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Hearts of Iron 3. Su, fatevi avanti oh Generali!

Discussione in 'C'era una volta l'Intelligenza Artificiale' iniziata da agent_45, 9 Settembre 2012.

  1. agent_45

    agent_45 Guest

    Se gli altri sono d'accordo, si può pure fare.. non dureresti 5 mesi se provi a invadere gli USA. Ricorda, Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves!
  2. Magicbus


    4 Aprile 2006
    Debrecen HU
    se vi piace direi di mettere questa regola:

    Libertá, per gli stati che lo possono fare, di entrare in guerra con paesi controllati dall'AI dal primo momento.

    no guerre tra giocatori umani prima del 1-1-1939 a meno che una nazione non dichiari guerra ad uno stato AI protetto (garantito) da un'altro giocatore. In questo caso la nazione che protegge puó decidere se netrare in guerra o meno in difesa del paese attaccato, se entra in guerra puó anche chiedere ai propri alleati (umani e non) di intervenire al suo seguito.

    Direi anche di lasciare la possibilitá di dichiarare guerra ad un altro giocatore prima della data sopracitata per rispondere ad attacchi di intelligence come sabotaggio politico. industriale o della ricerca. Tutti i tipi di spionaggio o azioni volte aumentare il dissenso interno non sono visti come motivi per un casus berlli ante 1.1.1939. Libertaá per tutti di applicare embarghi dall'inizio senza che questa azione sia considerata un casus beli. che ne dite?
  3. agent_45

    agent_45 Guest

    Così Magic la partita si imposterebbe solo e soltanto ad un Risiko.
  4. Magicbus


    4 Aprile 2006
    Debrecen HU

    allora io direi niente guerre fino al 1937 e poi tutti liberi, non capisco la forzatura di non poter entrare in guerra fino al 1939 per nessun motivo.
  5. agent_45

    agent_45 Guest

    Non dirmi che non ricordi la partita su TGI, guerra nel 38 e gia nel 39 Scorpion è caduto collassando a Est e Ovest sulla maginot. Dai.. Non vorrei vedere orrori tipo l'Italia che giunge in sud africa, o si annette la Persia fino all'Afganistan.. Vediamo se gli altri sono d'accordo.
  6. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    A parte che per la germania è difficile, molto difficile, venirne fuori rispettando il percorso storico, vedi precedente multy; l'italia è già in guerra e il giappone entra in guerra nel 06/1937.
    Detto questo tutte le altre nazioni hanno un livello di neutralità che ne delimita il dichiarare guerra ed accettare alleanze.
    Se proprio proprio si scatena il finimondo nel '36 l'Inghilterra può entrare solo dal '37, per fare un esempio.
    Mi sembra che stà all'asse, proprio per dinamiche del gioco, decidere quando iniziare e se iniziare.
    Si potrebbe quindi lasciare che il sia il gioco ad auto regolarsi.
    In altro caso, se si decide per un percorso strettamente "storico" meglio partire già dal '38, così stiamo meno anni, a rigiraci i pollici.
    Altrimenti il risiko, cioè ci pappiamo il pappabile prima della data fatidica preannunciata... 1.1.1939 o 1.9.1939 per i filo storicissimi.
  7. Magicbus


    4 Aprile 2006
    Debrecen HU
    si proprio per evitare espansioni estreme dicevo che se tu proteggi alcuni stati chiave hai il diritto di entrare in guerra in loro difesa, in questo modo chi vuole attaccare un dato paese protetto da qualche nazione deve prima valutare se questa conquista vale la pena il rischio di scatenare un conflitto piú ampio. Se no facciamo che dal 1937 tutti possono entrare in guerra liberamente e via andare. La Germania non puó fare guerre a tutti, é troppo debole all'inizio quindi io non sono preoccupato che la germania faccia mosse assurde. Se invece l'italia si espande fino all'afghanistan benissimo, poi bisogna vedere come fará a difendere tutti quei territori. Insomma il gioco ha dei rapporti di forza definiti e certe mosse azzardate che in singleplayer si possono fare (come l'Italia che occupa tutto il medioriente intanto sa che nessuno le dichiarerá guerra) in multi sono semplicemente dei suicidi. Basta giocare con gente che ha esperienza in MULTIPLAYER (che é una cosa diversa dal singleplayer) del gioco ed é inutile mettere paletti come: fino alla XX data niente guerre. Comunque io ho esposto la mia opinione, sentiamo gli altri.
  8. Magicbus


    4 Aprile 2006
    Debrecen HU
    d'accordo con Bacca, il gioco giá limita attraverso il sistema della neutralitá la possibilitá degli stati ad entrare in guerra. Non mettiamo nessuna regola e basta oppure iniziamo il gioco dal 1939 e si fa guerra subito. Ma aspettare 3 anni con l'obbligo di non dichiarare guerra é assurdo, poco verisimile e pure noioso (inoltre come detto bene da Bacca Italia e Giappone sono comunque giá in guerra).
  9. agent_45

    agent_45 Guest

    Allora si, seguiamo il "filostorico" sino al 37, poi via libera. Oppure partire dal 38 con gli schieramenti gia decisi più o meno. iI preferirei più il primo, attendiamo gli altri che dicono.
  10. VinMurat


    9 Settembre 2012
    lol ma non si può manco fare una battuta su ragazzi! lasciatemi africa,europa,asia,oceania,america e vi difendo tutti gli afghanistan che volete. Io preferirei dal 36... poi storico storico forse no va bene... ma troppo antistorico non saprei... distrugge i piano della cia.

    comunque fate vobis...

    Evolve sto mettendo ora.
  11. agent_45

    agent_45 Guest

    Ci sono problemi per unirsi al gruppo di Evolve.. Bacca, sei capace a creare un nuovo gruppo con successivo party?
  12. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    Il party lo si crea di volta in volta, il gruppo c'è già quello di NWI.
    Dovete fare dalla schermata Friends> Manage> Add Friend... e cercare : "bacca" , "Agent45" , "magicbus9" così come sono scritti , e cliccate su send invite.

    Probabilmente è meglio cmq dal 36 per via della profonda riorganizzazione che serve alla germany per sostenere il conflitto.
  13. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    Ma siamo sicuri di giocare con la 3.05?

    For the Motherland - Patch 3.06
    Hearts of Iron III - For the Motherland Changelog
    ================================================== =

    Patch 3.05 to 3.06

    - Game mechanics & Balance
    - fixed issue with incorrect province ownership handouts on surrender of faction leader
    - fixed vishy peace deal to make sure germany gets northern/western parts of france
    - leader xp falloff now less severe as you go up the hierarchy
    - Now underground construction on ally occupied territory is no longer treated as invalid construction, and removed.
    - Underground constructions are cancelled when it's no longer possible to deploy it.
    - Fixed incorrectly spawned partisants from underground on allied territory (the unit was handed back to province owner).
    - Only majors can deploy undergrounds on foreign land (solves spam of other nations undergrounds f.ex. mexicans in poland )
    - Fixed exploit bug with free tons of manpower from building theatres needs.
    - Fixed bug about undergrounds spreading with max organisation (reproducable only when a lot of them).
    - Simulated convoy combat no longer deducts officers at the end (only if MOD sets the transports or destroyers to use officers > 0 )
    - Tactical bombing of supplies now makes more balanced damage (also greater damage due to low or damaged infra, and non-linear damage deduction due to aspect of suplies per demanded).
    - The similar bombing damage fix for infra,aa,ic (non-linear damage reduction).
    - No longer impossible to stop aligning towards faction in Multiplayer game.
    - normalised practical effects on cav/mil arty.
    - Fixed bad threat calculations on startup.
    - Fixed bad calculations of relative threat to country without faction.
    - Fixed an issue where setting a subunit's experience to 0 was ignored.
    - Units at low org should recover faster.
    - air units gain slightly more XP
    - land units gain slightly more XP
    - units can dig in to higher levels
    - Fixed too high unity loss after strategic bombing of non-core provinces.
    - River crossing penalty slightly higher
    - Amphibious assault penalty slightly higher
    - Fixed bug in serial constructions stuck when using instant cheat.
    - Current tooltip shows country TAG as in other games.
    - Strategic redeployment is now cancelled if the next province the unit is heading to (as SR) is controlled by enemy.
    - Fixed bug - when damage building (f.ex. infra) by bombing or some other way, the province modifier was not refreshed (unless a month passes, or building is repaired, or saved and reload, etc.) In other words - logistical bombing didn't really affected infra except the icon and the tooltip
    - Gov on exile that has still active capital on our territory (like HOL) may trade. Otherwise all current trades are cancelled.
    - Fixed important bug in deploying brigade attachments to units in OOB browser, where they couldn't be attached.
    - Units are loosing a bit more str if "low supply" status. The fix affects peacetime_manpower_rotation modifier by PEACETIME_MANPOWER_ROTATION_LOW_SUPPLY_FACTOR.
    - Fixed exploit bug about instant kill of units retreating to province where enemy paratroopers are fighting with your units.
    - No longer possible to give strat-redeploy order to unit that is retreating (multiselection order case)
    - tweaked terrain penalties
    - SHBB can now also be prides of fleet!!!
    - Fixed a mismatch issue between the leader experience and the current skill level. Leaders with a given skill level should now also get the appropriate experience.
    - practical gain is now revelant to the IC cost difference for upgrading units.
    - amphibious landing is impossible for HQs unless invading together with other units. Observe, that HQ will move after the troops conquers the coast, which is more realistic.
    - winter effect slows down movement instead of increasing it.
    - bombers does greater damage on ground units (see BOMB_REGIMENT_DAMAGE_MODIFIER for tweaking)
    - Fixed bug in naval units not getting exp for convoy battles.
    - Tweaked amount of exp got by convoy battle (both for subunits and leader). See EXP_GAIN_CONVOY_MODIFIER = 0.25
    - Fixed an exploit where naval combat positioning was not updated when new units joined up, allowing players to enter combat with a small fleet, and quickly bring in reinforcement, without incurring penalty.
    - Fixed an issue where countries could start with negative money due to AI changing laws during game setup.
    - Fixed an issue where it was possible to move through occupied territory in a friendly country, where the friendly country and the occupier are at war.
    - upgrading IC,Time,Manpower costs formula corrected
    - upgrading time no longer goes to 1 day if very high practical
    - upgraded unit experiance is increased if starting exp is greater than inherited exp (so training laws makes sense).
    - upgrading unit "practical gain" is now calculated by IC cost aspect, and multiplied by UNIT_UPGRADE_PRACTICAL_MOD for balancing.
    - correctly updated IC and Time while country modifiers are changed (like changing laws) - there was a hacky case for upgrades, but no longer there.
    - fixed exploit of changing law (that gives extra unit experiance), right before the construction is finished. Now unit constructions accumulates the experiance over the time dependly on current "starting exp" modifier.
    - You can no longer declare war with someone whose faction leader has a NAP with you, has an ally who has a NAP with you, or is a puppet of someone you have a NAP with.
    - Fixed a user interface mismatch where the election period reflected that of the government type, even though the country overrode it.
    - Fixed an issue where the last election date got reset to the current date, regardless of what the history files said.
    - Fixed an issue where the last election was incorrectly set to the current date when one or more elections should have taken place between the recorded last election, and the start date of the game.
    - rebalanced defense values a bit to get more realistic invasion of france
    - increased land combat threat effect a bit
    - fixed bug in ultra high infra level when leveling up an infra in the province. (could affect the strat-resources and many other things).
    - SOV now needs to have 20% surrender progress for their defence decision, and it has only 20% bonus now
    - GER now gains some manpower from their special decisions
    - unit start experience no longer gets overwritten by best law

    - Interface
    - United Kingdom is now (manly) pink so it can be distinguished from soviet union
    - fixed issue with event pictures getting incorrect sizes
    - Fixed province colors when deploying underground.
    - Ally members Underground sprites are shown to player too (as grey icon).
    - Province view is no longer showing underground panel in province that it should be hidden for player.
    - Fixed camera, so it's nice and smooth as in AHD (correct rotation at max zoom, and correct zoom to mouse pointer).
    - Fixed several problems with "counters" at max zoom and camera rotation.
    - Fixed problem with selection box going out of map bounds (on top or bottom of screen).
    - Fixed bug with disappearing rivers when camera zoomed in
    - Fixed air/naval mapmode refresh when change/cancel orders.
    - Fixed bug in convoy map arrows not being refreshed sometimes.
    - IC waste alerts when overspending points for consumer goods when it will no longer affect dissent that is 0%.
    - Fixed bug in production sliders not being applied unless pressing (NEEDED) or close production view.
    - Province view infra building level is now shown correctly regarding the infra intel (as tooltip in infra mapmode).
    - In supply map mode showing infra level and throughput
    - Tweaked camera culling again, because some large provinces was disappearing at max zoom out in large resolution mode.
    - Combat event desc is more understandable now, as users confused them with modifiers. Also combatant tooltip shows bonuses from event.
    - Fixed an issue where clicking a disabled "Play" or "Victory Conditions" button in the setup screen would send the click event to whatever was behind it.
    - Fixed misaligned scrollbar in the diplomacy view's decision list.
    - Fixed an issue with the leader experience progress; it should now show the progress from the current skill level to the next.
    - The tooltip for a given leader will now show when the maximum skill level has been reached.
    - Fixed an issue where clicking "need" under Production would result in red text, even though the value should be sufficiently high.
    - Fixed a mismatch between the dissent info color in the top bar, and its related tooltip.
    - alerts for early tech a bit more resonable
    - fixed bug in unit supply consumption tooltip. The amount of days left of supplies was incorrect.
    - new console command "tooltipdebug" to toggle debug shown in tooltip (country tag/province id) - also in release mode.
    - fixed attrition tooltip
    - Selection group shortcuts (ctrl+<n>) are now included in the save file, and tied to a given country (also works in multiplayer).
    - Checking "Automate Trade" will now suppress popup messages when you (the AI) or a country you tried to trade with declined the trade agreement, regardless of the message settings.
    - balance work on defensiveness in france etc
    - Fixed unit construction tooltips
    - reorg view of naval units shows: positioning penalty and capital/screen ratio.
    - removed a partial swastika from a background for japan
    - corrected continuation_war2 localisation

    - Stability & Performance
    - fixed annoying random crash when small nations tried to spawn partisans
    - Fixed CTD caused by badly defined "Rule The Pacific" CB.
    - optimized camera movement by keyboard
    - Fixed CTD (stack corruption when deploying unit in certain way)
    - Fixed CTD when ITA try to delcare war (acquire territory) on FRA.
    - fixed a bunch of syntax problems in gui files
    - fixed crash when attempting to build air wings
    - Fixed an issue where a player's unit could get assigned to different theatre after loading a multiplayer save-game.
    - fixed CTD in multiplayer when at least 3 players playing, and one leaves the game while the time is unpaused.
    - Fixed CTD when deleting air transporter unit. AI managed to load paratroopers on transporter without unloading them first from another one.
    - fixed problem with empty air combats, leading to ctd when click it in outliner in right moment.
    - fixed ctd when click on ministers button in intelligence view when the country has removed minister (f.ex. by event).

    - AI Improvements
    - strategic bombing ai improvements with respect to targeting
    - fixed AI problem for US guarantees
    - ai control on theaters now requires you to have actually assigned an area to do so, and will warn in a tooltip
    - countries will now be much more likely to surrender to whoever holds biggest amount of victory points
    - fixed a bunch of non-crital small errors
    - UK can now build units when at low MP.
    - GetRandomUnderGroundTarget() (ref from lua) works correctly now.
    - Fixed bug about incorrect undergrounds deployment by AI.
    - AI is now managing underground stances. Spawns partisants regarding situation (f.ex. to disrupt the oppressor fighting on the frontline).
    - Fixed bug about airplanes got cancelled orders when gets out of range by chasing enemy airplanes.
    - Fixed bug in bombing order where sometimes airplanes keep bombing regarless the low str/org.
    - Intercept and air sup missions won't takeoff to engage empty enemy units that will be gone in the next hour tick.
    - Fixed bug in neighbour check
    - Fixed issue with AI sometimes falling asleep, unless reloaded.
    - Convoy is no longer auto-created in situation when the destination (supplier province) doesn't need anything (but only if at war, to avoid unnecessary convoys loss that doesn't ship anything).
    - GER should be smarter about when to call allies
    - Czechs will be less likely to fight Munich
    - CAG duty order is now correctly intercepting incoming airplanes.
    - Fixed AI bug - exiled units got stuck in other country, because AI was infinitively changing movement orders.
    - The AI's rules for various laws will now be applied when creating a new game, even if the country is controlled by a player.
    - ai will now garrison air fields more
    - ai wont garrison victory points that don't matter
    - invasion units now try to avoid more heavily defended provinces
    - fixed an issue where AI would never move exiled HQs
    - fixed invasion naval order so it stacks up HQs in queue after other units that can actually fight.
    - faction joining should now work better without boosting too much on some neighbors
    - portugal should now be less inclined to join axis when its risky
    - made commonwealth countries hold back on expeditionary forces for france defense
    - ai can now do banzai charges if cut off from supply if it thinks this can save them
    - made sure a bunch of smaller countries try harder to keep out of the war
    - exiles should no longer try and embargo
    - AI's embargo canceling will not check point cost fixing issues with embargo ping-ponging
    - mengkukou should no longer be called into war by germany
    - friendly ai keeps out more expeditionaries from france early on now and calculates existing planned invasions.
    - german ai will now try to limit the size of the front vs russia and call countries only when it is safer to do so
    - fixed issue where sweden would join allies even if complete suicide
    - turkey now wont join if russia isnt losing, its border situation is too scary otherwise
    - republican spain no longer joins allies if bordering germany
    - soviet sealion check now looks at all major ports instead of just london (sorry exploiters)
    - republican/nationalist spain more careful with faction joining
    - japanese AI can now reject reason to make the impossible possible and attack USA

    - Database Changes
    - fixed some duplicate provinces in regions
    - Corrected some event pics for Unthinkable
    - Modified desert rats OOB
    - FRA has more officers in Unthinkable
    - Reduced US/UK fighter tech in june '41 start
    - FRA no longer starts with jet fighters (sorry)
    - JAP leader Ando S. now busts tanks instead of forts
    - George C. Marshall (USA) is availible as a minister in 1939
    - Added GER units in Norway to their 1940 OOB
    - added officers_ratio to GER at different startpoints
    - Finnish winter war decision no longer check border provinces for troops
    - base manpower and leadership slightly higher
    - MTN troops now also fight better in forrests.
    - Armoured cars can speed up divisions
    - Armoured cars start out harder but no longer get a tech bonus for this
    - Armoured cars have higher surpression.
    - All types of tanks are now more exspensive to build (IC)
    - Engineers are slightly worse at crossing levels, but have a defence boost on all terrain types
    - Garrisons have less morale and gain less from tech, but also consume fewer supplies
    - Garrisons have slightly more air attack
    - Cav get a bit less speed reduction from techs. Bigger guns still slow them though, think of the poor ponies!
    - Mil, Cav, and Inf small arms all easier to research.
    - All armour research harder
    - Romania has a little more manpower
    - Suwalki is in eastern Poland, not western
    - infantry can no longer upgrade to engineer_brigades...
    - Inf can now upgrade to mechanized_brigades
    - cav can now upgrade to mechanized_brigades
    - SAF and NZL can now build infantry from '36
    - Radar techs for air and naval units increase night attack
    - Improved FIN OOBs
    - Improved USA OOBs
    - Improved CYN OOBs
    - fixed minor error in unlimted_national_emergency trigger
    - strategic goods fur and cinchona should now have consistents effects: they reduce the movement and combat penalty in winter/jungle respectively
    - urban terrain no longer increases attrition
    - Air base cost doubled, time halved
    - great_patriotic_war also gives some ruling party support
    - CVLs also gain bonuses from CV doctrines.
    - SHBB get +1 Air attack
    - SOV gets some lump MP from great_patriotic_war decision
    - USA keeps the effect of day of infamy for 1080 days (moar MP!)
    - unlimted_national_emergency allowed if FRA doesn't control Paris or is in the Axis rather than just then they are a GIE
    - stab_in_the_back can be enacted when ITA is at war with ENG, rather than FRA
    - undeclared war requires more threat to do and lowers neutrality a bit less
    - Fleet hull size before penalty upped to 16
    - Some infra roads redesigned in China and Com.China
    - Reworked terrain around Com.China in order to make mountainous borders
    - blitzkrieg_decision can also be done when at war with FRA before Paris is taken, not just POL
    - moved 60 metal from Kursk to Magitogorsk
    - Komet sighted event
    - Both GER's defence and ENG's end of the beginning decisions now require Berlin to be controled by GER
    - removed quotes from unthinkable's end text when SOV win
    - merged in many changes from the Community Map Project

    - Modding
    - fixed bug - turning off "instantresearch" cheat causes that researches got stuck.
    - inc cheat is now correctly affecting the gained exp of constructed unit.
    - new console code with working "help" (omg)
    - debug yesmen is now working for all AI decisions as it should.
    - new console command to TOGGLE AI enabling. Examples: "aipause all", "aipause ENG", "aipause" (lists paused countries).
    - Added "setnationalunity <tag> <unity>" console command, which sets a new national unity for the country <tag> to a new unity of <unity>
    - New commands:
    - "conquerall TAG" all enemy provinces becomes under our control (useful for instant winning a war).
    - "givemeall [amount]" Gives the specific amount of: all materials + supplies + fuel + money
    - "reorg [prov_id]" Sets org to max of all player units in province.
    - "teleportselectionto [prov_id]" Moves instantly selected unit to province regardless the distance.
    - install communism/democracy cb's are now working
    - liberate as communism/democracy cb's removed
    - guarantee console command that toggles guarantee (I needed it for testing some bug, and leaving it so players can use it in case) example: "guarantee USA URU"
  14. agent_45

    agent_45 Guest

    No Bacca, anche avendo aggiunto me o te, non riescono a entrare nel gruppo.. Comunque quando dovrebbe venire rilasciata questa patch? Io ho ancora la 3.05.
  15. Enok


    15 Ottobre 2009
    Magicbus9 è già nel gruppo da un paio di giorni. Chi sono gli altri?
  16. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    la patch è già rilasciata da giugno, ce ne sono 3 , 3.06 3.06.01 3.06.02, direi di usare l'ultima anche se beta, perchè il change long mi sembra molto eloquente....
    Cmq per non sbagliare cheksum meglio scaricare tutti la stessa, magari la mettiamo in share da qualche parte.

    Non serve entrare nel gruppo, facciamo un party di volta in volta per giocare.
    Più che altro non so il nick su Evolve di Aranos e Murat ! (i due che mancano Enok)
  17. Enok


    15 Ottobre 2009
    Sì, esatto, il gruppo serve solo come chat generale e punto di ritrovo.

    A mali estremi, potete semplicemente contattarvi uno per uno con le chat singole.
  18. agent_45

    agent_45 Guest

    VinMurat c'è su Evolve, ma manca Aranos.. Se trovi la patch postala comunque.
  19. bacca


    19 Ottobre 2009
    Veneto Indipendente
    trovato Aranos92 !
  20. VinMurat


    9 Settembre 2012
    ok ho enok, bacca e agent.. ma sono dentro? non mi pare lol

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