corrected to size 1
    14. Pz IV G+ had a screw up in the ammo loadout for its machine Guns, so its price was coming out lower than the regular IV G unit, adjusted ammo, then manually priced to 110.
    15. Adjusted all T-26 Stats in all OObs to specifications found on website of Russian armor of ww2...the armor ratings were way off on these..also this changed some prices and also a weapon or two was changed.
    16. Manually repriced a couple Soviet, German and Finnish units due to odditties where the better unit was actually costing less than the lesser unit.(I.E unit with Pzfst 60 costing less thean exact unit with Pzfst 30)
    17. Finnish OOB: Added Knives to Conscript unit 131
    18. Soviet OOB: Added bayonets to early Soviet Rifle squad 117 (They were widely used in Winter war)
    19. Soviet OOB: Currently unit 177 (Conscripts) has Misc small arms as 3rd weapon, removed this.
    20. Increased price of Molotov Launcher for gameplay reasons. (this may change back later)
    21. Changed sound for Soviet 7.62 DP LMG
    22. Changed the opening screen, Editor, preferences and Encyclopedia music
    23. added new LBM for PzRAK 39 (Found in Czech OOB)
    24. Changed start date of Soviet Siberian INf to Feb 1940
    25. For some reason the Stug III Ausf E was given an AAMG, when actually the Gun was an internal MG34 LMG. Changed weapon to MG34BMG and moved it to slot 4
    26. Reworked a few German Inf squads start and end dates.
    27. Soviet Model 39 76mm ATG had speed of 4, this should be speed of 1.
    28. Soviet OT-133E armor adjusted, it was too high. This goes back to the T26 Armor adjustments. This also lowered the price a little.
    29, All Scouts with Rifles as primary weapon and PLt HQ units, had been given shorter range rifles to keep the AI from hurting itself by not revealing these units quite as easily by OP firing at too great a range, however by popular demand, these units have been given back the longer range rifles. Units already armed with SMGs or Carbines were not changed.
    30. German FJ 28MM at Gun weight has been decreased so it can now be para dropped.
    31. All Motorcycle LMG or MG units (units with MG in slot 1 classed as Prime infantry weapon) have have prices drastically reduced. The prices were coming out way to disperportional to similar "ground" units with same weapon.
    32. Hamilcar Glider carry capacity increased
    33. Nat Spain Caballeria(cavalry) had MG34 MMG(team weapon) as secondary weapon, should have been LMG(secondary Infantry)
    34. Nat Spain Ingrenieros had sactchel charge twice in its list of weapons, so these guys had 12 Satchels. removed double weapon listing and repriced.
    35. Poland 'Dakota' cargo aircraft had carry capacity of 128...should have been only 28
    fixed, then repriced.
    36. Free French unit 146 (FFI Sect.) had HE and AP ammo for Satchel Charge. AP ammo was removed, unit was repriced.
    37. Italian FO car unit #47 had wrong price should have been 10 points higher.
    38 Waco "cargo" Glider carry capacity increased to 124, this also increased price by about 10 pts.
    39. Poland Bren Carriers had different carry capacity than all other Brens throughout the OOBs
    40. All Jeeps have had a weight reduction
    41. all Kubelwagons and Schimwagons have had a weight reduction
    42. Italian 'Gazzi Trialce' has had a weight reduction
    43. made some adjustments to Panther armor stats, some were off by 5 mm here and there. this changed price slightly
    44. added some "Mech Guard" formations to Sov OOB..Guards only got trucks before while standard Inf got the halftracks. didnt make sense to me.
    45.Removed pistols/rifles from all trucks, Jeeps, Barge carriers, prime Movers etc..etc....scout Jeeps and recon vehicles with 2 man crews were left with some sort of weapon.
    46. Removed HE ammo from all Molotov type weapons everywhere.
    This will make some of you happy and others not so happy...went with what majority voted for.
    47. Unit 13 in C China "command car" was armed with AAMG and crew of only 1. Removed the AAMG
    48. Chinese bi-planes had greater speed than US P 51s, ummm reduced the speed of those units...
    49. Made quite a few addtions to Yugoslavia OOB.
    50. Reworked Soviet Infantry classes as far as "Infantry" and "Motorized Infantry". Reclassing of the "motor" classed units give Soviets much more variety of Infantry types to choose from.
    51. German Volksturm Group had incorrect size of size 2, should be size 1


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