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AGEOD Civil War

Discussione in 'Wargames - Generale' iniziata da skuby, 24 Aprile 2007.

  1. Darksky

    Darksky Admin Membro dello Staff

    19 Novembre 2005
  2. skuby


    29 Gennaio 2006
    Grandissima recensione Gresbeck complimenti,

    Sono totalmente d'accordo con quanto hai scritto, per il momento questo gioco è per me il gioco dell'anno ossia il wargame of the year.

    chissà se magari a fine anno riusciamo ad fare un sondaggino e vedere quale wargame risulterà vincitore.

    Comunque complimenti ancora per la recensione.
  3. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    I miei vivi complimenti a Grasbeck, ottima recensione, ben fatta e chiara :approved:, se non avessi il gioco andrei subito a procurarmelo...:p

    Considerazione personale: avrei dato mezzo punto in più per il supporto che da l'Ageod ai giocatori, un rilascio incredibile di patch che migliorano in continuazione il gioco :contratto:

    P.S. Ci sono due paragrafi ripetuti due volte nella rece, da "AACW è giocabile contro avversari umani in PBEM, o contro l’IA, che non mi ha per la verità impressionato. Non sono il generale Grant [...] delle regioni di AACW. Il prezzo di AACW si mantiene infine ai livelli più bassi di quelli praticati per i wargame seri." a pag. 9/10 :D
  4. Gresbeck


    29 Gennaio 2006
    Ferrara - Firenze
    Grazie, vado subito a correggere. :approved: Alias ha in parte ragione sugli aggiornamenti, però il mezzo voto in più non mi sento di darlo almeno fino a quando non compaiono scenari limitati ad un settore del fronte, che AGEOD aveva in realtà promesso e che sembra presupporre quando intitola gli scenari full theatre (o qualcosa del genere). Resta poi il fatto che la valutazione dovrebbe riflettere non i gusti personali del recensore (da questo punto di vista AACW, per me, numero 1:approved:), ma la coerenza del design e la completezza di progettazione. A presto

  5. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Si si, ci mancherebbe, non essendo recensore forse nel dare un giudizio sarei trascinato dalla passione...

    P.S. Stasera replico al turno, ma continuo ad usare la 1.06 perchè l'altra non è ancora ufficializzata :contratto:
  6. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Public beta patch

    ---> AACW 1.06c Patch <---

    A quick update to fix some of the mess of 1.06b while adding 2-3 goodies. Please note that the database has not been exported here, so errors spotted on railroads, doubled units and scenarios discrepancies will have to wait the next update (next week).

    This is the public beta version which will be validated monday

    ================================================== ============================
    AGEod's American Civil War Update 1.06c (a-c) Readme
    Friday, August 10, 2007
    ================================================== ============================

    This patch contains all changes since the start.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Riverine supply was not working over long distances.
    In some very rare cases, riverine move would be aborted.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    The retreat rule now penalizes regions with few land adjacencies and favors the region from where the unit comes from. Parameters can be tweaked (see modding section)

    ================================================== ============================
    User Interface
    ================================================== ============================
    4 brand new filters added (ctrl-F1 to ctrl-F4), which will filter fixed units, enemy units, your land units, all units.
    French version reread completely, thanks to Asa (Greg le Gall).

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Link between 689 Copiah and 690 Canton added.
    Link between 716 Iberville (New Orleans) and 717 Duras added.

    ================================================== ============================
    Modding support
    ================================================== ============================

    8 new variables, see the file Control&Retreat.opt in the settings directory
    ctlContested = 5 // Minimum control gained upon entering a region (if not passive)
    ctlAllowRetreat = 5 // Minimum control to have in a region to allow a retreat into it
    ctlRetreatAdjCity = 10 // Interest in retreating toward a region with a city (per level)
    ctlRetreatAdjFort = 30 // Interest in retreating toward a region with a fort (per level)
    ctlRetreatAdjDepot = 25 // Interest in retreating toward a region with a depot (per level)
    ctlRetreatLandLink = 15 // Interest in retreating toward a region, value per land link
    ctlRetreatPrevSubSpaceCoeffH_ = 250 // Coefficient applied to the interest if the region is the one where we are coming from
    ctlNoBeachHead = 10 // Minimum control to have so that a region is not a beach/riverhead if you have to cross a body of water before attacking
  7. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Un pò in ritardo...

    ---> AACW 1.06d Patch <---

    ================================================== ============================
    AGEod's American Civil War Update 1.06d (a-d) Readme
    Monday, August 13th, 2007
    ================================================== ============================

    This patch contains all changes since the start.
    You can continue a saved game created before the patch. Most entry will apply, but not all.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Riverine supply was not working over long distances.
    In some very rare cases, riverine move would be aborted.
    A bug could occurs in the Financial AI logic phase.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    The retreat rule now penalizes regions with few land adjacencies and favors the region from where the unit comes from. Parameters can be tweaked (see modding section)
    Corps outside of their Army range are not dismissed but suffers from -1 to strat and -1 to off rating (and won't get the Army commander bonus).

    ================================================== ============================
    User Interface
    ================================================== ============================
    4 brand new filters added (ctrl-F1 to ctrl-F4), which will filter fixed units, enemy units, your land units, all units.
    French version reread completely, thanks to Asa (Greg le Gall).

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Link between 689 Copiah and 690 Canton added.
    Link between 716 Iberville (New Orleans) and 717 Duras added.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Thanks to McNaughton, brigades now have new, historical names.
    Semmes could be duplicated once the CSS Alabama was released from service.
    Boston harbor had a weather zone problem, preventing ship from entering the port.

    ================================================== ============================
    Modding support
    ================================================== ============================

    8 new variables, see the file Control&Retreat.opt in the settings directory
    ctlContested = 5 // Minimum control gained upon entering a region (if not passive)
    ctlAllowRetreat = 5 // Minimum control to have in a region to allow a retreat into it
    ctlRetreatAdjCity = 10 // Interest in retreating toward a region with a city (per level)
    ctlRetreatAdjFort = 30 // Interest in retreating toward a region with a fort (per level)
    ctlRetreatAdjDepot = 25 // Interest in retreating toward a region with a depot (per level)
    ctlRetreatLandLink = 15 // Interest in retreating toward a region, value per land link
    ctlRetreatPrevSubSpaceCoeffH_ = 250 // Coefficient applied to the interest if the region is the one where we are coming from
    ctlNoBeachHead = 10 // Minimum control to have so that a region is not a beach/riverhead if you have to cross a body of water before attacking

  8. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Altra beta

    AACW 1.07 public beta patch

    But we warned, this patch is not totally stable. Many data were shuffled around in the database, some rules are still experimental

    Un bug sicuro è l'erroneo calcolo dei tempi negli spostamenti.

    ================================================== ============================
    AGEod's American Civil War Update 1.07 Readme
    Friday, September 14th, 2007
    ================================================== ============================

    This patch contains all changes since the start.
    You can continue a saved game created before the patch. Most entry will apply, but not all.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    fixed: A rare crash could occurs when a structure was captured.
    fixed: An Admiral, in a special circumstance could be irritated by having a general promoted before him.
    fixed: An erroneous value in a text file prevented the new retreat algorithm to triggers properly.
    fixed: Troops surrendering after a siege will give the right amount of VP, morale and prisoners.
    fixed: wounded during battle where thrice as much as planed (resulting in a big increase of the conscript pool).
    fixed: Spy network trait was not functionning properly.

    ================================================== ============================
    User Interface
    ================================================== ============================
    You will get a message telling you what you earn after a surrender.
    The number of divisions being formed will be indicated in the tooltip button 'form a division'.
    The promotion potential is indicated in the detail panel about a general. 'Yes' means he can be potentially promoted (given the fact he earns seniority). 'No' means he can never be promoted to a new rank (the database lock the promotion, on purpose).
    New special order: Relocate Unit. It can be used up to 3 time a turn to relocate instantly a leader or an army HQ into another controled region (this order is still experimental, an option will be proposed to disable it)
    New special order: No Bombardment. Prevents land units to bombard passing ships and to be bombarded by them.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    fixed: In some circumstances, the AI could have a stack locked erroneously.
    fixed: In some circumstances, the AI would not use an army HQ to form an army, even if possible.
    added: The AI uses the new relocate order to send army HQ efficiently.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Sea regions are now blockaded by counting the number of elements (in combat ships), not the number of units.
    You can't bombard an harbor if the sea zone you are in is not an exit point of the said harbor.
    You can now set the forts in such a way that they are sufficient to blockade an harbor (see modding section)
    Captured units lose all their experience.
    Destroying a depot destroy most of the regional supply.
    Stacks now randomize every combat round their target among the list of enemy stacks attacking them. Will prevent the effect of having 2 corps A & B engaged against one single enemy stack, with A being severely damaged and B being intact (because it was targeted first by the enemy).
    Relocate order created, see user interface.
    No Bombardment order created, see user interface.
    changed: Overcautious trait now works in a more subtle way. It can prevents the leader activation if he is in hostile territory.
    added: there is now a hard limit to the number of hits inflicted against a land force by a fleet. The reverse exists too (see the modding section for the actual values)

    ================================================== ============================
    Data & Map
    ================================================== ============================
    266 discrepancies (!) and improvements in regions linking done, Courtesy of Michael McDougal, aka Gray_Lensman. See the modding forum for explainations about these modifications gone official.

    Rail network reviewed, courtesy of PBoeye. See the modding forum for explainations about these modifications gone official.

    Weather patterns improved, courtesy of Mike1962. See the modding forum for explainations about these modifications gone official.

    Artilleries values rebalanced, courtesy of Jagger. See the modding forum for explainations about these modifications gone official.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Variables regarding forts & blockade mechanism exported to ACW\settings\Bombard&Blockade.opt:
    bloAdjFriendlyFort = -6 // brown water blockade, bonus given by adjacent fort
    bloAdjEnemyFort = 6 // same, for an enemy fort (malus)
    bloMinSUToBlockade = 12 // Nb of SoL elements needed or pts given by a fort to blockade a zone
    bmbHitCoeffLand = 20 // coefficient (in hundredth)to land efficiency for bombard
    bmbHitCoeffNav = 5 // coefficient (in hundredth)to ship efficiency for bombard
    bmbMaxHitsDoneByLand = 50 // How many hit points can be done by Land units against a fleet
    bmbMaxHitsDoneByNav = 25 // the reverse


    Note1: This patch allow you to continue game.
    Note2: Only the 1861 & 1862 campaigns are up to date regarding railroads.
  9. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007

    --> AACW patch 1.07 <--

    ================================================== ============================
    AGEod's American Civil War Update 1.07 Readme
    Friday, September 14th, 2007
    ================================================== ============================

    This patch contains all changes since the start.
    You can continue a saved game created before the patch. Most entry will apply, but not all.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    fixed: A rare crash could occurs when a structure was captured.
    fixed: An Admiral, in a special circumstance could be irritated by having a general promoted before him.
    fixed: An erroneous value in a text file prevented the new retreat algorithm to triggers properly.
    fixed: Troops surrendering after a siege will give the right amount of VP, morale and prisoners.
    fixed: wounded during battle where thrice as much as planed (resulting in a big increase of the conscript pool).
    fixed: Spy network trait was not functionning properly.
    Added: Units crossing a river are forced to attack as soon as they cross.
    Added: A lone Army HQ stack can now be engaged in combat as easily as another force.
    fixed: Load/unload cost from river move were not impacted fully.

    ================================================== ============================
    User Interface
    ================================================== ============================
    You will get a message telling you what you earn after a surrender.
    The number of divisions being formed will be indicated in the tooltip button 'form a division'.
    The promotion potential is indicated in the detail panel about a general. 'Yes' means he can be potentially promoted (given the fact he earns seniority). 'No' means he can never be promoted to a new rank (the database lock the promotion, on purpose).
    New special order: Relocate Unit. It can be used up to 3 time a turn to relocate instantly a leader or an army HQ into another controled region (this order is still experimental, an option will be proposed to disable it)
    New special order: No Bombardment. Prevents land units to bombard passing ships and to be bombarded by them.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    fixed: In some circumstances, the AI could have a stack locked erroneously.
    fixed: In some circumstances, the AI would not use an army HQ to form an army, even if possible.
    added: The AI uses the new relocate order to send army HQ efficiently.
    Added a new setting for the AI: Activation bonus (from 0 to +3). See Options Window, AI panel.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Sea regions are now blockaded by counting the number of elements (in combat ships), not the number of units.
    You can't bombard an harbor if the sea zone you are in is not an exit point of the said harbor.
    You can now set the forts in such a way that they are sufficient to blockade an harbor (see modding section)
    Captured units lose all their experience.
    Destroying a depot destroy most of the regional supply.
    Stacks now randomize every combat round their target among the list of enemy stacks attacking them. Will prevent the effect of having 2 corps A & B engaged against one single enemy stack, with A being severely damaged and B being intact (because it was targeted first by the enemy).
    Relocate order created, see user interface.
    No Bombardment order created, see user interface.
    changed: Overcautious trait now works in a more subtle way. It can prevents the leader activation if he is in hostile territory.
    added: there is now a hard limit to the number of hits inflicted against a land force by a fleet. The reverse exists too (see the modding section for the actual values)

    ================================================== ============================
    Data & Map
    ================================================== ============================
    266 discrepancies (!) and improvements in regions linking done, Courtesy of Michael McDougal, aka Gray_Lensman. See the modding forum for explainations about these modifications gone official.

    Rail network reviewed, courtesy of PBoeye.See the modding forum for explainations about these modifications gone official.

    Weather patterns improved, courtesy of Mike1962. See the modding forum for explainations about these modifications gone official.

    Artilleries values rebalanced, courtesy of Jagger. See the modding forum for explainations about these modifications gone official.

    27 regions graphics retouched, courtesy of PBoeye. You have to install the graphic pack for that.

    39 generals portraits done, courtesy of Jabberwock. You have to install the graphic pack for that.

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================
    Variables regarding forts & blockade mechanism exported to ACW\settings\Bombard&Blockade.opt:
    bloAdjFriendlyFort = -6 // brown water blockade, bonus given by adjacent fort
    bloAdjEnemyFort = 6 // same, for an enemy fort (malus)
    bloMinSUToBlockade = 12 // Nb of SoL elements needed or pts given by a fort to blockade a zone
    bmbHitCoeffLand = 20 // coefficient (in hundredth)to land efficiency for bombard
    bmbHitCoeffNav = 5 // coefficient (in hundredth)to ship efficiency for bombard
    bmbMaxHitsDoneByLand = 50 // How many hit points can be done by Land units against a fleet
    bmbMaxHitsDoneByNav = 25 // the reverse
    ldrGHQStackMinRange = 3 // Minimum GHQ (Army) range
    ldrGHQStackCoeffRange = 100 // Strat Value coefficient to get GHQ (Army) range (100% = 100% of strat rating)
    ldrGHQStackBonusRange = 0 // Strat Value bonus to get GHQ (Army) range (after ldrGHQStackCoeffRange_ is applied)
  10. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Doppio aggiornamento

    Patch 1.07a

    ================================================== ============================
    AGEod's American Civil War Update 1.07a Readme
    Thursday, September 27th, 2007
    ================================================== ============================

    This patch contains all changes since the start.
    You can continue a saved game created before the patch. Most entry will apply, but not all.

    fixed: Surrender event happened too often during siege.
    fixed: Transit through the Erie Canal was disabled.
    fixed: A new general portrait (Bee) was not there.
    fixed: You can no longuer capture pioneers and sappers.
    fixed: The Redeploy Unit order had 2 exploits.

    added: the Graphic pack is now directly integrated into this patch. One single file to rule them all ..

    Patch 1.07b

    fixed: Army Stacks were targeted too often in battle.
    fixed: City which had a blockaded harbor produced nothing.​
  11. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Patch con problemi...

    Patch 1.07d

    La c è stata rimpiazzata subito dalla d, comunque alcuni giocatori segnalano ancora problemi :humm:


    fixed: Prisoners tally was erroneous after a surrender.
    fixed: Plundering sea regions for seaweed is not authorized.
    fixed: You could detach&combine using the shortcut key even if not legit.

    added: Weather of the first turn is now randomized (each time you start a scenario)
    added: Redeploying a leader unactivate him and he get penalties to ratings for a turn (-2/-2/-1).
    added: An option in the Options/Gameplay tab allows you to specify how many Redeployments are granted a turn.
    added: New variables exported for modders in the files: combat.opt, Bombard.opt, Reserve.opt

    changed: Marching to the sound of guns if you are in defensive posture get you a -10% modifier to the marching roll.
    changed: AI algorithm to hunt and destroy enemy stacks much more aggressive. Can use forced march if needed.
  12. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    1.07 Compendium

    ================================================== ============================
    AGEod's American Civil War Update 1.07a-b-c-d-e Readme
    Sept. 14th / Sept. 26th / Oct. 6th / Oct. 7th / Oct. 9th
    ================================================== ============================

    This patch contains all changes since the start.
    You can continue a saved game created before the patch. Most entry will apply, but not all.
    fixed: Two corps would not engage into battle even if they should.
    fixed: You can't split fixed brigades.

    fixed: historical options were resetting themselves every turn (introduced by 1.07c)
    fixed: units unloading from a transport while targeting another unit on land would cause a crash if the targeted unit was killed into battle.

    fixed: Prisoners tally was erroneous after a surrender.
    fixed: Plundering sea regions for seaweed is not authorized.
    fixed: You could detach&combine using the shortcut key even if not legit.

    added: Weather of the first turn is now randomized (each time you start a scenario)
    added: Redeploying a leader unactivate him and he get penalties to ratings for a turn (-2/-2/-1).
    added: An option in the Options/Gameplay tab allows you to specify how many Redeployments are granted a turn.
    added: New variables exported for modders in the files: combat.opt, Bombard.opt, Reserve.opt

    changed: Marching to the sound of guns if you are in defensive posture get you a -10% modifier to the marching roll.
    changed: AI algorithm to hunt and destroy enemy stacks much more aggressive. Can use forced march if needed.

    fixed: Army Stacks were targeted too often in battle.
    fixed: City which had a blockaded harbor produced nothing.
    fixed: Surrender event happened too often during siege.
    fixed: Transit through the Erie Canal was disabled.
    fixed: A new general portrait (Bee) was not there.
    fixed: You can no longuer capture pioneers and sappers.
    fixed: The Redeploy Unit order had 2 exploits.

    added: the Graphic pack is now directly integrated into this patch.

    Dovrebbe essere tutto a posto ora...:cautious:

    Gresbeck noi che facciamo, aspettiamo ancora prima di installare l'ultima versione? :humm:
  13. Gresbeck


    29 Gennaio 2006
    Ferrara - Firenze
    Ho già iniziato il turno con la versione 1.07b (spero domani di fartelo avere). Aspetta poi un paio di giorni e se non leggi di nuove "magagne" direi che puoi procedere con l'upgrade.
  14. Alias


    24 Febbraio 2007
    Patch con problemi

    AACW 1.07f quick patch

    fixed: Synchronize move had a bug when numerous corps were involved.
    fixed: Cities had some missing bullets indicators.
    fixed: Prisoners exchange message was not displayed properly.
    fixed: Music display name was erronenous.
    added: Battle Report: Generals are sorted by rank then seniority. Elements are sorted by descending number.
    improved: AI buys more replacements.
    improved: AI uses the Rail Pool better.
    improved: AI uses forced march much more often (if it makes sense).
    improved: AI defends regions more often if possible (if not suicidal).
    added: Idle Leaders can now gather to big stacks, using the relocate rule.
    improved: AI create divisions faster.

    Harbors fixes from Chris Hobbes (one of our most veteran tester) and PBoeye (did major research work on the railnet). Harbor mod remove some ahistorical exit points from harbors.
    Improved graphics around the Erie canal (Gray_Lensman). Further removal of linking discrepancies on the map (Gray_Lensman).

    fixed: ChangeActorPool command had a bug.

    A quanto ho letto c'e un problema con la ritirata di alcune unità...:(

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