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Duettoalfa vs Tim il cinese tosto dall'hex 77,60 (AAR senza pretese)

Discussione in 'Le vostre esperienze: AAR' iniziata da duettoalfa, 10 Aprile 2015.

  1. Pickett

    Pickett Guest

    apriamo le scommesse allora ;)
  2. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    per prendere le filippine aspetterà il ritiro. non ha fretta, non posso nuocergli dalle PHI, poi prenderà le basi abbandonate e comincerà a bombardare finchè non mi ha esaurito le supplies e mandato la disruption alle stelle. dopodichè 1000 av corredati da combat eng per ridurre in fretta i forts gli basteranno. tra filippini e americani ho 2000av, ma dopo due settimane di bombardamenti si frantumano in un attimo.
    supplies ne ho portate finchè non se n'è accorto. adesso forse arriva un ak solo soletto.
  3. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    cina e malesia e birmania e indie occidentali e PM, insomma ha puntato un po' dappertutto!
  4. Pickett

    Pickett Guest

    Ma i muscoli li ha mostrati in cina ed in malesia (le DEI dopo la caduta di quest'ultima), gli altri teatri servono a sviare le tue forze. Se avesse attaccato in due punti tu avresti potuto riversare tutto lì e bloccarlo o quantomeno rallentarlo, invece così devi diluire le tue unità in tutto il pacifico. Ora che ha preso DEI, Burma e Malesia deve scegliere: aspettare che cadi la cina (ormai è questione di tempo, la sua superiorità è davvero schiacciante) e magari rinforzare l'avanzata con le truppe che si sono liberate, e appena il lavoro di pulizia sarà finito attaccare le filippine da tutti i lati, oppure attaccare subito le filippine senza aspettare la caduta della Cina. Non penso che abbia intenzione di lasciare le Filippine in mano tua, sarebbe troppo rischioso: appena avrai conquistato le Marshall le filippine sarebbero la base perfetta per far partire i B-29 e anche i sub per la caccia alle sue petroliere. Dipende tutto da quanta pazienza ha. Potrebbe anche decidersi di lanciarsi in altre conquiste: l'australia, l'india come ha fatto Greyjoy, addirittura la Nuova Zelanda ma le filippine le conquisterà prima o poi, io sceglierei il prima, ma io non sono Tim.
  5. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    ha pazienza, prepara bene le sue conquiste. per ora nel pacifico è stato praticamente fermo: ha preso rabaul, PM e guadalcanal (vabbè wake e guam). quindi andrà nelle filippine quando avrà finito con la cina. a giugno.
  6. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011



    Non ho visto ancora il replay, ma lo sweep e il bombardamento deve essere andato particolarmente bene perchè tim mi ha scritto questo:

    sorry for the late replay, because i am consider the situation of the air war those days.
    here is the combat report,
    i am surprise that almost all of my aircraft assemble in a Level 9 airport and have more than 100 A6M8 are destroed by allies easily like this.
    the time is still on the first half of year 1942, i cant find any way to defense 4E and P38 and allies has more and more powerful aircarft, can get air superiority at everywhere if you want.
    so i think the war is end, i know there is one day japs will lost air superiority, but before this turn i think maybe in the 1943, or the end of 1942, never at the first half of 1942.
    i have noticed that the aircraft date is much different of stock scen, Japs aircraft is weak and HR is not prescribed flight altitude japs player will meet more difficult situation, i think i can get the a6m8 ealier and keep the air superiority to year 1943, but i am wrong. meet a allies player like you is beyond my ability in that SCEN.
    There is no doubt i have lost the war, the war is end.
    Congratulations to you!
    i have got a lot of experience from fight with you. and appreciate your guidance.

    sta vincendo dappertutto ma si lamenta che questo scenario lo svantaggia troppo (sic!) e anche la mancanza di una HR che limiti le altezze lo danneggia (sono 6 mesi che i suoi zero e oscar fanno quello che gli pare piombando giù dallo stratosfera!). e vuole mollare! Alla prima, ma veramente prima vittoria alleata!
    Ultima modifica: 9 Ottobre 2015
  7. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    questa è sfiga!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. ivaldi79


    2 Aprile 2010
    Ma mandalo a cagare, adesso che le cose si facevano interessanti anche per rage quitta al primo turno andato male , troppo comodo.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    rage, intendi che da parte mia che non ce la facevo più a stare fermo? è vero, pensa che rischio anche le due cv alleate vicino a palembang!
    oggi pom pubblico combat report.

    gli ho chiesto se non ci sono altre ragioni, magari si sta annoiando a stravincere e si è inventato questa scusa per non ferirmi.
  10. aldila.deisogni


    11 Ottobre 2006

    digli che hai un conoscente che ha perso 40.000 aerei jap ed a fine 1944 ci è arrivato con onore.
    Ma quando arrivano i P47 da 42.000 piedi che fa si suicida ???
    ok avra' perso tanti aerei ma piloti pochissimi in sto scontro, quindi dove è il problema?? si ricostruiscono gli aerei, se vuole gli vendo 500 KI100-II poi dividiamo i soldi..ahahahah
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. aldila.deisogni


    11 Ottobre 2006
    è difficile stufarti se vinci..... e poi mica ha vinto niente, mica ha ottenuto autovittoria
    comunque io sono ita tu sei ita ma lui è cinese magari ragionano in modo opposto a noi.. vai a sapere.
    ps ma quali sono sti modelli di aereo che arrivano prima??
    quanti P38 produci al mese, a me i P38 mai dato tanto fastidio, molti di + gli hurricane.
  12. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011

    mi sembra 24 o 25 e solo per maggio! per i prossimi p38 (vado a memoria) devo aspettare mesi!
  13. blizzard

    blizzard Moderator Membro dello Staff

    13 Ottobre 2011
    Sono basito, tutto fumo e niente arrosto :eek:
  14. GyJeX


    6 Dicembre 2005
    santu sezzidu in dommo
    è assodato che le cose made in china si rompono in fretta :lol:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    vi metto quasi tutto il combat report, tanto sarà l'ultimo. come si vede su changsha fa tranquillamente uso di sweep alla massima altezza, come fa dall'inizio della guerra. Bellissimo successo degli aerei imbarcati della lexington e saratoga che sorprendono un bel numero di petroliere a palembang e ne fanno strage. Capisco che possano essere state due legnate (io ne prendo così da sei mesi), ma anche i miei caccia e bombardieri hanno pagato un caro prezzo. Insomma, per 6 mesi Tim ha fatto il bello e il cattivo tempo massacrandomi truppe e aerei, per la prima volta è toccato a lui.

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 23

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    23 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    27 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 31,940 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 21

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    21 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 42 NM, estimated altitude 31,940 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 9

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    9 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 49 NM, estimated altitude 34,940 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 16 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    27 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 31,100 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 2 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 106
    A6M8 Zero x 108
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 132

    Allied aircraft
    Hurricane IIb Trop x 10

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 31,300 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 102
    A6M8 Zero x 108
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 126

    Allied aircraft
    Hurricane I Trop x 16

    No Japanese losses

    Allied aircraft losses
    Hurricane I Trop: 5 destroyed

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 49 NM, estimated altitude 34,100 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 100
    A6M8 Zero x 107
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 124

    Allied aircraft
    Hurricane IIb Trop x 14

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 26,600 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 91
    A6M8 Zero x 102
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 117

    Allied aircraft
    P-40E Warhawk x 25

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 5 destroyed
    A6M8 Zero: 1 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-40E Warhawk: 4 destroyed

    Aircraft Attacking:
    9 x P-40E Warhawk sweeping at 26600 feet

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 30,600 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 73
    A6M8 Zero x 96
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 102

    Allied aircraft
    P-40E Warhawk x 23

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M8 Zero: 1 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 3 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-40E Warhawk: 6 destroyed

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 30 NM, estimated altitude 37,550 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 67
    A6M8 Zero x 86
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 89

    Allied aircraft
    P-38E Lightning x 15

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
    A6M8 Zero: 4 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-38E Lightning: 1 destroyed

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 24 NM, estimated altitude 30,440 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 54
    A6M8 Zero x 71
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 81

    Allied aircraft
    P-400 Airacobra x 22

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-400 Airacobra: 5 destroyed

    Aircraft Attacking:
    1 x P-400 Airacobra sweeping at 28440 feet


    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 29 NM, estimated altitude 30,600 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 37
    A6M8 Zero x 69
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 72

    Allied aircraft
    P-40E Warhawk x 23

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M8 Zero: 3 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-40E Warhawk: 3 destroyed

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 38,550 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 34
    A6M8 Zero x 59
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 61

    Allied aircraft
    P-38E Lightning x 13

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
    A6M8 Zero: 1 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-38E Lightning: 1 destroyed

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 61

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-39D Airacobra: 21 damaged
    P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed on ground

    Airbase hits 7
    Airbase supply hits 4
    Runway hits 58

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 23

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-39D Airacobra: 4 damaged

    Airbase hits 3
    Runway hits 12

    Aircraft Attacking:
    23 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 6

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    No Japanese losses

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-39D Airacobra: 3 damaged

    Airbase hits 1
    Airbase supply hits 1
    Runway hits 6

    Aircraft Attacking:
    6 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 3000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 9th Group Army, at 74,56 , near Liuchow

    Weather in hex: Partial cloud

    Raid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-51 Sonia x 10

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    21 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    10 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 9th Group Army, at 74,56 , near Liuchow

    Weather in hex: Partial cloud

    Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-51 Sonia x 10

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    10 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    10 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on 64th Chinese/A Corps, at 74,56 , near Liuchow

    Weather in hex: Partial cloud

    Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-51 Sonia x 11

    No Japanese losses

    Allied ground losses:
    10 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Aircraft Attacking:
    11 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet *
    Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-IIa Sally x 67
    Ki-30 Ann x 21
    Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 34

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-21-IIa Sally: 21 damaged
    Ki-30 Ann: 1 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-39D Airacobra: 18 damaged
    P-39D Airacobra: 2 destroyed on ground

    Airbase hits 8
    Airbase supply hits 3
    Runway hits 26

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-IIa Sally x 18

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-39D Airacobra: 4 damaged
    P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed on ground

    Airbase hits 1
    Runway hits 7

    Aircraft Attacking:
    18 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 31,940 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 11

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    3 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet
    3 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet
    2 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet
    3 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 35,940 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 3

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    3 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 33,940 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 2

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    2 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12

    Allied aircraft
    no flights

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed on ground

    Airbase hits 2
    Runway hits 3

    Aircraft Attacking:
    12 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 24 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21

    Japanese aircraft losses
    Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged

    Airbase hits 1
    Runway hits 3

    Aircraft Attacking:
    21 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    G4M1 Betty x 21

    Japanese aircraft losses
    G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged

    Airbase hits 4
    Runway hits 7

    Aircraft Attacking:
    21 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 31
    A6M8 Zero x 55
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 51

    Allied aircraft
    Blenheim IV x 3
    Hudson IIIa x 9
    Wellington Ic x 10
    B-25C Mitchell x 3
    Hudson III (LR) x 6
    B-17E Fortress x 14

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 3 damaged
    A6M2 Zero: 9 destroyed on ground
    A6M8 Zero: 55 damaged
    A6M8 Zero: 22 destroyed on ground
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 damaged
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 3 destroyed on ground
    Ki-46-II Dinah: 3 destroyed on ground
    Ki-15-II Babs: 1 destroyed on ground

    Allied aircraft losses
    Hudson IIIa: 1 damaged
    Hudson III (LR): 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
    B-17E Fortress: 3 damaged

    Japanese ground losses:
    46 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

    Airbase hits 30
    Airbase supply hits 2
    Runway hits 63

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 31
    A6M8 Zero x 49
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 41

    Allied aircraft
    Blenheim IV x 18
    Hudson IIIa x 3
    Wellington Ic x 3
    B-25C Mitchell x 4
    B-17D Fortress x 3
    B-17E Fortress x 5

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed, 13 damaged
    A6M2 Zero: 4 destroyed on ground
    A6M8 Zero: 36 damaged
    A6M8 Zero: 12 destroyed on ground
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed
    Ki-46-II Dinah: 2 destroyed on ground
    Ki-15-II Babs: 1 destroyed on ground

    Allied aircraft losses
    Blenheim IV: 8 destroyed, 2 damaged
    Wellington Ic: 1 destroyed
    B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged
    B-17D Fortress: 1 damaged
    B-17E Fortress: 4 damaged

    Japanese ground losses:
    9 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Airbase hits 14
    Runway hits 25

    Aircraft Attacking:
    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 27,600 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 26
    A6M8 Zero x 44
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 31

    Allied aircraft
    Kittyhawk IA x 18

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
    A6M8 Zero: 2 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    Kittyhawk IA: 3 destroyed

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 34,100 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 18
    A6M8 Zero x 36
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 24

    Allied aircraft
    Hurricane IIa Trop x 16
    Hurricane IIb Trop x 20

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
    A6M8 Zero: 1 destroyed
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed

    Allied aircraft losses
    Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed
    Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed

    Aircraft Attacking:
    9 x Hurricane IIa Trop sweeping at 31100 feet
    4 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 31100 feet
    1 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 31100 feet
    1 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 31100 feet

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 13
    A6M8 Zero x 26
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 18

    Allied aircraft
    Blenheim IV x 8

    No Japanese losses

    Allied aircraft losses
    Blenheim IV: 5 destroyed

    Aircraft Attacking:
    1 x Blenheim IV bombing from 6000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 13
    A6M8 Zero x 24
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 17

    Allied aircraft
    Wellington Ic x 12

    No Japanese losses

    Allied aircraft losses
    Wellington Ic: 5 destroyed, 4 damaged

    Aircraft Attacking:
    4 x Wellington Ic bombing from 6000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 34,550 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 10
    A6M8 Zero x 17
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 14

    Allied aircraft
    Hurricane IIc Trop x 4

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M8 Zero: 1 destroyed

    No Allied losses

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 9
    A6M8 Zero x 15
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 14

    Allied aircraft
    B-17E Fortress x 23

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed, 7 damaged
    A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed on ground
    A6M8 Zero: 9 damaged
    A6M8 Zero: 5 destroyed on ground
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
    Ki-46-II Dinah: 1 destroyed on ground

    Allied aircraft losses
    B-17E Fortress: 5 damaged

    Japanese ground losses:
    20 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Airbase hits 15
    Runway hits 22

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 30 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M2 Zero x 6
    A6M8 Zero x 10
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 8

    Allied aircraft
    B-17E Fortress x 6

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M2 Zero: 1 damaged
    A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed on ground
    A6M8 Zero: 1 damaged

    Allied aircraft losses
    B-17E Fortress: 2 damaged

    Airbase hits 2
    Runway hits 3

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    A6M8 Zero x 2
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 1

    Allied aircraft
    B-17E Fortress x 6

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M8 Zero: 2 damaged
    A6M8 Zero: 4 destroyed on ground

    Allied aircraft losses
    B-17E Fortress: 1 damaged

    Japanese ground losses:
    10 casualties reported
    Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
    Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
    Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

    Airbase hits 3

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    no flights

    Allied aircraft
    LB-30 Liberator x 6

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M8 Zero: 3 destroyed on ground

    Allied aircraft losses
    LB-30 Liberator: 1 damaged

    Airbase hits 2
    Airbase supply hits 2
    Runway hits 5

    Aircraft Attacking:
    6 x LB-30 Liberator bombing from 6000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 5 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 1 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    no flights

    Allied aircraft
    LB-30 Liberator x 6

    Japanese aircraft losses
    A6M8 Zero: 4 destroyed on ground

    Allied aircraft losses
    LB-30 Liberator: 1 damaged

    Airbase hits 3
    Airbase supply hits 2
    Runway hits 7

    Aircraft Attacking:
    6 x LB-30 Liberator bombing from 6000 feet
    Airfield Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 32,440 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

    Allied aircraft
    P-400 Airacobra x 3

    No Allied losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    3 x P-400 Airacobra sweeping at 28440 feet

    Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52

    Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

    Raid spotted at 46 NM, estimated altitude 33,940 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

    Japanese aircraft
    Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 10

    No Japanese losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    10 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 30940 feet

    Morning Air attack on Meiktila , at 58,47

    Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

    Raid spotted at 43 NM, estimated altitude 33,900 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

    Allied aircraft
    Hurricane IIb Trop x 16

    No Allied losses

    Aircraft Attacking:
    16 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 31900 feet

    Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91

    Weather in hex: Light cloud

    Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
    Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

    Allied aircraft
    Albacore I x 9
    F4F-3 Wildcat x 54
    SBD-3 Dauntless x 58

    Allied aircraft losses
    SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 damaged

    Japanese Ships
    DD Yomogi, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Shinonome, Bomb hits 1, on fire
    TK Manju Maru, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
    TK Ogura Maru #2, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
    DD Tsuta
    TK Ogura Maru #3, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
    TK Ogura Maru #1, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
    TK Hakko Maru, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
    TK Kiyo Maru, Bomb hits 6, heavy fires, heavy damage
    TK Tatibana Maru, Bomb hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
    DD Karukaya, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
    AO Shiretoko, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
    TK Meizan Maru, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires
    DD Shirakumo, Bomb hits 1, on fire
  16. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    dal report per aria è finita 46:36. a terra 69 aerei distrutti contro 20 bombardieri. vabbè che era size 9, ma ci teneva quasi 600 aerei.
  17. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    you win!
    come si dice dalle mie parti : porrcoddd , gli hai massacrato l'aviazione!

    @cerbero tu sei il prossimo!
  18. duettoalfa


    10 Ottobre 2011
    ricordiamoci che ne ha ancora 400 di caccia con almeno 200 oscar in cina e non sono stati toccati i bombardieri. non mi ha mandato chiaramente il turno, ma vorrei vedere in che condizioni è la MIA aviazione.
  19. Pickett

    Pickett Guest

    Ma come fa ad avere gli M8 a metà 42 per di più?! Però la batosta che gli hai dato agli aerei non è nulla di che, pochi piloti morti. Gli aerei come dice aldilà.dei.sogni si ricostruiscono i piloti no, sarebbe stato più tragico se fossero stati abbattuti. Le TK sono il vero problema per lui, anche se penso che a Singapore sarebbe riuscito a portarle quasi tutte
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. ivaldi79


    2 Aprile 2010
    Secondo me ha quittato per le TK , peccato mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere uno scontro avvincente nel 43.

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