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C:MANO Northern Fury

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da GeorgePatton, 29 Agosto 2018.

  1. GeorgePatton


    26 Marzo 2006
    Le 2 PTM del MslGp 1 giungono nel fiordo davanti a Mehamn poco prima delle 16 ed iniziano a cannoneggiare le truppe sovietiche che stanno attaccando la mia guarnigione. Posso infliggere perdite agli attaccanti ma, dal mare, non posso certo fermarli. Mehamn cade verso le 16.15. A questo punto, dopo ancora qualche cannoneggiamento contro i sovietici, decido di ritirare le mie due PTM. Mi resta un unico Penguin e la via per la base è molto lunga.
    Nonostante l’inutilità del loro intervento, le artiglierie delle 2 PTM distruggono un BTR-70 e uccidono una dozzina di soldati sovietici.
    Nel frattempo i primi F-15 americani giungono a Bodo ed atterrano per rifornirsi. Prima di altre tre ore non potranno riprendere il volo. Alcuni F-15, però, li tengo in volo e li mando a nord. Hanno carburante a sufficienza per intervenire. Rientreranno più tardi a Bodo. In questo modo eviterò di avere tutti gli Eagles a terra o in volo nello stesso momento.
    Anche i 4 F-5A Tiger mandati a nord da Orland intervengono nella battaglia e lo fanno nel migliore dei modi, abbattendo 4 aerei nemici senza subire alcuna perdita. Vediamo quanto dura la loro imbattibilità.

    Fino ad ora le perdite aeree mi danno ragione, ma non sono certo sufficienti per far pendere l’ago della bilancia in mio favore:

    Alle 16.18 termina la breve imbattibilità degli F-5A Tiger. Due di essi vengono abbattuti nel tentativo di fermare un’incursione nemica contro Bardufoss. Anche un MiG-27, però, viene abbattuto.
    Alle 17.00 tento un’incursione con 2 F-15C americani per cercare di portare soccorso agli assediati di Banak, ma i Su-27 sovietici fanno buona guardia e li abbattono entrambi prima che riescano a compiere la loro missione.

    Ore 17.12Z

    Arriva un lungo ed importantissimo messaggio:


    From: Ministry of Defence Command Centre. Akershus Fortress Oslo

    To: All Norwegian Defence Forces

    Multiple explosions throughout Oslo have occurred over the past 15 min, most importantly: Parliament was struck by what appears to be a large truck bomb during a speech from the King. There are few survivors and it is assumed that both the King and Prime Minister plus many members of Parliament are casualties. The Minister of Foreign Affairs who was in Brussels briefing the NACC with the Minister of National Defence has been declared temporary Head of State by the Supreme Court and is flying home at this moment.

    Other bombing sites were the main police HQ, the railway station, the harbour tunnel entrance, several media outlets and two local Armouries.

    The seat of government is now collocated with this HQ in Akershus Fortress


    Ore 18.00Z


    To: Allied Forces North Norway HQ (Bodo) (AFNN)

    From: Allied Forces Northern Europe (Kolsas) (AFNORTH)

    Situation: Global situation developing rapidly. WP forces have launched a sudden and violent attack on a global scale:


    A massive coordinated strike was launched simultaneous with attacks in North Norway. Initial reports are that up to 17 Tank and Combined Arms Armies are involved with approximately 40 Class A Divisions supported by 8 Air Armies. Berlin will likely fall in the next 24 hours, Munich is threatened.

    NATO Armies are mobilizing and deploying to defend against the WP thrusts. Reforger is commencing. The first elements should be moving out of the POMCUS sites within the next 12 hours. France has re-integrated with NATO military forces and are deploying to forward positions. The air battle over Germany is simply epic!


    An amphibious operation has captured the Northern entrance to the Bosporus and an attempt has been made to topple the Turkish Government, it's unclear what is happening at the moment. Syria, Jordan and Libya are actively involved on the Soviet side, Syria & Jordan attacking Israel and Libya interdicting maritime traffic in the Med. Israel is holding it's own at the moment. An attempted Coup in Egypt is probably linked to an attempt to close the Suez Canal earlier today. A Container ship transiting through Port Suez exploded and caught fire, quick action by the local authorities pushed and towed it out to open water where it burned to the waterline and sank.

    The US 6th Fleet, centred on USS Eisenhower and USS Iowa along with Italian, Spanish, Greek, Turkish and now French forces are rapidly stabilizing the situation in the Med. Operation Bright Star is commencing with the deployment of the USAF 366th "air intervention" composite wing, and a high readyness Brigade from the 9th Infantry Division, to Egypt. The situation in the Balkans is confused, violent and unpredictable at the moment.


    SOSUS detected a considerable number of submarine deployments before the system was knocked out. In addition to the attack on Iceland, several large merchant vessels have either been attacked or have failed to report their location for the past several hours.

    US 2nd Fleet is out of position. The America CVBG returned from an 8 month deployment several weeks ago and is beginning short term refit. The Enterprise CVBG, is on work up training in Porto Rico, she has been ordered to steam North as quickly as possible. Both the Roosevelt and the Carl Vinson, along are at Norfolk in various stages of preparation, it will be about a week before either one of these BG's is ready to sortie. In the meantime the HMS Invincible along with STANAVFORLANT are guarding the GIUK gap.


    Cuba and Venezuela are overtly supporting the Soviets, and are backed by some unexpected Soviet equipment. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa-Rica, are all experiencing some form of political upheaval. It is too early to tell which way things will go but it will certainly be messy. The Kennedy CVBG and other forces from the US, UK, France and Netherlands are in the area to keep a lid on things.

    South Atlantic: All quiet so far although Argentina is making noise about seizing the Falkland Islands again. The US, UK France and Germany have forces in SOUTHLANT.


    Major attacks on Japan and US facilities. China remains neutral but has gone to full alert status. Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia have declared support against Soviet aggression. Vietnam claims neutrality but is allowing Soviet basing and overflights to continue. North Korea has launched an attack against South Korea; however, this seem uncoordinated with Soviet actions.

    The US 7th Fleet based on the Kitty Hawk and Constellation CVBG's along with multinational forces are engaging, while the US 3rd Fleet mobilizes centered on the George Washington and Independence CVBG's.

    Indian Ocean:

    India has declared a separate war with Pakistan and stated that it will allow Soviet intervention if the US or the West becomes involved. Iran has closed the Straights for Hormuz to all traffic which precipitated a major clash with USN forces in the Persian Gulf. Iraq has declared itself neutral, other Gulf states are assisting the US. Yemen is overtly assisting the Soviets and together with several 'Horn of Africa' countries including Somalia and Eritrea have attempted to close the Bab-el-Mandeb.

    US 5th Fleet, leading a multinational force is centered on the Nimitz and Saratoga CVBG's while the Abraham Lincoln CVBG is currently transiting into the IO from South of Australia.

    Update ends

    • Like Like x 1
  2. PPCT


    19 Agosto 2013
    Decisamente interessante la lore dell'ultimo flash, è parecchio accurata.
  3. GeorgePatton


    26 Marzo 2006
    In questo modo introducono un po' quello che viene presentato con gli altri scenari legati a questo battleset. Infatti sono stati creati battleset per il Mar dei Caraibi, per l'Oceano Indiano e per il Mediterraneo. Per il Pacifico al momento ancora nulla.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. GeorgePatton


    26 Marzo 2006
    Ore 20.00Z

    Sono costrette alla resa le guarnigioni di Kirkeness, Vadso, Vardo, Batsfjord e Mehamn, dove le truppe sovietiche, sbarcate da terra o aviotrasportate, hanno assunto il controllo dei villaggi e dei relativi piccoli aeroporti, in attesa che il grosso dell’Armata Rossa sopraggiunga via terra dal Finnmark.

    Continua invece a resistere strenuamente la guarnigione di Banak, nonostante sia sottoposta ad un pesante e continuo fuoco nemico. Ma, anche in questo caso, si tratta solamente di tempo, in quanto, ormai, non è possibile inviare alcun rinforzo.

    Ore 22.12Z

    La TG Bergen, comprendente la fregata omonima e la gemella Stavanger, viene attaccata con missili antinave AS-7 Kerry da due MiG-27 sovietici. Uno dei due missili lanciati dal primo MiG-27 ha un malfunzionamento e cade in mare prima di raggiungere la fregata norvegese, mentre il secondo colpisce la superficie dell’acqua ad una ventina di metri dalla Stavanger. L’esplosione scaglia comunque parecchie schegge contro la fregata, che subisce danni lievi. In seguito gli Sparrow delle due navi abbattono entrambi gli aerei attaccanti. A questo punto il comandante della squadra navale decide di invertire la rotta e di rientrare alla base. Inutile e troppo pericoloso continuare, mancando la copertura aerea e non essendo state avvistate ulteriori unità navali nemiche.

    Ore 22.15Z: 4 missili aria-terra lanciati da bombardieri sovietici contro la base aerea di Bardufoss, vengono intercettati ed abbattuti dagli F-15 americani.

    Nel tempo rimanente vengono effettuati diversi attacchi con missili aria-terra contro Bardufoss, tutti respinti. Solo un missili riesce a passare ed a cadere nel perimetro della base aerea, senza però causare alcun danno.

    Gli F-15 americani, unitamente agli F-16 olandesi ed agli F-16 MLU norvegesi fanno buona guardia. Si registrano alcune scaramucce aeree, durante le quali cadono ancora un paio di F-15 americani, in cambio di una mezza dozzina di aerei sovietici.

    Banak è ancora sotto assedio. Continua a resistere ma ogni speranza di tenerla è ormai svanita.


    Ecco la lista delle perdite:


    33x F-16A Falcon (Norway)
    1x F-16AM Falcon MLU
    2x F-5A Freedom Tiger
    1x P-3N Orion

    37 aircrafts

    1x Lynx Mk86


    2x F-16A Falcon (322 RNLAF Sqn)


    5x F-15C Eagle

    Other LOSSES:
    1x W 320 Nordkapp
    1x P 960 Storm
    2x P 980 Snøgg
    3x P 986 Hauk

    4x NM135 APC [M113A1]
    4x Vehicle (RSS-40 Skyguard)
    34x Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]
    3x RB 70 Rayrider Mk1 MANPADS
    8x 40mm/70 Single Bofors


    30x MiG-23MLD Flogger K
    1x MiG25RBS Foxbat D
    4x MiG-27K Flogger J
    15x MiG-29 Fulcrum A
    1x Su-17M-4 Fitter K
    3x Su-17M-4R Fitter K
    12x Su-24M Fencer D
    2x Su-25 Frogfoot A
    9x Su-27S Flanker B
    4x Tu-16RM-1/2 Badger D

    81 aircrafts

    1x Mi-24K Hind
    5x Mi-24P Hind F

    6 helos

    6x RK Osa II [Pr.205U]
    4x RK Tarantul III [Pr.1241.1M]
    4x MRK Nanuchka III [Pr.1234.1 Ovod]
    2x MDK Pomornik [Pr.1232.2 Zubr]

    1x PL-877 Kilo

    18x BMP-1 [AT-3 Sagger B] IFV
    10x BTR-70 APC
    40x Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]
    1x 81mm Mortar
    4x SA-7b Grail [9K32M Strela-2M] MANPADS

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