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RM - Mod Nuova MOD per Arsenal of Democracy - IRON FIST

Discussione in 'Mod e Patch' iniziata da boulvard, 1 Novembre 2019.

  1. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
  2. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Ciao a tutti!

    Iron Fist versione 1.225 è ora disponibile per il download. [​IMG]

    Sono stati corretti gravi errori che non permettevano un aggiornamento corretto per alcuni tipi di divisioni delgi eserciti che dispongono delle divisioni dedicate.
    Ora il gioco è interamente giocabile senza problemi o bug.


    Anticipazione dei cambiamenti:

    Versione 1.225
    23 January 2021

    -- Fixed error in description text for Germany event 3136138 "Hitler's Birthday Military Parade".
    -- Fixed error in description text in file "extra_taxt.txt", line description "DWAREYOUSURE2".
    -- Modified Germany event 2031, eliminated the possibility of the German AI event being triggered for
    human player.
    -- Modified Croatia event 2032, added trigger AI event deleted for Germany event 2031.
    -- Improved UK event 3131214 "Unlock 'British Expeditionary Forces'", improved trigger conditions.
    -- Fixed error in Germany AI events 20572 to 25589 for nuclear race.
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 20042 "Germany sends Italy Afrika Korps".
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 3136429 "Transport plane for airbourne troops (Human Player)" in file
    "Germany_Elite.txt", added missing dates lines for event developement.
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 3136302 "Upgrade '4. Leichte-Division'", removed duble supply cost.
    -- Fixed serious error in italian text description strings in file "text.txt", exchanged the Italian description
    of the string "DEF_COMBAT_MODIFIER" with the string "OFF_COMBAT_MODIFIER".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Minister of Armaments "Tank Proponent".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Security Minister "Logistics Specialist".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Chief of Staff "School of Maneuver".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Chief of Staff "School of Fire Support".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Chief of Staff "School of Mass Combat".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Chieff of Army "Elastic Defence Doctrine".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Chieff of Army "Static Defence Doctrine".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Chieff of Army "Decesive Battle Doctrine".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the Chieff of Army "Armoured Spearhead Doctrine".
    -- Fixed error in description text in file "extra_taxt.txt", line description "EVT_3136017_DESC", lost Italian
    translation restored.
    -- Modified Germany event 3136041, eliminated the possibility of the German AI event being triggered for
    human player.
    -- Modified Congo event 3115007, added trigger AI event deleted for Germany event 3136041.
    -- Added new 2 events in "Germany_Elite.txt", added for Germany new Elite division, the
    -- Added a new event in "Germany_Elite.txt", added for Germany new Elite division, the
    '44. Reichsgrenadier Div. Hoch und Deutschmeister'.
    -- Added new 2 events in "Germany_Elite.txt", added for Germany new Elite division, the '130.Panzer-Lehr-Division'.
    -- Improved the characteristics of the technological research 5160 "Vehicle Assembly Line".
    -- Improved the characteristics of the technological research 5180 "Small Arms Assembly Line".
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 379942 "SS Unit Formation (7. SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division Prinz Eugen)",
    removed luftwaffe leader "von Massow" for SS gebirgs-division and added your SS historical commander "Phelps".
    -- Modified some text strings in file "extra_text.txt", text unreadable because of the excessive length.
    -- Modified Italian infantry division names in file "unitnames.csv".
    -- Fixed error in Japan event 2600031, "Second London Naval Treaty Negotiations" in event file "Naval_treaty.txt".
    -- Fixed error in Italian event 2600032, "Second London Naval Treaty Negotiations" in event file "Naval_treaty.txt".
    -- Fixed error in the text of the choice option text in file "Germany_Elite.txt", inserted correct text for the
    event 3136425 "Upgrade Division 'Hermann Göring' to Panzer-Division 'Hermann Göring'".
    -- Correct in the scenario file "Germany.inc" the name of 2 divisions of Afrika korps, inserted correct name for
    the "164.Infanterie-Division" and the "334.Infanterie-Division".
    -- Improved various events for the end of foreign volunteer enlistments for Germany in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Added new events for ending foreign volunteer enlistments for Germany in case the Soviet Union is defeated in
    the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved various events for the end of foreign volunteer enlistments for Germany in the "waffen_ss.txt" file.
    -- Added new events for ending foreign volunteer enlistments for Germany in case the Soviet Union is defeated in
    the "waffen_ss.txt" file.
    -- Fixed bug in various events of "NOE.txt file", the events generated by the German player has been replaced
    in the selection options, the line "type = indipendence value = 0" with the line
    "type = indipendence value = 1". This prevents German units on the provinces of the liberated country from
    becoming units belonging to the liberated.
    -- Replaced incorrect descriptive text code for event 3136426, "Upgrade Panzer-Division 'Hermann Göring' to
    Fall.Pz.Div 1 'Hermann Göring'", with correct descriptive code.
    -- Replaced incorrect descriptive text code for event 3136427, "Form Fall.Pz.Gdr.Div 2 'Hermann Göring' to
    Fall.Pz.Div 1 'Hermann Göring'", with correct descriptive code.
    -- Fixed incorrect "air defense" value for the "alternative turbojet fighter" unit type, changed from 4.75 to 19.
    -- Given the possibility to the German air forces to aggregate night fighter specialty units to the interceptor
    type air forces, multi-role fighters, tactical bomber and naval bomber. From now on it will be possible to
    remove the Night Specialties Brigade arrived by event with air squadrons for night fighters, and add to other
    air squadrons.
    -- Added new german event 3136084 in file "Deutsche_Afrika_Korps.txt", unlock 334.Infantery-Division in italy.
    -- Fixed serious error in the development and updating of Romanian infantry divisions, after the latest
    development the unit continues to update itself in other unforeseen models.
    -- Fixed serious error in the development and updating of the motorized divisions of all the nations of the
    game except the Soviet Union and Italy, after the latest development the unit continues to update itself
    in other unforeseen models.
    -- Fixed serious error in the development and updating of the Italian mechanized divisions, after the latest
    development the unit continues to update itself in other unforeseen models.
    -- Fixed serious error in the update of German armored divisions, starting with the armored division of 1945,
    armored divisions do not update and some models cannot even be produced.
    -- Fixed serious error in the development and update of German armored divisions, after the latest development
    the unit continues to update itself in other unforeseen models.
    -- Tweaked and improved values of all multi-role fighter models.
    -- Tweaked and improved values of all interceptor fighter models.
    -- Tweaked and improved values of all strategic bomber models.
    -- Tweaked and improved values of all tactical bomber models.
    -- Tweaked and improved values of all naval bomber models.
    -- Tweaked and improved values of all Close Air Support models.
    -- Tweaked and improved values of all transport aircraft models.
    -- Improved trigger event condition for event 3145012, "Fall of Libya" in file "italy.txt".
    -- Fixed error in text of file "tech_names.txt", replace word "Whermacht" with correct word "Wehrmacht".
    -- Added new text for the name of the events in the "independence_1.txt", "independence_2.txt" and
    "independence_3.txt" files.
    -- Fixed bug in Germany event 3136184, "Italy dissolves" in "germany.txt file", an incorrect command line
    crashes the game.
    -- Fixed error in italian text description strings in file "text.txt", corrected text describing cavalry
    -- Fixed serious error in the research of the 43 cavalry division for the Italian, a lack in the
    requirements for the development of technological research, did not allow the Italian player to develop and
    produce the armored cavalry of the 43.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 1000036, "German attack Soviet Union!" in the "events_for_all.txt" file,
    the event now only develops if the Soviet Union is attacked and no longer when the Soviet Union attacks.
    -- Fixed error in Soviet event 3183799, "New armored divisions till 1943 (+50 div)" in event file
    "USSR_armored_organization_3.txt", 1943 armored brigades transformed into 1945 armored divisions, the mistake
    was corrected, now the 1943 armored brigades are transformed into 1943 armored divisions.
    -- Added new images for the divisions models, now the German divisions of the Afrika Korps who come to italy
    dates as expeditionary forces, will be displayed with pictures of correct models.
    -- Fixed serious error in the production of Soviet 1962 armored divisions, the post-war 1962 armored division
    model is incorrect.

    Buon divertimento. :approved:



    21 Aprile 1945 nei pressi di Bautzen, Germania orientale.

    Hasso von Manteuffel: << Ma sei forse impazzito? tentare di fermare i russi alle porte di Bautzen sarà come andare all'inferno! >>

    Lukas von Mazzückler: << Non è forse l'inferno il posto in cui quelli come noi devono stare? >>

    Dopo la battaglia, nessuno lo rivide mai più.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Salve a tutti.

    Ho preparato una nuova versione di iron Fist, la nuova 1.226 che differisce dalla 1.225 solamente per avere uno scenario chiamato "Iron Fist No Time Limit" per poter giocare senza ansie per il termine del tempo di gioco, non cambierà nint'altro.
    Così ora avete anche la possibilità di giocare e fare tutte le prove che volete consapevoli che il gioco durerà fino al primo Gennaio 1999.

    Buon divertimento.



    21 Aprile 1945 nei pressi di Bautzen, Germania orientale.

    Hasso von Manteuffel: << Ma sei forse impazzito? tentare di fermare i russi alle porte di Bautzen sarà come andare all'inferno! >>

    Lukas von Mazzückler: << Non è forse l'inferno il posto in cui quelli come noi devono stare? >>

    Dopo la battaglia, nessuno lo rivide mai più.
    Ultima modifica: 6 Gennaio 2022
  4. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011

    Hai avuto occasione di provare Iron Fist?
    ...sono curioso d'avere dei tuoi pareri :D
  5. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Salve a tutti.

    A breve arriveranno nuovi aggiornamenti che correggono altri errori minori e stringhe di testo.

    Volevo comunicarvi che nei prossimi mesi Iron Fist avrà anche totale traduzione in lingua francese, tedesco, spagnolo e russo.

    Ormai sia io che il beta tester ci giochiamo da anni e tutto fila liscio non essendo stati riscontrati gravi errori, anzi, da Gennaio a Ottobre, abbiamo trovato solo piccoli errori e testi mancanti o errati.

    • Like Like x 1
  6. Djmitri


    13 Agosto 2012
    Quante ore ho passato su Arsenal of Democracy... :love:

    Poi rimpiazzato dall'ottimo Darkest Hour. :rolleyes:
    • Like Like x 1
  7. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Perchè non provi la mia mod? ...sono convinto ci spenderai ancora ore e ore ;)
  8. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Per invogliarti dovresti leggere dei post in data 28 ottobre 2020, un tipo ne parla veramente bene!
  9. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Ciao a tutti!

    Irön Fist versione 1.238 è ora disponibile per il download.
    Sono stati corretti ancora errori scovati dal beta tester per il giocatore americano ed eventi riguardanti gli episodi di "The bruma road".
    Sistemati anche varie stringhe di testo errate.

    Sono felice di annunciarvi che sto preparando le traduzioni complete per le lingue francese, tedesco, spagnolo e russo.
    Quasi ultimate le traduzioni in francese e tedesco.
    Probabilmente saranno tutte disponibili ai primi mesi del prossimo anno.

    Anticipazione dei cambiamenti:

    Version 1.238
    21 October 2022

    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 440011, "Only one American plane in the sky" in the "Japan_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 440013, "Surrender or not surrender?" in the "Japan_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 440017, "Fat Man fell on Nagasaky" in the "Japan_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 440018, "Only one American plane in the sky" in the "Japan_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Added new text of the choice option for the event 960 "The Opening of the Burma Road" in the "hoi2.txt".
    -- Added new text of the choice option for the event 961 "The Burma Road has been closed!" in the "hoi2.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "desc = EVT_460000_DESC" in all not AI events in the file "Independence_1.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "desc = EVT_460000_DESC" in all not AI events in the file "Independence_2.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "desc = EVT_460000_DESC" in all not AI events in the file "Independence_3.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "name = ABONDON_OK" in all not AI events in the file "Independence_1.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "name = ABONDON_OK" in all not AI events in the file "Independence_2.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "name = ABONDON_OK" in all not AI events in the file "Independence_3.txt".

    Buon divertimento.



    21 Aprile 1945 nei pressi di Bautzen, Germania orientale.

    Hasso von Manteuffel: << Ma sei forse impazzito? tentare di fermare i russi alle porte di Bautzen sarà come andare all'inferno! >>

    Lukas von Mazzückler: << Non è forse l'inferno il posto in cui quelli come noi devono stare? >>

    Dopo la battaglia, nessuno lo rivide mai più.
  10. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Ciao a tutti!

    Irön Fist versione 1.240 è ora disponibile per il download.
    Anticipato e migliorato l'evento che comunica al giocatore umano la disattivazione della brigata aggregata caccia di scorta.

    Anticipazione dei cambiamenti:

    Version 1.240
    29 October 2022

    -- Added new command line in Event 1000005, "Initial Notes - Read carefully (pt.5)" in the "start_game_message.txt" file, now the Human event "Escort fighters deactivated" are triggered by last initial notes message.
    -- Modified event 1000045, "Escort fighters deactivated (Human Player)" in the "events_for_all.txt" file, for trigger directly from the last message of the opening notes.

    Buon divertimento.

  11. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Ciao a tutti!

    Irön Fist versione 1.283 è ora disponibile per il download.

    Corretti vari errori non gravi incontrati giocando con la nazione Germania.
    Migliorate le condizioni di sviluppo di molti eventi.
    Corrette alcune stringhe di testo degli eventi.

    Sono felice di annunciarvi che sto preparando le traduzioni complete per le lingue francese, tedesco, spagnolo e russo.
    Quasi ultimate le traduzioni in francese e tedesco.
    Probabilmente saranno tutte disponibili ai primi mesi del prossimo anno.

    Anticipazione dei cambiamenti:

    Version 1.283
    23 December 2022

    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for Germany event 379939, "SS Unit Formation (SS-Division Wiking)" in the
    "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- For german nation, added new name for interceptor and multirole fighters units in file "unitnames.csv".
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 3136205, "Create the Vlassov mechanized corps" in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 3136080, "DAK/Luftwaffe Fliegerführer 'Gabes' in Tripoli" in the
    "Deutsche_Afrika_Korps.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in description text for Soviet event 3183460 "Earned some Guards titles" in file "USSR_Elite.txt".
    -- Added new event for Germany 3236201, "Booty of war" in the the "NOE.txt" file, in case of total victory against
    soviet union.
    -- Modified german event 3236034, "Victory in the east (With purges)" in the "NOE.txt" file, Set flag for development
    event "Booty of war" in case of total victory against soviet union.
    -- Modified german event 3236200, "Victory in the east (Without purges)" in the "NOE.txt" file, Set flag for development
    event "Booty of war" in case of total victory against soviet union.
    -- Modified soviet event 3283054, "USSR asks for terms (with no purges)" in the "NOE.txt" file, Set flag for development
    event "Booty of war" in case germany gets a total victory against soviet union.
    -- Modified soviet event 3183080, "USSR asks for terms (with purges)" in the "NOE.txt" file, Set flag for development
    event "Booty of war" in case germany gets a total victory against soviet union.
    -- Modified german event 3236053, "USSR asks for terms" in the "NOE.txt" file, Set flag for development event
    "Booty of war" in case of total victory against soviet union.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361780, "The End of the Romania recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361790, "The End of the Bulgaria recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361800, "The End of the Cossacks recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361810, "The End of the Finland recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361820, "The End of the Luxemburg recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361830, "The End of the Slovenia recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361870, "The End of the United Kingdom recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361910, "The End of the Lithuania recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361920, "The End of the Czechoslovakia recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 31361930, "The End of the Bohemia and Moravia recruitment for the end war with
    USSR" in the "germany.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798700, "The End of the Norway recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798710, "The End of the Denmark recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798720, "The End of the Holland recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798730, "The End of the Belgium recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798740, "The End of the France recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798750, "The End of the Hungary recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798760, "The End of the Serbia recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798770, "The End of the Croatia recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798780, "The End of the Albania recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798790, "The End of the Galicia recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798800, "The End of the Latvia recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798810, "The End of the Estonia recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798820, "The End of the Russians recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 3798830, "The End of the Italy recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in action text "ACTIONNAME2036B" in text file "event_text.csv", Shortened too long text.
    -- Fixed error in action text for event 3798780 "The End of the Albania recruitment for the end war with USSR"
    in file "waffen_SS.txt".
    -- Added new event 1000047 "Turbojet engine Practical development" in file "evnts_for_all.txt", this event partially
    corrects the big delay that often happens in the unlocking of the 'Practical Turbojet Engine' technology.
    -- Modified event 2982018, "End of Lend Lease for USSR" in the "Lend_Lease.txt" file, to prevent the Soviet player
    from cheating the game dynamics and to keep the aid of 50 IC granted by the USA even when Germany is almost defeated.
    -- Deactivate command lines "type = wakeleader which =..." in action_a in event 379903 "Crusade Against Bolshevism"
    in file "waffen_SS.txt", SS commanders arrive for specific events at the birth of the SS divisions.
    -- Added new text strings "name = ACTIONNAME32760A # We accept the alliance with Germany" in event 3236033,
    "Alliance with germany (AI event)" in the file "NOE.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "name = ACTIONNAME32760A # We accept the alliance with Germany" in event 3236106,
    "Alliance with germany (AI event)" in the file "NOE.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "name = ACTIONNAME32760A # We accept the alliance with Germany" in event 3236108,
    "Alliance with germany (AI event)" in the file "NOE.txt".

    Buon divertimento e auguro a tutti voi un felice Natale!


    21 Aprile 1945 nei pressi di Bautzen, Germania orientale.

    Hasso von Manteuffel: << Ma sei forse impazzito? tentare di fermare i russi alle porte di Bautzen sarà come andare all'inferno! >>

    Lukas von Mazzückler: << Non è forse l'inferno il posto in cui quelli come noi devono stare? >>

    Dopo la battaglia, nessuno lo rivide mai più.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Ciao a tutti!

    Irön Fist versione 1.453 è ora disponibile per il download.

    Corretti vari errori non gravi incontrati giocando con la nazione Germania.
    Migliorate le condizioni di sviluppo di molti eventi.
    Trovato e corretto errori anche per eventi della Spagna nazionalista e Portogallo.
    Risolto il problema per le divisioni tedesche sul modello 1944 che non si sviluppavano al modello 1945, 1947 e 1951.

    Anticipazione dei cambiamenti:

    Version 1.453
    07 January 2023

    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for Portugal event 802049, "The Iberian Pact" in the "Portugal.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for Nationalist Spain event 3173013, "The 'Blue Division'" in the
    "nationalist_spain.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for USA event 470029, "Partisan Rock" in the "USA_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error for tech research "Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM)" added missing conditions for development.
    -- Added new event 1000048 "Flying Bomb development" in file "evnts_for_all.txt", this event partially corrects
    the big delay that often happens in the unlocking of the 'Flying Bomb development' in secret weapons
    -- Added new event 1000049 "Flying Rocket development" in file "evnts_for_all.txt", this event partially corrects
    the big delay that often happens in the unlocking of the 'Flying Rocket development' in secret weapons
    -- Added new event 1000050 "Nuclear Waste Bomb development" in file "evnts_for_all.txt", this event partially
    corrects the big delay that often happens in the unlocking of the 'Nuclear Waste Bomb development' in secret
    weapons technology.
    -- Added new event 1000051 "Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) development" in file "evnts_for_all.txt", this event
    partially corrects the big delay that often happens in the unlocking of the 'Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM)
    development' in secret weapons technology.
    -- Correct in the scenario file "usa.inc" the model of 17th Submarine Division, inserted the correct model of the
    2nd type instead of the incorrect model of the 7th type.
    -- Correct in the scenario file "uk.inc" the model of 2nd Submarine Flotilla, inserted the correct model of the
    2nd type instead of the incorrect model of the 7th type. (Very thanks to Wilde Boy for bug report).
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for Soviet event 51960, "New Borders - Eastern Poland" in the
    "Postwar.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for Soviet event 52060, "New Borders - Kaliningrad" in the
    "Postwar.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 1000031, "WAR!" in the "events_for_all.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 1000032, "Japan attack United States!" in the "events_for_all.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 1000033, "The war in Europe is end" in the "events_for_all.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 1000034, "Atomic Bomb on Hiroscima" in the "events_for_all.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 1000035, "Atomic Bomb on Nagasaky" in the "events_for_all.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 1000036, "Germany attack Soviet Union!" in the "events_for_all.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 1000037, "The war in Pacific is end" in the "events_for_all.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for USA event 3730, "Establishing Further Lend Lease Shipments" in the
    "USA.txt" file.
    -- Improved description text for german event 3136500, "Reorganizing infantry divisions in the model 1944?"
    in file "Germany_desperate_war.txt".
    -- Improved description text for german event 3136501, "Infanterie-Division model 44" in file
    -- Fixed error for Germany in event invention 8079, "Infanterie-Division model 1944" in
    "Required_tech_events.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error for Germany in event 3136501, "Infanterie-Division model 44" in "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error for Germany in event 3136503, "Infanterie-Division model 47" in "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error for Germany in event 3136503, "Infanterie-Division model 47" in "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error for Germany in event 3136504 "Infanterie-Division model 51" in "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Added a new event for Germany with the recruitment of new volunteers in case the soviet union no longer exists
    and the english island is occupied by german. Event 3236202, "The ultimate effort" in the file "NOE.txt".
    -- Added a new event for Germany to finish the arrival of volunteers. Event 3236203, "We have no more human
    reserves" in the file "NOE.txt".
    -- Replaced all end of event development dates of 29 December 1963, with 29 December 1999.
    -- Fixed error in start date to trigger conditions for Germany event 379973, "SS Unit Formation
    (30. Waffen-Grenadier-Div. der SS, Weissruthenische 1)" in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 3136001, "The enemy near fatherland" in the
    "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 3136002, "Desperate War" in the "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Added new AI (only for Germany puppets) event 3136600 "Infanterie-Division model 45 (AI event)" for the puppet
    nations of Germany in case they decide to produce infantry division 45 based on model 44. Added in
    "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Added new AI (only for Germany puppets) event 3136601 "Infanterie-Division model 47 (AI event)" for the puppet
    nations of Germany in case they decide to produce infantry division 45 based on model 44. Added in
    "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Added new AI (only for Germany puppets) event 3136602 "Infanterie-Division model 51 (AI event)" for the puppet
    nations of Germany in case they decide to produce infantry division 45 based on model 44. Added in
    "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- x 112 times -- Fixed error in all events "xxx system units and doctrines" in files "Indipendence_1.txt",
    "Indipendence_2.txt" and "Indipendence_3.txt"file. Fixed the possibility that Germany's puppet nations could
    research the 1944 infantry division model.

    Buon divertimento e buon 2023 a tutti voi. ;)



    21 Aprile 1945 nei pressi di Bautzen, Germania orientale.

    Hasso von Manteuffel: << Ma sei forse impazzito? tentare di fermare i russi alle porte di Bautzen sarà come andare all'inferno! >>

    Lukas von Mazzückler: << Non è forse l'inferno il posto in cui quelli come noi devono stare? >>

    Dopo la battaglia, nessuno lo rivide mai più.
    • Like Like x 1
    Ultima modifica: 7 Gennaio 2023
  13. Prostetnico


    22 Giugno 2009
    Non posso che rinnovare i complimenti per l'impegno che ci metti! :approved:

    Ma... Lukas von Mazzückler è un personaggio realmente esistito?
  14. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    No, mi sono preso la libertà di inserire me stesso nel gioco, Lukas von Mazzuckler è il mio nome e cognome germanizzato ;)
    Ho inserito anche mio zio, il beta tester, generale dell'armata rossa Joseph Mazzukovskji.

    Però l'episodio di Bautzen è reale, è avvenuto sul serio, l'ultuimo attacco delle panzer-division che per alcuni giorni ha respinto i sovietici con grosse perdite.

    Se fai una partita con la germania o con l'unione sovietica potrai scegliere se utilizzare o meno tali personaggi.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Prostetnico


    22 Giugno 2009
  16. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    E la foto che vedi sono realmente io nel 2012. :lol:
    Quando il gioco ti chiede se vuoi utilizzare tra i comandanti questi 2 ufficiali di fantasia, ognuno ha una descrizione romanzata della sua storia.
    La storia di von mazzuckler si conclude proprio con le frasi che metto sempre sotto la foto.
  17. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Ciao a tutti!

    Irön Fist versione 1.471 è ora disponibile per il download.

    Corretti vari errori non gravi incontrati giocando con la nazione Germania.
    Migliorate le condizioni di sviluppo di molti eventi.

    Anticipazione dei cambiamenti:

    Version 1.471
    9 March 2023

    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for Germany event 3136490, "Adolf Hitler besieged in his bunker (The last days)"
    in the "German_HQ.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 379933, "SS Upgrade (SS-Division Das Reich)" in the "waffen_SS.txt"
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 379938, "SS Upgrade (4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division)" in
    the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 379946, "SS Unit Formation (11. SS-Panzergrenadier-Div. Nordland)" in
    the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 3136404, "Upgrade "Regiment 'Großdeutschland'" to "Division
    'Großdeutschland'"" in the "Germany_Elite.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 3136427, "Form "Fall.Pz.Gdr.Div 2 'Hermann Göring'"" in the
    "Germany_Elite.txt" file.
    -- Improved description text for german event 3136502, "Infanterie-Division model 45" in file
    -- Improved description text for german event 3136503, "Infanterie-Division model 47" in file
    -- Improved description text for german event 3136504, "Infanterie-Division model 51" in file
    -- Added new models images for the german 1947 mechanized division.
    -- Added new models images for the german 1951 mechanized division.
    -- Improved event invention 8079, "Infanterie-Division model 1944" in "Required_tech_events.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 3136500, "Reorganizing infantry divisions in the model 1944?"
    in the "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- Remove Germany event 3136501, "Infanterie-Division model 44" in the "Germany_desperate_war.txt" file.
    -- x 4 times -- Modified 4 model picture for generics infantry division, 1944, 1945, 1947 and 1951.

    Buon divertimento. ;)



    21 Aprile 1945 nei pressi di Bautzen, Germania orientale.

    Hasso von Manteuffel: << Ma sei forse impazzito? tentare di fermare i russi alle porte di Bautzen sarà come andare all'inferno! >>

    Lukas von Mazzückler: << Non è forse l'inferno il posto in cui quelli come noi devono stare? >>

    Dopo la battaglia, nessuno lo rivide mai più.
    Ultima modifica: 1 Luglio 2023
  18. boulvard


    11 Luglio 2011
    Salve a tutti.

    Finalmente ho terminato la nuova versione di iron Fist.
    Annuncio la disponibilità della nuova versione "VER. 1.807".
    Sognavo di pubblicare il 9 Maggio per onorare il giorno della vittoria in Europa e Russia, purtroppo questo non è stato possibile per poco tempo a disposizione.
    Ho corretto moltissimi errori poco gravi, alcuni di essi un pò più gravi ma che assolutamente non compromettevano il gioco.
    Ricordo che Iron Fist è privo di errori gravi che hanno serie ripercussioni sul gioco già dalla versione 1.225 del Gennaio 2021.
    Tra gli errori importanti ho corretto valori sbagliati delle divisioni panzer tedesche che avevano errori di calcolo in alcuni loro valori come velocità e leggerezza, e altro ancora.
    Le unità interessate sono tutte le divisioni panzer leggere e quelle divisioni panzer del 1936 e 1939, poi dal 1941 c'erano errori lievi ininfluenti.
    Questi errori in forma ancor più leggera erano presenti anche per le divisioni corazzate dei sovietici e degli italiani, sempre fino allo sviluppo della divisione corazzata del 1941.
    Ho corretto anche errori nella creazione delle unità SS, per un errore di impostazione di una bandiera tra i trigger degli eventi, una dozzina di esse (le divisioni SS meno note) non si sviluppavano, ora è tutto testato e funzionante.
    Ho fatto modifiche che inseriscono novità importanti.
    La Germania e le nazioni con allineamento politico nazionalsocialista hanno una nuova politica sociale nell'interfaccia politica interna, si chiama "Priorità esercito professionista", è uguale alla "Priorità militare" ma con l'aggiunta di un esperienza molto maggiore che le truppe hanno la possibilità di maturare sul campo.
    Ho fatto anche una cosa che avrei dovuto fare da tempo, ho scollegato le ricerche degli "intercettori" dalle armi segrete "intercettori a razzo".
    Ora gli intercettori possono essere ricercati tutti senza dover passare dallo sviluppo delle due ricerche sugli intercettori a razzo.
    La novità più importante è l'aver ribilanciato completamente la forza di vari eserciti terrestri.
    Ho reso i sovietici più forti a partire dal secondo anno di guerra con il tedesco.
    Ho reso meno forti gli inglesi e soprattutto gli americani che avevano valori in organizzazione eccessivamente elevati.
    A fine guerra, se il sovietico vince contro la Germania, riceve in vari eventi e condizioni ulteriore morale e organizzazione.
    Questo ribilanciamento ha reso iron Fist ancor più filologico e storico senza perdere di giocabilità.
    Purtroppo la traduzione in altre lingue non arriverà come speravo, tutti coloro che collaboravano per tradurre in tedesco, francese e russo, un pò alla volta per vari motivi hanno abbandonato il progetto.

    Iron Fist a parer mio e del beta tester sarà sampre una MOD bellissima di Arsenal of democracy della serie HOI II.
    Esaustivo, dettagliato, innovativo, storico e ha anche un lato umano che si può apprezzare in alcune interfacce grafiche e nella descrizione di alcuni eventi, come i miei eventi preferiti, quelli dedicati alle donne.
    Abbiamo passato giorni e giorni e giorni su questa MOD ed eravamo solo in 2: io e il beta tester.
    Due italiani che amano la storia e che tanto hanno sacrificato in termini di tempo per migliorare sempre di più questo gioco.
    Solo dopo la pubblicazione, il 1/11/2019, siamo stati aiutati da altri appassionati della serie HOI II.
    Colgo ancora l'occasione per ringraziarli, con noi sono sempre stati disponibile e gentili, nonostante il mio pessimo inglese.
    Ringrazio di Cuore:

    • Czarina Julie
    • PB-Dk
    • Bestmajor

    E un grazie speciale a mio zio, l'unico beta tester, Mazzucchelli Giuseppe, senza il quale non sarebbe mai stato possibile fare tutto il lavoro di creazione di iron Fist.
    Molto tempo è passato da quel primo Novembre 2019.
    Non credo farò altre versioni di iron Fist, effettivamente questo suona come un addio.
    Spero sempre che la gente ci gioca e si diverta, ma mi rendo conto che ormai la serie HOI II è ritenuta da molti antiquata e superata.
    Grazie per tutto.

    E come sempre scrivo:
    Buon divertimento.


    Lista delle modifiche:

    Version 1.807
    17 May 2024

    -- Modified the "germany.inc" file scenario, replaced socialpolicy = "policy_social_ethnic" with new social policy
    socialpolicy = "Professional Army Focus", now Germany will start with this new social policy
    -- Modified the "Ideas.txt" file, modified "Militaristic Focus", now exclusively for nations
    with Fascist, Stalinist and Leninist ideologies.
    -- Created a new social policy in the "Ideas.txt" file, the new social policy is exclusive to the countries with National
    Socialist ideology, it is called "Professional Army Focus".
    -- Added new text strings "name = NAME_POLICY_social_professional_army # Professional Army Focus" in the file "Ideas.txt".
    -- Added new text strings "desc = "DESCRIPTION_POLICY_social_professional_army # The main objective of the leading regime
    is to create a highly specialized professional army" in the file "Ideas.txt".
    -- Added new idea images for social policy "Professional Army Focus".
    -- Changed the initial social policy for the nation Germany, from "policy_social_ethnic" to
    -- Increased ground troops maximum organization bonus by 1 to research development "Improved Electronic Weather Forecast"
    in file "secret_weapons_tech.txt".
    -- Fixed wrong 1951 Japanese infantry model image, removed generic model image and put in correct 1951 Japanese infantry
    model image.
    -- Removed excessive bonus of 20 organization points for US security divisions, to invasion mobilization, event 470100
    "USA troops mobilization" in file "USA_desperate_war.txt".
    -- Added maximum organization value of 5 in dedicated doctrine for UK nation, "War of movement" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for UK nation, "New tactics" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced maximum organization
    value for land forces from 10 to 5.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for UK nation, "1942 Reorganisation" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced maximum
    organization value for land forces from 20 to 5.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for UK nation, "1942 Reorganisation" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced morale value
    for land forces from 30 to 15.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "Entry into War" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, removed the entire bonus
    of maximum organization value for land forces.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "USA Army 1943" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced maximum
    organization value for land forces from 10 to 5.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "USA Army 1943" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced morale value for
    land forces from 20 to 10.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "Invasion forces" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced maximum
    organization value for land forces from 20 to 5.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "Invasion forces" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced morale value for
    land forces from 30 to 10.
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 100 to 70 on pick "A" of event 3146082 "The Nanjing Nationalist Government" in Japan
    events file "japan.txt".
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 0 to 30 on pick "B" of event 3146082 "The Nanjing Nationalist Government" in Japan
    events file "japan.txt".
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 0 to 4 on pick "A" of event 3146083 "The Provisional Government of the Republic of
    China" in Japan events file "japan.txt".
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 100 to 95 on pick "B" of event 3146083 "The Provisional Government of the Republic
    of China" in Japan events file "japan.txt".
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 0 to 1 on pick "C" of event 3146083 "The Provisional Government of the Republic of
    China" in Japan events file "japan.txt".
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 100 to 99 on pick "A" of event 3146085 "Help to China-Nanjing" in Japan events file
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 0 to 1 on pick "A" of event 3146085 "Help to China-Nanjing" in Japan events file
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 100 to 95 on pick "A" of event 3146088 "Help to Northern China" in Japan events file
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 0 to 1 on pick "B" of event 3146088 "Help to Northern China" in Japan events file
    -- Changed pick percentage for AI from 0 to 4 on pick "C" of event 3146088 "Help to Northern China" in Japan events file
    -- Added maximum organization value of 5 for marine divisions in dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "USA Army 1943" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 5 for marine divisions in dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "USA Army 1943" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "Invasion forces" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced maximum
    organization value for marine divisions from 10 to 5.
    -- Changed dedicated doctrine for USA nation, "Invasion forces" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, reduced morale value for
    marine divisions from 10 to 5.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for air divisions in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation, "Close air support" in
    "air_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 20 for marine divisions in dedicated doctrine for japan nation, "Imperial army" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 30 for marine divisions in dedicated doctrine for japan nation, "Imperial army" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for cavalry divisions in dedicated doctrine for Poland nation, "Polish troops" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 20 for cavalry divisions in dedicated doctrine for Poland nation, "Polish troops" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 5 for bergsjaeger divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation,
    "1938 reorganization" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for bergsjaeger divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation, "1938 reorganization" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for paratrooper divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation,
    "1938 reorganization" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for paratrooper divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation, "1938 reorganization" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 5 for marine divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation,
    "Improved weapons" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for marine divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation, "Improved weapons" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for paratrooper divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation,
    "Improved weapons" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 20 for paratrooper divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation, "Improved weapons" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 5 for marine divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation,
    "End conversion" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for marine divisions in dedicated doctrine for Italy nation, "End conversion" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for USSR event 3183016, "Estonia annexed" in the "USSR.txt" file, now the baltic
    states liberated from germany after the "bitter peace" with the soviet union are not annexed by the soviet union.
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for USSR event 3183017, "Latvia annexed" in the "USSR.txt" file, now the baltic
    states liberated from germany after the "bitter peace" with the soviet union are not annexed by the soviet union.
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for USSR event 3183018, "Lithuania annexed" in the "USSR.txt" file, now the baltic
    states liberated from germany after the "bitter peace" with the soviet union are not annexed by the soviet union.
    -- Changed the default organization value from 20 to 25 for the "Soviet Guards" aggregate brigade in the "b_u17.txt"
    -- Changed the morale value from 10 to 15 for the "Soviet Guards" aggregate brigade in the "b_u17.txt" file.
    -- Changed the default organization value from 25 to 30 for the "Soviet Guards" aggregate brigade in the "b_u18.txt"
    -- Changed the morale value from 15 to 20 for the "Soviet Guards" aggregate brigade in the "b_u18.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for artillery shock divisions (aggregate brigade) in dedicated doctrine for
    USSR nation, "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for artillery shock divisions (aggregate brigade) in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation, "Imp. armored corps" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for self propelled artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for self propelled artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for rocket artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for rocket artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation, "Imp. armored corps" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for self propelled rocket artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR
    nation, "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for self propelled rocket artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 20 for assault gun brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Imp. armored corps" in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 20 for assault gun brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation, "Imp. armored corps" in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 20 for artillery shock divisions (aggregate brigade) in dedicated doctrine for
    USSR nation, "Modern Artillery div." in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 20 for artillery shock divisions (aggregate brigade) in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Modern Artillery div." in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Modern Artillery div." in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation, "Modern Artillery div." in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for self propelled artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Modern Artillery div." in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for self propelled artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Modern Artillery div." in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 10 for rocket artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Modern Artillery div." in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 10 for rocket artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation, "Modern Artillery div." in
    "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 15 for self propelled rocket artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR
    nation, "Modern Artillery div." in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 15 for self propelled rocket artillery brigade in dedicated doctrine for USSR nation,
    "Modern Artillery div." in "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file.
    -- Changed the heavy tank brigade model for the German player, replaced the model name "Durchbruchswagen 2" with the new
    name "PzKpfw.VI Tiger (P)", changed the "models.csv" file.
    -- Changed the image of the brigade model "Ill_bri_ger_8_0.bmp".
    -- x 5 times -- Fixed bug for the Japanese player, in the japan.inc scenario file in the scenarios/IRON_FIST folder, the 5
    infantry divisions in production have been changed from the incorrect model 1 to the correct model 63.
    -- Fixed error in AI file "FIN_expedition_GER.ai", now Finland will be able to grant troops as an expeditionary force to
    Germany if it is not under serious threat on its territories.
    -- Changed the year of development for the Italian player of the "End Modern army conversion" doctrine, now the year of
    development will no longer be 1943 but will be 1944.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for AI Soviet event 25090, "Soviets go on the attack for conquest caucasus" in
    the "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for USA event 2982015, "Lend Lease : industrial help to UK" in the "Lend_Lease.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Soviet event 2982017, "Lend Lease : industrial help to USSR" in the
    "Lend_Lease.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for Soviet event 2982018, "End of Lend Lease for USSR" in the "Lend_Lease.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for German event 400000, "DDay German forces against allied invasion" in the
    "Overlord_Operation.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in effects command in 1750 tech "Preparing a defensive war" in the "land_doctrines_tech.txt" file, added
    missing command line to disable tech 1740.
    -- Fixed error in trigger conditions for German event 379903, "Crusade Against Bolshevism" in the "waffen_SS.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for event 92800, in the "Postwar.txt" file.
    -- Improved event 2908, "Hitler proposes to Mussolini a policy solution for the Balkans" in file
    "Originals_secret_plans_for_Balkans.txt", for choice "A", ai chance modified of 50% to 35%.
    -- Improved event 2908, "Hitler proposes to Mussolini a policy solution for the Balkans" in file
    "Originals_secret_plans_for_Balkans.txt", for choice "B", ai chance modified of 50% to 65%.
    -- Improved event 3 in file "hoi2.txt", remove trigger conditions, now this event can triggered only event 5 and avent 6.
    -- Improved event 3 in file "hoi2.txt", for choice "A", ai chance modified of 100% to 80%.
    -- Improved event 3 in file "hoi2.txt", for choice "A", modified command line "set_relation which = YUG value = -100" to
    "set_relation which = YUG value = -50".
    -- Improved event 3 in file "hoi2.txt", for choice "B", ai chance modified of 0% to 20%.
    -- Improved event 4 in file "hoi2.txt", improved trigger conditions.
    -- Improved event 5 in file "hoi2.txt", improved trigger conditions.
    -- Improved event 6 in file "hoi2.txt", improved trigger conditions.
    -- Added a new event 20015, "Baklan Campaign Part 2 (April)", for Germany in the file "ai_ger.txt".
    -- Added choice "B" for AI event 20011, "Baklan Campaign Part 2 (March)", for Germany in the file "ai_ger.txt",
    Ai chance set to 85%.
    -- Modified choice "A" for AI event 20011, "Baklan Campaign Part 2 (March)", for Germany in the file "ai_ger.txt",
    Ai chance set to 15%.
    -- Changed maximum organization value of 8 to 12 for land divisions in AI event 25618, "Bonus for AI for Moscow defender"
    for USSR nation in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 5 points for land divisions in AI event 25618, "Bonus for AI for Moscow defender" for
    USSR nation in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Added morale value of 5 points for land divisions in AI event 25620, "Bonus for AI for Leningrad defender" for USSR
    nation in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Added a new event 2642, "German expansionist policy becomes worrying", for USSR in the file "USSR.txt".
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.65 to 0.70 points in AI event 25561 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.70 to 0.73 points in AI event 25562 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.75 to 0.78 points in AI event 25616 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.70 to 0.75 points in AI event 25599 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.65 to 0.70 points in AI event 25573 for USSR nation in
    "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.70 to 0.73 points in AI event 25575 for USSR nation in
    "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.75 to 0.78 points in AI event 25577 for USSR nation in
    "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.60 to 0.75 points in AI event 25579 for USSR nation in
    "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Changed "ground_def_eff" value of 0.70 to 0.75 points in AI event 25581 for USSR nation in
    "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Changed morale value of 5 to 10 for land divisions in AI event 25561 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Changed morale value of 5 to 10 for land divisions in AI event 25562 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Added maximum organization value of 5 points for land divisions in AI event 25616 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Remove morale value of 5 points for land divisions in AI event 25563 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Remove morale value of 5 points for land divisions in AI event 25564 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Changed maximum organization value of 10 to 5 for land divisions in AI event 25564 for USSR nation in "ai_sov.txt" file.
    -- Improved Soviet event 2600, "The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - Historical Pact" in file "USSR.txt", for choice "A" called
    "A Most Excellent Proposition", the interventionism political choice bar has been moved towards warmongering.
    -- Improved Soviet event 2600, "The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - Historical Pact" in file "USSR.txt", for choice "B" called
    "No deals with the enemies of the Workers!", the interventionism political choice bar has been moved towards warmongering.
    -- Improved Soviet event 2601, "The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - Limited Pact" in file "USSR.txt", for choice "A" called
    "Acceptable, but just barely", the interventionism political choice bar has been moved towards warmongering.
    -- Improved Soviet event 2601, "The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - Limited Pact" in file "USSR.txt", for choice "B" called
    "No deals with the enemies of the Workers!", the interventionism political choice bar has been moved towards warmongering.
    -- Improved Soviet event 2603, "The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - No Full Alliance" in file "USSR.txt", for choice "A" called
    "OK", the interventionism political choice bar has been moved towards warmongering.
    -- Improved Soviet event 2605, "The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - Germany dishonors the pact" in file "USSR.txt", for choice "A"
    called "We shall never forget this!", the interventionism political choice bar has been moved towards warmongering.
    -- Improved Soviet event 2605, "The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - Germany dishonors the pact" in file "USSR.txt", for choice "B"
    called "This means war!", the interventionism political choice bar has been moved towards warmongering.
    -- Added a new event 25624, "Alert bonus for Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia", for Soviet in the file "ai_sov.txt".
    -- Added a new event 25625, "Alert bonus for Germany's invasion of Poland", for Soviet in the file "ai_sov.txt".
    -- Added a new event 3183705, "Victories and experience of the Red Army" for Soviet in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Added a new event 3183706, "Victories and experience of the Red Army" for Soviet in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Added a new event 3183707, "Victories and experience of the Red Army" for Soviet in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Added a new event 3183708, "Victories and experience of the Red Army" for Soviet in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Added a new event 3183709, "Victories and experience of the Red Army" for Soviet in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Added a new event 3183711, "Victories and experience of the Red Army" for Soviet in "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error only in the Italian language for the "reconnaissance battalion" aggregate brigade which had the same
    abbreviated name "AC" as the "anti-tank" aggregate brigade, renamed "B-Rec".
    -- Fixed error in action_a and action_b options for Germany event 3136479, "Born HQ 25. Armee 'Festung Holland'" in the
    "German_HQ.txt" file, error in ID units name blocked the creation of the HQ command unit, rename ID 749 with correct
    ID 750.
    -- Improved German event 379939 in file "hoi2.txt", changed trigger conditionsin in the "waffen_SS.txt" file, remove required
    tecnology 2520 "Improved Anti-Air Artillery Brigade".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Artillery regiment" aggregate brigade, modified in "Regg-Art".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment" aggregate brigade, modified in
    "Regg-Art Sem".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Rocket Artillery Battalion" aggregate brigade, modified in
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Self-Propelled Rocket Artillery Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-ArtMiss Sem".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Anti-tank Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-AntiCarro".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Tank Destroyer Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-CacciaCarri".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Heavy Armored Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-Cor Pes".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Super Heavy Armored Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-Carri UPes".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Police Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-Pol".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Engineer Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-Gen".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Railway Artillery" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Art Ferrov".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Assault Gun Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-CanAss".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Artillery shock division" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Div-Art".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Light Armored Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-Cor Leg".
    -- Changed short name only in the Italian language for the "Medium tank Battalion" aggregate brigade,
    modified in "Batt-Cor Med".
    -- Improved trigger conditions for German event 3236013, "Independence for the Baltic States" in the
    "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for German event 3236012, "Independence for Belarus" in the
    "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for German event 3236014, "Independence for Ukraine" in the
    "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for German event 3236015, "Independence for the Caucasian Republics" in the
    "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Soviet AI event 25621, "Bonus for AI for desperate situation (Sverdlovsk)" in the
    "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Modified choice "A" for AI Soviet event 25621, "Bonus for AI for desperate situation (Sverdlovsk)", in the
    "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file, now 126 militia brigades no longer arrive in a single batch, but will be
    divided into 3 batches, for this event 40 will arrive.
    -- New AI Soviet event 25626, "Bonus for AI for desperate situation (Novosibirsk)", in the "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt"
    file, now 126 militia brigades no longer arrive in a single batch, but will be divided into 3 batches, for this event
    50 will arrive.
    -- New AI Soviet event 25627, "Bonus for AI for desperate situation (Yakutsk)", in the "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt"
    file, now 126 militia brigades no longer arrive in a single batch, but will be divided into 3 batches, for this event
    36 will arrive.
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 3136023 "2nd expedition Afrikakorps (Tunis)" in the "Deutsche_Afrika_Korps.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 3136068 "2nd expedition Afrikakorps (Alexandria)" in the "Deutsche_Afrika_Korps.txt" file.
    -- New Germany event 3136390 "KG 54 'Totenkopf' in Tunis" in the "Deutsche_Afrika_Korps.txt" file.
    -- New Germany event 3136391 "KG 100 'Wiking' in Tunis" in the "Deutsche_Afrika_Korps.txt" file.
    -- New Germany event 3136392 "KG 54 'Totenkopf' in Tunis" in the "Deutsche_Afrika_Korps.txt" file.
    -- New Germany event 3136393 "KG 100 'Wiking' in Tunis" in the "Deutsche_Afrika_Korps.txt" file.
    -- Improved Germany event 3236014, "Independence for Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Improved Germany event 3236015, "Independence for the Caucasian Republics" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Improved Germany event 3236021, "Independence of Siberia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Improved Germany event 3236024, "Independence of Asian Republics" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236074, "Germany recruits in Estonia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236075, "Germany recruits in Estonia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236076, "Germany recruits in Estonia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236077, "Germany recruits in Estonia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236078, "Germany recruits in Estonia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236079, "Germany recruits in Estonia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236080, "Germany recruits in Estonia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236081, "Germany recruits in Latvia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236082, "Germany recruits in Latvia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236083, "Germany recruits in Latvia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236084, "Germany recruits in Latvia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236085, "Germany recruits in Latvia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236086, "Germany recruits in Latvia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236087, "Germany recruits in Latvia" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236088, "Germany recruits in Lithuania" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236089, "Germany recruits in Lithuania" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236090, "Germany recruits in Lithuania" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236091, "Germany recruits in Lithuania" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236092, "Germany recruits in Lithuania" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236093, "Germany recruits in Lithuania" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236094, "Germany recruits in Lithuania" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236095, "Germany recruits in Lithuania" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236096, "Germany recruits in Western Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236097, "Germany recruits in Western Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236098, "Germany recruits in Western Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236070, "Germany recruits in Western Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236071, "Germany recruits in Western Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236072, "Germany recruits in Western Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236073, "Germany recruits in Western Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236063, "Germany recruits in The Caucasus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236064, "Germany recruits in The Caucasus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236065, "Germany recruits in The Caucasus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236066, "Germany recruits in The Caucasus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236067, "Germany recruits in The Caucasus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236068, "Germany recruits in The Caucasus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236069, "Germany recruits in The Caucasus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236036, "Germany recruits in Eastern Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236057, "Germany recruits in Eastern Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236058, "Germany recruits in Eastern Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236059, "Germany recruits in Eastern Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236060, "Germany recruits in Eastern Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236061, "Germany recruits in Eastern Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236062, "Germany recruits in Eastern Ukraine" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236037, "Germany recruits in Belarus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236038, "Germany recruits in Belarus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236039, "Germany recruits in Belarus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236040, "Germany recruits in Belarus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236041, "Germany recruits in Belarus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236042, "Germany recruits in Belarus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Very improved Germany event 3236043, "Germany recruits in Belarus" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany AI event 20860, "Volksgrenadier division production" in file
    -- New Germany event 3236111 "The Rosenberg Plan" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Changed the Interceptors model type for the Germany, replaced the model name "Bachem Ba 349 Natter" with the new
    name "Messerschmitt Me 263 (Scholle)", changed the "models.csv" file.
    -- Improved application id = 7310, "Basic Reconnaissance Satellite" in file "secret_weapons_tech.txt", for effect
    command line added army_detection value = 5% and intelligence value = 5%.
    -- Added new event 1000052 "Basic Rocket Interceptor development" in file "evnts_for_all.txt", this event partially
    corrects the big delay that often happens in the unlocking of the 'Basic Rocket Interceptor' technology.
    -- Added new event 1000053 "Ballistic Missile development" in file "evnts_for_all.txt", this event partially
    corrects the big delay that often happens in the unlocking of the 'Ballistic Missile' technology.
    -- x 17 times -- Fixed error in 17 Germany events in trigger conditions in the "waffen_SS.txt" file, replaced wrong
    flag in trigger conditions "flag = Full_Recruit" with correct flag "flag = SS_Full_Recruit".
    -- Fixed error in "aircraft_tech.txt" file, correct required reserch for reserch 4400,
    "Alternative improved turbojet fighter", changed fron required 4470 "Supersonic heavy fighter" to required 4390
    "Alternative turbojet fighter".
    -- Improved Germany event 379925, "SS Waffen Correction" in the "waffen_SS.txt" file, added line "offset = 1" and line
    deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1999 }.
    -- Improved Germany event 379926, "SS Volk Correction" in the "waffen_SS.txt" file, added line "offset = 1" and line
    deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1999 }.
    -- Improved Germany event 379927, "SS Legion Correction" in the "waffen_SS.txt" file, added line "offset = 1" and line
    deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1999 }.
    -- Improved Germany event 379928, "SS Full Recruit Correction" in the "waffen_SS.txt" file, added line "offset = 1" and
    line deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1999 }.
    -- Improved Germany event 379929, "SS Crusade Correction" in the "waffen_SS.txt" file, added line "offset = 1" and
    line deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1999 }.
    -- Improved and modified "interceptor.txt" file in path "...\db\units\divisions", now the evolution for interceptors
    fighters do not depend for Rocket Interceptors.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models and images in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish with 13_5
    are renamed 13_15.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models and images in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish with 13_6
    are renamed 13_16.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models and images in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish with 13_7
    are renamed 13_5.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models and images in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish with 13_8
    are renamed 13_6.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models and images in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish with 13_9
    are renamed 13_7.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models and images in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish with 13_10
    are renamed 13_8.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models in file "models.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish
    with 13_5 are renamed 13_15.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models in file "models.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish
    with 13_6 are renamed 13_16.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models in file "models.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish
    with 13_7 are renamed 13_5.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models in file "models.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish
    with 13_8 are renamed 13_6.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models in file "models.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish
    with 13_9 are renamed 13_7.
    -- Modified all name for interceptors models in file "models.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", all names finish
    with 13_10 are renamed 13_8.
    -- Modified name for interceptors model in file "unit_names.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", the name finish
    with 13_5 are renamed 13_15.
    -- Modified name for interceptors model in file "unit_names.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", the name finish
    with 13_6 are renamed 13_15.
    -- Modified name for interceptors model in file "unit_names.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", the name finish
    with 13_7 are renamed 13_5.
    -- Modified name for interceptors model in file "unit_names.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", the name finish
    with 13_8 are renamed 13_6.
    -- Modified name for interceptors model in file "unit_names.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", the name finish
    with 13_9 are renamed 13_7.
    -- Modified name for interceptors model in file "unit_names.csv" in path "...\gfx\interface\models", the name finish
    with 13_10 are renamed 13_8.
    -- Modified effect for interceptors tech 15000, "Turbojet Interceptor", in file "aircraft_tech.txt" in path
    "...\db\tech", now the effects at the end of the search are a new model of interceptor 5 and scrap model
    interceptor 3.
    -- Modified effect for interceptors tech 15010, "Improved Turbojet Interceptor", in file "aircraft_tech.txt" in path
    "...\db\tech", now the effects at the end of the search are a new model of interceptor 6 and scrap model
    interceptor 4.
    -- Added a new slot for event 8080 in file "aircraft_tech.txt" in path "...\db\tech", This slot warns that to proceed
    with the turbojet tech it is necessary to first develop the 7020 "Improved Rocket Interceptor" tech.
    -- New event of type invention 8080 in the "Required_tech_events.txt" file.
    -- Modified effect for interceptors tech 15020, "Supersonic Interceptor", in file "aircraft_tech.txt" in path
    "...\db\tech", now the effects at the end of the search are a new model of interceptor 7 and scrap model
    interceptor 5.
    -- Modified effect for interceptors tech 4290, "Imp. Supersonic Interceptor", in file "aircraft_tech.txt" in path
    "...\db\tech", now the effects at the end of the search are a new model of interceptor 8 and scrap model
    interceptor 6 and 7.
    -- Modified effect for interceptors tech 7010, "Basic Rocket Interceptor", in file "secret_weapons_tech.txt" in path
    "...\db\tech", now the effects at the end of the search are a new model of interceptor 15.
    -- Modified effect for interceptors tech 7010, "Basic Rocket Interceptor", in file "secret_weapons_tech.txt" in path
    "...\db\tech", now the effects at the end of the search are a new model of interceptor 16 and scrap model
    interceptor 15.
    -- Modified the background image "techtree_aircraft.bmp" for aircraft tech in path "...gfx\interface".
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Germany event 3236202, "The ultimate effort" in file "NOE.txt".
    -- Improved trigger conditions for soviet event 3283008, "Leningrad mobilizes for defense" in
    "USSR_Great_Patriottic_War.txt" file.
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Leichte-Division 1936" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Leichte-Division 1938" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Leichte-Division 1939" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Panzer-Division 1936" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Panzer-Division 1939" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Panzer-Division 1941" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Panzer-Division 1943" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Panzer-Division 1945" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Panzer-Division 1948" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Panzer-Division 1956" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced German Armored Division values for "Panzer-Division 1962" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1936 Light Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1938 Light Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1939 Light Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1936 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1939 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1941 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1943 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1945 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1948 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1956 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- x2 -- Rebalanced Soviet Armored Division values for "1962 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1936 Light Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1938 Light Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1939 Light Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1936 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1939 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1941 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1943 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1945 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1948 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1956 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Rebalanced Italian Armored Division values for "1962 Armored Division" for file "armor.txt" in root
    -- Improved Germany event 3236009, "Victory in the East (with purges)" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- New Germany event 3236204, "Victory in the East (with no purges)" in the "NOE.txt" file.
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 2025, "Hitler has been assasinated!" in "germany.txt file", correct wrong trigger
    -- Fixed error in Germany event 2026, "Failed Assassination of Hitler" in "germany.txt file", correct wrong trigger
    -- Improved trigger conditions for Soviet event 3183359, "Possible surprise offensive of the Wehrmacht" in file
    -- Improved trigger conditions for USA event 3182302, "Possible surprise offensive of the Wehrmacht" in file
    -- Improved trigger conditions for UK event 3131317, "Possible surprise offensive of the Wehrmacht" in file


    Hasso von Manteuffel: << Ma sei forse impazzito? tentare di fermare i russi alle porte di Bautzen sarà come andare all'inferno! >>

    Lukas von Mazzückler: << Non è forse l'inferno il posto in cui quelli come noi devono stare? >>

    Dopo la battaglia, nessuno lo rivide mai più.
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    Ultima modifica: 18 Maggio 2024

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