nel manuale (io ho la Versione 5.0) c'è una breve descrizione delle varie forze armate National Characteristics The forces of the major combatants now had unique characteristics that add to the historical flavor of the game. American troops tend to retreat more rapidly than the other major powers, but also rally more quickly. American artillery gets a .1 to .2 reduction in delay time to its artillery fire. British troops, known for their steadiness under fire, receive less of a penalty from suppression when under fire from small arms. German troops benefit from outstanding training by receiving less suppression from fire until the last year of the war, when their training historically dropped off. Japanese troops and US Marines almost never surrender and Japanese troops seldom retreat. Marines can dish out firepower at close range. Expect very bloody, desperate close combat between these two. Poorly equipped and lead, Italians will sometimes surrender, even if not surrounded, throughout the desert war. The Soviet army, known for tenacious defense, will sometimes spontaneously recover and ignore current suppression levels if their current mission is defend or delay, and they’re heavy fire but under adequate cover. Players can remove these characteristics by turning them off in the Preference screen USA - Troops tend to retreat more quickly than other major nations. They also receive a bonus to rally. USMC - Troops receive a +10% bonus to hit, when firing rifles. They very seldom surrender. They also receive reduced ammunition and their ammunition trucks reload more slowly. British - Troops receive less of a penalty from suppression. They also receive a small penalty to rally. Canadian - Troops receive less of a penalty from suppression, when firing. They also have a higher breakdown rate, when using British vehicles before 1943, than do the British. ANZAC - Troops receive less of a penalty from suppression, when firing. They also have a higher breakdown rate, when using weapons vehicles before 1943, than do the British. France - Troops receive more ammunition and their ammunition trucks reload faster until 1943. They also suffer a greater chance to be out of contact by radio. Soviets - Until 1944, when on the defense in good terrain, during a delay or defend mission, if they take enough suppression to retreat or route away, they will, if they fail a morale special check, become tenacious defenders and all suppression will be removed. They also suffer a substantial chance to be out of contact by radio before 1942. As the war progresses, this chance declines and by 1944, they have the same chance of being out of radio contact as other countries. Germans - Troops take less suppression from fire. They also suffer a small penalty when trying to rally. Italy - Troops will sometimes surrender, even if not surrounded, in the Western desert, before 1943. During 1943, if in Italy, they have a greater chance to opportunity fire at enemy troops than normal. Japan - Troops very, very seldom retreat, route or surrender. In melee they make Banzai charges They also suffer a reduction in ammunition after 1941 and this reduction increases each year of the World War II. Their ammunition trucks suffer a similar penalty to that of the USMC.
grazie ma ho guardato in preferences ma non ho visto nessuna opzione per togliere-aggiungere le differenze tra le nazioni:humm: