A giugno WITE2 è ufficialmente entrato in beta test con l'arruolamento di una schiera di volontari beta tester. Questo l'ultimo aggiornamento postato sul sito Matrix: "The new testers that started in early June are keeping us very busy the past few weeks. They are finding bugs and we are fixing them. There are only a few items left to be done to be considered at full beta, and they aren't huge items. I'd say we're making decent progress, assuming we see the number of new bug reports fall off over the next couple of weeks. Initial discussions have started with Matrix re releasing some info on the game. I'd guess in the next few months you'll start seeing something."
in effetti... Gia' giocare il fronte russo è complesso ma con tutti i teatri sara' un bella impresa titanica. penso che sara' piu' complesso di war in the pacific. vedremo...