Tigers Unleashed: patches

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da JMass, 24 Dicembre 2011.

  1. JMass

    JMass Moderator Membro dello Staff

    19 Marzo 2006
    All'HPS si danno da fare, uscite due nuove patch per Tigers Unleashed:

    http://www.hpssims.com/Pages/Updates/up_TSS/up_TU/TSS Common Update 001.exe
    23 Dec 11
    The TSS Common Files update includes improved symbol files for the standard geomorphic maps.


    Tactical Studies Series: Tigers Unleashed
    Program Change List

    * = Corrections
    + = Additions/Improvements

    22 Dec 11
    * Updated Staff Officer Form to allow for column resizing.
    * Adjusted reporting for fire against non-armored targets.
    * Corrected issue with towed units not being able to swivel to engage targets.
    * Blocked exception error when opening Preferences form before loading a game.
    + Updated map display when FOW turned off (level zero).

    19 Dec 11
    * Corrected access error in FOW message precessing routines when a unit knew of, and was sending messages on all other units in the game.
    * Fixed access error if opening Preferences menu before a game is loaded.
    + Updated wrecks symbol, and now place it above fire/smoke. Also added smoke and dust to “mouse-over”.

    15 Dec 11: TU v1.00.03

    15 Dec 11:
    * Corrected issues with the Staff Officers where clicking on a cell/tab before a previous operation was completed sometimes caused a c++ error (clicks are now blocked until the process has finished). Also optimized some of the longer-duration processes to execute faster.
    * Corrected the symbol set to include the NATO view.
    * No longer show checkbox for, or list of, possible inconsistencies when closing Ammo and Weapons System Data forms.
    * Several Weapons System Database typos corrected.

    12 Dec 11: TU v1.00.02

    12 Dec 11:
    * Corrected glitch in file-find routines that affected some installs to “non-HPS Simulations\” locations.
    * Corrected access error when attempting to place IP's during an in-progress scenario.
    * Corrected access error when AI was attempting to issue run-to-cover orders to units that had just completed a previous set of AI issued orders.
    + Added additional text to Commo Staff Officer: Range to HQ field. Now it also shows the total distance between you (the TFHQ) and the unit, and the number of intermediate steps in the chain of command. This enables you to keep your units near their immediate HQ, but also gives an indication of why the command delay might be longer than the simple range would suggest.

    9 Dec 11: TU v1.00.01
  2. balena


    22 Gennaio 2007
    si lavorano.. ma mi sembra ch i difetti del sistema veri rimangono... Dalla lista delle fix i carri continuano a colpire a 4 km co piu precisione di un M1A1 Abrhams?
  3. Amadeus


    17 Febbraio 2006
    Ho fatto un test appena adesso. I centri diretti con munizionamento HE a distanze di 2-3km continuano ad essere frequentissimi. D'altronde credo sia un problema di database e non di motore e mi sembra che l'ultima patch non modifichi il database.

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