Potrebbe essere interessante, magari partendo con una piccola campagna da 5 turni, ovviamente nel futuro, ora devo finire la battaglia di Stalingrado..... opps volevo dire di Firenze
Tanto tempo fa avevo giocato "Desert Fox",una MegaCampaign di SpWaW in PBEM contro un mio storico avversario americano. Il divertimento ce l'aveva piu' il giocatore che svolgeva la campagna,l'altro si limitava a gestire le forze nemiche che venivano schierate in ogni singolo scenario. Non saprei se in questa versione di SP lo svolgimento sia diverso.
Se la campagna pbem replica fedelmente la campagna contro l'ai entrambi i giocatori dovrebbero avere (come in una normale partita pbem) piena liberta nella prima battaglia di scegliersi la propria core force più le forze d'appoggio e poi gestire nell'intermezzo con la battaglia successiva riparazioni, incrementi della core force, upgrade ecc. ovviamente nei limiti dei punti a disposizione. Cercherò di studiarmi il manuale per avere qualche lume in merito.
Non credo... Ma potrei sbagliarmi ... Per fare quello che dici dovresti costruire una campagna a DOC ... Nelle campagne è tutto prestabilito in anticipo
Ho dato una veloce scorsa al manuale e mi sembra che sia come avevo detto io, ovviamente non stiamo parlando di una campagna preparata come per un scenario, ma di una campagna sul modello della Long Campaign Generate: PBEM CAMPAIGN Plays like a normal campaign but for two players. Press the Campaigns button in the main menu and if you have the CD version you will see a "PBEM Campaign" button active. This allows from 3 to 21 battles with start and end dates just like a regular campaign. Player 1 begins by choosing his core force in the same manner as a regular campaign but when you are done choosing your core the game will ask for a password. Once that is entered you will see that "Basic Security" is choosen and is in fact the only security mode available for PBEM campaigns. Pressing "Continue" will bring player 1 to a new screen that prompts you to choose a PBEM save slot. These are the same save slots you would use for regular PBEM games. When the files are sent to Player 2 and he opens them he will be prompted to choose a password. Once that is done and he presses "Continue" he will be able to choose his core force. Once that is done and he presses "Done" the game will be autosaved in the same save slot player 1 originally choose for this game and player 2 will be prompted to send player 1 the files. Once the files are returned to Player 1 and he opens them he will be asked for his password. Once that is entered he will be able to choose his support forces. Once that is done and Player 1 presses Done he will be prompted for a password and once that is done he will be able to deploy his forces. Pressing "Quit Deploy" will autosave the game. Once the files have been sent to Player 2 he will be prompted to enter his password and then player 2 can select his support troops.Once that is done he will be asked again for his password. Once that is done he can deploy his troops and once he has deployed his troops pressing "Quit Deploy" will autosave the game When the files have been sent back to Player 1 he can begin playing in the same manner as any regular PBEM game Unlike in a regular campaign against the AI, in the PBEM campaign each player has an individual score and points are scored even for a loss. Here is the point structure Decisive Victory - 5 points Marginal Victory - 4 points Draw - 3 points Marginal Defeat - 2 points Decisive Defeat - 1 point In addition, unlike in the regular campaign the loss of your headquarters does not lead to the termination of your campaign, nor are there any special battles, and also you will not be able to view the end game map and inspect your opponent's forces as that would give you too much intel on your opponents core force. After viewing this screen and pressing "Continue" you will be able to rebuild your damaged forces . Once done press continue and the game will be autosaved. Send those files to your opponent and he will see the battle report screen and then the PBEM Campaign Summary screen and once he presses Continue he will be prompted for a password and then he will be able to rebuild his core . Once that is done he can begine picking is support force for the next battle. PLEASE NOTE The first 3 battles in a PBEM Campaign will always be meeting engagements. This allows for the standard 3 battle limit to be used for a fair and open competition (all 3 battles will be on an even playing field). Battles subsequent to the 3rd will be the normal random selection of battle type.
Ho frainteso io pensavo tu volessi giocare una campagna non creare una campagna poi giocarla Tu vuoi fare una cosa tipo questa: http://www.netwargamingitalia.net/forum/threads/guerra-globale-termonucleare-in-pbem.26877/
No, tempo permettendo, mi piacerebbe provare una campagna contro un giocatore umano invece della solita AI. Non mi sembra la stessa cosa a cui tu accennavi nel link allegato. Nella campagna pbem io scelgo la mia armata, poi tu scegli la tua, ciascuno piazza le proprie truppe su una mappa generata dal gioco e non creata da noi, le prime tre partite sono obbligatoriamente meeting engagement, dopo di che si procede come in un normale scenario pbem, al termine ci si lecca le ferite e si riparte con lo scenario successivo fino al termine della campagna.