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Magna Mundi Uscita Magna Mundi Platinum

Discussione in 'Mod, guide e materiale aggiuntivo' iniziata da PzKpfW, 3 Ottobre 2008.

  1. ubik


    14 Ottobre 2008

    Vista is not very friendly with... errr... anything. ;)

    To play EU3 on Vista, my best advice is to avoid an instalation of the game inside the programs folder. Otherwise serious stuff might happen due to the way Vista works internally in the programs folder.

    If you want to revert to the normal map, you must wait for next version, out probably on Friday night. There will be a small program file there to revert to the normal map.
  2. ubik


    14 Ottobre 2008

    MAGNA MUNDI PLATINUM V.1.15 (18/10/2008)



    - Fixed localization improvements in the Reputation event pool
    - Fixed localization improvements in the Spymasters event pool
    - Fixed localization improvements in the National Ideas event pool
    - Ottomans now change capital to Thrace
    - Fixed a missing combination from a high level Idea
    - Fixed a rare CTD with the Ottomans BoP
    - Fixed Ottoman BoP that under certain circunstances got frozen
    - Put to use the obscene ammount of gold nations are saving while accrueing inflation
    - Fixed a bug in the CoT placement event pool
    - Fixed Hungary Overlord of Transilvanya
    - Ottomans don't have Athens as an inexistent Vassal
    - Fixed a bug in the Spanish Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
    - Fixed a bug in the Columbus event pool (was hindering colonization)
    - Fixed a bug in the Portuguese Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
    - Fixed a bug in the French Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
    - Fixed a bug in the English Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
    - Madeira, Azores and Canaries are now properly attainable at the 1399 start for the AI.
    - Fixed CoT bug tied to sliders
    - MANY localization fixes tied to the HRE and trade system
    - Fixed Knight's Tongue Infight Decline event
    - Fixed National Ideas badly defined leading automatically to the "Reneging Our Heritage" at game start
    - Fixed Union events
    - Fixed province names in spain
    - Fixed construction mission bugs
    - Fixed modifier in Knights event pool
    - Fixed modifier in Scandinavia BoP
    - Fixed a bug in the Empty Plains event which wrongly assigned relations to fall
    - Fixes the "trade acumen" variable (which I had forgotten to calculate & set)
    - Fixes a bug in devassalization that had led to loss of electorship
    - Fixes a broken housekeeping event that removed a District Administration without sufficient reason
    - Straightened out some of the Hansa-related triggered modifiers and events
    - Reintroduced a general event for cot owners to expel successful trading nations
    - Multiple fixes for stuff reported on the forums, and implemented suggestions, ditto
    - Fixed the position of a port in the map
    - Fixed random province defections upon siege-won or demands-enforced did not set proper limits
    - Fixed some typos in events


    - Harder for the AI to lose vassals
    - Harder for the AI to release vassals
    - Balanced rebel spawn
    - Added tax loss to blockaded provinces
    - Added a new layer of complexity to the release vassal event for player
    - Gave fangs to the Ottomans (maybe still in need of the dreaded spiked tail)
    - Stabilized Lithuania
    - Reduced free fortresses events
    - Scaled fortress repairs events
    - Reduced defensiveness bonus
    - Shoot the archer on predefined fort sizes, not the arrow of the new fortress model.
    - Enclosures do not give a stab hit
    - England bound to lose easily possessions out of great britain when occupied by other european tech country.
    - ATAGE for HRE
    - The Italian Kingdom decision has been changed to be more realistic and more easily understandable
    - Added a decision to ask the pope for a concordat if you are Christian and own Rome
    - It is now possible for Russia to get the "Move Capital to St. Petersburg" national decision.
    - Austrian kings are now 'archdukes' who rule 'archduchies'.
    - The 'empty plains' events are now more adaptive. This changes the way the game works for the Mongols: The earlier the timescale, the greater the threat
    - Separated the decision to abolish the shogunate so the shogun has different requirements than a daimyo
    - The decision to prospect for silver in western Japan now costs only 50% to enact but now has only a 50% chance of success
    - A more historical setup for the Eastern Mongol hordes and Japanese daimyo courtesy of Ese Khan.
    - The Nanbu clan has been changed to the Kakizaki clan instead
    - Shamanism is once again properly called Tengriist to reflect its role as the religion of the Mongols
    - Fixed the localisation of Offensive Drill Infantry for Western Europe
    - Danzig is no longer a core for the Imperial City of Danzig before 1367
    - Hindu Bihari countries may now form Hindustan
    - Kampaku cannot declare Sobujirei if they are vassals
    - Fixed a bug in Modernization that was allowing isolated countries to experience the "Rumors and Tales" event long before foreigners arrived.
    - Reintroduced the "Organized Religion" event to ensure that colonies do not need multiple missionaries to convert them.
    - Notifications of some events have been changed so that they should not fire for very isolated countries
    - Removed two superfluous proselytization events that were causing problems
    - Changed North American Indian provinces to Midewiwin at the start of the game.
    - Updated Frisian monarch list (thanks to Metacomet)
    - Removed wet feet
    - The Aztec Adventures chain of events now properly checks ownership of Cuba and Florida to start the chain
    - The Aztecs will not surrender Mexico to the Europeans by event while it is being occupied by a second non-Native foreign power
    - Fixed a bug where a province fully converted could get the wrong event and revert back to heresy in about 10-20% of cases
    - Removed the vanilla "Counter Reformation" event
    - Two new decision included: "Religious Colonization" and "Giving a Colony to an Accepted Culture."
    - Technology should be reasearched faster across a whole game
    - Vassals only ask help in war if experiencing high war exhaustion
    - Upped defect delay in some cases, but added teeth to colonial rebels, nationalists, and patriots by allowing them to take their soldiers with them to the newly-free country

  3. ubik


    14 Ottobre 2008
    Magna Mundi Platinum 1.20 - Released!

    MAGNA MUNDI PLATINUM V.1.20 (26/10/2008)

    Please uncheck the "Trees" and "Advanced Water" in the graphic options of the game menu!



    - Fixed localization improvements in the NI event pool
    - Fixed localization improvements in the HRE event pool
    - Fixed localization improvements in the Religion event pool
    - Colonial nations now properly receive Naval Provisioning through event
    - Fixed a missing combination from a high level Idea
    - Fixed minor inconsistency in NI event pool
    - Fixed a bug in consequences for changed taxes in neighbouring provinces
    - Fixed Academies prestige trigger in relation with prestige gain
    - Fixed Granada help if played by a Human
    - Fixed a bad sequence in the vassalization event pool (was fifo, should be lifo)
    - Fixed the reset of the barbary pirates for berbers
    - Fixed localization improvement in the spymasters
    - Cleared a flag that got set ad eternum in a spy mission
    - Fixed cores for Spain formation, both for Aragon as well as Castile
    - Fixed consequences for being caught under the payment of berber pirates
    - Fixed consequences for playing double agent for christians by the berbers
    - Fixed a broken event for Venice
    - Fixed Ottomans releasing anatolian minors
    - Fixed Chinese provinces (Thanks Weijun!)
    - Fixed the vanilla artillery bug
    - Fixed the localisation text for the Ukrainian and Greek national sentiment events
    - Set Ukrainian nationalism to appear only with conversion away from the Orthodox religion, not any specific date
    - Fixed the localisation for one option in the Invasion of Herat event
    - Fixed the triggers of the Proclamation event (which raises title)
    - Modernization should now only ever change sliders by 1 at a time.
    - Fixed a bug in the Witch hunt event.
    - Fixed a bug in the Confucian religious decisions where you would suffer a hidden -1 stability hit the first time you chose any decision
    - Fixed the modernization bug for certain this time. Isolated countries and asian nations slowed down on modernization
    - Fixed repeated base-tax increase in provinces for Jewish citizenship
    - Fixed missing flag needed for colonial gov. office, etc.
    - Event loop in the Imperial Crusade sequence fixed
    - Inconsistencies in the Personal Unions chain fixed
    - Using MMP files as the base, fixed some outdated code in revolution files
    - Inherited countries that had had ports or colonies used to ask the inheritor for an exemption from taxes for navy and colonies. Now fixed.
    - Supplying the updated code for Jewish advisor, to fix a bug reported on the forum
    - Fixes merchant nerf event code
    - Mitigated a Paradox minor bug in tooltip about releasing vassals by adapting the text to the unexpected result
    - Fixed a rare bug where in the Sengoku the Ashikaga could lose control of the shogunate
    - Fixed bugs in religion file. Among others Inti and Teotl were receiving tech bonuses instead of tech penalties.
    - Fixed a bug in A New Hope AI event
    - Fixed a bug in removing modifiers
    - Fixed a bug in civic decisions


    - Reduced maintenance for fleets
    - Increased starting fleet size to 100%
    - Increased the frequence of radical policies event pool
    - Changed scandinavia BoP to the tried and true formula of MMG2
    - NOR vs SWE vs DAN no more freetroops
    - New map by gregor_y
    - Changed the name of Teppi Ashigaru to Teppo Ashigaru
    - Upgraded ship names acording to Ship Names mod v.1.0
    - Some changes to Asian history, especially the Sengoku
    - Choosing not to begin a provincial campaign should now not cause the resulting modifier to be removed.
    - Players will now see their own government listed as an empire if they have become one
    - Added to triggered modifiers a bunch of new economic bonuses based on trade goods
    - Added "monopolies" based on Vari's suggestion on the terranova forum a while back
    - Made it possible again for an Imperial Crusade to happen if the Ottomans are at the gate, even if the Imperial Army has not yet been created
    - Did I mention the new colonial decisions? Send a minority culture and a minority religion to the colonies
    - Personal Unions inherited in the HRE now give the inheritor instant beneficiary rights to the provinces
    - War does not stop the organization of next meeting in Estates of the Realm. Now a modifier only.
    - Resettlement will now not be enabled for autonomous provinces
    - Electors will no longer support a rival, if he is at war with him
    - Stability balance for the AI
    - Gave new shiny fangs to "Support Revolt" spy mission
    - To attain Ecumenistm now one needs to have Humanist Tolerance

  4. allamarein


    6 Luglio 2007

    Ho installato Magna Mundi Platinum 1.20 con la procedura suggerita.
    Tutto bene (arruolare consiglieri etc..) finchè nella schermata principale non provo ad entrare in una provincia: crash e torno a Windows Vista.
  5. ubik


    14 Ottobre 2008
    Windows Vista is crap.

    Here is what you need to do, short of reverting to Windows XP:

    1) Uninstall the game
    2) Install the game in another directory our of the Program Files (the default instalation directory)
    3) Install NA & IN
    4) Install patch 3.1
    5) Install Magna Mundi Platinum 1.20
  6. allamarein


    6 Luglio 2007
    Crap or not crap I have Vista and I have to use that.
    The MOD doesn't run with Vista?
  7. Sforza


    31 Ottobre 2007
    Casorezzo (Mi)
    Veramente ubik ti ha spiegato come fare per farlo andare nei 5 punti...in pratica per essere sicuro che funzioni devi installare il tutto all'infuori della cartella program files, che è la destinazione standard di vista. E fidati anche io ho vista sul mio portatile e seguendo questo accorgimento ci gioco che è un piacere
  8. archita


    18 Settembre 2007
    cioè in pratica non si deve mettere il mod nella cartella di EU3? o non metterlo nella directory "mod" ? :humm:
  9. allamarein


    6 Luglio 2007
    Credo intenda dire di installare il gioco non nella destinazione di default ma diciamo tipo
    Il problema che è quello che ho fatto. Forse perchè io ho una versione STANDALONE e forse la procedura è diversa. Proverò quando ho tempo a vedere se funziona se metto il file exe da girare in compatibilità xp
  10. Sforza


    31 Ottobre 2007
    Casorezzo (Mi)
    La compatibilità non centra niente...anche perchè il mio gira benissimo su vista...probabilmente deriva dal fatto che hai una versione standalone...prova a vedere se procurandoti eu3 na e in normali funziona tutto
  11. allamarein


    6 Luglio 2007
    Eu3+Na ce l'ho...non avevo In Nomine..per questo ho avuto bisogno di una standalone.
    Se sovvrascrivo In Nomine Standalone su Eu3+Na?
  12. Sforza


    31 Ottobre 2007
    Casorezzo (Mi)
    Potresti provare...ma per sicurezza io ti direi di procurarti una versione normale di in e installarla sul eu3+na e li mettere MMP
  13. allamarein


    6 Luglio 2007
    Qualcuno sa come risolvere in problema che quando uno prova a reinstallare in nomine dice "Europa universalis in nomine is already installed"?
    Ovviamente non è vero niente perché quando avvio si presenta Napoleon
  14. ubik


    14 Ottobre 2008


    - Fixed a bug where a National Idea was never picked
    - Fixed a bug where Berber Smugglers gave the peace and war effects at the same time
    - Fixed a bug where a hoarding nation would not get the nice events taking out its gold
    - Fixed a hole where the Ottomans were getting thier Manifest Destiny bonus when they were doing exceptionally well
    - Fixed a bug where synergistic bonuses were not applied to luxuries
    - Fixed a bug where a spy mission would be unavailable to the same target twice until end of game
    - Fixed a bug where breaking vassalage was not setting the proper CB
    - Removed dynamic prices for most of the provincial decisions
    - Removing taxes should work right
    - Muslim Blood Brothers are now making more sense with their dows to protect Granada
    - Fixed CTD in Vassalization system
    - Properly cleared modifiers for vassals that broke allegiance
    - Digging for precious metals is now a fixed price
    - Fixed a number of event descriptions
    - The decisions to become Prussia have been standardized and should now properly give a higher title
    - Added a very simple decision to allow AI nations in Western Europe to 'catch up' to their historical tech levels if they are more than 50 years behind theaverage (mainly to deal with released nations having very low tech levels late-game)
    - Ryukyu should no longer get events or decisions meant for feudal Japan unless it converts to a non-pagan religion, at which point it can participate fully.
    - More typos and small issues fixed in localization files that could lead to bugs
    - Nation-forming events should now properly raise your rank and title
    - Fixes a rare bug where if the Bakufu somehow took over Yamashiro province, it would prevent any daimyo from becoming shogun; This also prevents the Bakufu from trying to abolish themselves in that situation, thus causing the game to freeze in an endless loop.
    - The Bakufu will now properly support an AI Ashikaga by declaring war against any countries at war with them when the game begins.
    - Fixed the effects of the Tirtha event for Hindus
    - The Hindustani event and decision now check the same triggers


    - Balanced Policy sliders
    - Changed Columbus chances to be more Spanish friendly
    - Balanced construction costs to make it harder for OPMs to build everything in the menu
    - Balanced army costs. Now significantly lower.
    - Hiring Fair now much more cost effective
    - Great Britain will appear more often
    - New world Nations will now be more vulnerable to Europeans
    - Easier to build House of highlords
    - With the right combo of NIs/advisors, far easier for christians to enter shady dealing with berbers
    - Ming's rulers should now appear more historical
    - The shogun now has a decision to retire, although this should be reserved for the worst rulers (and is for the AI) as it has a strong likelihood of causing unrest in Japan.
    - The shogun's authority is likely to crumble faster when there is no human player in Japan; this should hopefully result in more AI unifications with 1399 game starts.
    - Governments now have a level description in them to help the player gauge performance
    - Doubled the duration of proselytism modifiers
    - East Anglia (London) now starts with a temple

    ... And, much, much more tweaks!
  15. qwetry


    29 Giugno 2006
    devi cancellare la voce di in nomine dal registro di windows

    una risposta con qualche mese di ritardo:humm:
  16. kaleborroka


    11 Novembre 2008
    salve ragazzi,
    io ho eu3 in. questa è l'unica cosa di cui sono sicuro. ora vorrei sapere:
    1) magna mundi platinum o gold cosa sono, ulteriori espansioni che mi conviene far girare?
    2) aetas tenebrarum è stessa identica cosa?

    vorrei capirci qualcosa in più perchè mi piacerebbe eventualmente installarle.
  17. Kael


    23 Gennaio 2009
    1)Sono due versione del mod la gold funziona su Napoleon's Ambition mentre la platinum su in nomine.
    2)e un mod diverso che non centra nulla con magna mundi
  18. von Kleist

    von Kleist

    2 Agosto 2006
    2) magari fosse la stessa cosa :asd: magnamundi espande la giocabilità nel periodo del vanilla (quindi 1399-1821), aetas tenebrarum cambia la timeline (476-1066)
  19. ubik


    14 Ottobre 2008

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