Disponibile qui la patch 1.01 per CAW. EDIT: prego un mod di cambiare il titolo aggiungendoci Carriers at War, scusate, mannaggia alla fretta!!! Ciao
Changelist: Features • Added a Random option to the WarRoom list in the singleplayer setup screen. When the Random option is chosen you won’t know which variant you are playing and you will not be allowed to view reports which would allow you to easily identify the composition of enemy forces, and therefore which variant is in effect. The Victory Point margins are also hidden until the end of the game. • Added a large number of variants to the Coral Sea scenario in order to better exploit the new Random WarRoom feature. Extra variants for other scenarios will be added in the future. • Added a 'Suspense' option for combat. When Suspense is chosen, the results of an air/naval attack will not be reported on the combat screen until after the attack animations have played. • Added an Exit Map option to the Task Group on-map orders window. This will allow Task Groups on any map edge hex to exit the map, rather than being cornered by map boundaries. Exited Task Groups cannot return to play, but are counted as surviving for Victory Point determination. • Added new Anti Submarine Warfare routines. Escorts will now have a chance to attack and sink enemy submarines that have attacked their Task Group. • Changed the way that damage affects the speed of a ship. Each point of damage caused has a chance to cause a speed reduction. Once out of combat, the ship will automatically attempt to repair this damage, however not all damage may be repairable and the ship may suffer a permanent reduction in maximum speed as a result. • Added a mouseover window to squadrons in the arm fuel area of the Carrier/Landbase Air Operations screen showing the numbers of Fuelled/Unfuelled planes. • The program now attempts to detect when an unsupported graphics setting has been made and warns the user. • Added an option to continue playing the music when combat starts. • The music and sound systems automatically disable themselves if no valid DirectSound drivers are found. Fixes • Fixed several crash bugs • Fixed a bug where fighter squadrons on arm/fuel orders wouldn’t consider themselves eligible for CAP. • Fixed some issues which meant that is some situations squadrons could move through the arm/fuel cycle too quickly. • Fixed a bug where squadrons on landbases would not always be damaged when the landbase was attacked. • Escorting or Supporting Task Groups will now be better at keeping the correct station on the Task Group they are accompanying. • Fixed a bug where the randomness of the number of ships in a sighting wasn’t being correctly implemented. Task Group sighting reports will now have variability of both ship types and ship numbers, as designed. • Fixed a bug where occasionally a strike could get caught up in the arm/fuel cycle and not progress. • Fixed a bug where landbases that had Cargo Points delivered to them by both sides, (as in the Wake Island scenario), would get confused about how many cargo points each side had delivered. • Fixed a bug where submarines could attack sunk ships. • Fixed a bug where planes that flew to an alternate base of operations would be counted as kills for enemy Victory Point purposes. • Fixed a bug where AI Task Groups that had fled the map could be attacked. • Fixed a bug where CAP planes were delivered too much fuel. • Fixed a bug where the Cancel Strike button wouldn’t always be shown for a strike in progress. • Fixed a bug where ships that had fled a surface combat could still attack. • Fixed a bug where non-night trained squadrons could occasionally fly at night. • Fixed a bug where the on-map orders window would be shown for landbases even though it was turned off in the options. • Made minor interface/help text changes. Editor • Fixed a bug where squadrons could become corrupted on the ships editor screen. • Fixed a bug where the forecast screen would cause a crash with new scenarios. • The WarRoom names and briefings are now read in automatically from old scenarios. • Made some layout changes to make the Editor more user friendly.