[PC: O] Nuova patch v2.0.329c Beta per Ostfront

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da JMass, 29 Ottobre 2011.

  1. JMass

    JMass Moderator Membro dello Staff

    19 Marzo 2006
    La nuova patch beta per Ostfront è disponibile per chi avesse registrato il seriale della propria copia, tra le altre cose che riporto integralmente sotto questa contiene i nuovi modelli per i carri PzKpfw IV fatti dal sottoscritto.

    "A new beta update is now available in the Members Club. You can download it if you have registered your game.
    It improves retreating Unit behavior, AI weapon selection, and makes Maps more portable, plus a number of Data fixes and adjustments.

    v2.0.329c Beta - Oct 22, 2011
    Third Public Beta Update

    Code Changes

    Fixed a series of bugs with how retreated units behaved. Retreating units will now continue to retreat until they rally.
    When an armored vehicle targets an infantry unit the Tactical AI will now select the weapon and ammo that has the most chance to inflict losses on the target. This selection will consider the range to the target as well as the Firepower. If the firer and/or target is moving, the weapon selection may change. In most cases this will result in an armored vehicle choosing to use HE shells, then MG AP.
    Map Maker has been adjusted to provide more portability of maps between systems. This will make it easier for users to work on maps on more than one computer without having to have the same directory structure and simplify the process if multiple users are collaborating on a map project.
    Map Maker will now insert a map size attribute into Random Battle Templates.

    Data Changes

    Map size attributes have been added to RB Templates for future use.
    A new sand texture by szartur has been added for use in making desert maps.
    Updates to the Pz IVE, IVF1, IVF2,IVG, IVH, and IVJ were incorporated. These include making these units decal capable by the scenario designer and the inclusion of multiple commanders so that not all tank commanders are the same.
    Fixed a problem where grass was too high in a small area on the map for Their toughest Battle.
    Fixed a problem where RR tracks were tipping over when crossed on The Biggest and the Baddest map. This is actually a work around for a problem with how knockdown fences were implemented.
    Fixed a problem with how map maker was drawing AI map colors around Telephone lines. Map Maker now only draws selected terrain around the base of one of the telephone poles, rather than along the entire length of the telephone line.
    Added several new houses styled in the manner common to the style found in rural Hungary.
    Updated and improved models and crews for the 122MM M1938, F-22 M1936, F-22 USV M1939, PaK 38, PaK 39, PaK 40, s10cm K18, the sIG 33, the ZIS-2 and ZIS-3.
    Ammo loadouts were updated for almost all ArmouredUnits.
    The killpower for some offmap artillery guns was reduced. This will reduce the effectives of artillery strikes against armoured units, resulting in fewer armoured units kills resulting from artillery barrages, but more stunned results.
    Models were added and the map updated for the Stalingrad railway station. The Railway Station and the 13th Crossing scenarios were updated.
    New units were added for the German PaK 36 and Pak 36 Late, and for the Russian 45mm ATG M-1937 and M-1942. This units have been added as Mobile versions of the above units in the Infantry unit type. Existing scenarios will continue to use the static versions of these units. Scenario designers can choose to use either the stationary version of these units from the Armoured units folder, or the Mobile versions from the Infantry folder. The mobile versions have 'Mobile' after the unit type to make them distinguishable. Random battles will use only the mobile type of these units. "

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